Alice Claudia Holland

Alice Briar

🌼 Social | Energetic | Optimistic | 2053 grad 🌼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Elliot)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
3/2035 (28)
Alice Claudia Holland



Always seek the light
NAME:Alice Claudia Holland

🌼 Alice: From the Old French name Aalis, a short form of Adelais, itself a short form of the Germanic name Adalheidis (see ADELAIDE). This name became popular in France and England in the 12th century.
🌼 Claudia: Feminine form of CLAUDIUS. It is mentioned briefly in the New Testament. As a Christian name it was very rare until the 16th century.
🌼 Holland: Derived from any of the eight villages named Holland, located in the counties of Essex, Lancaster and Lincoln, England. The name of the villages means "ridge land" in Old English.
HOMETOWN:Dunedin, New Zealand
PLACE OF BIRTH:Dunedin, New Zealand
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Rose sometimes calls her Ali, but no one else really does.
BIRTHDAY:9 March 2035

NATIONALITY:Citizen of New Zealand
ZODIAC SIGN:Pisces. As a Pisces born on March 9th, your intuition, self-sacrifice and sensitivity are amongst your most defining qualities. At times you may feel psychic, because you just seem to know what others are thinking and feeling. You use your emotional receptivity to realize when others are in need of support or assistance. Truly selfless, you will do anything for anyone, even if this means you must sacrifice your own time or resources. Your family members, friends, coworkers and peers all greatly appreciate your the sensitivity that you display in all aspects of life.
ELEMENT:Water. Your sign's elemental pair is water and of all the zodiac signs, only the Pisces has a mutable relationship with water. Your special elemental connection allows your personality to take on water's adaptable and fluid qualities, which makes you a very effective communicator. Water's influence also allows you to dive deeply into the rocky oceans of emotion. As you can sense when others are experiencing strong waves of emotion, you have the ability to display compassion and understanding. Water's positive influences will continue to be one of your greatest assets, as long as you avoid water's negative, overly-emotional qualities.
PLANET: Neptune. The Pisces is under the planetary rule of Neptune, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, the Moon also plays a key role in your planetary influence. While Neptune's power is reflected in your vision, compassion and inspiration, it is the Moon's mysterious power that can be seen in your sensitive, nurturing and intuitive nature. More so than any of the Pisces Decans, your unique combination of planetary influence makes you emotional and sensitive. At times you may feel that you are on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows, but this is partly due to your tendency to take on the emotional burdens of others. Luckily, your natural optimism and positivity helps to counter your negative moods. As long as you continue to see the best in people and take time to address your own emotional needs, your sensitivity will remain one of your most positive traits. In love, find a partner that shares in your kind-hearted and trusting nature, as this will bring you the most happiness.

OCCUPATION: Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
EDUCATION:Hogwarts New Zealand
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Wild Patch Club, Heta Omega, Prefect
: Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
🌼 Wood: A mildly powerful and very reliable wand wood, Mahogany seems to have a penchant for transfiguration.
🌼 Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.


PLAY BY:Emily Rudd
FORMER PLAY BY: Ashley Boettcher
HAIR:Dark brown, a little wavy.
: Average height and build
STYLE: Alice has a girly style, she prefers light colors and clothing she can move around in.

PERSONALITY:Being the youngest of four, Alice always got treated a little differently than her older sisters. Though not exactly spoiled, she definitely got indulged more often than her sisters did. Alice is a very happy, free-spirited girl with a friendly personality. She has no trouble making friends, as she can get along with most people. She's a very intuitive girl that can easily read other's emotions, and she's always ready to help and support others. Sometimes she can be naive, but once she's been hurt by someone she doesn't forget it. Alice is protective of those that can't protect themselves, and would stand up to anyone she saw bully someone else. She's self-sacrificing to a fault, and sometimes doesn't remember to look out for herself as well. Usually she is levelheaded and calm, but she can't stand injustice and shows her temper when faced with it. Alice gets along with all three of her sisters, and has a different but good relationship with each of them.

Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

Tolerant 🌼 Reliable 🌼 Charismatic 🌼 Altruistic 🌼 Natural Leaders

Overly Idealistic 🌼 Too Selfless 🌼 Too Sensitive 🌼 Fluctuating Self-Esteem 🌼 Struggle to Make Tough Decisions

HISTORY: The Hollands are an upper middle class family that used to live in England, until until Alice's father got a new job as an Herbologist in New Zealand, which caused them to move. Being the youngest, Alice always had her older sister watching out for her as she grew up. She got along with all her sisters growing up, as she had an easygoing personality even as a small child. She looks up to each of them in different ways, though she mostly spends her time with Diana as they are closest in age. Alice is an active girl that loves being outside, and she was often found in trees or covered in mud by her parents. They encouraged her hobby of rollerskating, as it gave her the chance to be active without getting hurt or dirty. She felt a little sad watching her older sisters go to Hogwarts before she did, and is excited to start herself.
LIKES: Nature, succulents, cacti, running, rollerskating, tea
DISLIKES:Injustice, fights, bullies, spinach
GOALS: To have a nice time at school and make many friends
FEARS: Being alone, abandonment, the dark
STRENGTHS:Alice is friendly and social and can easily adapt to different situations. She has a good sense of humor and is clever and witty.
WEAKNESSES:Alice tends to see the best in people and can be incredibly stubborn. She can be selfless to a fault, which can end up hurting her.
: tba


Name: William James Holland
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Name: Claudia Rose Holland - Richardson (x)
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Minister of Magic
Name:Rose Elizabeth Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Honeydukes Assistant
Former House: Gryffindor
Name: Phoebe Anna Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Unspeakable

Former House: Ravenclaw
Name: Diana Ivy Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation:Gossip Columnist
Former House: Slytherin
Name: Lucy Harriet Holland
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Baby
Name: Vincent Douglas Holland
Relation: Uncle
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation:French Ministry of Magic employee
Name: Camille Jeanine Holland - Richelieu
Relation: Aunt
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Astronomer
Name: Grace Laura Holland (x)
Relation: Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: HNZ Flying Professor


















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Clashing KingdomsWith Diana Holland and Sophia NightTākarokaro Park
The Last One StandingWith Emily Madison and Jenna ToubiaTākarokaro Park
Just Looking, Looking A LotWith Bisera OrlovaGladrag's Wizardwear
May The Odds Be In Your Favor Claudia Holland, James Holland, ~Professor Cyndi Kingsley,
And various others
New Zealand
First Year


"I was very excited to be able to go to Hogwarts together with my three older sisters. It was a wonderful experience, and I really enjoyed it! I was happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff, and am glad that I was able to make so many friends in my year. I look forward to next year!"
At the time Alice was sorted in her first year, her mother was running for Minister for Magic. But for Alice, the year was mostly about going to Hogwarts for the first time and meeting people there. She had heard a lot of stories from all her sisters, but still tried to have a Hogwarts experience that was truly her own. This started when she was sorted in a different house than all of them, and continued as she made her own friends and formed her own opinions on the classes. She loved being at Hogwarts, and is happy that she can finally be a part of it.
Alice felt her hands shake slightly as she followed the stream of first years into the Great Hall. It was truly as magnificent as her sisters had described it to be. Even though she had been waiting for this day since the time Rose first left for Hogwarts, it felt surreal to really stand here now. He face was lit up in a bright smile as she took in everything around her. She scanned the four tables for her sisters, who were scattered throughout the hall. She spotted Rose first, who was beaming at her and gave her a thumbs-up. She smiled back at her older sister and nodded, before turning her gaze to the Ravenclaw table. Phoebe was looking at her as well and she gave her an encouraging grin. Over at the Slytherin table, Diana was too busy chatting quietly with someone next to her to pay her much mind, but Alice hadn't really expected anything else from her sister. She focused now on the headmistress, who gave them a speech about the school. She also mentioned the forbidden forest, which sounded dangerous to Alice. She knew her older sisters Rose and Phoebe had been in there before, but she honestly wasn't very eager to try it herself. Surely there were plenty of places to explore that weren't explicitly forbidden.

Alice was glad to see the sorting hat, and smiled when it sang its song. She thought it was a rather nice tune. Everything was just as her sisters had described, which put her at ease a little bit. The first students were called forward, and Alice watched with interest as they were sorted and placed into the four houses. She knew it wouldn't take too long for her name to be called. When it was, she felt her heart skip a beat. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but she thought a few of the students in the hall reacted to the name. Was it because her mother was running for minister? She had been more of a public figure lately, it would make sense if people recognized her last name. But maybe she was being paranoid. Or maybe her older sisters had simply built up a reputation before her. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the stool and took a seat. She folded her hands in her lap, waiting for the hat to tell her where she fit in.


My TurnBuying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Here Comes TroubleWith Elijah Logan and Teliko SnyderNew Zealand Express
New bed for the YearWith Misty LittleHufflepuff First Years Girls Dorm
Bridging a GapWith Diana Holland and Anastasie VernierSlytherin House Table
A Beautiful PlaceWith Avaria LockwoodThe Hogwarts Garden
Firstie MeetupWith Emily Madison,
and various others
The Student Lounge
Up is bestWith Elio Zephyr and Jasmine WolfeThe Great Lawn
How Many Now?With Benjamin WaldenThe Lakefront
Armed with a CaneHalloween Feast
With Mazikeen Roe and Henrietta Howard
Great Hall
Bump and ScratchWith Avaria LockwoodThe Fourth Floor Corridor
SunbathingWith Dymphna ButtsThe Lakefront
Finding YouYule Ball
With Phoebe Holland, Emily Madison, and Charlie Madison
Great Hall
Holland Jolly ChristmasWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, and Diana HollandNew Zealand
Freezing Family BondingWith James Holland and Diana HollandFlorean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
Free JuiceWith Victoria MatthiasHufflepuff House Table
Harder Than It LooksWith Daisy ParkerThe Great Lawn
Puff MadnessWith Teuila KuresaHufflepuff First Years Girls Dorm
Between BooksWith Isabelle WaldenThe Library
Shouting Should WorkRose Delivery
With Cole Dragonov
Slytherin House Table
Found You!Rose Delivery
With Benjamin Walden
The Great Lawn
Insider InformationRose Delivery
With Marcos Morales
The Second Floor Corridor
Read All About ItRose Delivery
With Lennon Cohen-Knight
Hogwarts Monthly
Badgering a BadgerRose Delivery
With Lavinia Benivieni
Hufflepuff Common Room
A Quiet ApproachRose Delivery
With Nixon Mercury
Hufflepuff Common Room
Stars and Flowers
Rose Delivery
With Professor Sarah Harrington
Professor Harrington's Office
Cute and PinkRose Delivery
With Octavian Vetrov
The Seventh Floor Corridor
Rose for Alice!Receiving a Rose
With Daisy Parker
Hufflepuff House Table
Alice in WonderlandReceiving a rose
With Avaria Lockwood
The Hogwarts Garden
Merlin Wasn't Ever RealWith Vader Hume The Library
Collision CourseWith Avaria LockwoodThe Fourth Floor Corridor

First Year marks
1st Year PotionsO
1st Year History of MagicO
1st Year CharmsO
1st Year TransfigurationO
1st Year AstronomyO
1st Year HerbologyO
1st Year FlyingE
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average5.9 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 588
First Year Photos

Wild Patch Club


Second Year


"I loved my second year. I felt so much more at home at Hogwarts, and really enjoyed learning all the new things in my classes! I'm happy I met more friends, and enjoyed being part of Wild Patch and Heta Omega. I also really enjoyed delivering roses! I'm looking forward to my third year a lot. "

In Alice's second year, she did most things she had also done in her first. She enjoyed being a slightly older Hogwarts student and tried to help younger students where she could. Her friendships with Emily, Ava, and Vader grew closer during this year. Alice enjoyed participating in both club events and school-wide events, and is happy to be active in social events. At the same time she tried very hard in her classes, and was proud with her results. Near the end of the year, Alice tried out dueling. But she wasn't entirely sure how much she enjoyed it.

Friends Forever.... Or Not.With Jasper MichaelsThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Moving UpWith ~Professor Cyndi KingsleyThe Great Lawn
OrigamiWith Uno Bear and Vader HumeThe Courtyard
A Treasured SpotWith Elliot BriarThe Hogwarts Garden
BoredHalloween Feast
With Sapphire Michaels

Great Hall
Looking After Mind, Body and SoulWith Seren DipityThe Lakefront
Vegetable Patch!With Ainsley Lynch, Rose Holland,
And various others
The Wild Patch
One Step at a TimeWith Elliot BriarConglomerated Arts Room
On My OwnsomeYule Ball
With Bisera Orlova
Great Hall
Break OutWith Gracen WorthObsidian Harbour
All Summer Fun!With Cyzarine HadenThe Lakefront
A Rosy MeetingRose Delivery
With Phineas Ellis
The Dungeons
Friendly LionsRose Delivery
With Seren Dipity
Gryffindor House Table
Double FlowersRose Delivery
With *Professor Monty Pendleton
Professor Pendleton's Office
Ruby RedRose Delivery
With Cullen Jeong
Ravenclaw House Table
For a SeekerRose Delivery
With Blake Irons
The First Floor Corridor
Delivery for the CaptainRose Delivery
With Lizzie Taylor
The Third Floor Corridor
Brotherly YellowRose Delivery
With Aonghas Fergusson
Hufflepuff Common Room
Apology RoseRose Delivery
With Gabriella Davenport
Slytherin House Table
On Your Good SideReceiving a Rose
With Kauri Tipene
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Sweet BlossomReceiving a Rose
With Ainsley Lynch
The Third Floor Corridor
Another HollandReceiving a Rose
With Jacob Kingsley
Conglomerated Arts Room
Mellow YellowReceiving a Rose
With Madeline Kaimarama
Hufflepuff House Table
All in the Golden AfternoonReceiving a Rose
With Nixon Mercury
The Hogwarts Garden
What Friends Are ForWith Avaria LockwoodThe Student Lounge
Y32 Dueling Match #1Dueling Tournament
With Vader Hume
The Duelling Chamber
Duelling MistakesWith Vader HumeEntrance Hall

Second Year marks
2nd Year PotionsO
2nd Year History of MagicO
2nd Year CharmsO
2nd Year TransfigurationO
2nd Year AstronomyO
2nd Year HerbologyO
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average6 (O Average)
House points earned during year: 513
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"I'm happy I chose not to duel this year, and focused my efforts on things I enjoyed doing. It was so much fun to help Rose with Wild Patch Club and with rose deliveries, and it'll be sad to go back to Hogwarts without her. For the most part, my third year was good! Though I don't know how I feel about things between Phineas and me..."

Alice's second year started off on a sour not when Uno Bear tried to confront her about liking Phineas Ellis. Alice did have a crush on the boy, but didn't let Uno get to her. She helped a few first years, and set up a study group for third years. The girl was delighted when Phineas asked her to the Yule Ball and Valentine's dance, but both events ended up being a bit disappointed to her. The last part of her year was overshadowed by the news of her mother's pregnancy, as Alice didn't really want a younger sibling. But when she heard about her sister being born, her negative feelings largely disappeared. She's excited to return home and meet her baby sister Lucy.

Dinner TogetherWith Phoebe Holland, Charlie Madison, Maria Madison,
And various others
New Zealand
Hopeful for a Chance EncounterWith Uno BearThe Dungeons
In a World UncertainWith Samantha JacobsHufflepuff Common Room
An unexpected meetingWith Adorah Zumwalt Great Hall
Third Year Study Group: First MeetingWith Artemis Pourroulis, Kishen Tiwari, Isabelle Walden, and Vader HumeThe Student Lounge
A Complete CoincidenceWith Phineas EllisThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Soon OverHalloween Feast
With Vader Hume and Isabelle Walden
Great Hall
IssuesWith Avaria LockwoodThe Hogwarts Garden
Flowers Flowering Galore - WPC EventWith Rose Holland,
And various others
The Wild Patch
A Dreamy NightYule Ball
With Phineas Ellis
Great Hall
A Shade of HoneyRose Delivery
With Chloe Chan
The Seventh Floor Corridor
Friends in CommonRose Delivery
With Sapphire Michaels
The Dungeons
Yellow SunshineRose Delivery
With Kira Wolf
The North Tower
Rose-Colored PetalsRose Delivery
With Noelle Maxwell
The First Floor Corridor
Sunny SurpriseRose Delivery
With Amy Jewel
Hufflepuff First Years Girls Dorm
A Rose Bridges the GapRose Delivery
With Stella Wright
Ravenclaw House Table
Dancing FlowerRose Delivery
With Kace Corelli
The Sixth Floor Corridor
Fresh Pink BlushRose Delivery
With Shane Ackley
The Third Floor Corridor
Flower PhotographyRose Delivery
With Vader Hume
The Courtyard
Trading RosesRose Delivery + Receiving a rose
With Elliot Briar
Hufflepuff House Table
Yellow Rose FireworksReceiving a rose
With Signy Forstrom
Hufflepuff Common Room
Roses in WonderlandReceiving a rose
With Madeline Kaimarama
Entrance Hall
Heta Omega Party 2049With Phoebe Holland, Sara Benivieni,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Third Year Study Group: Second MeetingWith Vader Hume, Avaria Lockwood, Ilija Olaf, and Isabelle WaldenThe Student Lounge

Third Year marks
3rd Year PotionsO
3rd Year History of MagicO
3rd Year CharmsO
3rd Year TransfigurationO
3rd Year Muggle StudiesO
3rd Year HerbologyO
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average6 (O Average)
House points earned during year: 485
Third Year Photos

Fourth Year

"My fourth year didn't start very well, as I broke up with Phineas on the train. But it really was for the best, and I'm grateful that I grew closer to a few of my classmates as a result. Ilija is a good listener. I'm sad a big fight happened as well, and it was a little scary to see Emily so mad. But everything worked out, and I think in the end it was a good year. I'm honored that Blake asked me to be his girlfriend before the break."

Alice's fourth year was a busy one. It started with a breakup while on the train to school, as Alice hadn't gotten a single letter from Phineas. She was more upset by the breakup than she had thought, but two of her classmates managed to cheer her up. A big fight happened around her when her cousin Eric got angry with her, causing a huge ruckus. In the process, Alice's friend Emily showed a new side of herself. After slowly moving past this event, Alice grew closer to Blake Irons, a Slytherin boy in the year below. By the end of the year, Blake asked Alice to be his girlfriend, something she happily accepted. Alice also helped Kauri Tipene and Tomas Wode organize the rose delivery event this year on Valentine's day, something she enjoyed doing a lot.

End of the LineWith Phineas Ellis and Uno BearNew Zealand Express
Don’t get your hopes upWith Ilija Olaf and Teliko SnyderNew Zealand Express
Loyal FriendsWith Avaria LockwoodThe Fourth Floor Corridor
First Year Castle ToursWith Kauri Tipene,
And various others
Entrance Hall
Burden To BearWith Connor Holland, Emily Madison, Eric Holland,
And various others
The Second Floor Corridor
Troublesome ThoughtsWith Ilija OlafThe First Floor Corridor
Not a TeapartyHalloween Feast
With Marco Mariani and Elio Zephyr
Great Hall
Fourth Year Study Group: First MeetingWith Marco Mariani, Vader Hume, Elsie Baros, Ilija Olaf, Elio Zephyr, Chrysander Kaster, and Teliko SnyderThe Student Lounge
Pure FriendshipYule Ball
With Avaria Lockwood and Blake Irons
Great Hall
Sunlit MomentsWith Blake IronsThe Courtyard
Sunrise FlowersWith Vader HumeThe Hogwarts Garden
Deputy RoseRose Delivery
With *Professor Monty Pendleton
Professor Pendleton's Office
Pink to GreenRose Delivery
With Videl Zhefarovich II,
The Fifth Floor Corridor
Fire RedRose Delivery
With Leif Odegard
The First Floor Corridor
Dashing DeliveryRose Delivery
With Ren Lockwood
The Great Lawn
Sincere GestureRose Delivery
With Joshua Toubia
Hogwarts Monthly
Shy BlossomsRose Delivery
With Arvel Ayers
Hufflepuff Common Room
A Rose Instead of a BatRose Delivery
With Jacob Kingsley
The Sixth Floor Corridor
Crossing PathsReceiving a Rose
With Selene Le Fey
Entrance Hall
Hufflepuff Red RoseReceiving a Rose
With Cyzarine Haden
The Fourth Floor Corridor
First RoseRecieving a Rose
With Amy Jewel
Hufflepuff Common Room
A Best Friend DeliveryReceiving a Rose
With Alexei Kozlov
Hufflepuff Common Room
Romantic RosesWith Blake IronsThe Rosebush
Y34 Heta Omega Slumber PartyWith Emilia Manning, Athena Rey-Martinez,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Fourth Year Study Group: Second MeetingWith Ilija Olaf and Vader HumeThe Student Lounge
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Alistair Lancaster, Norton Gillespie, William Kaimarama,
And various others
The Wild Patch

Fourth Year marks
4th Year PotionsO
4th Year History of MagicO
4th Year CharmsO
4th Year TransfigurationO
4th Year Muggle StudiesO
4th Year HerbologyO
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average6 (O Average)
House points earned during year: 461
Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"My fifth year started well, but didn't end that way. I was honored to be named a prefect, and was happy to be Blake's girlfriend going into the year. He was very sweet and attentive. At least, until he kissed another girl at the yule ball. I felt very bad about it for a long time, and decided to focus on my OWLs. At least I did well with those."
Alice started off the year cheerfully, happy with her new prefect badge. She organized a tour for first years, something she had taken over from Kauri Tipene. She caught some first years out of bed late at night, which was her first real action as a prefect. She set up Avaria with Blake's friend Tyler, thinking it would be great for them to date two friends. Unfortunately, things went south quickly for both couples. Alice spent the rest of the year spending more time by herself, and grew a little closer again to Ilija after they talked by the lake. By the time winter break came around, Alice was glad she could be away from Hogwarts for a bit.

Letting it OutWith Avaria LockwoodNew Zealand
Y35 Hufflepuff House MeetingWith ~Professor Landon Carter, Elliot Briar,
And various others
Hufflepuff Common Room
First Year Tour!With Christina Holmgaard, Stanislaw Kurek, Alexander Rogers, and Joey FrosethEntrance Hall
An Extra TourWith Ava LancasterThe First Floor Corridor
A Complete 360With Elio ZephyrPrefects Common Room
Sneaking OutWith Allison Beckett, Stanislaw Kurek, and Elio ZephyrThe Library
Romantic PlottingWith Blake IronsBrightstone Village
Surprise PartyWith Avaria Lockwood, Padme Hume, Leia Hume, Vader Hume,
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
Hello BeastieHalloween Feast
With Rowan Baros
Great Hall
Gardens in the SpringWith Mhairi Olaf,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Fifth Year Study Group: First MeetingWith Vader Hume and Elio ZephyrStudent Lounge
Backwards to OneYule Ball
With Blake Irons, Sierra Woodlock, Tyler Lee, and Avaria Lockwood
Great Hall
Shattered in PiecesWith Avaria LockwoodEntrance Hall
Summer Lakeside PartyWith Emilia Manning, Abian Hunter,
And various others
The Lakefront
Eternal RoseRose Delivery
With Xavier Mackintosh
The Third Floor Corridor
Cherry Red for YouRose Delivery
With Padme Hume
Hufflepuff Common Room
Sunny Final RoseRose Delivery
With Tina Seville-Lopez
The Sixth Floor Corridor
Two for One FriendRose Delivery
With Elio Zephyr and Rowan Baros
The Great Lawn
Sunshine in the DungeonsRose Delivery
With Jigoku Arai
The Dungeons
Pink Like SpringRose Delivery
With Clifton Ward
The First Floor Corridor
Love Is Flower Like; Friendship Is Like a Sheltering TreeReceiving a Rose
With Rowan Baros
The First Floor Corridor
You Deserve the WorldReceiving a Rose
With Paige Thompson
The Third Floor Corridor
Friend's Don'tReceiving a Rose
With Alec Maxwell
Hufflepuff Common Room
Fear-Flushed FloraReceiving a Rose
With Connor Holland
The Third Floor Corridor
LonesomeWith Ilija OlafThe Lakefront
Gnomes; Begone!!With Mhiari Olaf,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Lonely HeartsWith Elliot BriarHufflepuff Common Room
Fifth Year Study Group: Second MeetingWith Avaria Lockwood, Elsie Baros, Ilija Olaf, Elio Zephyr,
And various others
Student Lounge
By MyselfWith Ilija Olaf and Aaliyah OlafGreat Hall

Fifth Year marks
5th Year PotionsO
5th Year History of MagicO
5th Year CharmsO
5th Year TransfigurationO
5th Year Muggle StudiesO
5th Year HerbologyO
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average6 (O Average)
House points earned during year: 482
Fifth Year Photos

Sixth Year


"My sixth year felt like a fresh start after all the drama with Blake. I was sad Avaria wasn't at school with me, but still managed to have a pretty good year. I'm glad I grew closer to Elliot, I really enjoy spending time with him. I also enjoyed organizing the roses again, it was a lot of work but it was also a lot of fun."
Alice's sixth year was an improvement compared to her fifth. She enjoyed herself and managed to learn a lot, continuing to take all her classes she had done her OWLs in. Alice started to grow closer to fellow prefect Elliot Briar. The two developed feelings for each other and were each other's dates to both dances. Alice hopes to meet up with him again over the holidays. She's looking forward to her final year, even if she's also sad to be leaving Hogwarts after her next year.

Sleepover SurprisesWith Avaria LockwoodNew Zealand
First Years Castle Tour!With Danae Jusantrea, Marc Morales, Liusaidh Fergusson, Aisling Sullivan, Nola Bennett,
And various others
Entrance Hall
Writing Down ThoughtsWith Isabelle WaldenThe Library
Y36 Prefects MeetingWith Vader Hume, Jigoku Arai,
And various others
Prefects Common Room
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y36/S1With ~Professor Landon Carter,
And various others
Hufflepuff Common Room
Losing PatienceWith Uno BearThe Courtyard
Flowery FragranceHalloween Feast
With Elio Zephyr and Ilija Olaf
Great Hall
WPC Y36 S1 Event - The Great Bee House SwarmingWith Elliot Briar, William Kaimarama,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Y36 Heta Omega MeetingWith Emilia Manning, Delilah Thorne,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
An Overdue DanceYule Ball
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
To Bee Here TogetherWith Elliot BriarThe Wild Patch
Y36 S2 Meeting | Making Valentine's CardsWith Emilia Manning, Diana Holland, Cyzarine Haden,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Full of Sunshine YellowRose Delivery
With Violet Fields
The Dungeons
Hunting SunshineRose Delivery
With Heliana Le Fey
Hufflepuff Fifth Years Girls Dorm
Pastel PinkRose Delivery
With Clara McCarthy
The North Tower
True Gold FriendshipRose Delivery
With Hunter Robinson
The Fifth Floor Corridor
Marvelous YellowRose Delivery
With Cyzarine Haden
The Courtyard
Loving RedRose Delivery
With Philip Maxwell
The Student Lounge
Pink ConfusionRose Delivery
With Clara McCarthy
The North Tower
First of the DayRose Delivery
With Pippa Woodbury
The Third Floor Corridor
Fixing a MistakeRose Delivery
With Samantha Jacobs
Hufflepuff Common Room
Red MessagesReceiving a Rose
With Hunter Robinson
The Fifth Floor Corridor
Locked OutReceiving a Rose
With Seraphina My
The Second Floor Corridor
Roses Are Red... or Yellow?Receiving a Rose
With Adorah Zumwalt
The Library
After a Storm of PetalsWith Elliot BriarHufflepuff Common Room
There is No Right WayValentine's Dance
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
Y36 End Of Year FeastWith ~Professor Katherine Alicastell, Elliot Briar,
And various others
Great Hall

Sixth Year marks
6th Year PotionsO
6th Year History of MagicO
6th Year CharmsO
6th Year TransfigurationO
6th Year Muggle StudiesO
6th Year HerbologyO
6th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsO
Grade Point Average6 (O Average)

Sixth Year Photos

Seventh Year


"I still can't believe I was picked to be Head Girl, but it was truly an honor. I really loved my final year, even if it was often bittersweet. I tried to make the most of it, and I think I succeeded. I'll be saying goodbye to Hogwarts now, and while it is sad, I am also excited to see what the future will bring. It's just too bad I have to wait a whole year for Elliot to join me out in the real world."

Alice's final year started with the news that she had been picked to be Head Girl, something Alice really enjoyed. With her friend Vader Hume as Head Boy, the two organized a prefect's meeting at the start of the year. Alice tried to stay close to all her friends, but spent a lot of her time with her boyfriend. She was always aware that their time together at Hogwarts was fairly limited. The biggest surprise for Alice this year was the apology from Blake Irons, which she cautiously appreciated. The year flew by, but Alice was happy with how things had gone.

Leap of FaithWith Elliot BriarObsidian Harbour
Y37 Prefects MeetingWith Vader Hume, Elliot Briar, And various othersPrefects Common Room
First Year Tour!With Connor Holland, Freya Song, Yukiko Edogawa,
And various others
Entrance Hall
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y37/S1With ~Professor Landon Carter, Elliot Briar, Clifton Ward, Lillian Lockwood,
And various others
Hufflepuff Common Room
Big Sister, Little Sister - Heta Omega MeetingWith Cyzarine Haden, Valencia Addington,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
ReconnectingWith Avaria LockwoodThe Student Lounge
Something WickedHalloween Feast
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
WPC Meeting Y37/S1 - Foraged FeastWith William Kaimarama, Elliot Briar,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Yule Ball Dance Lessons!With Josephine Arora, Professor Angel Castillo, Elliot Briar,
And various others
Great Hall
I Should Have Tried At AllWith Blake IronsThe First Floor Corridor
Final Yuletide DanceYule Ball
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
Holidays at HomeWith Elliot Briar, Claudia Holland, James Holland, Diana Holland, and Lucy HollandNew Zealand
The Start of Slow GoodbyesWith Connor HollandThe Hogwarts Garden
Hufflepuff Camp Fire Y37/S2With ~Professor Landon Carter, Elliot Briar, Lilian Lockwood,
And various others
The Great Lawn
Not Quite Like a StoryValentine's Dance
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
Almost ConnectedLilian LockwoodHufflepuff Common Room
Wild Patch Meeting Y37/S2 - Chomping CabbagesWith William Kaimarama, Elliot Briar,
And various others
The Wild Patch Club
Celebrating Graduating Sisters: A Heta Omega Party!With
Cyzarine Haden, Isabelle Walden,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Not a Final GoodbyeWith Avaria LockwoodGreat Hall
Dwelling on the EndWith Elliot BriarGreat Hall

Seventh Year marks
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year CharmsE
7th Year Muggle StudiesA
7th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)
House points earned during year: 120

Seventh Year Photos
This was it. What Alice had been working towards for the past seven years. It was time to graduate, and it felt both exciting and absolutely terrifying. Alice had written down things she wanted to say in her speech, and caught herself glancing down at the paper a few times as she waited for her turn. She had known this was a part of being head girl, but it hadn't really seemed real until this point. She would go up in front of all the professors, all the guests and all her classmates. But she didn't have a lot of time to think about that, as she suddenly heard their names be called. She had agreed with Vader that she would go first, so Alice took a deep breath and stepped forward. She smiled, searching out Elliot in the crowd with her eyes, and then started to speak.

"This feels like an ending," Alice started, "but also a beginning. We have all lived and learned at Hogwarts over the past seven years, and now... we will each go our own way." Her smile turned a little sad. "Every professor has shaped us in some way, every experience has taught us new things. Things we take with us into our future." Alice paused. "And we'll use it all to shine. I can only speak for myself, but I know that I will look back at my time at Hogwarts with fondness. I know I'll miss it a lot, and I know there will be times I wish I was back here." Alice looked at Elliot again, knowing she would miss him a lot next year. "But I also know that we are ready. Each and every one of us is going to take a step forward, a step into our futures. I know we can all be proud of the witches and wizards we have become." She felt her shoulders relax as she realized she was done. "Thank you." She said, stepping back to let Vader go next.

Alice's hands were still shaking a little by the time she was called up to get her diploma. She had been more nervous about her speech than she had even really understood, and now she was finally calming down. But getting her diploma was kind of scary too, especially with everyone watching. It felt like only yesterday when Alice stepped foot into Hogwarts for the first time, full of excitement. Alice now stepped into her older sisters' footsteps, and took her diploma from Professor Alicastall with a quiet thanks. She wondered where she would be when it was time for Lucy to graduate, which was strange to even imagine. But time had been getting away from her lately, and she had the feeling it would go even faster after graduating. She returned to her seat with her diploma, trying to really believe she had now graduated Hogwarts.

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Ministry Employee


A Fergusson-Hensel ReceptionWith Aonghas Fergusson, Elliot Briar,
And various others
New Zealand
Revealing The Memories - 2054 Time Capsule OpeningWith Elliot Briar, Eleanor Hope,
And various others
Tākarokaro Park
Complicated ReunionsWith Elliot Briar and Oscar BrooksGreat Hall
Reunions and NewsWith Avaria LockwoodNew Zealand
The New NormalWith Elliot Briar and Lillian LockwoodNew Zealand
Everyone at HomeWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Elliot Briar,
And various others
New Zealand
A Heart to HeartWith Lillian LockwoodNew Zealand
Girls NightWith Avaria LockwoodNew Zealand
Getting ReadyWith Lillian LockwoodNew Zealand
Bringing LunchWith Oscar BrooksOllivander's Wand Shop
A Treasured MomentWith Elliot Briar,
And various others
New Zealand

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