Open Writing Down Thoughts

Alice Briar

🌼 Social | Energetic | Optimistic | 2053 grad 🌼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Elliot)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
3/2035 (28)
Open after Jamie posts with Isabelle

It was still early on in the year, so Alice didn't really have a lot of homework yet. But she did enjoy the peace and quiet of the library, so she had found herself a comfortable seat as she wrote in what she was working on. Alice was in a better place than she had been last year, though she was still slightly more withdrawn than she had been before all the drama. She had been thinking a lot about her talk with Ilija by the lake, and had started trying to write down her thoughts more after their discussion. She wasn't writing poetry, as her first few attempts had failed miserably, but instead just keeping a diary was already helping her a lot. Alice rested her chin on her hand as she tapped her quill against the page, contemplating what to write next. She had just written about the first few days, and how she was missing Avaria. She should write her soon, but there was a small part that still felt betrayed by her choice to leave. Alice sighed softly, trying to think of something more positive to write.
Isabelle had been mostly spending her Hogwarts time in this exact place, the library. She enjoyed books, but mostly the ones about fairytales and beautiful stories from the magical world. But also today Isabelle was to be found in the library she had been sitting on the ground for a while reading her favorite story Beauty and the Beast. She almost forgot how many times she had read it. But that was not important, if the story was good you could read it many times. The brunette than finished with reading and was on her way to leqave the library but than she noticed Alice sitting on a table. Isabelle liked the girl and it was the closest person she got to an friend. Isabelle was kind of closed and she just was in her own world. And like the calm and the quiet of it. But she could not help but notice Alice didn't seemed that happy. The Alice she knew was full of happyness and motivated in their study sessions. So the brunette hold her book against her body and walked toward the table to sit across her slowly and quiet. '' Alice?'' The brunette than asked. It seemed like she was writing something but perhaps it was personal.
'' I'm sorry to disturb you. But I could not help but notice, you seem sad. Is everything alright?'' The brunette than asked the girl in front of her and placed her book on the table for a moment. If there was anything she could do to make someone more happy she wanted to help. Books were good friends and nice to have, but they didn't talked back. And she had her own problems as well. Insecure of who she was, and hurted by an boy.
Alice jumped a bit as she heard someone say her name, only then noticing she had been joined at the table by Isabelle, a girl she knew from Ravenclaw. Isabelle was nice, if a bit on the quiet side, and Alice quickly smiled at her and covered her diary a bit with her hand. "Oh, hi Isabelle. I didn't see you there." She said quickly, laughing off her surprise. "I guess I was lost in thought." She said quickly. Her smile faltered a bit at Isabelle's next statement. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. She still had to get used to the shorter length. "I'm alright, I was just thinking about Ava. She stayed home this year to be closer to her dad." She said quietly. "And last semester was kind of a disaster for me, but I'm trying to turn it around this semester." She said more brightly. "How have you been? You changed your hair back, I see." She had liked the blond hair, but this was nice too. "You look lovely."
Isabelle smiled at Alice and she hadn't expected her ofcourse. She was busy with her own stuff and that was not strange she didn't saw her coming than. Isabelle had the same as she was reading her books. She looked at Alice as she told her something about Ava. The brunette didn't knew her that well but the name she heard of before. '' Oh really? She was an student here? And a friend I'm guessing from you?'' The girl than asked her. '' Do you write her?'' She looked at what Alice was doing. Isabelle liked the girl and smiled as she noticed her hair change again. '' I did..'' The brunette than said with an small smile. '' I thought it would make an difference in how I feel but it didn't.'' The brunette than asked. She felt a bit sad while thinking of how things ended with Vader. But it was very nice that Alice gave her an compliment. '' Why was your last semester an disaster? If I may ask?'' Isabelle than said she wanted to make more contact with people instead of books and if Alice wanted to tell about her life Isabelle would follow.
Alice was a little surprised at Isabelle's answer, not sure if she understood who Alice talked about. She figured Isabelle would know Ava, as they had been roommates. Though it must be a bit confusing, as there was a new Ava too. She decided to clarify. "Avaria Lockwood, I mean. Ava is just a nickname." She said quickly. "She was in Ravenclaw, like you." She added, smiling. "Sorry for not being clear. But yes, she's one of my best friends." She then sighed sadly. "I did write her, but it's not really the same." She was a little confused at her next statement. "You thought dyeing your hair blond would make you feel different?" She asked, not sure what she meant. "I guess changing your hair can do that. I kind of chopped off most of mine because I was feeling like I needed a change." She didn't regret it, she liked how her hair looked now. She winced a bit as Isabelle asked about her semester, but could see she had opened the odor herself. "It... had to do with my boyfriend." She told her. "Ex boyfriend now. He kissed someone else at the yule ball." She still hated thinking back on that time. "It was a whole thing."
When Alice explained who she ment Isabelle felt stupid. But she had been so to herself in with the books, that she sometimes didn't followed the rest so much. Perhaps that was why Vader had broken up with her, she was not the standard girl. '' I see.. I remember her. Sorry to hear that. But good you keep in touch with her, although it's not the same indeed.'' Isabelle than said to Alice with an comforting smile. Talking about her hair and dying it, must sure be weird for Alice. She was not making any sense ofcourse and Isabelle was kind of lost too, what to do with her life and how to act. She nodded at the question of it would make an difference in her taste. Alice had changed her hair as well but than just making it shorter, not dying it. '' I thought it would make me more confident. And feel more pretty, but it just didn't make any difference..'' Isabelle than explained to Alice. Perhaps she was not making any sense, and after all was she all doing this for an boy? She did liked Vader a lot, but was he really her dream prince, she didn't know. But what she knew is that she was hurt and not feeling so happy. '' I was in an relationship with Vader, but he broke up with me some time ago. And I felt really bad. Still feel hurt, and alone.'' Isabelle than told Alice. She kind of felt she could tell Alice, she didn't even spoke that much to the girl but she seemed like someone who could listen and help. But than Alice told about her feeling sad and Isabelle could not believe it. '' Oh Alice. How mean! He is stupid for doing that. I can't believe it, you are so.. pretty and popular.'' Isabelle than said she really had Alice on an high pedestal.
Alice nodded as Isabelle said it wasn't the same. It really wasn't. Avaria was always so bubbly and bright, and she really missed her energy in her classes this year. She felt a bit bad for not talking to Isabelle more. She had been so caught up with her own trouble last semester, she had barely been social at all. Alice frowned a little as Isabelle talked about her hair. "You did look pretty." She told her kindly. "You look pretty with brown hair too." She added softly. "But I don't think the color of your hair is going to make you more or less confident." She said, tucking her own short hair behind her ear. She listened as Isabelle talked to her about her previous relationship with Vader. Alice remembered it, and knew it was a while ago. But she couldn't blame Isabelle for still being bothered by it. "I'm sorry." She said softly. "I know how you feel. Hurt and alone... it's how I felt too." She said softly. "But Vader is a nice person, you should talk to him if you don't understand why he broke up with you. I'm sure he'll talk to you, reassure you." She smiled weakly. "He's a better person than Blake, anyway. I don't expect I'll ever be able to talk to him again." She blushed as Isabelle called her pretty and popular, ducking her head a bit. "Thanks. I don't... know if that's true." She said hesitantly. "But it's sweet of you to say."

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