Lysander Calvin Summers

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)







Lysander Calvin Summers

'Lysander', of Greek origin meaning 'liberator' or 'one who is freed'
'Summers', ancient Anglo-Saxon surname meaning 'son of Summer'.

June 20th 2038

St Mungo's, New Zealand

Obsidian Harbor, New Zealand


Too Young To Care

Pigtrotters Dayschool for Wizarding Children
Hogwarts New Zealand





Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
11 ½ Inches
A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?

Made of Maple, the wandwood of the adventurous, the wand will expect to never settle for one place or one thing for very long.

Ashwinder Dust

As a core, the remnants of an Ashwinder are rumoured to create wands that are particularly skilled with fire-making magic, and dealing with matters of the heart. They are said to be useful for those interested in Care of Magical Creatures, but like the creature this core comes from, the lifespan of their charm work may occasionally be short-lived.

A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Lysander loves his wand, and had to promise his cousin to take the best care of it before he would sell it to him. The maple wood is fitting for his own sense of adventure, and he always makes sure to take it everywhere with him to avoid it getting bored. He's worried that if he doesn't move it around often enough, it might fly off on its own and find someone else to have adventures with. The fire-related wand core also parallels his sisters water-based core. At first, Lysander was disappointed they didn't share a core, but has since come around to thinking their direct opposition is pretty cool. The fact the wand resembles an owl is also a major plus.




Tom Holland

A dark, wavy brown.

Dark green

Fair, but lightly tanned during the Summer given his outdoorsy habits

Athletic. Lysander spends a lot of time being physically active, between running, swimming and his role as beater in Quidditch.

Average for his age

Though not particularly prominent, Lysander has a couple of tiny scars dotting his hands from all of the nicks, bites and scratches he's received while playing with or tending to the various animals in his father's menagerie.

Lysander is typically seen wearing plain t-shirts and shorts, or long pants rolled up to his knees. Over the course of the day his clothes tend to gather dirt and grass stains from his time spent at the lake or in the gardens. When it's colder, he tends to don a cloak over the top of his basic attire but treats it more like a cape than something with the purpose of staying warm.



ColoursShades of green, especially the more earthy tones, as they remind him of his aunts greenhouse
NumberLysander does not currently have a favourite number
FoodFizzing Whizbees. Only for the levitation effect rather than the taste
BusinessesMagical Menagerie & Gambol & Japes
LiteratureThe Tales of Beedle The Bard
The Little Snitch That Could
SeasonAutumn, since that's when all of the leaves fall, and they're fun to jump around in.
SubjectsTransfiguration, Herbology
Magical CreatureBillywigs. Their stings might hurt, but the levitation that comes after is worth chasing them around for.
ScentHis aunt's greenhouse and bubbling cauldrons.


Lysander's main goal in life is to become some kind of famous hero, someone who will be remembered in history books and chocolate frog cards, so he tries his best to be someone considered heroic and likeable by the people he interacts with. He highly enjoys attention, though can get a bit big-headed about his accomplishments, relishing in any opportunity to bring them up or talk about them for praise and validation. There comes a certain thrill for engaging in dangerous situations and "adventures", as they're experiences that will help him become more well-known, and make his life feel more exciting. He fears leading a dull and unfulfilled life, as the people in his life are all successful and interesting in their own right. He has a lot of family expectations to live up to or succeed, competing with famous Quidditch players and accomplished witches and wizards, so there's a drive to go above and beyond to have his own recognition. He's very competitive as a result, over sometimes even the smallest of things.

While his grades are good, Lysander is not the brightest student, and gets by with a lot of help, or luck. He excels in more practical subjects, while straggling in subjects more heavy on theory and lectures. Subjects such as Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions are ones he finds the easier to stay on top of, as he is more of a kinesthetic learner and recalls through experience doing something, rather than reading or hearing. History of Magic or Ancient Runes on the other hand, he has an issue keeping up with.

Creatively, Lysander is highly imaginative and has a lot of vivid ideas, but his ability to actually create is another thing entirely. Lysander doesn't have the patience to learn and hone artistic skills.

Lysander is something of a hoarder when it comes to possessions, though he refers to it as "collecting". What started as a need to complete his chocolate frog card collection soon became a need to hold onto everything he has, just in case. He will argue that almost all of his possessions have sentimental value, or some important memory attached to them, as an excuse not to throw anything out.

As only a young child, Lysander has yet to conjure a patronus. He assumes it is a dog, because of his father's animagus form, but he can't know for sure. Part of him hopes its a dragon so that he can impress everyone, or some other equally magical and magnificent beast.

Lysander's boggart is being forgotten or ignored by the people whose attention and validation he seeks the most.

Lysander's reflection in the mirror is one of a much older and charming version of himself, posing in front of camera flashes as he holds up a chocolate frog card depicting himself, awarded to him for one heroic and valiant deed or another.

Lysander is too young to have any significant regrets.




Pigtrotters Day-School for Wizarding Children - 2046-2049
Hogwarts New Zealand - 2049-Present


Student Defence Association
The Wild Patch
Brotherhood of Magic
Gryffindor Quidditch Team



CharmsDaDaTransfigurationHistory of MagicPotionsHerbology
AstronomyDivinationArithmancyAncient RunesMuggle StudiesCoMC



Eeylops Owlet Naming Competition Winner - 2045
Gambol & Japes Competition Winner - 2046
Florean Fortescue Summer Event Second Place Winner - 2046

Made the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a first-year - 2049
Most Ridiculous in the Halloween Costume Competition Winner - 2049
Top Point Earner for Gryffindor - 2050
Second Year Duelling Champion - 2051
Third Year Duelling Champion - 2052
Made Co-Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team - 2052




Pureblood. Despite this, the concept of blood purity is a foreign one to Lysander, who was never taught about it while growing up. He is barely aware of his own blood status, more-so knowing that his background is predominantly magical instead of specifically "pure".

Lysander's father has O- blood, while his biological mother is A+. Due to the dominant alleles in his mother's blood type over his father's recessive alleles, Lysander's genetics take after his mother's blood type.

Lysander isn't aware of any specific allergies he may have, though he does know that so far, he has no reactions to animals, a fact he's grateful for given how much time he spends in the Magical Menagerie playing with all of its many pets.


Multiple cases of billywig sting treatment.





Lars van Houten, during a game of spin the bottle in third year, made awkward by the fact Lar's sister was one of Lysander's best friends, and present to witness it. However, his second-ever kiss came only a few minutes later in the same game, with Flynn Kaster.


Fuzzfeathers, an owl Lysander named during a competition at Eeylops while it was still only an owlet, and eventually bought himself after it had grown. The owl is particularly aggressive toward strangers, even occasionally nipping Lysander on the fingers when even mildly annoyed, which seems to be quite often, but Lysander believes they are fated friends due to how often the two would cross paths prior to him purchasing the bird.

Rembrandt, who unlike regular rats comes from a special breed in the Magical Menagerie, which are often seen playing jump-rope with their tails. He is curious and intelligent, with a pickiness over his preferred quality of cheeses.

Hopsprocket, a green frog Lysander befriended at the Hogwarts lake. He feeds it dead bugs he finds around the castle, and made a makeshift bog-in-a-bucket for it to sleep in.

Torcelain, a porcelain shelled tortoise who used to be a teapot. Lysander brought her to life during a transfiguration lesson in second year, and kept her the way she was because he couldn't bear making her inanimate again. She occasionally spouts steam, and doesn't do much else.






Broderick William Summers (née Fudge)
Relation: Biological Father
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Magical Mechanic for Enchanted Vehicles
Notes: -
"My dad takes me for rides on his flying motorcycle.
It's better than flying brooms!"
Aeon Seralius Summers
Relation: Non-Biological Father
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Transfiguration Professor, Magical Menagerie Proprietor
Notes: Animagus
"Dad can turn into a dog! One day I'm going to be an animagus just like him! text text text text text text text text text text text text text
Dallas Rose Paterson
Relation: Surrogate Mother, "Aunt"
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Herbologist
Notes: -
"Auntie Dallas lets me help her brew potions. I can't do much, but it's fun to try some of them out afterwards."
Eleanora Miriam Summers
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: -
Notes: -
"My sister can be annoying sometimes, but she's one of my best friends." text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
Katherine Jade Alicastell
Relation: Non-Biological Grandmother
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Hogwarts Headmistress, Wizengamot Interrogator
Notes: -

"I don't know much about my grandmother. Dad doesn't like to talk about her, but he says that if I'm too bad, she'll send me to Azkaban."
Mikhail Zhorah Matthias
Relation: Non-Biological Grandfather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Former Deputy Minister, Wizengamot Interrogator
Notes: -

"I don't know much about my grandfather either, except that he was almost the Minister of Magic! Dad seems to like him." text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text
Kida Evangeline Frost
Relation: Non-Biological Second-Cousin, "Aunt"
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Occupation: Tuscan Charmers Captain
Notes: Wolf Animagus

"My aunt is famous! She's an animagus and a beater for a team in Italy, and is in charge of her whole team! I've got her chocolate frog card AND her action figure."
Sern Atheon Summers
Relation: Non-Biological Uncle
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: St Mungos Patient
Notes: -

"My uncle is strange. He doesn't talk much, and I never really get to see him. I hear he's got through some really rough stuff and hasn't been the same since."
text text text text text text text text
Scarlet Frost
Relation: Non-Biological Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Tuscan Charmers Beater
Notes: -

"Like my aunt, my cousin is a famous Quidditch player! She was the youngest beater on a team ever. I'm still trying to collect her chocolate frog card."
Alistair Lancaster
Relation: Non-Biological Cousin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: HNZ Student
Notes: Werewolf

"It's a secret that I'm not supposed to tell anybody, but my cousin is a werewolf. Everyone else seems to think it's scary, but I think its kind of cool. It's like being an animagus!"
Esme Lancaster
Relation: Non-Biological Cousin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Naming Seer, Necromancer
Notes: Seer

"Esme isn't very nice, and a lot of people think she's cursed. Sometimes she's okay, and she even uses her Seer powers to read my future for me."
Emmett Lancaster
Relation: Non-Biological Cousin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Wandlorist, Ollivanders Employee
Notes: -

"Emmett can be scary. He has a metal hand and reminds me of a pirate, but he always has a bowtruckle on his shoulder instead of a parrot. When I can finally get a wand, he says he'll sell it to me. I think I'd prefer someone else did."



Glitter Bomb
Covers every surface in a medium-sized room with glitter.
DungbombsA magical stink bomb that gives off a putrid odour.
Untieable ShoelacesNo matter how often you tie these, they'll always magically untie themselves.
Fanged FrisbeeSimilar to a Muggle frisbee, but has teeth and makes snarling noises.
Stink PelletsSmall green pellets capable of producing a foul odour.
Frogspawn SoapUnleashes an army of frogs when wet.
Extendable EarsA handy item to hear a conversation you're not supposed to hear! Can slide easily under doors.
Canary CreamsBriefly transfigures the user into a giant canary, before moulting back to normal moments later.
Screaming Yo-yoA magical toy that shrieks when a person plays with it.
Billywig StingerA wind-up toy Billywig that spins into the air when it is released and flies around zapping anyone nearby with little electric shocks.
Exploding SnapA wizarding card game in which the cards spontaneously explode.
GobstonesA pouch full of colourful marbles that expel a putrid slime.
Plain Work RobesTypical everyday Hogwarts attire.
Black Pointed HatTypical everyday Hogwarts attire.
Dragonhide GlovesSturdy and resilient.
SpectrespecsA pair pf psychedelic spectacles from Dervish & Banges.
Heta Omega BraceletA bracelet from the Heta Omega booth during the Y34 Fair.
Hex-deflecting tieA tie from the Student Defense Association booth during the Y34 Fair. Charmed to deflect minor hexes, though its magic is waning.
Smithsonian Flight JacketA jacket Lysander took back from the Smithsonian Museum during a History of Magic excursion in first-year.
Mandrake EarmuffsEarmuffs from Herbology in second year, to prevent mandrake cries.
Tales of Beedle the Bard
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1This copy is particularly singed, after Lysander ignited it during a Charms lesson.
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2
A History of Magic
Magical Theory
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
Magical Drafts and Potions
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
Mandrake JournalA journal given out during Herbology in second-year, detailing the growth stages of Owen, Lysander's mandrake.
FuzzfeathersA young owl Lysander named as an owlet during the Eeylops naming competition. Fuzzfeathers also competed in the candidate owl race.
RembrandtUnlike regular rats, Rembrandt comes from a special breed in the Magical Menagerie, which are often seen playing jump-rope with their tails.
HopsprocketA green frog from the Hogwarts lake.
TorcelainA floral shelled tortoise, formerly a teapot, that Lysander transfigured and kept in second year. Occasionally blows out steam.
PuddingA puffskein that technically belongs to Lysander's sister, that he's all but commandeered for himself.
Cauldron (Pewter, Standard Size 2)
Glass Phials
Brass Scales
Stack of Parchment
Ink & Quill Set
Lord Stoddard Withers1672-1769
Breeder of flying horses.
Gulliver Pokeby1750-1839
Expert on magical birds. First to identify meaning of Augurey song.
Beaumont Majoribanks1742-1845
Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and magical flowers. Discovered Gillyweed.
Tilly Toke1903-1991
Gained Order of Merlin, First Class for saving non-magical lives during the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932, when a dragon swooped down on a beach full of sunbathers.
Circe800 BC
Ancient Greek Witch who lived on Island of Aeaea. Expert at turning lost sailors into pigs.
Kida Frost2010-
Captain of the Tuscan Charmers. Known for using her animagus ability to escape captivity from alleged Death Eaters.
Kida FrostCaptain and Beater for the Tuscan Charmers
Scarlet FrostBeater for the Tuscan Charmers, who's skills landed her on the team at just sixteen. years of age.
Childhood DrawingA picture Lysander drew of his family, featuring his dads, his sister, his aunt, a magical talking sunflower, and himself as an animagus flying a broom with the family house elf.
Hogwarts Acceptance LetterThe Hogwarts Acceptance Letter that Lysander received upon turning eleven, including his ticket for the Hogwarts Express.
Toy BroomstickA toy broomstick Lysander was gifted at a young age, capable of floating only two feet above the ground. While he is too big to ride is now, Sander still uses it to get around in a similar fashion as a skateboard.
Heat OrbAn orb that radiates heat in a close vicinity. It was Lysander's fathers while he was a child at Hogwarts, and is one of the items he took with him on his own journey to the school.
Grace Holland's AutographAn autograph from the former Quibberon Quafflepunchers player, obtained after Lysander's first flying class.
Plastic SwordA toy sword that Lysander says is totally just like Godric Gryffindors.
Hooting Hour PinAn enamel pin received in a gift bag during Eeylops' Hooting Hour event.
Bent SpoonA spoon transfigured from a quill, used to lure a niffler that had escaped from the CoMC enclosure. Bent by Alec Tricity, but kept as a memento from the adventure.
Harakeke BagA bag woven from flax during a Wild Patch Club event in third year.



Lysander and his sister have to return home early from an incident at their muggle daycare, and draw pictures as they wait for their father to finish work.
With Brodie Summers, Aeon Summers & Eleanora Summers
New Zealand

Lysander enters in an owlet naming competition at Eeylops.
With Preston Paine, Rhianne Clivey, Nixon Mercury, Alexis Kramer, Reisha Messier, Corrine Lagos, & Rose Holland
Eeylops Owl Emporium

Painting in the park for underaged witches and wizards.
With Maude Stone, Eleanora Summers, Spencer Havishmen, Levi Forrest Jr, Sophie Elliston, Jasper Night, Gabriella Rosemary, Hattie Thorne, Thomas Parish & Quentin Burdock
Tākarokaro Park
Eeylops hosts a race in the lead up to the Minister Election. Lysander attends to support the owlet he named.
With Preston Paine, Aspen Faye & Leda Layton
Eeylop's Owl Emporium

Lysander has many, many ideas for prank items, although he is not eligible for the competition at Gambol & Japes. Naturally, he cheats the system.
With Amy Ward, Sapphire Michaels, Gideon Zelinsky, Lizzie Taylor, Scarlet Frost, Flavio Morales, Thomas Parish, Hayley Eldridge & Aurora Night
Gambol & Jape's
After noticing the owl he named in a competition has yet to be sold, Lysander decides to buy his fated friend.
With Aeon Summers & Preston Pain
Eeylops Owl Emporium
Once again, Lysander sets his eyes on a new competition, this time with the benefits of eating plenty of ice-cream.
With Eleanora Summers, Spencer Havishmen & Georgiana Night
Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

Playing With The PuppiesPuppies bring new friends together.With Alexei KozlovThe Magical Menagerie
To The MagizooLysander is off on a trip to the Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary, and makes some new friends along the way.With Tres Bear II, Alexei Kozlov & Wendall LaytonAotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary
Swingset SolitudeWhile out at the park with his owl, Lysander runs into some new wizarding children, and gets a soaking surprise.With Elizabeth Fletcher, Scott Baker, Seraphina My & Alec TricityTākarokaro Park
From Fantasy To RealityAfter finding out that the entry he'd submitted into a prank item contest was officially made, Lysander takes a trip to Gambol & Japes to see his creation brought to life firsthand.With Amy WardGambol & Jape's



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Sorting Post
From the view in Brightstone Village, Hogwarts castle had always been an impressive landmark in the distance. Now that Lysander was here, up close and personal, it felt almost like an entirely different place to the one he'd spent so much time longingly gazing at. He could recognise the overall shape, mostly from the layout of the towers, but there were so many details he had missed, or just not paid enough attention to. Even with how much his father had told him about the school, or the pictures he'd shown, it all felt so new. By the time Lysander had stepped through the castle's looming doors, the tie around his neck had been slackened considerably, feeling too tight no matter how much the boy had loosened it. He wasn't used to dressing this way, his uniform felt a little uncomfortable on his skin in the way that new clothes could, even after the lengthy train ride from the station to adjust. The cloak he enjoyed however, using his arms to spread the fabric out in such a way that it caught every breeze and fluttered behind him like a superhero's cape. Heck yeah, he could get used to that.
Stepping into the Great Hall, his hands comfortably clasped in his sister's out of sheer excitement, Lysander gazed around in awe. There were hundreds of other magical kids there, some he thought he could recognise from his time spent playing around in the village or attending any of the Pigtrotters events. He could make out Alistair's head over at the Slytherin table, but his lycanthrope cousin wasn't looking his way for the boy to catch his attention, perhaps pointedly so. That was okay, instead, he turned his attention to the adults at the back of the hall, his eyes immediately spotting his father's face at the long table behind the podium. "Dad! Dad!" Lysander called out with a grin, taking a step forward and standing on his toes to wave at his father and get his attention. It was so cool to finally see him at work, and the thought that he'd get to see him every day blossomed a warm feeling in his heart. "Ellie, look, it's Dad! Hey Dad!" Sander his sister's hand in case she had somehow magically missed the fact their father was at the back of the room, despite all of his shouting. The boy didn't stop waving until his dad waved back, before finally lowering his hand and dropping back onto his heels. "This is going to be so cool." He whispered loudly to his sister and their best friend, with a particular look to the latter of the two to make sure he was okay. A crowd like this wasn't one he thought Spencer was used to, but he let him know he was there with a quick little thumbs up. Lysander was glad he didn't have to do this alone, like some of the kids around them were. Having Ellie and Spencer at his side, and a few other familiar faces - Wendell, whose fall down the side of the train platform still left Sander chuckling, and Elizabeth and Scott, all people he'd met before coming here made him feel that much more confident about the whole event. There were definitely more than a few nervous faces in the crowd, but Lysander felt like there was nothing to fear. This was fun, it was new, and it was exciting. He'd finally be able to learn to brew his own potions like Dallas, to fly a proper broom like Kida, and cast his own spells instead of relying on his parents or the adults in his life. He could finally start to do things himself, and for him, that was amazing.
The Headmistress started to speak, but Lysander's attention couldn't help but drift up toward the ceiling, taking in the magically projected sky that shimmered above them. He didn't often gaze at the sky on a regular day, it was all the same darkness and stars, but this sky was enchanting. "I want that in my bedroom. Do you think our dads can do that?" He whispered again to Eleanora. He'd heard about one of his fathers using magic to make it look like he had written in the stars, but Lysander didn't know if he could make an entire sky. He hoped so. It would be a long time before he'd be in his own bed again, a thought he tried not to focus on, but when he was back he wanted to fall asleep under some magical moving stars instead of his plain old ceiling. The boy glanced back down, realising the Headmistress had stopped speaking and he'd totally missed out on all of the important information she'd had to give. Oh well. He could probably catch up on any important details later. Instead, he listened as she began to call off names, and instinctively gave his sister's hand another squeeze. It was happening. It was all happening. He had thought there would be more talking, but already the talking hat was being lowered onto the head of the first student.
For the duration of the ceremony, Lysander played a whispered game with Ellie and Spencer of guessing what house the people in the crowd around him would be sorted into, yet even with all the assumptions about where the other kids would go, Lysander couldn't figure out where he'd end up. There was a lot of Gryffindor in the family - Aeon, Kida, Dallas. From what he knew it was one of the most fun houses to be in, an opinion that was probably biased, but he didn't know that. But Brodie, one of his father's, had been a Slytherin, and so had Alistair and Esme. They were total opposite houses, and from what he had heard, Slytherin wasn't full of the nicest of people. But he loved his father and didn't think he was anything close to being a nasty person, and Merlin, one of the famous wizards from his chocolate frog collection had been a Slytherin, and he was one of the greatest wizards of all time, which was exactly what Lysander wanted to be. It was difficult to guess, and he was itching to get it over with and find out.
Spencer was off first, and Lysander gave his best friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder, as if to say, you've got this. Wendell was next up, in his classic clumsy fashion, and Lysander clapped loudly after the boy's trip up the stairs. "Yeah, Wendell!" He whooped, ceasing his applause to listen out for the sorting hat's judgement. It sucked having a surname closer to the end of the alphabet than the front, and before too long Lysander was tired of waiting for his turn. A part of him wanted to just go out ahead of whoever was called next, and with how hesitant some of the other kids were, he'd have had ample time to, but he kept a hold of Ellie's hand and tapped his foot impatiently. The next person went up ahead, and as they sat down, Sander was struck by a sudden realisation. "Is that old lady our dad's mum?" He mumbled to his sister, pointing out the headmistress with his free hand. He didn't know a lot about the woman, since his father didn't like to talk about her, he was sure she was the same one he'd met once or twice in the past. Now that he was actually paying attention to her and not everything else in the Great Hall, she did look incredibly familiar.
As Ellie was called up, Lysander reluctantly let her hand go, and watched her take her turn under the hat. He was just as eager to find out where she would be placed as much as he wanted to know where he'd go. Would they be together? Separated? He didn't know what that would be like, to be in a completely different house to his sister, but their dad had told them they'd still see each other every day no matter what, so it didn't sound too bad. Still, he held a hope that they'd stick together.
"Summers, Lysander."
Lysander practically threw himself forward before the headmistress had finished calling his name, almost knocking another kid out of his way in his enthusiasm. This was it. His time to shine. He strode confidently up to the front of the hall, beaming at his father as he made his way even closer. It was a shame that both of his parents couldn't be there to witness his big moment, but one was better than none. He gave his dad another wave, to make sure he was paying all of his attention to him, and reached the top of the steps. His eyes shifted to the headmistress, a stupid smile on his face as he waited to see if she'd acknowledge who he was, or recognise him in some way. Instead, she nodded towards the stool with the smallest of smiles, and with an inaudible huff under his breath, Sander turned and sat down, feeling the weight of the sorting hat settle over his head. It was bigger than he had expected. Big, and full of secrets. Probably. Hellooo? The boy thought loudly. Apparently the hat was telepathic on top of being able to talk, so that was cool. Are you the same hat that Harry Potter wore? Did Merlin wear you too? The thought that tons of the famous witches and wizards from his chocolate frog card collection had worn this same exact hat, and had this same special moment as Lysander was exciting. He was going to be just like them one day, he hoped, and this was the start of that journey.
"Hello to you too. Now let me see here. A healthy sense of adventure, competitive to a fault, a fair amount of recklessness. You must be a... GRYFFINDOR!"
Year 34
Semester One
Thoughts and FigurinesDeciding to spend his galleons on toys instead of school supplies, Lysander slips into Dervish and Bange's, but gets caught up in watching figurines of his famous relatives playing a mock Quidditch match.With Ilija OlafDervish and Bange's
Mind The GapWhile waiting for the Hogwarts Expres to depart, Lysander witnesses one of his friends slip into the platform gap.With Wendall Layton, Adelaide Honeysett & Chase WarrickThe Hogwarts Express
The Sorting CeremonyIt's the most important time of the year, and Lysander joins the other soon-to-be first-years in waiting to be placed into a House.With Professor Katherine Alicastell, The Sorting Hat & Y34 First YearsThe Great Hall
Gryffindor House MeetingFollowing the Start of Year Feast, Lysander joins the rest of his new housemates for a meeting in the common room, and is startled to find the Headmistress in attendance.With Professor Katherine Alicastell & Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Daring, Nerve, and ChivalryLysander comes across a girl bouncing on the couches in their common room, and is eager to join in to take his mind off of lonely thoughts.With Emma van Houten, Alec Tricity & Emmeline OswaldGryffindor Common Room
Return To SenderIn an effort to take more than one of his pets along to Hogwarts, Lysander decides to send a letter to himself before leaving home, and goes to meet his avian friend in the Owlery.With Karim SafirThe Owlery
Y34 Gryfindor TryoutsLysander attends the Gryffindor Tryouts in the hopes he's allowed to spectate, and take a few pointers along the way.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Siblings Who Break Rules Together, Stay TogetherAfter receiving a note from his sister, Lysander sneaks out to meet her for a night of exploring the Forbidden Forest.With Eleanora SummersThe Forbidden Forest
First Year Castle ToursLysander joins in on a tour group for new students to learn their way around the castle.With Kauri Tipene, Alice Holland, Alec Tricity & Poppy PerkinsEntrance Hall
Y34 Club FairLysander and his pals scope out the Club Fair to see what they can join.With Kauri Tipene, Wendall Layton, Eleanora Summers, Ilija Olaf & Norton GillespieThe Courtyard
Transfiguration 1:1Unhappy that his sister is learning Transfiguration a whole semester before him, Lysander sneaks off to join her class instead of waiting.With Professor Aeon Summers, Hufflepuff First Years & Ravenclaw First YearsTransfiguration Classroom
Bake SaleWith baked goods on sale, Lysander runs off to get some coins from his father, and buys more than he probably should.With Chante AtearaEntrance Hall
Fresh Paint, Old IdeasLysander intends to recreate some of the pranks he'd heard his father pull as a child, but his search for some paint turns into a sudden horror.With Alec TricityConglomerated Arts Room
One Of Those DaysAfter losing his rat, Lysander chases after it to find it terrorisng an older boy.With Jatin TiwariFifth Floor Corridor
Expecto FurtronusDressed head to toe in a puppy dog fursuit, Lysander attends the Halloween Feast and learns how difficult life is with paws.With Daintree Vaskelvold, Kara Munn & Eleanora SummersHalloween Feast
Take TwoAlec comes to Lysanders door with a potion she stole from class.With Alec TricityGryffindor First Year Boys Dorm
Search For The YorishiroA heck ton of students go to the forest for different reasons, and Lysander joins a group on a search for the oldest tree in the forest.With Saori Aikawa, Rowan Baros, Ilija Olaf, Elio Zephyr, Elsie Baros, Agnieszka Norgaard, Corey Edogawa, Felicita Raven, Artemisa Raven, Caspian Lavish, Olivia Woodlock, Zennon Baros, Pippa Majors, Maggie Rosendale & Professor Misha HadenThe Forbidden Forest
Future EffortsWanting a chance to see some of Hogwarts magical creatures, Lysander visits the CoMC class, and runs into an older boy and the professor.With Zennon Baros & Professor Aspen FayeCare of Magical Creatures Class
Pick Flowers And Put Them TogetherA wild patch club event, where students pick and arrange bouquets of flowers.With Wild Patch ClubThe Wild Patch
Gryffindor Quidditch PracticeNow that he's made the team, Lysander enjoys an opportunity to practice with all of his new teammates.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Brotherhood Welcome MeetingAn introduction to the Brotherhood, where Lysander gets to meet and learn about the other boys in the club.With Brotherhood Club MembersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
Summer Water PartyWhile practicing spells by the lake with Alistair, Lysander runs into some older students who have turned a part of the lawn into a waterslide.With Mervyn Strangewayes, Leda Layton, Zennon Baros, Alistair Lancaster, Wendall Layton, Fleur van Houten, Iris van Houten, Jenna Jusantrea, Sapphire Michaels, Onyx Michaels, Oona Macaulay & Adelaide HoneysettThe Great Lawn
Butterfly EffectLysander attends the Yule Ball, and immediately wants to try to gather up the magical snow.With Alec Tricity, Emma van Houten, Oona Macaulay & Artemisa RavenThe Yule Ball
Shatter, Splinter or SnapHome for the holidays, Lysander visits the Frosts to practice some Quidditch with his cousin, until a loud noise distracts them from their game.With Leonidas FrostBrightstone Village
Hooting HourEeylops holds a get-together for owl owners, and Lysander attends with Fuzzfeathers.With Gracie Williams, Rose Holland, Ernie Wilder & Zelda WighamEeylops Owl Emporium
Kindred-With Zennon Baros & Kasim SafirThe Magical Menagerie
Follow You Into The Dark-With Scarlet FrostBleak Street

Semester Two
Movie Nights-With Wendall Layton, Alexei Kozlov & Professor Mitchell NorthMuggle Studies Classroom
Broomsticks-With Daintree VaskevoldThe Quidditch Pitch
Water You Doing Today?-With Poppy PerkinsThe Lakefront
Slytherin vs Gryffindor-With Reeve Buchanan, Slytherin Quidditch Team & Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Red For RowanOff-the-books rose deliveryWith Rowan BarosGryffindor Common Room
A Rose For You-With Chloe ChanGryffindor House Table
Valentines Is A Hoot-With Freya SongThe Valentine's Dance
Brotherhood Trivia Night-With Brotherhood Club MembersBrotherhood of MAGIC
Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw-With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Ravenclaw Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Party Like A Pride Of Lions-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Planting A Wiggentree-With Student Defence Association Members & Wild Patch Club MembersThe Wild Patch
Frog Friends-With Elio ZephyrThe Lakefront
Skate-Brooming-With Tres Bear IIThe Great Lawn
Camping Out-With Alexei Kozlov & Wendall LaytonThe Great Lawn
LGBTQ Pride 2050-With EveryoneThe Great Hall
Y34 End Of Year Feast-With Professor Katherine Alicastell, Sydney Townsend, Eric Holland & Nova ValtoriaThe Great Hall



Semester One

Semester Two






Yule Ball




Halloween Most Ridiculous

Gryffindor Top Point Earner



Wendall Layton
We should do another movie night!
Alec Tricity
Thanks for the Yuleball!
Emma van Houten
I think you're great. Next year we'll get enough snow




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Year 35
Semester One
On Thin Ice-With Emma van HoutenObsidian Harbor
First Solstice Soiree-With Zelda Wigham, Waldo Wigham, Ernie Wilder, Professor Aeon Summers & Professor Elvera Le FeyNew Zealand
Rid Of The Monsters Inside Your Head-With Wendall Layton, Leda Layton, Olive Layton, Amortentia Layton & Mervyn StrangewayesNew Zealand
Perfect Pet-With Nicole FiskThe Magical Menagerie
Mind The Gap #2-With Wendall LaytonNew Zealand Express
Y35 Gryffindor House Meeting-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Welcome Back Rugby Game-With Daintree Vaskevold, Eric Holland, Solomon Tofilau, Noel Waldgrave, Kasim Safir, Sophie Elliston, Amy Jewel & Wendall LaytonThe Great Lawn
Y35 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts-With Gryffindor HouseThe Quidditch Pitch
Y35 Club Fair-With Wendall Layton, Abian Hunter & Tres Bear IIThe Great Hall
Not Fair-With Emma van HoutenGryffindor Common Room
Gryffindor Practice-With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Following Suit-With Nicole FiskGryffindor House Table
Brotherhood Snowball Fight-With Brotherhood Club MembersThe Great Lawn
A Test Of Courage-With Wendall Layton, Emma van Houten, Solomon Tofilau, Eric Holland & Zennon BarosThe Dungeons
The Stands-With Wendall Layton, Ajaccio SkeyThe Stands
Pen Pals-With Einar HainesThe Owlery
Also Friends-With Ajaccio SkeyThe Lakefront
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor-With Hufflepuff Quidditch Team & Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
A Nugget Of Food-With Wendall LaytonThe Kitchens
Gardens In The Spring-With Wild Patch ClubThe Wild Patch
SDA Dueling Practice-With Student Defence AssociationThe Dueling Chamber
Search For The Lost Niffler-With Alec Tricity, Willow Cullen & Alexis KramerThe Courtyard
Return Of The Lost Niffler-With Willow Cullen & Professor Madlyn AtearaProfessor Ateara's Office
Sign Language 101-With Mhairi Olaf, Jacob Kingsley & Jenna JusantreaThe Abandoned Classroom
Scared Moment-With Jenna JusantreaAntiquated Lavatory
Mandrake Mourning-With Kasim SafirThe Hogwarts Garden
Just Friends-With Nicole Fisk & Emma van HoutenThe Yule Ball
A Little Light Reading-With Wendall LaytonFlourish & Blotts
Fangs A Lot-With Hortensia AbernathyTākarokaro Park

Semester Two
The Stands-With Emma van HoutenThe Stands
Summer Lakeside Party-With Brotherhood & Heta Omega MembersThe Lakefront
Gryffindor Practice Part Two-With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Pretty In Pink-With Diana HollandThe Dungeons
Mervyns Got Some Lurvin'-With Mervyn StrangewayesGryffindor House Table
A Splash Of Pink-With Chrysander KasterThe Student Lounge
Flowers Are Like Friends, They Bring Colour To Your World-With Rowan Baros & The Golden EelThe Lakefront
Sunshine Yellow-With Poppy PerkinsThe Lakefront
Yellow Rose For Friendship-With Jenna JusantreaThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Valentine For Vader-With Vader HumeEntrance Hall
Yellow For A Friend-With Nicole FiskThe First Floor Corridor
Hot On The Trail-With Ryan FiskThe North Tower
The Earth Laughs In Flowers-With Noelle MaxwellProfessor Summer's Office
Golden Petals-With Connor HollandThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Two For Toubia-With Joshua ToubiaHogwarts Monthly
Yellow For A Leader-With Analei LouwHufflepuff House Table
A Different Method Of Location-With Lauren DavenportThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Lucky Last-With Aisa HunterGryffindor Common Room
Sneakers > Heels-With Chloe Thompson & Emma van HoutenThe Valentine's Dance
Gnomes; Begone-With Wild Patch ClubThe Wild Patch
Y35 Electives Fair-With Professor Madlyn AtearaThe Courtyard
Gryffindor vs Slytherin-With Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Slytherin Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Quidditch 101-With Emma van Houten & Ajaccio SkeyThe Quidditch Pitch
Creating A Connection-With Iris van HoutenAvie's Rock
Y35 Gryffindor House Meeting-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Wolves In The News-With Leda Layton, Wendall Layton, Linden Cullen, Willow Cullen & Chante AtearaHufflepuff House Table
Y35 Pride Event-With Ajaccio Skey, Wendall Layton & Vader HumeThe Great Hall
Y35 Dueling Match #1-With Wendall LaytonThe Dueling Chamber
Y35 Duelling Match #26-With Ajaccio SkeyThe Dueling Chamber
Slug Vomiting, Not Fun-With Ajaccio SkeyHospital Wing
Beginning Of A Bad Idea-With Kasim SafirGambol & Japes
The Stands-With Nicole Fisk & Noel WalgraveThe Stands
Bounce!-With Emma van HoutenGryffindor Common Room
Mission Improbable-With Kasim SafirHerbology Greenhouse
It's Not All Over-With Leda Layton & Wendall LaytonThe Graduation Ceremony
Y35 End Of Year Feast-With Professor Katherine Alicastell and Hogwarts StudentsThe Great Hall



Semester One

Semester Two






Yule Ball





Second Year Duelling Champion



Alexei Kozlov
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wendall Layton
I'm so glad you're my best friend, I'm not sure what I would do without you. I look forward to lots and lots and lots more film and game time with you, and you should know that if you want to ever talk to anyone about anything too, that of course I am here for you.
Ajaccio Skey
Happy Valentines Day
Elio Zephyr
Frog Boy!

Maybe one of your animals likes to eat plants? Feel free to test this theory but don't forget to invite me to watch.

Happy Valentines
Mhairi Olaf
To the Knight of the Flowers,

Excellent job defending the roses from the gnomes! They wouldn't be as beautiful without your help ♡
Alec Tricity
Ur a butt...

..Butt I miss u
Emma van Houten
Willow Cullen
Hey Champion Niffler Catcher
Thanks for letting me join your quest. And thanks for having my back in Quidditch
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Year 36
Semester One
Finally 13 YearsIt's the Jusantrea twins thirteenth birthday, and everyone gets together to celebrate with some bowlingWith Jenna Jusantrea, Thomas Jusantrea, Danae Jusantrea, Wendall Layton, Nicole Fisk, Chloe Thompson, Daintree Vaskevold, Tres Bear II, Emma van Houten & Iris van HoutenNew Zealand
Third Time LuckyWendall gets caught in the door as the train departs, leaving the two to play gobstones in between carriages.With Wendall LaytonThe New Zealand Express
Y36 Start Of Year FeastWith the start of the new year comes a new surprise, in the form of a poltergeist. Slime and chaos ensues.With Professor Katherine Alicastell, Hogwarts Students & VexThe Great Hall
Bounce?Lysander wants to make the most of the new trampoline, and comes across an unfamiliar face.With Flynn KasterGryffindor Common Room
Y36 Gryffindor House MeetingAfter all the chaos of the first night, the Gryffindor meeting is pushed forward a day.With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Make Our Own FunTo pass the time during the Gryffindor curfew, Lysander decides to toast marshmallows by the fireplace.With Hildegard de Valeriane, Harper Alston, Skylar Anderson & Ronald LazaraoGryffindor Common Room
Extra Quidditch PracticeWith try-outs coming up, students get some extra practice in, and Lysander attends to support a friend.With Professor Grace Holland, Alec Tricity & Emma van HoutenThe Quidditch Pitch
Y36 Gryffindor Quidditch TryoutsThe Gryffindors try their luck at making the Quidditch team.With Gryffindor HouseThe Quidditch Pitch
Here Comes The EndJacob keeps Sierra and Lysander behind after practice to break some important news.With Jacob Kingsley & Sierra WoodlockThe Quidditch Pitch
Finding FairiesLysander proves to Jenna that fairies are real, while she admits her feelings for Wendall.With Jenna JusantreaThe Hogwarts Garden
Welcome Back Rugby Game: Part TwoIt's Greys vs Whites in an all-new rugby match.With Daintree Vaskevold, Eric Holland, Flynn North, Lois Redfront & Emmy CooperThe Great Lawn
Gryffindor Practice GameGryffindor has a practice game to prepare for the upcoming matches.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Worm CharmingLysander comes across a group of kids practicing some unusual traditions.With Ryan Fisk, Augustus Westwick & Poppy PerkinsThe Great Lawn
Lurking Down BelowLysander and Chloe talk about the monster in the lake.With Chloe ThompsonThe Lakefront
Does This Work On Eyebrows?During the Brightstone Weekend, Lysander takes a trip to the joke store to buy a gift for a friend.With Solomon TofilauGambol & Jape's
Spin The BottleSome students get together for a game of spin the bottle, and Lysander gets his first kiss.With Solomon Tofilau, Emma van Houten, Lars van Houten, Wendall Layton, Ajaccio Skey, Jenna Jusantrea, Flynn Kaster & Nicole FiskThe Abandoned Classroom
Victim Of A BeastAfter sharing a first kiss, Lysander and Flynn decide to go to Halloween as a couple. In costume only.With Flynn KasterThe Halloween Feast
WPC The Great Bee SwarmingThe Wild Patch Club host an event to assemble hives for the garden bees.With Wild Patch MembersThe Wild Patch
Y36 Brotherhood MeetingThe Brotherhood boys get together and toss a ball around to learn more about each other.With Brotherhood MembersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
Gryffindor vs RavenclawGryffindor plays against Ravenclaw in a Quidditch match.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Ravenclaw Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Party In The Common RoomComing away victorious from their match against Ravenclaw, Gryffindor celebrates.With Gryffindor HouseThe Gryffindor Common Room
Y36 Sign LanguageWith Mhairi graduated, her brother continues to lead the classes on sign language.With Ilija Olaf, Wendall Layton, Chloe Thompson, Ajaccio Skey & Jenna JusanteaThe Abandoned Classroom
SDA Ask An AurorThe Student Defence Associaton invites two aurors to the school to answer questions about their careers.With James Cade, Maya DeNiro & Student Defence Association MembersThe Great Hall
Chocolate FrogJenna and Lysander sit down at lunch and trade cards.With Jenna JusantreaHufflepuff House Table
Practice PointsSolomon hasn't found a date to the Yule Ball. Lysander points him in the right(?) direction.With Solomon Tofilau & Emma van HoutenThe Quidditch Pitch
Cautious ObserverLysander and Iris are invested in Emma and Sully's yule ball date. With Iris van HoutenThe Yule Ball
Future PlansIt's the holidays, and Lysander catches up with his older cousin.With Leonidas FrostTākarokaro Park
Watching The AnimalsIt has been a while since Lysander was able to visit the sanctuary. He runs into a familiar face while watching the animals.With Fleur van HoutenAotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary
You Can't Replace A FriendLinden comes to the Menagerie to look for a new animal companion, and Lysander lends a hand.With Linden CullenThe Magical Menagerie
Sweets With A FriendJenna and Lysander scour Honeydukes for some sweets.With Jenna JusantreaHoneydukes
Pet PalKasim can talk to snakes, and Lysander wants to learn.With Kasim SafirThe Magical Menagerie
Boys And DogsThe boys get together with their dogs for a hangout in the park.With Alexei Kozlov & Linden CullenTākarokaro Park

Semester Two
Sharing Is CaringChloe intends to share her candy with others. Lysander has other ideas.With Chloe Thompson & Lumio SkeyGryffindor Common Room
The School Loch Ness MonsterLysander goes back down to the lake to find more signs of the lake monster, and finds he is not the only one searching for evidence.With Vader HumeThe Lakefront
Finding MerfolkLysander and Jenna encounter a mermaid at the lake.With Jenna Jusantrea & SandyThe Lakefront
ImpactA bird injures its wing, and Lysander and Connor take care of it.With Connor HollandThe Wild Patch
Growing InterestAfter discussing the use of a chameleon comb on eyebrows, Sander and Sully decide to comb through books for spell ideas.With Solomon TofilauThe Library
Y36 Duelling Match #4Lysander competes against Juniper in the first round of duels.With Juniper ZumwaltThe Duelling Chamber
Y36 Duelling Match #17Victorious in his first duel, Lysander takes on the second round against Tobe-MaeWith Tobe-Mae EllisThe Duelling Chamber
Y36 Duelling Match #23With another victory under his belt, Lysander faces off against his final opponent and friend.With Ajaccio SkeyThe Duelling Chamber
Gryffindor Practice #3The Gryffindor Quidditch team gets some practice in before their upcoming match.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Surprise For SierraLysander delivers a rose to Sierra.With Sierra WoodlockGryffindor House Table
Pink For NoelLysander delivers a rose to Noel.With Noel WaldgraveGryffindor House Table
Yellow Means FriendshipChloe delivers a rose to Lysander.With Chloe ThompsonGryffindor House Table
Friendships With A LionSamantha delivers a rose to Lysander, and Lysander responds with a rose for Samantha.With Samantha JacobsGryffindor House Table
Yellow For JaricaLysander delivers a rose to Jarica.With Jarica AshleyGryffindor Common Room
A Valentines Treat For YouEstella delivers a rose to Lysander, while he works on new ideas for rose-delivering.With Estella FuentesThe Student Lounge
Hey There DelilahLysander delivers a rose to Delilah.With Delilah ThorneThe Dungeons
Yellow BumblebeeLillith delivers a rose to Lysander while he's practicing Quidditch.With Lillith MontgomeryThe Quidditch Pitch
New SightsIt's the night of the Valentines Dance. Lysander doesn't have a date, but finds one in an unfamiliar ghost.With Catherine BarringtonThe Valentines Dance
Slytherin vs GryffindorGryffindor and Slytherin compete for the Quidditch cup.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Slytherin Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Maybe We Didn't Think This ThroughAfter a crushing defeat against Slytherin, Lysander returns to the team's changerooms and comes across two fans younger students.With Blake Lodge & Skylar AndersonThe Quidditch Pitch
Wild Patch Raranga HarakekeThe Wild Patch's event of the semester is some raranga harakeke, and Lysander partakes to weave himself a flax basket.With Wild Patch MembersThe Wild Patch
Practicing ParseltongueWith Kas having allegedly taught Lysander how to say "hello" in parseltongue, he tries to put his newfound language to use, only to find the snake refuses to respond.With Kasim SafirThe Great Lawn
World Of My OwnHanging out at the lake as usual, Lysander spots a friend hunting in the water.With Poppy PerkinsThe Lakefront
Bludger DodgeballIt's dodgeball. With bludgers. It's bludger dodgeball.With Solomon Tofilau, Nikko Blackwood, Theodore Hoshino, Ajaccio Skey & Blake IronsThe Dungeons
Finding Hogwarts SecretsJenna wants to search the castle for its secrets, and Lysander certainly can't say no.With Jenna JusantreaThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Hair-py BirthdayAjax's birthday has arrived, and Lysander has a present.With Ajaccio SkeyThe Courtyard
Hunting Or Hunted?Lysander has always wanted to find the centaur community in the forest, and decides to traverse it with his best friend.With Wendall LaytonThe Forbidden Forest
Trial And ErrorAfter doing some research on spells, Sully and Lysander decide to go ahead and try to invent their own.With Solomon TofilauThe Duelling Chamber
Flying High AboveLysander and Chloe continue their pursuit of the lake monster's identity, and decide to use their brooms to fly over the water in their search.With Chloe ThompsonThe Lakefront
Y36 Gryffindor House MeetingThe Gryffindors have a meeting to celebrate their (likely) house cup victory.With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
SDA Award PresentationThere's another party, this time to present awards to the duelling champions, and announce the new leaders of the SDA. Lysander gets an award.With Student Defence Association MembersStudent's Defence Association
Brotherhood School Is Over PartyYet another party, this time to celebrate the end of the exams and the school semester.With Brotherhood Club MembersThe Brotherhood Of Magic
End Of Year FeastThe year ends with the usual feast.With Hogwarts StudentsThe Great Hall



Semester One
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grades
Ancient RunesOutstanding-----OutstandingA
DaDaOutstandingOutstandingOutstandingOutstandingOutstanding-Exceeds ExpectationsO

Semester Two
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grade
DivinationOutstandingOutstanding---OutstandingExceeds ExpectationsEE
History of Magic----OutstandingOutstandingAcceptableA






Yule Ball




Third Year Duelling Champion



Linden Cullen
Happy Valentines Lysander
Thanks for helping me pick out Flaggermus. Thanks for being such a great friend. Good luck in Quidditch. I will be cheering for you and Willow from the stands.
From Linden
Ajaccio Skey
Happy Valentines day!
Emma van Houten
Thanks for being the BEST best friend ever.
Willow Cullen
To My Pro Niffler Catcher
Congratulations on making co-captain next year Lysander. You and Sierra will rock the team. You are a great beater too. I am glad that despite the age difference being teammates let us be friends. and I am so glad you get on well with my brother.

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Year 37
Semester One

Almost Missing The TrainLysander can't find Wendall, and ends up catching up with other friends about their respective holidays.With Ajaccio Skey, Poppy Perkins, Connor Holland & Kasim SafirHogwarts Express
Y37 Start Of Year FeastIt's the start of a new year, and Vex naturally ruins the feast.With Hogwarts Students & VexThe Great Hall
Y37 Gryffindor Quidditch TryoutsThe tryouts for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team are up and running, this time with Lysander in charge.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
DecisionsAfter hosting the tryouts, Sierra and Lysander get together to decide on who makes the cut for the new team.With Sierra WoodlockThe Quidditch Pitch
Foggy ViewsLysander doesn't want to study Transfiguration, and Iris is struggling with Divination.With Iris van HoutenThe Student Lounge
Say Hello To KiaraJenna introduces Lysander to someone she knows.With Jenna Jusantrea & Kiara WoodSixth Floor Corridor
Y37 Gryffindor PracticeThe Gryffindor Quidditch Team starts their first practice of the semester.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
A Matter Of TasteA study session turns into a game of kiss/mary/kill.With Solomon Tofilau & Aisa HunterThe Student Lounge
Brotherhood Welcome MeetingThe Brotherhood welcomes members back.With Brotherhood Club MembersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
Y37 S1 House MeetingProfessor Kingsley holds a meeting with the Gryffindors.With Professor Cyndi Kingsley & Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Target PracticeLysander runs into Connor while practicing on the pitch.With Connor HollandThe Quidditch Pitch
The StandsLysander spectates a match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin.With Emma van Houten & Kasim SafirThe Stands
Unforeseen ConsequencesHalloween has arrived at Hogwarts, and not everyone's costume is practical.With Poppy Perkins & Emma van HoutenThe Halloween Feast
SDA Spell DemonstrationsThe SDA have gathered to demonstrate some spells. Lysander lands himself on the receiving end.With Student Defence Association Club MembersThe Student Defence Association
Ravenclaw vs GryffindorGryffindor faces off against Ravenclaw in Quidditch.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Ravenclaw Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Gryffindor Victory PartyGryffindor celebrate their victory against Ravenclaw with some exploding lemonade.With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Student Lounge Sofa RallySome students get together to magically race their sofas. With Solomon Tofilau, Emma van Houten, Harper Alston, Michael Newton & Juniper ZumwaltThe Student Lounge
Yule Ball Dance LessonsHogwarts offers dance lessons to those attending the Yule Ball.With Juniper ZumwaltThe Great Hall
Hogwarts MonthlyThe latest issue of the Hoghwarts Monthly is out, and is fraught with bias.With Solomon Tofilau & Chloe ThompsonThe Great Hall
Dates And DancesLysander puts his new dance moves to the test with his Yule date.With Connor HollandThe Yule Ball

Semester Two
Y37 Gryffindor Practice S2The semester kicks off with another Gryffindor practice, and Lysander is feeling the pressure of losing his co-captain.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Y37 S2 House MeetingAnother house meeting takes place, this time with the introduction of a story-based game.With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Dueling Match #8Lysander faces off against Juniper in the duelling tournament, intent on keeping his title as Champion.With Juniper ZumwaltThe Duelling Chamber
Post-Duel RecoveryLysander deals with the sluggish aftermath of his duel against Juniper, and the harsher reality of losing.With Alexei Kozlov & Ajaccio SkeyThe Hospital Wing
Owl By OwlselvesWithout a date to take to the Valentine's Dance, Lysander defaults back to his avian best friend.With Fuzzfeathers & Ryan FiskThe Valentine's Dance
Leaving A MarkLysander catches Eric graffitiing the stands.With Eric HollandThe Quidditch Pitch
Picking A SideIn the middle of a study session, the fourth years are forced to pick sides in the war between Nicole and Connor.With Nicole Fisk, Connor Holland, Poppy Perkins, Iris van Houten, Emma van Houten, Kasim Safir & Freya SongThe Library
Chomping CabbagesThe Wild Patch gathers to interact with some chomping cabbages.With Wild Patch Club MembersThe Wild Patch
Searching In BetweenLysander and Chloe finally decide to take the deep dive beneath the lake's surface to search for the eel that lives there.With Chloe Thompson & The Golden EelThe Lakefront
Gryffindor vs SlytherinGryffindor faces off against Slytherin for the cup, and Gryffindor is down its best seeker.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Slytherin Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Brotherhood Memory WallThe Brotherhood starts up a wall of memories for its members.With Brotherhood Club MembersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
How Are Ya?Lysander and Jenna catch up.With Jenna JusantreaThe Courtyard
Y37 End Of Year FeastFourth-year comes to an end.With Hogwarts StudentsThe Great Hall



Semester One

GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grades
History of Magic----OutstandingOutstandingExceeds ExpectationsA

Semester Two

GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grade
Muggle Studies-----OutstandingOutstandingA






Yule Ball

Last edited:





Year 38
Semester One
Clash Of The ChampionsJuniper taunts Lysander about his duelling losses.With Juniper ZumwaltObsidian Harbor
Permanent FixtureKas and Lysander are always freeloading around the Menagerie. Aeon decides to put them to work.With Kasim Safir & Professor Aeon SummersMagical Menagerie
Dancing QueenDuring one of Lysander's first shifts at work, he helps a student pick out a dancing flower.With Amaryllis ThorneMagical Menagerie
A Feline FriendLysander helps a customer pick out a cat.With Roslaie QuinnMagical Menagerie
Mākutu 30th Birthday ReadingsThe Mākutu Mall celebrates its 30th birthday, and Lysander goes to get a reading from his favourite Divination professor.With Professor Elvera Le FeyMākutu Mall
Mākutu Dinette's Decorate Your Cupcake CompetitionDuring the mall's birthday celebrations, Lysander and Emma enter in the dinette's cupcake decorating competition.With Emma van Houten & Elizabeth WespurtMākutu Dinette
New ThreadsLysander's earning his own money, and decides to spend it on a new wardrobe.With Zelda WighamVibez
Y38 Gryffindor Quidditch Try-outsLysander oversees the try-outs for Gryffindor's Quidditch team.With Gryffindor HouseThe Quidditch Pitch
Y38 Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S1With his team selected, Lysander kicks the semester off with a Quidditch practice.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Gryffindor vs SlytherinGryffindor start their season facing off against Slytherin.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Slytherin Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
No 'I' In TeamFollowing Emma's rule-breaking in their previous match, Lysander has to discipline his teammate. Or, at least pretend to.With Emma van HoutenThe Quidditch Pitch
Runes HomeworkLysander spots Selene giving rune readings for her class, and sits down to see what the stones have to say.With Selene Le FeyThe Hogwarts Garden
Y38 Brotherhood Welcome MeetingThe Brotherhood welcomes its members back with a group hangout.With Brotherhood Club MembersBrotherhood of MAGIC
WPC Meeting: Hordes of HorklumpsHorklumps have infested the Wild Patch, and its members get together to clear them out.With Wild Patch Club MembersThe Wild Patch
Helping With HorklumpsLysander approaches the substitute COMC professor to ask if he can care for one of the horklumps she's relocating for the Wild Patch.With Professor Briar Rowan-CullenThe Forbidden Forest
SDA: Practice Your ReflexesThe Student Defence Association gathers its members to practice training their reflexes against spells. Lysander decides to pair up with Sydney Townsend.With Student Defence Association Club MembersStudent Defence Association
Broom SurfingLysander and a younger Gryffindor practice surfing brooms.With Salem LeeThe Great Lawn
Revealing The MemoriesWild Patch members old and new meet to dig up a ten year old time capsule.With Wild Patch Club Members and Wild Patch AlumniTākarokaro Park
Ice Cream ChaosLysander and Linden head out for some ice-cream on their work break, and find that the place is packed.With Linden Cullen, Charlie Helkovaara & Irene HollandFlorean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

Semester Two
Gryffindor Half-PracticeUnable to book the pitch in time, Lysander leads the team with a much shorter practice ahead of their next match.With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Gryffindor vs HufflepuffGryffindor faces off against Hufflepuff in another Quidditch match.With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Hufflepuff Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
The Right Place For SadnessLysander is feeling down after his teams losses in Quidditch. Luckily for him, his best friend is there to cheer him up.With Emma van HoutenThe Lakefront
A Rosey FlagAdorah delivers Lysander a rose.With Adorah ZumwaltThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Soaring, FlyingKiara delivers Lysander a rose while he's practicing for Quidditch, and turns it into a therapy session.With Kiara WoodThe Quidditch Pitch
Yellow For Lysander SummersPascal delivers Lysander a rose before he's had a chance to finish practice.With Pascal MonsantoThe Quidditch Pitch
Yellow For The Team CaptainLysander is stopped in the corridor once again, when Samantha delivers him another rose.With Samantha JacobsThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Another Yellow For The Team CaptainLysander barely gets a few steps away from his last rose delivery, before someone else stops him for a delivery.With Oscar DaviesThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Gryffindor Yellow RoseLysander barely accepts his previous delivery before a third person in the corridor stops him for a delivery.With Eustace RossThe Seventh Floor Corridor
The Last Yellow RoseLysander's lunch gets interrupted by the seventh rose of the day.With Elizabeth SterlingGryffindor House Table
Dread RosesLysander heads to the Duelling Chamber for some practice, and finds his rival dropping a rose.With Juniper ZumwaltThe Duelling Chamber
Y38 Duelling Match #11Lysander faces off against Juniper to reclaim the title of Champion.With Professor Matt Alcott-Ward & Juniper ZumwaltThe Duelling Chamber
Victors CelebrationJuniper hosts a party for the duelling champions after taking the title for another year. Lysander sabotages it.With Juniper Zumwalt, Sydney Townsend, Leia Hume, Elara Chatelain, Flynn North & Blake IronsThe Duelling Chamber
Going Out With A BangJasper and Sully turn the Entrance Hall staircase into a slide. Lysander goes for a ride.With Jasper Night, Solomon Tofilau, Ryan Fisk & Salem LeeEntrance Hall
Line Of SuccessionElliott passes his crown to Lysander. Lysander comes up with title ideas.With Elliot BriarThe Wild Patch
WPC: WeatherproofingThe Wild Patch prepares the garden for the Winter cold.With Wild Patch Club MembersThe Wild Patch
Hogwarts Monthly Y38 Semester 2The latest Hogwarts Monthly article is out, and includes a tutorial for cartwheels.With Hogwarts StudentsThe Great Hall
Y38 Yearbook Is OutThe yearbook has been released, and students flock to pick up a copy. With Ajaccio Skey & Kasim SafirEntrance Hall
A Garden KingdomLysander enjoys the feeling of being crowned the new King of Flowers.With Kiara WoodThe Wild Patch



Semester One
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grades

Semester Two
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grade
History of MagicOutstandingOutstanding-OutstandingOutstandingOutstandingOutstandingO








Most Likely To Be Eaten By The Eel



Knox Ivers
Thanks for being a great captain!
- Knox
Kasim Safir
My holidays are a lot less boring now, so thanks.
- Kas
Jenna Jusantrea
Happy Valentine's Day!
- Jenna
Solomon Tofilau
For the best captain and spell testing dummy.
- Sully
Chloe Thompson
I know it probably hasn't been easy, but you're doing great as captain.
- Chloë
Ajaccio Skey
Happy Valentine's Day!
- Ajax
Linden Cullen
Hey, Sander (and Hopsprocket, Fuzzfeathers, and Rembrandt)
You are a great mate. Thanks for putting up with the random fourth year, not that you have much choice sometimes, especially at work. We need more dog playdates. Have a great Palentines Day
- Lin
Emma van Houten
Last edited:





Year 39
Semester One
A Little Bit UnusualA customer in need of assistance.With Julia BlackThe Magical Menagerie
Y39 Back To School Owl Adoption DayEeylops hosts an owl adoption day, and Lysander brings Fuzzfeathers.With Ernie WilderEeylops Owl Emporium
Off-HoursLysander runs into Connor during their breaks from work.With Connor HollandTākarokaro Park
A Foot In Both CampsLysander takes two friends on a small camping trip, with the hopes that everyone will manage to get along.With Emma van Houten & Kasim SafirNew Zealand
Y39 Start of Year Feast-With Hogwarts StudentsGreat Hall
Y39 S1 House Meeting-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Y39 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts-With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Y39 Club Fair-With Hogwarts StudentsThe Courtyard
Y39 Prefects Meeting-With Hogwarts PrefectsPrefects Common Room
Y39 Gryffindor Practice S1-With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Many Hands, Light Work-With Kasim Safir & Professor Joseph BurleighProfessor Burleigh's Office
Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw-With Reeve Buchanan, Gryffindor Quidditch Team & Ravenclaw Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Gryffindor Victory Party-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Speed Dating: Lysander's Table-With Theia Carnahan, Linden Cullen, Ryan Fisk, Aisa Hunter & Michael NewtonMadam Puddifoot's
A Little Reflection-With Poppy Perkins, Kiara Wood, Augustus Westwick & Arthurian TaylorThe Great Hall
New School, New People-With Sebastian KaneThe Quidditch Pitch
WPC Meeting - Build Your Own Garden-With Wild Patch Club The Wild Patch
SDA Meeting - Defensive Devices-With Student Defence Association The Duelling Chambers
Loss Of A Friend-With Alexei KozlovAbandoned Classroom
Hop Along-With Isaiah Thompson, Solomon Tofilau, Aisa Hunter, Natalia Novak & Estella FuentesThe Student Lounge
On My Own-With Casper BeckettGreat Hall

Semester Two
Phoenix Scouts Holiday Camp-With Kauri Tipene, Hester MacGillivrey & Poppy PerkinsNew Zealand
Mind Games-With Freya SongObsidian Harbor
Y39 Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S2-With Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
Crossing A Line-With Sydney TownsendThe Duelling Chamber
Meeting Up-With Casper BeckettThe Wild Patch
Y39 S2 House Meeting-With Gryffindor HouseGryffindor Common Room
Totally Not A Date-With Casper BeckettGreat Hall
Y39 Duelling Match #14-With Juniper ZumwaltThe Duelling Chamber
Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor-With Reeve Buchanan, Hufflepuff Quidditch Team & Gryffindor Quidditch TeamThe Quidditch Pitch
WPC/CAC Project - Garden Kingdom-With Wild Patch & Conglomerated Arts MembersThe Wild Patch
Hiding Away-With Casper BeckettHogwarts Garden
Now You See It-With Kasim SafirCare of Magical Creatures Paddock
Lifes A Beach-With Solomon Tofilau, Rosemarie Chatwin, Michael Newton, Aisa Hunter & Salem LeeGreat Hall



Semester One
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grades
History of MagicOutstanding-OutstandingOutstandingOutstandingOutstandingOutstandingO

Semester Two
GradesLesson OneLesson TwoLesson ThreeLesson FourLesson FiveLesson SixExamFinal Grade





Yule Ball



Best Quidditch Player

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