- Messages
- 2,356
- OOC First Name
- Jesse
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
- Age
- June 20 2038 (24)

Lysander Calvin Summers
'Lysander', of Greek origin meaning 'liberator' or 'one who is freed'
'Summers', ancient Anglo-Saxon surname meaning 'son of Summer'.
June 20th 2038
St Mungo's, New Zealand
Obsidian Harbor, New Zealand
Too Young To Care
Pigtrotters Dayschool for Wizarding Children
Hogwarts New Zealand

Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
11 ½ InchesA fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Made of Maple, the wandwood of the adventurous, the wand will expect to never settle for one place or one thing for very long.
Ashwinder Dust
As a core, the remnants of an Ashwinder are rumoured to create wands that are particularly skilled with fire-making magic, and dealing with matters of the heart. They are said to be useful for those interested in Care of Magical Creatures, but like the creature this core comes from, the lifespan of their charm work may occasionally be short-lived.
A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
Lysander loves his wand, and had to promise his cousin to take the best care of it before he would sell it to him. The maple wood is fitting for his own sense of adventure, and he always makes sure to take it everywhere with him to avoid it getting bored. He's worried that if he doesn't move it around often enough, it might fly off on its own and find someone else to have adventures with. The fire-related wand core also parallels his sisters water-based core. At first, Lysander was disappointed they didn't share a core, but has since come around to thinking their direct opposition is pretty cool. The fact the wand resembles an owl is also a major plus.

Tom Holland
A dark, wavy brown.
Dark green
Fair, but lightly tanned during the Summer given his outdoorsy habits
Athletic. Lysander spends a lot of time being physically active, between running, swimming and his role as beater in Quidditch.
Average for his age
Though not particularly prominent, Lysander has a couple of tiny scars dotting his hands from all of the nicks, bites and scratches he's received while playing with or tending to the various animals in his father's menagerie.
Lysander is typically seen wearing plain t-shirts and shorts, or long pants rolled up to his knees. Over the course of the day his clothes tend to gather dirt and grass stains from his time spent at the lake or in the gardens. When it's colder, he tends to don a cloak over the top of his basic attire but treats it more like a cape than something with the purpose of staying warm.

Colours | Shades of green, especially the more earthy tones, as they remind him of his aunts greenhouse |
Number | Lysander does not currently have a favourite number |
Food | Fizzing Whizbees. Only for the levitation effect rather than the taste |
Businesses | Magical Menagerie & Gambol & Japes |
Literature | The Tales of Beedle The Bard The Little Snitch That Could |
Season | Autumn, since that's when all of the leaves fall, and they're fun to jump around in. |
Subjects | Transfiguration, Herbology |
Magical Creature | Billywigs. Their stings might hurt, but the levitation that comes after is worth chasing them around for. |
Scent | His aunt's greenhouse and bubbling cauldrons. |

Lysander's main goal in life is to become some kind of famous hero, someone who will be remembered in history books and chocolate frog cards, so he tries his best to be someone considered heroic and likeable by the people he interacts with. He highly enjoys attention, though can get a bit big-headed about his accomplishments, relishing in any opportunity to bring them up or talk about them for praise and validation. There comes a certain thrill for engaging in dangerous situations and "adventures", as they're experiences that will help him become more well-known, and make his life feel more exciting. He fears leading a dull and unfulfilled life, as the people in his life are all successful and interesting in their own right. He has a lot of family expectations to live up to or succeed, competing with famous Quidditch players and accomplished witches and wizards, so there's a drive to go above and beyond to have his own recognition. He's very competitive as a result, over sometimes even the smallest of things.
While his grades are good, Lysander is not the brightest student, and gets by with a lot of help, or luck. He excels in more practical subjects, while straggling in subjects more heavy on theory and lectures. Subjects such as Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions are ones he finds the easier to stay on top of, as he is more of a kinesthetic learner and recalls through experience doing something, rather than reading or hearing. History of Magic or Ancient Runes on the other hand, he has an issue keeping up with.
Creatively, Lysander is highly imaginative and has a lot of vivid ideas, but his ability to actually create is another thing entirely. Lysander doesn't have the patience to learn and hone artistic skills.
Lysander is something of a hoarder when it comes to possessions, though he refers to it as "collecting". What started as a need to complete his chocolate frog card collection soon became a need to hold onto everything he has, just in case. He will argue that almost all of his possessions have sentimental value, or some important memory attached to them, as an excuse not to throw anything out.
As only a young child, Lysander has yet to conjure a patronus. He assumes it is a dog, because of his father's animagus form, but he can't know for sure. Part of him hopes its a dragon so that he can impress everyone, or some other equally magical and magnificent beast.
Lysander's boggart is being forgotten or ignored by the people whose attention and validation he seeks the most.
Lysander's reflection in the mirror is one of a much older and charming version of himself, posing in front of camera flashes as he holds up a chocolate frog card depicting himself, awarded to him for one heroic and valiant deed or another.
Lysander is too young to have any significant regrets.

Pigtrotters Day-School for Wizarding Children - 2046-2049
Hogwarts New Zealand - 2049-Present
Student Defence Association
The Wild Patch
Brotherhood of Magic
Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Charms | DaDa | Transfiguration | History of Magic | Potions | Herbology |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
Astronomy | Divination | Arithmancy | Ancient Runes | Muggle Studies | CoMC |
- | - | - | - | - | - |

Eeylops Owlet Naming Competition Winner - 2045
Gambol & Japes Competition Winner - 2046
Florean Fortescue Summer Event Second Place Winner - 2046
Made the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a first-year - 2049
Most Ridiculous in the Halloween Costume Competition Winner - 2049
Top Point Earner for Gryffindor - 2050
Second Year Duelling Champion - 2051
Third Year Duelling Champion - 2052
Made Co-Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team - 2052

Pureblood. Despite this, the concept of blood purity is a foreign one to Lysander, who was never taught about it while growing up. He is barely aware of his own blood status, more-so knowing that his background is predominantly magical instead of specifically "pure".
Lysander's father has O- blood, while his biological mother is A+. Due to the dominant alleles in his mother's blood type over his father's recessive alleles, Lysander's genetics take after his mother's blood type.
Lysander isn't aware of any specific allergies he may have, though he does know that so far, he has no reactions to animals, a fact he's grateful for given how much time he spends in the Magical Menagerie playing with all of its many pets.
Multiple cases of billywig sting treatment.

Lars van Houten, during a game of spin the bottle in third year, made awkward by the fact Lar's sister was one of Lysander's best friends, and present to witness it. However, his second-ever kiss came only a few minutes later in the same game, with Flynn Kaster.
Fuzzfeathers, an owl Lysander named during a competition at Eeylops while it was still only an owlet, and eventually bought himself after it had grown. The owl is particularly aggressive toward strangers, even occasionally nipping Lysander on the fingers when even mildly annoyed, which seems to be quite often, but Lysander believes they are fated friends due to how often the two would cross paths prior to him purchasing the bird.
Rembrandt, who unlike regular rats comes from a special breed in the Magical Menagerie, which are often seen playing jump-rope with their tails. He is curious and intelligent, with a pickiness over his preferred quality of cheeses.
Hopsprocket, a green frog Lysander befriended at the Hogwarts lake. He feeds it dead bugs he finds around the castle, and made a makeshift bog-in-a-bucket for it to sleep in.
Torcelain, a porcelain shelled tortoise who used to be a teapot. Lysander brought her to life during a transfiguration lesson in second year, and kept her the way she was because he couldn't bear making her inanimate again. She occasionally spouts steam, and doesn't do much else.

Broderick William Summers (née Fudge) Relation: Biological FatherBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: Magical Mechanic for Enchanted Vehicles Notes: - "My dad takes me for rides on his flying motorcycle. It's better than flying brooms!" | Aeon Seralius Summers Relation: Non-Biological FatherBlood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Transfiguration Professor, Magical Menagerie Proprietor Notes: Animagus "Dad can turn into a dog! One day I'm going to be an animagus just like him! text text text text text text text text text text text text text |
Dallas Rose Paterson Relation: Surrogate Mother, "Aunt"Blood Status: Pureblood Occupation: Herbologist Notes: - "Auntie Dallas lets me help her brew potions. I can't do much, but it's fun to try some of them out afterwards." | Eleanora Miriam Summers Relation: SisterBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: - Notes: - "My sister can be annoying sometimes, but she's one of my best friends." text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text |
Katherine Jade Alicastell Relation: Non-Biological GrandmotherBlood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Hogwarts Headmistress, Wizengamot Interrogator Notes: - "I don't know much about my grandmother. Dad doesn't like to talk about her, but he says that if I'm too bad, she'll send me to Azkaban." | Mikhail Zhorah Matthias Relation: Non-Biological GrandfatherBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: Former Deputy Minister, Wizengamot Interrogator Notes: - "I don't know much about my grandfather either, except that he was almost the Minister of Magic! Dad seems to like him." text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text |
Kida Evangeline Frost Relation: Non-Biological Second-Cousin, "Aunt"Blood Status: Muggle-born Occupation: Tuscan Charmers Captain Notes: Wolf Animagus "My aunt is famous! She's an animagus and a beater for a team in Italy, and is in charge of her whole team! I've got her chocolate frog card AND her action figure." | Sern Atheon Summers Relation: Non-Biological UncleBlood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: St Mungos Patient Notes: - "My uncle is strange. He doesn't talk much, and I never really get to see him. I hear he's got through some really rough stuff and hasn't been the same since." text text text text text text text text |
Scarlet Frost Relation: Non-Biological CousinBlood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Tuscan Charmers Beater Notes: - "Like my aunt, my cousin is a famous Quidditch player! She was the youngest beater on a team ever. I'm still trying to collect her chocolate frog card." | Alistair Lancaster Relation: Non-Biological CousinBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: HNZ Student Notes: Werewolf "It's a secret that I'm not supposed to tell anybody, but my cousin is a werewolf. Everyone else seems to think it's scary, but I think its kind of cool. It's like being an animagus!" |
Esme Lancaster Relation: Non-Biological CousinBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: Naming Seer, Necromancer Notes: Seer "Esme isn't very nice, and a lot of people think she's cursed. Sometimes she's okay, and she even uses her Seer powers to read my future for me." | Emmett Lancaster Relation: Non-Biological CousinBlood Status: Pureblood Occupation: Wandlorist, Ollivanders Employee Notes: - "Emmett can be scary. He has a metal hand and reminds me of a pirate, but he always has a bowtruckle on his shoulder instead of a parrot. When I can finally get a wand, he says he'll sell it to me. I think I'd prefer someone else did." |

Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Magical Glitter Bomb | Covers every surface in a medium-sized room with glitter. |
![]() | Dungbombs | A magical stink bomb that gives off a putrid odour. |
![]() | Untieable Shoelaces | No matter how often you tie these, they'll always magically untie themselves. |
![]() | Fanged Frisbee | Similar to a Muggle frisbee, but has teeth and makes snarling noises. |
![]() | Stink Pellets | Small green pellets capable of producing a foul odour. |
![]() | Frogspawn Soap | Unleashes an army of frogs when wet. |
![]() | Extendable Ears | A handy item to hear a conversation you're not supposed to hear! Can slide easily under doors. |
![]() | Canary Creams | Briefly transfigures the user into a giant canary, before moulting back to normal moments later. |
![]() | Screaming Yo-yo | A magical toy that shrieks when a person plays with it. |
![]() | Billywig Stinger | A wind-up toy Billywig that spins into the air when it is released and flies around zapping anyone nearby with little electric shocks. |
![]() | Exploding Snap | A wizarding card game in which the cards spontaneously explode. |
![]() | Gobstones | A pouch full of colourful marbles that expel a putrid slime. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Plain Work Robes | Typical everyday Hogwarts attire. |
![]() | Black Pointed Hat | Typical everyday Hogwarts attire. |
![]() | Dragonhide Gloves | Sturdy and resilient. |
![]() | Spectrespecs | A pair pf psychedelic spectacles from Dervish & Banges. |
![]() | Heta Omega Bracelet | A bracelet from the Heta Omega booth during the Y34 Fair. |
![]() | Hex-deflecting tie | A tie from the Student Defense Association booth during the Y34 Fair. Charmed to deflect minor hexes, though its magic is waning. |
![]() | Smithsonian Flight Jacket | A jacket Lysander took back from the Smithsonian Museum during a History of Magic excursion in first-year. |
![]() | Mandrake Earmuffs | Earmuffs from Herbology in second year, to prevent mandrake cries. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Tales of Beedle the Bard | |
![]() | The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 | This copy is particularly singed, after Lysander ignited it during a Charms lesson. |
![]() | The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 | |
![]() | A History of Magic | |
![]() | Magical Theory | |
![]() | A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration | |
![]() | One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi | |
![]() | Magical Drafts and Potions | |
![]() | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | |
![]() | The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection | |
![]() | Mandrake Journal | A journal given out during Herbology in second-year, detailing the growth stages of Owen, Lysander's mandrake. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Fuzzfeathers | A young owl Lysander named as an owlet during the Eeylops naming competition. Fuzzfeathers also competed in the candidate owl race. |
![]() | Rembrandt | Unlike regular rats, Rembrandt comes from a special breed in the Magical Menagerie, which are often seen playing jump-rope with their tails. |
![]() | Hopsprocket | A green frog from the Hogwarts lake. |
![]() | Torcelain | A floral shelled tortoise, formerly a teapot, that Lysander transfigured and kept in second year. Occasionally blows out steam. |
![]() | Pudding | A puffskein that technically belongs to Lysander's sister, that he's all but commandeered for himself. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Cauldron (Pewter, Standard Size 2) | |
![]() | Glass Phials | |
![]() | Telescope | |
![]() | Brass Scales | |
![]() | Stack of Parchment | |
![]() | Ink & Quill Set |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Lord Stoddard Withers | 1672-1769 Breeder of flying horses. |
![]() | Gulliver Pokeby | 1750-1839 Expert on magical birds. First to identify meaning of Augurey song. |
![]() | Beaumont Majoribanks | 1742-1845 Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and magical flowers. Discovered Gillyweed. |
![]() | Tilly Toke | 1903-1991 Gained Order of Merlin, First Class for saving non-magical lives during the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932, when a dragon swooped down on a beach full of sunbathers. |
![]() | Circe | 800 BC Ancient Greek Witch who lived on Island of Aeaea. Expert at turning lost sailors into pigs. |
![]() | Kida Frost | 2010- Captain of the Tuscan Charmers. Known for using her animagus ability to escape captivity from alleged Death Eaters. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Kida Frost | Captain and Beater for the Tuscan Charmers |
![]() | Scarlet Frost | Beater for the Tuscan Charmers, who's skills landed her on the team at just sixteen. years of age. |
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | Childhood Drawing | A picture Lysander drew of his family, featuring his dads, his sister, his aunt, a magical talking sunflower, and himself as an animagus flying a broom with the family house elf. |
![]() | Hogwarts Acceptance Letter | The Hogwarts Acceptance Letter that Lysander received upon turning eleven, including his ticket for the Hogwarts Express. |
![]() | Toy Broomstick | A toy broomstick Lysander was gifted at a young age, capable of floating only two feet above the ground. While he is too big to ride is now, Sander still uses it to get around in a similar fashion as a skateboard. |
![]() | Heat Orb | An orb that radiates heat in a close vicinity. It was Lysander's fathers while he was a child at Hogwarts, and is one of the items he took with him on his own journey to the school. |
![]() | Grace Holland's Autograph | An autograph from the former Quibberon Quafflepunchers player, obtained after Lysander's first flying class. |
![]() | Plastic Sword | A toy sword that Lysander says is totally just like Godric Gryffindors. |
![]() | Hooting Hour Pin | An enamel pin received in a gift bag during Eeylops' Hooting Hour event. |
![]() | Bent Spoon | A spoon transfigured from a quill, used to lure a niffler that had escaped from the CoMC enclosure. Bent by Alec Tricity, but kept as a memento from the adventure. |
![]() | Harakeke Bag | A bag woven from flax during a Wild Patch Club event in third year. |

Lysander and his sister have to return home early from an incident at their muggle daycare, and draw pictures as they wait for their father to finish work. | With Brodie Summers, Aeon Summers & Eleanora Summers | New Zealand |
Lysander enters in an owlet naming competition at Eeylops. | With Preston Paine, Rhianne Clivey, Nixon Mercury, Alexis Kramer, Reisha Messier, Corrine Lagos, & Rose Holland | Eeylops Owl Emporium |
Painting in the park for underaged witches and wizards. | With Maude Stone, Eleanora Summers, Spencer Havishmen, Levi Forrest Jr, Sophie Elliston, Jasper Night, Gabriella Rosemary, Hattie Thorne, Thomas Parish & Quentin Burdock | Tākarokaro Park | |
Eeylops hosts a race in the lead up to the Minister Election. Lysander attends to support the owlet he named. | With Preston Paine, Aspen Faye & Leda Layton | Eeylop's Owl Emporium |
Lysander has many, many ideas for prank items, although he is not eligible for the competition at Gambol & Japes. Naturally, he cheats the system. | With Amy Ward, Sapphire Michaels, Gideon Zelinsky, Lizzie Taylor, Scarlet Frost, Flavio Morales, Thomas Parish, Hayley Eldridge & Aurora Night | Gambol & Jape's | |
After noticing the owl he named in a competition has yet to be sold, Lysander decides to buy his fated friend. | With Aeon Summers & Preston Pain | Eeylops Owl Emporium | |
Once again, Lysander sets his eyes on a new competition, this time with the benefits of eating plenty of ice-cream. | With Eleanora Summers, Spencer Havishmen & Georgiana Night | Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour |
Playing With The Puppies | Puppies bring new friends together. | With Alexei Kozlov | The Magical Menagerie |
To The Magizoo | Lysander is off on a trip to the Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary, and makes some new friends along the way. | With Tres Bear II, Alexei Kozlov & Wendall Layton | Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary |
Swingset Solitude | While out at the park with his owl, Lysander runs into some new wizarding children, and gets a soaking surprise. | With Elizabeth Fletcher, Scott Baker, Seraphina My & Alec Tricity | Tākarokaro Park |
From Fantasy To Reality | After finding out that the entry he'd submitted into a prank item contest was officially made, Lysander takes a trip to Gambol & Japes to see his creation brought to life firsthand. | With Amy Ward | Gambol & Jape's |

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