Open Camping Out

Alexei Kozlov

Gryffinpuff 🐶 Twin ✨ 1/4 Veela 🌱 Asthmatic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Alexei was determine not to miss another quidditch game. He was so determine about not missing a game that he come up with a clever plan to camp out with Lysander and Wendall to be absolute sure he was the first at the stand cheering Hufflepuff on. If they didn't get caught camping out in the school's ground, it would work for them and it might work even more since Lysander will be a part of this plan. If they did get caught, Lysander might be able to get them out of trouble. His friend is the headmistress's grandson and his dad is one of Alexei's professor. Alexei believed Lysander may be able to get them out of trouble when trouble occurs, at least that's where his train of thoughts went. Alexei arrived with his dad's tent and set it up while he waited for Wendall and Lysander to come along. His dad had purchase the tent during his run for Ministry of Magic, it's where he slept in during the campaign trail. Since his dad lost, Alexei packed the tent with him in case of situations like these.

@Wendall Layton @Lysander Summers
Lysander loved watching the Quidditch matches, almost as much as he loved being able to play in them, so as soon as Alexei asked him if he wanted to camp out near the pitch with him he said yes. Gryffindor wasn't playing, so it was a match he didn't have to prepare for, and he was looking forward to watching the other houses compete. He'd brought a couple of snacks from the house-elves in the kitchens to keep their stomachs full until it was time to start., and a small pot of yellow face-paint to support Hufflepuff. Alexei and Wendall were both in puff, along with his sister, and as much as the boy loved Gryffindor, sometimes he wished he'd been put in the same house as the majority of his closest friends.

"Alexei!" Sander shouted as soon as he saw his friend on the grass. He waved from the top of a hill, and pointed to Wendell beside him whom he had made sure to find along the way, just to make sure his friend arrived in one piece and didn't break an arm or a leg on the uneven terrain. He'd only stumbled a couple of times in their journey. Sander was very proud. "Sick tent! Is it a muggle one or a magical one?" He asked when they reached him. Muggle tents were so small and cozy in kind of a cute way, but he hoped it wasn't the case with this one. They never had enough space for camping in when they were smaller on the inside.​
Even though he’d had a few strange looks from passers by, he was grateful that Lysander had kept a tight grip on him on route to the tent to meet Alexei, and he’d managed to arrive without hurting himself too much. Wendall was incredibly nervous for this game which only made things worse and his legs more unsteady which was not a desirable situation for the clumsy boy to be in. He wanted Hufflepuff to win of course, but with Leda in Slytherin it was hard to admit she needed to lose for that to happen. The first year followed his best friend toward the tent, grinning when he spotted his dormmate. Wendall never would have thought that a year ago, when he’d slipped in front of them both and covered himself in ice cream, that he’d end up here with them now, and he was always keen to show his friends his appreciation. “What’s the difference?” He asked the boys, unaware there was even something called a magical tent. The Hufflepuff slipped his heavy bag from his shoulder, the strap pulled over his head so that he could set it down, although in his excitement and haste he did so a little quickly, knocking one of the boys sharply on the hip, “Sorry,” he mumbled feebly, moving out the way.
Finished setting up the tent, Alexei turned around to see his friends were nearly arriving. The boy gave a friendly wave, a kind of wave people often did when they were saying goodbye to their loved ones when they were on a cruise ship. "You both made it just in time," Alexei called out, he was pretty excited to be camping with friends and to enjoy a quidditch game for once before it ended. That's been rather annoying, missing the games due to the little snitch getting caught all the time before the game can really take off. How can he report any of the games back home to his parents if he doesn't get a chance to experience watching them? That's why this idea came to him and it made perfect sense to make it happen. And he had his dad's tent, so why not? The Hufflepuff grinned at Lysander and Wendall, "It's a magic one, it's not too big but it's just right for us to be comfortable," Alexei paused at Wendall's question. While he tied up one of the flaps for the entrance, Wendall's bag caught him on the hip. "It's...alright," Alexei winced at the pain. "Just go right in, take a look for yourself," Alexei encouraged the muggleborn.
It was sometimes easy to forget that Wendall wasn't used to everything magical, in the same way Lysander was still learning all about the muggle world. This was going to be a fun new experience! "So much, just you wait. They're amazing." He said, ducking past Alexei and into the tent. He paused when Wendall managed to clip their friend, and poked his head back out. "You okay?" He asked, but Alexei seemed to be alright, so he shuffled back inside and dropped off his bag of supplies. Thank Merlin there was enough room. He needed the space for the facepaint kit if he wanted to keep it from making a mess. He found a comfortable spot and sat down, zipping open his bag and removing its contents. Before long he had a small paintbrush he'd dipped into a pot of yellow paint, and began generously drawing flowers on his cheeks. "Pretty amazing, huh?" The boy asked Wendall, curious to know how impressed he'd be. Lysander couldn't remember the first time he'd come across an extension charm, it had always been more or less the norm for him growing up. "Alexei, come get your face painted! We gotta support Hufflepuff." He continued to shout out to the other boy. He had no idea how to paint a badger, but he figured some stripes and shapes were all they needed.​
Wendall was glad that Alexei seemed to be alright. He hadn’t meant to hurt his friend and he was looking forward to the afternoon that being taken out with an injury would have just spoilt it. He followed Lysander through the flap in the tent, not quite sure what to expect from a magical tent, before looking up and gawping. Was that actually really or was he imagining it? “Woah..” he said in awe, taking a few steps further in to see if he would hit some kind of invisible wall. Nothing stopped him though, and he could keep walking for as much of the tent as he could see. “This could save so much space.” It was like something out of a science fiction movie. He was vaguely aware that there was some more face painting going on, and he was keen to get a badger on his face to support his house too, but he kept peering at the edges of the tent, wondering if whatever it was that was doing this would give itself away at some point. Muggle tents were boring.
Alexei nodded, giving the boys a thumbs up, "Yeah," he moved right in following them both inside. "This tent is actually my dad's. He bought it when he was running for the Ministry of Magic. He doesn't really like staying in hotels and inns, so he took the tent with him on the campaign trail," Alexei briefly explained. He not sure why he was telling his friends all this stuff, they probably wouldn't care that his dad was running for office. It's just sometimes he would get recognized, well, when he and his sister were younger. He's changed a lot over time since then. Them being recognized happens rarely these days, that's a good thing. "Space for what?" Alexei questioned Wendall, then plopped down right in front of Lysander with his legs crossed underneath him. "Okay! Paint me up!"
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