Open Going Out With a Bang

Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
This thread is sort of a spiritual successor to this old topic

OOCOut of Character:
This is a prank thread you can freely participate in once it's open for everyone. Please wait for Kris to post after me and then for me to post again before joining though! We need a bit of setup first.

Jasper had been living in anticipation for this moment for a few days. Sure, he should probably have been planning for a bit longer than that, but it had been difficult to come up with a good prank he could pull on a bunch of people at once. It had taken a surprising collaboration with Sully Tofilau, a guy he didn't even really like, to come up with a good idea. The Gryffindor worked at Gambol and Japes and had helped Jasper come up with the spell they could use to create some havoc, on the condition that he would be allowed to help out. Jasper had agreed and was now waiting for the younger boy to arrive. He had thought of something for Sully to do, as both spells that had to be cast had to be done by Jasper. He tried to look casual as he stood around the entrance hall, glancing at the staircase and the people going up and down.
Considering his job, Sully got to be privy to surprisingly less chaos than he would have thought. So when Jasper had walked into Gambol's, Sully had known immediately there was going to be something fun going down. He liked messing with Jasper a lot, but he'd agree to play nice on the condition that Jasper would let him take part in the anarchy before Jasper graduated.

"Man, more people should pull senior pranks, aye. What are they gonna do to you if we get caught?" He said with a grin, grabbing Jasper's shoulder and giving it a friendly shake. "You work out the spell then?" He added, lowering his voice some and glancing at some passing students in the hall. Sully had heard about the spell, but he hadn't been able to work out casting it himself, so he was keen to see everything in action. This was going to be so much more fun than fretting about exams.
Jasper pushed Sully's hand off his shoulder but gave him a smile. "I think so." He said quietly as well. "Here." He then said, pushing a camera into his hands. "You're in charge of getting good pictures." He said, then he grabbed his wand. Jasper took a deep breath, then quietly cast two spells. He started off by casting a cushioning charm on the floor underneath the staircase so no one would actually get hurt. Then he cast the spell that would turn the staircase into a slide. "Glisseo." He whispered, feeling a thrill when it actually worked. He couldn't help laughing as he watched the people who were simply going up and down the stairs suddenly slide down. Even though they all landed softly on the cushioned floor, there was immediate chaos.

OOCOut of Character:
You can react now!
Sully nodded, grinning when it was clear Jasper didn't want to waste any more time prepping. He took the camera Jasper pressed into his hands quizzically, but he had to laugh once Jasper explained. "Hell yeah, like the log flume ride and stuff," he said, though he had no idea if Jasper knew what that was. Did wizards have theme parks?

Sully situated himself a good spot near the staircase, whooping as Jasper cast the second spell, pulling the camera up quick to snap the first picture of the group of students sliding down, cackling the whole time.
Ryan liked to people watch from the first floor. People always seemed the most preoccupied when they were walking around the entrance hall, and it was a good high traffic area to just watch. He'd noticed an older student had been lurking near the main staircase for awhile, but after staring at him provided nothing particularly interesting, Ryan had gotten up to head downstairs for a better chance at snooping.

Apparently, he just needed to be more patient, since he was part way down the steps when the student revealed why he'd been standing there so long, charming the staircase before Ryan could register something was happening. The stairs suddenly dropped out under his feet and Ryan had a few moments of awkward flapping of his arms to try and keep his balance before his shoes began to slide, quickly followed by his feet slipping out from under him. Ryan had to admit, besides the surprise of it all happening so suddenly, it was pretty fun, especially as he hit the ground with a much softer landing then he'd expected.
The day had been pretty slow for Lysander. OWLs meant a lot of study, and less time for the usual, fun shenanigans. He'd planned to take some study material out to the lake and go over it in the sun - that was, in the spare moments where he wasn't checking the water for a new eel appearance. He lugged his bag of textbooks over his shoulder and made his way down the staircases. He noticed Sully hanging out with, eugh, Jasper, as he was rounding the corner to take the last set of stairs to the ground floor. He deliberately blanked the Slytherin, but raised his hand in a brief wave to his teammate. "Hey, Sull-EEEEEEEEEE!!" He shouted, his foot slipping on what had been the top step a second before, and was now a slippery slope. He surfed it halfway down while managing to remain upright, until his shoe gripped a less-slippery portion and he was launched head over heels the rest of the way down, landing face-first in a surprisingly cushioned floor.​
Salem had been heading back from the hall when she heard a kerfluffle near the main staircase. She was mostly used to the sorts of surprises the school could offer these days, so she was excited when she saw something weird was apparently happening to the stairs. Their Quidditch captain had apparently found a cooler way to surf, sliding down the staircase for a moment before falling and Salem let out a gasp of surprise and amusement as he hit the ground at the foot of what had previously been a stairwell, but now looked more like a slide. "I wanna try going up!" She announced boldly, taking a running start and barely making it up a few metres before gravity took hold and Salem's sneakers squeaked uselessly on the smooth surface. "Aw beans." She tried throwing her hands down to both stop herself from falling and hopefully keep climbing, but they took just squeaked uselessly as she slowly but surely slid back down to the ground floor, landing somewhat anti-climatically back on the ground by Lysander and the Ravenclaw who'd fallen earlier.
Jasper started laughing loudly at the sight of the people sliding down the staircase. It was a hilarious sight and Jasper could only hope Sully was taking some good photos of it all. He grinned at the Gryffindor, his grin widening as he saw Lysander had been caught up in it as well. He held up his hand for a high five, surprisingly happy to have someone to share the moment with, even it it was someone as annoying as Sully.

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