Jasper Pebble Night

Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Straight (Nell))
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
Jasper Pebble Night


Planning is not my friend. Impulse is.

NAME: Jasper Pebble Night
Jasper: From Latin Gaspar, perhaps from the biblical Hebrew word גִּזְבָּר (gizbar) meaning "treasurer", derived from Persian ganzabara
Pebble: A small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand. His father chose this name to mock the Night family tradition of naming children after precious stones. Jasper is not a fan and never mentions his middle name.
Night: The name Night is Anglo-Saxon in origin. It was a name given to a knight, who was usually a feudal tenant deriving its origin from the Old English word cniht, which means knight.
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: December 2 2035
NATIONALITY: Citizen of New Zealand

ZODIAC SIGN:Sagittarius. Being a Sagittarius born on December 2nd, your straightforward and positive nature is paired nicely with a thirst for adventure. While others stick to things they know, you are most energized by what is new and yet to be experienced. You take any opportunity to find a new environment or people to interact with, which makes you exciting and appealing to others. Above all, your friends, family, peers and coworkers may appreciate your positive outlook, as they would be hard-pressed to recall a time where you didn't point out the bright side of things.
ELEMENT:Fire. Your sign's paired element is fire and as a Sagittarius, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable relationship to the element. It is fire's influence that makes you an effective communicator and as adaptable as an open flame. It is also fire that links to the passion and enthusiasm that burns inside of you. When you find a goal worth pursuing, your flame burns with purpose as you display great fortitude in meeting your goals. Fire's positive qualities can become amongst your greatest strengths if you avoid the traps of impatience and impulsiveness that you are susceptible to.
PLANET: Jupiter. The ruling planet of the Sagittarius is Jupiter and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double helping of Jupiter's mystical influence. Being the planet of transformation, Jupiter's influence is linked to your pursuit of truth and adventure, as well as your optimistic outlook. Your planetary influences makes you far more driven towards exploration and higher learning than the other Sagittarius Decans. At times, your appreciation of truth may lead you to be too honest and direct in your dealings with others. Although your positive and outgoing personality will always make you popular and appealing, avoid hurting others with statements that can be interpreted as blunt. In love, try to find a partner that shares in your love for adventure, as this will bring your great satisfaction.

EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
FAVORITE CLASS: Flying, Potions
LEAST FAVORITE CLASS: History of Magic, Charms
WAND: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust:
Wood: Coconut is a perfect wood for spells involving handy work and is brilliant for defensive magic
Core: Star dust adds an effect of mystery, and a mystical power to make powerful spells, even stronger.


PLAY BY: Callan Mcauliffe
HAIR: Blond and slightly curly when it gets long.
EYES: Brown.
BUILD: Short for his age, a little scrawny.
STYLE: Jasper's style is very casual and boyish. He barely cares about what he wears and at his current age mostly just wears whatever his dad buys him. He prefers bright colors, but doesn't tend to look too closely to make sure they all look good together.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Jasper often has a few bruises or scratches from getting into trouble.

PERSONALITY: Impulsive and chaotic are two words that describe Jasper perfectly. He's always been a very active child, often getting into things he wasn't supposed to. When he inevitably gets in trouble after doing something he didn't think through, Jasper always tries to figure out a way out. He's not above lying if he needs to, but often forgets to put a check on his imagination and make his stories realistic. Jasper isn't a very emphatic person, and often doesn't understand that other people might not like the things he likes. He unintentionally tormented his cousin Arkose at every family gathering by trying to get him to do things he didn't like to do. Jasper doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, and is often covered in mud and grass stains. He'll always be on the lookout for an adventure, and if it breaks the rules that's only more appealing to the boy. If he gets away with something, he can often be found bragging about it later (which has gotten him caught after the fact on more than one occasion).


The Debater personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Debaters don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun. No one loves the process of mental sparring more than Debaters, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points.

Knowledgeable Quick Thinkers Original Excellent Brainstormers Charismatic Energetic

Very Argumentative Insensitive Intolerant Can Find It Difficult to Focus Dislike Practical Matters

HISTORY: While the Night family is fairly large and traditional, Jasper grew up mostly with just his dad in a pretty nontraditional household. He still saw the rest of his family often growing up, and really looks up to his older cousin Rory. But out of his family, Jasper is closest to his dad. His mother died when he was five, and ever since then he's been living with his dad in an apartment. Jasper's father is a lot like his son, and loves to have fun. The two of them often made blanket forts in the living room and made a sport out of sock sliding over the wooden floors of his grandfather's house whenever they got the chance. Because of this, Jasper feels very close to his dad and secretly fears losing him very much. Even though he knew he would have to be away from his father for school, he was very excited to get his Hogwarts letter. It felt to Jasper like Rory had been going for ages, and Sophia was now going as well. It wasn't fair that he hadn't been allowed to join the fun! He had looked forward to going at the same time as his cousin Arkose, and was a little disappointed to find out he would be going to a different school. But Jasper is determined to make the most of his time at Hogwarts.
LIKES: Mud, bugs, being outdoors, running around, flying, prank items
DISLIKES: Rules, reading, being inside, being treated unfairly
GOALS: Jasper's goal is to be the best wizard ever, and also make the most friends at Hogwarts.
FEARS: Jasper tries really hard not to think about this, but he fears losing his dad the way he lost his mother.
STRENGTHS: Quick thinker, creative, social, funny
WEAKNESSES: Impulsive, reckless, impractical
MIRROR OF ERISED: His family complete, with his mother standing behind him.
BOGGART: His father dying.
PATRONUS: A chipmunk


Name: Flint Night
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Widower

Occupation: -
Name: Elissa Night - Adams
Relation: Mother

Age at death: 27
Passed away on: 2 March 2041
Cause of death: Accident
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Name: Aurora 'Rory' Night
Relation: Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single

Occupation: -
Former Hogwarts House:
Name: Sophia Night
Relation: Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single

Occupation: HNZ Student
Hogwarts House:
Name: Shale Night
Relation: Second Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single

Occupation: HNZ Student
Hogwarts House:















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before First Year
Many Stirrings Throughout the HouseWith Aurora Night, Sophia Night, Arkose Night and Gneiss NightNew Zealand
Pigtrotters Daycare: Art DayWith Maude Stone, Thomas Parish,
And various others
Tākarokaro Park
Youngsters DinningWith Cyzarine Haden and Mihail StyxMākutu Dinette
Lofty GoalsWith Deepa Pillai and Christian CadeBrightstone Village
Can't Hold UsWith Sierra Woodlock and Luna BlanchardTākarokaro Park

First Year


"My first year was awesome, like I knew it would be. I was sorted in the best house and immediately had a few cool adventures. I met so many people before Hogwarts and had a ton of friends when I started. There were some dumb people too, like the other Japser. But for the most part everyone was cool. Except Blake and Tyler, they really betrayed me and I'm never going to forgive them for that."

Jasper started his year full of confidence, and headed out into the forest on his first day with his friend Maddy. He also met other first years, and befriended quite a few of them. Jasper's focus this year was more on the social aspect of school than his lessons, which is reflected in his grades. He became part of the Brotherood of MAGIC and quite enjoyed the first meeting of the club. He was a little annoyed to discover two of his roommates had made the Quidditch team when he had thought first years couldn't even try out, but just resolved to try out next year. At the end of the year he got up to some mischief with Blake Irons and Tyler Lee, but the two other boys let him take the blame for it. Jasper is bitter about this, and intends to get back at them.
Jasper was practically bouncing up and down as he made his way into the great hall, accidentally bumping into the person in front of him in his haste to see what the hall looked like. He was a little sad about his cousin Arkose, who had decided to attend Hogwarts in Scotland instead. He would have liked to have someone here that he knew, but he also knew he woud make friends soon enough. He already recognized some people he had run into before school started, like Sierra. He scanned the house tables for his older cousins, grinning at them in turn when he noticed them. Then he looked at he hat as it started to sing. It wasn't a bad song, but in Jasper's opinion it was a bit long. He was starting to grow impatient, which only worsened when he realized they were being called in order of their last name. Why couldn't he have a last name with an A? He watched impatiently as other kids were called forward and sorted into the different houses, looking at each table carefully and wondering where he would end up. He nearly ran forward when he heard a 'Jasper' be called, only to realize it was some other Jasper. He watched the boy carefully, memorizing his face so he could talk to him later. He was interested in meeting someone else with his name though he also wanted to definitely be the better of the two Jaspers. It wasn't long until he heard his name called again, and this time it really was meant for him. Jasper strode towards the stool confidently, though he was starting to feel a little nervous as he sat down. "Hi." He murmured as the hat was lowered onto his head.

"Ooh, interesting...interesting. Your ambitions will truly be served in one house: Slytherin!"

Something SpectacularBuying his wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Weigh Me DownWith Chante AtearaFlourish and Blott's
The Greatest Adventure YetWith Madeline KaimaramaNew Zealand Express
Two Steps AheadWith Tyler Lee and Blake IronsSlytherin First Years Boys Dorm
I Could Use A MapWith Lauren DavenportThe Dungeons
Call of the WoodsWith Madeline Kaimarama and Professor Jodie WeddThe Forbidden Forest
Slytherpuff?With Lily LockwoodThe Great Lawn
What Snakes Eat for Breakfast
With Luna Blanchard
Slytherin House Table
Gone FishingWith Deepa Pillai and Sierra WoodlockThe Lakefront
Adding Some ExcitementWith Nell WrightThe Student Lounge
OwlsWith Sierra Woodlock and Jasper MichaelsGreat Hall
Lazy CostumeHalloween Feast
With Lauren Davenport and Cyzarine Haden
Great Hall
Brotherhood PJ PartyWith Brotherhood membersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
Tree ClimbingWith Lily LockwoodThe Lakefront
Do It For The Vine ContinuedWith Deepa Pillai and Sierra WoodlockThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Stuffy SuitYule Ball
With Violet Fields and Cyzarine Haden
Great Hall
Yellow Rose Delivery!Receiving a Rose
With Lily Lockwood
The Dungeons
First Rose DeliveryReceiving a Rose
With Sam Mackintosh
Slytherin House Table
Fish out of WaterValentine's Dance
With Nell Wright and Sierra Woodlock
Great Hall
Hitting The BooksWith Lily Lockwood and Elliot BriarThe Student Lounge

The Heart of a Snake
With Blake Irons and Tyler Lee
The First Floor Corridor
Adventure Time!With Sierra Woodlock, Madeline Kaimarama , Lauren Davenport,
And various others
The Forbidden Forest

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year History of MagicA
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year TransfigurationP
1st Year AstronomyA
1st Year HerbologyA
1st Year FlyingO
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.1 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 157
First Year Photos

Second Year


"Being on the Quidditch team is awesome! Even though it sucks that Blake is on it too. I'm only an alternate, but that won't be very long I bet! And we won with a bit of my help. That's pretty awesome! I also liked getting to meet a centaur in the woods, and I met some cool people this year."

Jasper was happy to return to Hogwarts for his second year, and didn't waste any time returning to the forest. He had two new cousins joining him at Hogwarts, but didn't pay them too much attention. They were both way too grumpy for his taste. He tried to get up to some mischief during the yule ball, but unfortunately got caught. During the year he grew closer to some of his classmates, including Jasper Michaels who he'd previously considered a rival. All in all, Jasper had a pretty good year. Beating Blake and Tyler at duelling was a cherry on top for him.
Stormy NightsWith Shale Night and Aegerine NightTākarokaro Park
Impatient for AdventureWith Aiden Briggs and AspenThe Forbidden Forest
Scared SkeletonHalloween Feast
With Lauren Davenport
Great Hall
For Future UseWith Hayley ElridgeGambol and Jape's
Free TimeWith Selene Le FeyThe North Tower
RivalryWith Jasper MichaelsGryffindor House Table
No Longer a ChildYule Ball
With Selene Le Fey
Great Hall
Y33 Wheelbarrow Race: The Race!With Aiden Briggs,
And various others
Great Lawn
Change of SceneryWith Lily LockwoodHufflepuff House Table
Just Here for the FoodValentine's Dance
With Jasper Michaels, Nell Wright, and Selene Le Fey
Great Hall
Yellow for BlueWith Alexis Kramer and Nell WrightRavenclaw House Table
Winging ItReceiving a rose
With Solomon Tofilau
The Great Lawn
Yellow for a friendReceiving a rose
With Leda Layton
Slytherin House Table
Yellow for the Green JasperReceiving a rose
With Zennon Baros
Slytherin House Table
Wait Up! Rose Incoming!Receiving a rose
With Cyzarine Haden
The Second Floor Corridor
Looking for a KnightReceiving a rose
With Tres Bear II
The Dungeons
Y33 Dueling Match #3Duelling tournament
With Cyzarine Haden
The Duelling Chamber
Y33 Dueling Match #16Duelling tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
Brotherhood Lego Party Y33With William Kaimarama,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Not to be FrogottenWith Solomon Tofilau,
And various others
Entrance Hall

Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsE
2nd Year History of MagicP
2nd Year CharmsE
2nd Year TransfigurationP
2nd Year AstronomyA
2nd Year HerbologyA
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 246
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"My third year was alright for the most part. I got to know a few new people, like Sydney and Lily's cousin Emily. I also got a new roommate, though I'm not sure what to make of him yet. The stuff with Sierra was confusing, especially combined with all the stuff with Lily afterwards. I think I liked her, but I kinda screwed it up. It's probably for the best to leave girl stuff alone for now. It's too complicated. I'm kind of sad I didn't win the duelling tournament again, especially because stupid Tyler won this year. Oh well, there's always next year."

Jasper's third year was a tumultuous one. At the start of the year, he took Lily into the forbidden forest, only to face her sister's wrath when she found out. Jasper got punched in the face by Lily's younger sister, something that dented his pride quite a bit. He also ended up kissing Sierra, which confused him a bit. Sierra is his friend, and Jasper doesn't have feelings for her, but she seemed to think that wasn't important. He had to admit that kissing wasn't bad, but he did end up pretty confused about it all. It didn't help that he developed a crush on his friend Lily soon after that. The two spent a lot of time together this year, and Jasper even sent her a pink rose. After the Valentine's dance, Jasper ended up kissing Lily, only to take it back immediately. It upset Lily a lot, and Jasper felt like he had no idea what he was doing. They managed to resolve it at the end of the year, but Jasper still feels a lot of regret about what happened.

Suitable InspirationWith Sydney TownsendGambol and Jape's
Show You the WayWith Lily Lockwood, Rose Lockwood, and Professor Angel CastilloThe Forbidden Forest
Spooky InquiriesWith Emily HastingsThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Bake Sale!With Chante Ateara,
And various others
Entrance Hall
HierarchyWith Baron Corelli and Tyler LeeSlytherin Third Years Boys Dorm
Kissing and TellingWith Sierra WoodlockThe Great Lawn
Scary StoriesWith Emily Hastings and Lily LockwoodThe Dungeons
No ResentmentWith Lily LockwoodThe Fifth Floor Corridor
To Dance AloneYule Ball
With Lily Lockwood
Great Hall
Prickly FlowerReceiving a Rose
With Rose Lockwood
Gryffindor House Table
Rose Delivery #2Receiving a Rose
With Tomas Wode
Slytherin House Table
Clown's RoseReceiving a Rose
With Cyzarine Haden
The Dungeons
What Roses and Lily have in common?Receiving a Rose
With Alexis Kramer
Slytherin House Table
Adventurer's RoseReceiving a Rose
With Elliot Briar
The Great Lawn
Good FriendshipsReceiving a Rose
With Chloe Chan
Slytherin House Table
Pink Rose for LilyWith Lily Lockwood and Thomas JusantreaHufflepuff House Table
Popularity MissionValentine's Dance
With Daintree Vaskevold, Emily Hastings, and Lily Lockwood
Great Hall
What If Its You?With Lily LockwoodThe North Tower
Y34 Duelling Match #4Duelling Tournament
With Sierra Woodlock
The Duelling Chamber
Y34 Duelling Match #18Duelling Tournament
With Aonghas Fergusson
The Duelling Chamber
Brotherhood Trivia Night!With Kauri Tipene,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
A Moment Lasts ForeverWith Jarica AshleyThe Lakefront
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Nell Wright, Selene Le Fey, and Ilija Olaf,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Y34 Semester Two: Slytherin Study EventWith William Kaimarama, Sydney Townsend,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Slytherin Quidditch Cup PartyWith Leda Layton, Nicole Fisk,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Last Minute ApologiesWith Lily LockwoodThe Great Lawn

Third Year Marks
3rd Year PotionsE
3rd Year History of MagicA
3rd Year CharmsE
3rd Year TransfigurationA
3rd Year Care of Magical CreaturesA
3rd Year HerbologyA
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.3 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 224
Third Year Photos

Fourth Year


"My fourth year was alright. I'm glad things are normal again with Lily, though I still feel a bit strange with her. I hope I can help her sister, she's actually pretty cool. Of course I'm glad I became an actual chaser this year, and I helped get our team to victory. I can't wait to do that again next year!"
Jasper's fourth year was relatively quiet. He became a bit closer to Jarica Ashley, a girl in the year below him. He spent more time with his other friends too, and was glad that things between him and Lily went back to being close to normal. He had fun dueling in the tournament, happy to beat Blake Irons in their match even if he was later defeated by Tyler in the next round. At the end of the year, Slytherin won the Quidditch cup even if they lost their match against Beauxbatons. Jasper was pretty said to say goodbye to the two captains, as he liked them both a lot. He hopes to help Slytherin win the cup again next year.
Keep Your Spirits UpWith Thomas Parish Brightstone Village
Y35 Slytherin House MeetingWith ~Professor Kalif Styx,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Soaking Your FeetWith Jasper MichaelsThe Lakefront
Walking on EggshellsWith Shale Night and Aegerine NightThe First Floor Corridor
Brotherhood Meeting: Snowball Fight!With Abian Hunter, Mordred Cavanaugh
And various others
The Great Lawn
Lazy but BrilliantHalloween Feast
With Jarica Ashley, Nell Wright, and Cyzarine Haden
Great Hall
Why Bother GoingHalloween Feast
With Aonghas Fergusson, Heliana Le Fey, and Lauren Davenport
Great Hall
Facing Old FearsWith Lillian LockwoodThe Quidditch Pitch
Summer Lakeside PartyWith Emilia Manning, Abian Hunter, Jacob Kingsley,
And various others
The Lakefront
Yellow For GreenReceiving a Rose
With Amethyst Michaels
Slytherin Common Room
I Won't Touch GroundReceiving a Rose
With Wendall Layton
The Great Lawn
Flying RoseReceiving a Rose
With Tiziano Edogawa and Jai Edogawa
The Quidditch Pitch
Night of DreamsValentine's Dance
With Jarica Ashley
Great Hall
Pricked by a ThornWith Rose LockwoodThe Dungeons
We've Come so FarWith Jarica AshleyThe First Floor Corridor
With a Splash and a BoomWith Sydney Townsend and TritonThe Lakefront
Birthday PartyWith Jarica Ashley, Aisa Hunter and Solomon TofilauConglomerated Arts Room
Y35 Duelling Match #7Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
Goodbye Quidditch PartyWith Liam Waldgrave, Leda Layton,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year PotionsA
4th Year History of MagicA
4th Year CharmsE
4th Year TransfigurationA
4th Year HerbologyE
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.2 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 203
Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"Fifth year was alright, bit busy. The OWLs are no joke, but I managed to get through it alright. It's a bit boring that everyone but me seems to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I hope my friends aren't going to forget about me. It's good that we won at Quidditch again, we're really the best team of the school."

Jasper tried his best to be social this school year, even though the OWLs were taking up a lot of his time. He reconnected with a few classmates, and also tried to speak to Lily's sister Rose a bit more and help her out making friends. Jasper asked Jarica Ashley to the Valentine's Dance, and the two went together and had a nice time. But nothing really came of it, and Jasper still has yet to date anyone. He feels a bit behind in that regard, and plans to find a girlfriend next year so he's not the only one who has never had a relationship.

Yellow Flicker BeatWith Sofia MikaelsonConglomerated Arts Room
The Jester and the TroublemakerWith Everly HarringtonThe Trophy Room
Friend FormulasWith Rosalind LockwoodThe First Floor Corridor
Spin the Bottle Y36With Solomon Tofilau, Tres Bear, Chloe Chan,
And various others
Abandoned Classroom
Dance The Night AwayHalloween Feast
With Cyzarine Haden
Great Hall
Y36 Brotherhood MeetingWith Abian Hunter,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
Ask an Auror - SDA S1 eventWith Willow Cullen, Analei Louw,
And various others
Great Hall
Trying Something NewYule Ball
With Everly Harrington and Ren Lockwood
Great Hall
Quiet CornerWith Nell WrightThe Library
Harmless PrankWith Harper AlstonThe Second Floor Corridor
Similar DifferencesWith Blake IronsThe Quidditch Pitch
A Quick QuestionWith Jarica AshleyEntrance Hall
Y36 Duelling Match #10Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
Yellow TokyoReceiving a Rose
With Ajaccio Skey
Slytherin House Table
You also get a yellow roseReceiving a Rose
With Apollo Bixby
Slytherin House Table
First DateValentine's Dance
With Jarica Ashley
Great Hall
SDA Event: End of Year Party and Award PresentationWith Willow Cullen, Analei Louw, Sydney Townsend,
And various others
Student's Defence Association
Brotherhood School Is Over Party | Y36 S2 MeetingWith Abian Hunter, Ruben Right,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year PotionsA
5th Year History of MagicO
5th Year CharmsE
5th Year TransfigurationE
5th Year HerbologyE
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)
House points earned during year: 238
Fifth Year Photos

Sixth Year


"Sixth year was fine, if... confusing. I think I like two girls, and I didn't even know if that was possible. One has kissed me and told me it was no big deal, and I kissed the other too. I don't know what to make of any of this, why does it have to be so confusing? At least I also had some fun this year, like when I blew up that toilet. Though the caretaker didn't seem to think that was funny in any way. She probably laughed when I wasn't looking, really."

Jasper's sixth year started a lot like any other. He had fun going to the Halloween Feast with Nell Wright, and went to events of the two clubs he was a part of. But around the second half of the year, Jasper started to realize he had feelings for both Lily Lockwood and Nell Wright, something that has confused him a lot. He went to the Yule Ball with Nell and to the Valentine's Dance with Lily, which didn't clear anything up for him. Jasper is glad about the upcoming break so he can talk to his dad about it, and also so he can have some distance from both girls. But he's also very aware that this is the final break between Hogwarts years, even though he feels nowhere close to ready for graduation.

Holiday HangoutsWith Lillian LockwoodNew Zealand
Hello?With Jarica AshleyNew Zealand Express
The Giving SpiritWith Emily MadisonSlytherin House Table
Y37 Brotherhood Welcome MeetingWith Abian Hunter, Lysander Summers, Issac Jacobs, Michael Newton,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
High SpiritsHalloween Feast
With Nell Wright
Great Hall
Out in the Black of NightWith Sofia MikaelsonThe Forbidden Forest
SDA Event Y37 | Spell DemonstrationsWith Tyler Lee, Sydney Townsend,
And various others
Student's Defence Association
EVERY FlavourWith Nell WrightThe Student Lounge
InevitableYule Ball
With Nell Wright
Great Hall
DistractionsWith Lillian Lockwood The North Tower
Blow it UpWith Maris WormwoodAntiquated Lavatory
Confusing FeelingsValentine's Dance
With Lillian Lockwood
Great Hall
Y37 Duelling Match #13Duelling tournament
With Nell Wright
The Duelling Chamber
I Should Have Tried HarderWith Blake IronsThe Quidditch Pitch
Y37 S2 Meeting | Memory WallWith Abian Hunter, Blake Irons, And various othersThe Brotherhood of MAGIC
Casually Hanging OutWith Nell WrightHogwarts Monthly
New DynamicsWith Lillian LockwoodThe Trophy Room
Clean it UpWith Maris WormwoodAntiquated Lavatory

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year PotionsE
6th Year History of MagicO
6th Year CharmsE
6th Year TransfigurationE
6th Year HerbologyE
6th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
6th Year ApparitionO
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 253
Sixth Year Photos

Seventh Year


"I can't believe I've finished my final year now. It was a fun one, though it really did fly by. I spent a lot more time studying than I would have liked, but at least it all paid off in the end. I just hope I can get through Auror training. I'm glad I got together with Nell and I hope things with Lily will be back to normal one day. I also hope I didn't hurt her too bad. At least I left Hogwarts with a bang, I doubt at least the caretaker will forget me anytime soon."
In Jasper's final year, he and Lily Lockwood put an end to the romantic thing between them. A while later, Jasper started to realize he had serious feelings for Nell Wright, who had been his friend for years. The two started to date around Valentine's Day, which Jasper was very happy about. Jasper spent a lot of of his time studying and preparing for the NEWTs, wanting to live up to his dream of becoming an Auror. But he also still found time to have fun. He managed to catch the snitch in his final game on the Slytherin team, subbing in as seeker. It was a moment Jasper won't forget anytime soon. He won't let Blake forget it either.

Trepidatious TruthsWith Lillian LockwoodNew Zealand
Trouble TroubleWith Sofia MikaelsonThe Dark Part of the Alley
Here We GoWith Jarica AshleyNew Zealand Express
Nell Just Happens to Be HereWith Nell WrightThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Rock Bottom But There Ain't No StoppingWith Celia VuongSlytherin Common Room
Rolling to a StopWith Lillian LockwoodThe Third Floor Corridor
Y38 Brotherhood Welcome Meeting!With Noel Waldgravep, Simon Thorne,Blake Irons,
And various others
The Brotherhood of MAGIC
A Night of MischiefHalloween Feast
With Selene Le Fey
Great Hall
One Step CloserYule Ball
With Nell Wright
Great Hall
Chasing RedReceiving a Rose
With Chloë Thompson
Entrance Hall
In Silence PinkReceiving a Rose
With Ajaccio Skey
The Dungeons
More Friendly SunshinesReceiving a Rose
With Chloe Lee
The Great Lawn
Lingering FarewellsReceiving a Rose
With Salem Lee
The Trophy Room
Nothing Awkward Here!With Nell WrightThe Library
Crayons and PencilsValentine's Dance
With Nell Wright
Great Hall
Y38 S2 | Brotherhood Lake PartyWith Simon Thorne, Noel Waldgrave, Blake Irons,
And various others
The Lakefront
Y38 Duelling Match #15Duelling Tournament
With Nell Wright
The Duelling Chamber
Y38 Duelling Match #23Duelling Tournament
With Blake Irons
The Duelling Chamber
Happy Birthday!With Jarica Ashley, Daintree Vaskevold, Solomon Tofilau, and Kiara WoodGryffindor House Table
Final VictoryWith Indira Khatri, Blake Irons, Nell WrightThe Hospital Wing
Expecting a PatronusWith Sydney TownsendThe Great Lawn
Going Out With a BangWith Solomon Tofilau, Ryan Fisk, Lysander Summers, and Salem Lee,Entrance Hall

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year PotionsE
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year CharmsE
7th Year TransfigurationE
7th Year HerbologyE
7th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5.2
(Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 296
Seventh Year Photos
Jasper was feeling very jittery about graduating. His leg kept wiggling and he couldn't help tapping his fingers on his legs as well. Part of him wished he could run a few laps around the school, hoping that might help him calm down. But that wasn't an option. The headmistress spoke a few words that Jasper hardly heard, then gave the stage to Elliot who gave his speech. Jasper tried to focus on the words this time, knowing the Hufflepuff probably put a lot of effort into it. It was a pretty nice speech, and Jasper smiled and clapped when he was done. He was a bit less enthusiastic about Selene, but that had more to do with his personal feelings about her than her speech. He had never quite forgiven her for breaking Nell's heart. When they were done, it was time to get their diplomas. Jasper's turn wasn't until about halfway through the list, so he first made sure to cheer for Elliot, Blake, and Lily as they went before him. Then, it was his turn. He took the Diploma from Professor Alicastell and grinned widely as he returned to his seat. He'd done it, he had graduated. He only regretted not having brought a dung bomb to go off on the stage or something, to make the event truly memorable. But he hadn't wanted to risk them taking the diploma back.
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Lunch BreakWith Olivia Smith and Melina KozlovaMain Entrance
A New Place and a New BeginningWith Jean Lawrence, and Mason TalaricoAurors Office
First Day Marvelling at Fountains Made of GoldWith Minnie CalidaMain Entrance
New Year, New PlansWith Mason Talarico, Simon Vanity, Charlie Madison,
And various others
Aurors Office
Arranging AurorsWith Victoire Fontaine and Maya DeNiroInternational Magical Office of Law
Not Sure How to FeelWith Mason TalaricoAurors Office
Pencils and CrayonsWith Nell WrightNew Zealand
PursuitWith Willow Cullen, Jacob Kingsley, and Simon VanityAurors Office
A Dull DayWith Harper AlstonAurors Office
Bearing A BoulderWith Nell Wright New Zealand
new years in the officeWith Willow CullenAurors Office

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