Closed New Dynamics

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily was feeling lonely. Really lonely. She knew she needed to talk to Elliot. And Lars, probably. She needed to tell her friends what was going on. But it was hard to find the words. And knowing that Clifton was dating someone new, it... it hurt. As much as she tried to hide it, she still lay awake in the middle of the night missing him. She had loved him, deeply, and it had proven very hard for her to let go. To Lily, their break up had been a lot harder on her than it had been on him, and by all appearances, he had really had no issues moving on. Like Mihail had. Like William and Jasper were so alright being casual. There was really nothing special about Lily. She was just a girl.

She had to admit, today, merlin, today she was just desperate for some sort of reassurance, some sort of affection, just wanting to be seen. So, she had sent Jasper a message, asking him to meet her. It was out of the way, and odd, and she knew it was a bit unusual for her, but really, Lily was just craving a bit of attention, and she didn't know where else to go.
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Jasper wished his dad was here. As embarrassing as it was to have to ask his dad for girl advice, Jasper knew he'd help him out. He could have just written him a letter, but he knew that having to write out his feelings would probably make him die on the spot from embarrassment. He'd rather continue being confused. Talking to Nell hadn't cleared up much, it had only made things more confusing. He liked Nell, a lot, but he also liked Lily. And they were also both his closest friends. How had he gotten in this situation?

Lily had asked him to meet up with her in the trophy room, which seemed like a bit of a strange place to meet up. But he wasn't going to say no, he liked hanging out with Lily. Jasper made his way into the room and looked around until he spotted Lily. He smiled and headed over to her. "Uh, you wanted to talk?" He asked, suddenly worried Lily had found a secluded place just to dump him. Could you be dumped if you weren't dating?
Lily straightened when Jasper came in. Sure, thinking she just wanted to make out was easy enough. Actually doing it- well, that was harder. She nodded, biting her lip and glancing away. "Um, y-yeah, I..." she shifted nervously, wringing her hands. Her insecurities bubbled up to the surface again, and she couldn't help but worry that she was wrong. That Jasper wouldn't want her either. He hadn't before. "Am I boring?" she blurted, looking up at him from under her lashes. "I-i mean- do you think I'm pretty?" She managed to ask, softly, shyly, looking away with her cheeks burning.
Jasper had expected Lily to be just like she had been on the tower, where she had seemed more confident and sure of herself. But now she seemed unsure again, insecure. It made Jasper feel uneasy. Was she dumping him? Ending this? Would he blame her if she did? He wasn't sure what to make of the situation, and he was pretty sure LIly didn't know either. But instead of talking about what had happened between them or what was happening now, Lily asked if she was boring. Jasper spluttered, and then blushed when she aslo asked if she was pretty. "I-" He blinked a few times. "Lily of course you're not boring." He said, not sure why she was asking him that. "And... yeah." He said with a shrug, his cheeks flushed. She was pretty, though it was a bit weird to be asked so directly. "Did someone say something bad to you?" He asked her after a moment.
Lily sighed, leaning against the wall. She wanted to lean against Jasper, but she was still unsure if he would let her. She hesitated, sighing and looking away. "Mihail broke up with me because I was too shy." She spoke softly. "And... Clifton," her voice broke a little and she shook her head. She took a shaky breath, wrapping her arms around herself and letting her hair fall to cover her face. "We broke up because... I wasn't pretty enough. I was trying to talk to him, but he... he was too busy checking out... how short another girls' dress was," she admitted, staring intently at the other end of the room.

"I'm not special," she whispered. "I know I'm not. I'm just... me. I know on the tower, things were..." she sighed softly, "The last time we kissed on the tower, I almost lost you. I don't want to do that twice," she admitted softly. "It... it was really nice, though... the kissing." she added gently, a blush coloring her cheeks.
Jasper frowned a bit when Lily started talking, this hadn't been what he expected. He felt a little angry at Clifton for checking out another girl when he was dating Lily. But he himself knew by now how confusing this all was. Jasper faltered when Lily said she wasn't special, and he blushed when he brought up their past. "If I thought you were boring, I wouldn't hang out with you." He told her. "I don't... know if you can believe me but I think you're awesome." He said with a shrug. He scratched his neck. "Did you... ask me here to talk about your... ex boyfriends?" He asked, a little uncertainly.
Lily blushed, not as reassured as she had hoped to be. Her eyes shot to him, widening a little. "What? No, no," she was quick to reassure him, unthinkingly stepping closer and reaching to put a hand on his arm. "I just- I mean," she faltered, blushing furiously and looking down again. Instead of reaching for his arm, she let her hand fall a bit and brushed her fingers lightly against his. Not looking him in the eye, she fidgeted a little. "I just... I just wanted your attention, I-i, I just- um, I just don't know how to ask for it," she admitted shyly. This entire thing felt like dangerous territory. The last time she had wanted his attention, it had gone terribly wrong, broken her heart, and nearly driven them apart. She didn't want to be hurt that way again.
Jasper was feeling a little uneasy about all this, but listened as Lily tried to reassure him. He looked down at their hands when she brushed her fingers against his, startled by how much that simple gesture was making his heart speed up. "My attention?" He echoed, not sure what to make of that. "Like... you want to hang out with me?" He asked her, hesitant in case he had the wrong idea. "Because you can just ask for that, I mean... you kind of did." He said with a shrug. "Y'know, by asking me to come here."
Lily deflated a little, why was this so hard? She fidgeted, sighing and struggling to answer for several moments. "No, Jas, its- I want to- I mean," Lily finally sighed and just stepped forward. She gathered her courage quickly and pushed up on tiptoe, laying her hands on his arms and kissing him softly.
Jasper frowned when he saw Lily's expression. Clearly, he was doing something wrong. But why couldn't girls just say what they meant? He was about to ask Lily more questions, but then she kissed him. Oh. Jasper was happy enough to oblige, kissing Lily back for a while. It was nice, and her hair felt soft as he ran his fingers through it. But eventually he pulled away and gave Lily a slightly lopsided smile. "If you wanted to make out in the trophy room you could've just said so." He told her half jokingly.
Lily practically melted against Jasper as he kissed her back, loving the feeling of his fingers in her hair and his shoulders under her hands. She felt... Wanted, and safe, and she liked it. When he spoke, she couldn't help but giggle softly and lay her head on his shoulder. "You make it sound so easy," she teased.
Jasper was happy Lily didn't seem to mind him stroking her hair, and he had to admit he really enjoyed the kiss. He also rather enjoyed it when she put her head on his shoulder, though it made him feel a bit nervous too. "It is." He teased her back. "Tell me you want to kiss if you want me to do it again." He joked, winding a lock of hair around his finger.
Lily felt soft, smiling happily. This was... really nice, and she liked it. She giggled gently, taking a few more moments to cuddle Jasper. After a little bit she straightened a little again, laying her arms over his shoulders lightly. "I would very much like another kiss, please," she requested, smiling up at him a little shyly.
Jasper grinned as Lily went along with the joke, though he realized he really liked it when Lily simply said what she wanted. It was great. He nodded and leaned down to kiss her again, soft and sweet.
Lily giggled, pushing up on tiptoe and kissing him back gently. She smiled, pulling away after a moment, and buried her face in his neck. She always felt so safe with Jasper. She tried to ignore the little fluttering of her heart and focused instead on having him there. "You know, those fireworks were really fun," She mused, peeking up at him. "Do you have any other ideas?" she asked, smiling impishly up at him.
Jasper laughed softly when Lily spoke about the fireworks and asked if he had any other ideas. He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I think you can at least take partial credit about the fireworks." He told her, remembering how unexpected it had been of her. "Not really... though I did blow up a toilet. Does that impress you?" He half joked.
Lilys eyes widened and she shook her head quickly. "Not even a little, that is... really gross, Jas, you couldn't have blown up a sink or something less... gross?" She teased, reaching up to brush her his hair back. This was a quiet moment, and she liked it, she liked him. "I was thinking more like going in the forest or throwing paint at each other,"
Jasper laughed at Lily's reaction. "It was one of the antique ones, that haven't worked in ages." He said, shrugging. "It really wasn't that gross, it was pretty fun." He said, pausing. "At least, until I got caught like three seconds later." He said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "That's also even less impressive, huh?" He shrugged. "I mean, I'm happy with each of those ideas. Who knew you were so mischievous." He grinned.
Lily laughed, shaking his head as he went on about his prank. "You're so reckless sometimes, you know?" She brushed his hair back. "It must be your influence," She teased when he called her mischievous, laying her head on his shoulder again. "I actually have an idea from Ava, actually, about throwing paint," she mused, thinking it over.

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