Nicole Fisk

Nicole Fisk

💮 Gladrag's Asst. 💮 Your Average Witch 💮
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Ajax)
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2037 (26)


Birthdate : September 16th, 2037
Hometown : Manukau, Aotearoa
Blood-status : Mixed-blood
House: Class of '56 - Slytherin

WoodWillowAn excellent wand wood for healing and non-verbal magic, the wielder of a Willow wand more often than not has something about themselves which makes them insecure unnecessarily.
CoreFairy Wing CoreWands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.


Play by : Sarah Bolger
Height/Build : Average
Hair : Long, brown with auburn tones, Nicole will often tie her hair back while working
Eyes : Light Blue
Style : Favouring solid colors, Nicole dresses fashionably but nothing too daring. She has a fondness for skirts
Distinguishing Features : Nicole doesn’t stand out much, a fact she works hard to maintain


Self-Deprecating | Responsible | Romantic | Friendly | Conforming

Level-headed, Nicole very much looks before she leaps and rarely makes decisions without considering the rationale behind it. Around others however, she spends a lot of time trying to shape herself into what seems like the best fit, preferring to mold her reactions and personality around her peers. While clever and eager to learn, she downplays her own strengths and interests, preferring to defer to others. Used to her role as the older sister, she’s resigned to compromise and responsibility when dealing with those around her, and though she can get easily frustrated with those she’s close to, she most commonly prefers dealing with issues passively, aiming for the most amicable solution.

Prone to a grass is always greener mindset, Nicole tends to believe those around her are better off or have to work less to achieve what she’d want to have. She mostly turns these thoughts inward however, putting herself down and working twice as hard to try and impress those around her.

She craves popularity and approval, but isn’t much for the limelight, preferring to seamlessly blend in with the crowd. As such, she is more aware of her appearance and what would be considered “normal” than her brother or father might be. A closet romantic, Nicole loves romance novels and happy endings, despite her growing urge to be more cynical of the world. She’s prone to flights of fancy and can be highly imaginative if she would allow herself the chance to without forcing herself to be sensible.

Strengths : Social, Level-headed, loyal
Weaknesses : Self-deprecating, conforming, jealous
Likes : Crystals, romance novels, tea
Dislikes : Getting dirty, coffee, horror


Growing up in Manukau, Nicole is used to the bustle of the city life of the Auckland city area, though frequent trips to Brightstone and the Obsidian Harbour area are common. Nicole was homeschooled during her early childhood and is looking forward to the chance of having some independence and responsibility of living and learning at Hogwarts. And especially getting the chance to make some friends away from her little brother.

Her home life is comfortable, though the two sides of the family often clash due to communication differences. Nicole and her mother are very practical and often condescending to Ryan and her father’s more flippant or unusual ways of thinking.
Nicole takes after her mother, who has to play the responsible one compared to her father’s more eccentric personality. Her brother has always been a bit odd and Nicole spent most of her childhood trying to keep an eye on him. She resents this sometimes, but also cares fiercely for him. Only she is allowed to pick on him.

Nicole's school years were filled with many personal ups and downs and in 2056, she graduated as a prefect of Slytherin house and leader of the Heta Omega. Nicole made some life-long friends while at school, especially Jenna Jusantrea, Emma van Houten, and Ajaccio Skey, whom she began dating in her 6th year, along with having several fallings out with her peers such as Connor Holland. Overall, Nicole enjoyed her school years, which allowed her grow to overcome some of her insecurities and start towards a new confidence and she graduated to hopefully pursue her new passion in potion making.​


| Witch - Muggleborn |​

| Wizard - Mixed Blood |​

| Wizard - Mixed Blood |​

| Persian |​
Bio Header Layout credit to Rowan
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Differences in Communication/w Connor Holland, Iris van Houten & Emma van HoutenTākarokaro Park
Daring! /w Ajaccio SkeyTākarokaro Park
Lingering Summer /w Jenna JusantreaBrightstone Village
Panic & Pangs /w Kara MunnObsidian Habour
Black or White/w Thomas JusantreaMagical Menagerie


The first part of the year was very trying for Nicole. She was insecure about her house placement, being a near hatstall and placed in Slytherin away from any of the friends she’d managed to make before school started, so it took her awhile to settle in. After the initial shock of sorting eased, Nicole was quickly able to establish a tight friend group, getting particularly close with Jenna Jusantrea and Iris and Emma van Houten and eventually came to appreciate being in Slytherin after all.

A Long Time Coming/w Ainsley LynchOllivander's
Not According to Plan/w Jacinta Ingo & Juniper SteeleFirst Year Slytherin Girls' Dorm
Still Good Friends/w Jenna Jusantrea & Iris van HoutenHufflepuff House Table
Snakes That Slither Together/w Harper FletcherSlytherin Common Room
A Little Light Reading/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Courtyard
Magical Night/w Jenna JusantreaThe Halloween Dance
Friends That Craft Together/w Jenna Jusantrea, Emma van Houten & Iris van HoutenThe Arts Room
Feeling Festive/w Jacinta Ingo & Juniper SteeleFirst Year Slytherin Girls' Dorm
Looking For My Friends/w Kara MunnThe Yule Ball
Magical Firstie/w Jenna Jusantrea, Iris van Houten, Corey Edogawa & Elizabeth FletcherThe Yule Ball
Important Research/w Kara Munn & Jacob KuyaHoneyduke's
(X)(X)(X)(X)Receiving roses
Future in Flowers/w Iris van HoutenRavenclaw House Table
I Need You More Than Ever/w Jenna JusantreaSlytherin House Table
Dungeon Secrets/w Thomas JusantreaThe Dungeons


Despite her anxieties about her house or how her classmates might perceive her, Hogwarts is still quickly becoming a second home for Nicole. While she still isn't as fond of the dark Slytherin dorms, Nicole has slowly but surely carved out a space for herself within the school. This year, Nicole mostly spent her free time bonding with her friends, enjoying having a tight knit friend group. This year also included the arrival of her younger brother. Nicole has enjoyed having a chance to show him the ropes, though she found great relief in being able to escape to her common room if his pestering became too much. One of this year's highlights was Nicole managing to secure dates to both school dances, though Nicole is unsure how she might feel romantically about anyone at this point, especially her friend Ajax.

Birthday Present!/w Jenna Jusantrea & Maggie Ryan RosendaleHoneyduke's
Differing Tastes/w Tres Bear II & Ryan FiskVibez
Perfect Pet/w Lysander SummersThe Magical Menagerie
Amateur Fortune Telling/w Jenna Jusantrea, Chloë Thompson, & Juniper ZumwaltThe Slytherin Table
Skeleton Time/w Jenna Jusantrea, Poppy Perkins, & Iris van HoutenThe Halloween Feast
Plié, Tendu, Degage, Repeat/w Kayce Davies-DilysThe Courtyard
The Winds Change/w Padme HumeThe Wild Patch
Following Suit/w Lysander SummersGryffindor House Table
Just Friends/w Lysander Summers & Emma van HoutenThe Yule Ball
Exchanging Gossip/w Jenna JusantreaMakutu Dinette
Nollie Yellow/w Ajaccio SkeySlytherin House Table
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]Delivering RosesVarious
[X][X][X]Receiving RosesVarious
Florals and Flourish/w Jenna Jusantrea, Iris van Houten, & Ajaccio SkeyThe Valentine's Dance
Borrowing a Friend for a Dance/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Valentine's Dance
Feline Persuasion/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Student Lounge
Hide (from Responsibilities) and Seek/w Emma van Houten, Iris van Houten, Ryan Fisk, Knox Ivers, Poppy Perkins, Nikko Blackwood, Connor Holland & Augustus WestwickThe Student Lounge


Nicole's third year was definitely a year of firsts, and while she tried to face things with confidence, it seems things ultimately got the better of her. The school was all a flutter about Sully Tofilau's spin the bottle game early in the year, which Nicole couldn't possible miss, despite having experienced a somewhat ill-advised first kiss already with her roommate Roxy. As the year progressed, Nicole realized she might just be crushing on her friend Ajax, though this revelation came a touch too late to Nicole's perception, with Ajax already seemingly content going to dances and events with other students, most notably her friend Emma. Dejected and feeling invisible, Nicole found a surprise kindred spirit outside the Valentine's Dance with Eric Holland, and the beginnings of a plan to help her stand out more began to form.

Finally 13 Years/w Jenna Jusantrea, Iris van Houten, Emma van Houten & VariousNew Zealand
Practice What You Preach/w Roxy ColtsfootThird Year Slytherin Girls' Dorm
Morning Antics/w Vex & Acre ZephyrSecond Floor Corridor
Spin the Bottle Y36/w VariousAbandoned Classroom
Catching the Sun/w Jenna JusantreaThe Great Lawn
Scouring and Scolding/w Ryan Fisk & Poppy PerkinsThe Library
Potions Free Period/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Lakefront
Ditching/w Daintree Vaskevold & Roxy ColtsfootThe Yule Ball
Girls' Night In/w Jenna Jusantrea & Iris van HoutenNew Zealand
[X] [X] [X]Receiving Roses
Floral Finds/w Poppy PerkinsThe Student Lounge
Dashed Hopes and Bitter Thoughts/w Eric HollandThe Entrance Hall
Butterbeer with a Friend/w Jenna JusantreaThe Three Broomsticks
Hogwarts Monthly S2/w Prof. Hezekiah MowryThe Great Hall
Yearbook is Out Now!/w Ajaccio Skey & VariousThe Entrance Hall


Nicole started her fourth year with a plan. If she could date someone cool and interesting like Eric Holland, maybe other students at the school would think she was cool and interesting. Asking Eric out turned out to be the easiest part of that plan, and Nicole was pleased that she and Eric started dating without much of a hitch. Things were awkward at times and often left Nicole wanting more romance, but she spent most of the year thrilled to be in a committed relationship. Things were also going well for Nicole in her extracurriculars, when she was asked to be the secretary for Heta Omega, a job she was pleased to accept. Unfortunately, things started to fall apart after Valentine's. Frustrated with Eric's unwillingness to do more couple-y things, along with her own still lingering crush on Ajax, Nicole vented her frustrations at an inopportune moment, leading to a very public break up with Eric and the disintegration of her friend group when Connor moved to back up his brother in the matter.

New Beginnings/w Eric HollandThe Hogwarts Express
Urgent Advice/w Jenna Jusantrea & Iris van HoutenThe Hogwarts Express
Heta Secretary?/w Cyzarine HadenSlytherin House Table
Heta Management Meeting/w Cyzarine Haden, Samantha Jacobs, & Olivia WoodlockHeta Omega
Reconnaissance/w Connor HollandHufflepuff House Table
Flirting with Disaster/w Eric HollandBrightstone Village
Big Sister, Little Sister | Heta Omega/w Emma van Houten & variousHeta Omega
The Next Level/w Eric HollandGryffindor House Table
Fashion/w Jenna Jusantrea & Juniper ZumwaltThe Student Lounge
Here To Be Seen/w Eric Holland & Ajaccio SkeyThe Yule Ball
Feeling Alone/w Jenna Jusantrea & Iris van HoutenHufflepuff House Table
Friend of My Friend/w Kiara WoodsThe Courtyard
That Shrinking Feeling/w Daintree VaskevoldSlytherin Common Room
Almost Like An Anniversary/w Eric HollandThe Valentine's Dance
Boiling Over/w Emma van Houten, Iris van Houten, & Eric HollandGryffindor House Table
The Foregone Conclusion/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Courtyard
Word Travels Fast/w Poppy PerkinsThe Student Lounge
Picking a Side/w Connor Holland, Iris van Houten, Emma van Houten, Poppy Perkins, & VariousThe Library
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Craving more independence and responsibility with the start of her fifth year, Nicole began her first job working at Gladrags. She also got an extra bonus of responsibilty when her prefect badge arrived in the mail. Excited to get to school, Nicole was thrilled to find out Jenna was also a prefect this year, along with Ajax, which meant even more excuses to spend time together.
Romance also featured heavily in Nicole's life this year, with a blossoming crush on Adorah Zumwalt and a Yule date with Noel Waldgrave. Admittedly, Nicole may have rushed things with Noel, even kissing him at the ball, as an excuse to try and one up Eric's new relationship with Minnie Calida, which she regretted for Noel's sake. Valentine's arrived in a flurry of pink roses, from three separate admirers including both Noel and to Nicole's surprise, Ajax. Nicole agreed to go to the dance with Ajax, and finally, once they had finished their OWLs, the two agreed to begin dating at the end of the year.

A Dire Need/w Augustus WestwickGladrag's
Birthday Party for Girls/w Jenna Jusantrea, Kiara Wood, & Iris van HoutenNew Zealand
New Robes/w Jenna JusantreaGladrag's
Y38 S1 Prefect Meeting/w Jenna Jusantrea,Lars van Houten, & variousPrefects' Common Room
Prefect Room/w Jenna JusantreaPrefects' Common Room
Heta Omega - Y38 Sisters/w Crystal Holmgaard & variousHeta Omega
Matching Aesthetics/w Adorah ZumwaltHalloween Feast
Admirable Aspirations/w Prof. Hezekiah MowryProf. Mowry's Office
Sharing Ideas/w Jenna Jusantrea & Kiara WoodStudent Lounge
Second Choice, Second Chance/w Noel WaldgraveThe Yule Ball
A Not So Lonely Evening/w Adorah Zumwalt & Aisa HunterThe Yule Ball
Splash of Creativity/w Kiara WoodConglomerated Arts Room
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]/Receiving Roses
The Rose Had a Question/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Student Lounge
Hopefully Something Good Happens/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Valentine's Dance
Walking You Home/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Dungeons
Heta Omega - Study Session/w Heta OmegaHeta Omega
Full of Surprises/w Indira Khatri & Jenna IronsSecond Year Slytherin Girls' Dorm
All Nighter/w Adorah Zumwalt & Minnie CalidaHeta Omega
End of Year Feast/w VariousThe Great Hall
Easy Question/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Hogwarts Express


Nicole's sixth year brought the official end to any friendship with Iris. She had finally put things with Connor and Eric mostly behind her but the loss of trust when Iris hadn't supported her appears to be unbridgable. Instead, Nicole was happy to focus fully on her remaining friends and more importantly, her relationship with Ajax, which continued for the rest of the year without a hitch, only the lingering doubt she felt around Head Girl Adorah Zumwalt could make Nicole question her relationship, but that two ended as Adorah graduated, leaving Nicole on steady ground romantically as she moved into her seventh year.

Face to Face/w Iris van HoutenGladrags
Start of Year Feast/w variousThe Great Hall
Y39 Prefect's Meeting/w variousPrefects' Common Room
Running/w Jenna Jusantrea & Kiara WoodThe Lakefront
Inconspicuous Mission/w Augustus WestwickThe Library
Insider Info/w Lumio SkeyFirst Floor Corridor
Spooky Dates and Friends/w Ajaccio Skey &
Jenna Jusantrea
The Halloween Feast
Heta Omega - Welcome Meeting/w Heta OmegaHeta Omega
Dashing Double Dates/w Ajaccio Skey, Emma van Houten. & Issac JacobsThe Yule Ball
Returning to Us/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Prefects' Common Room
Work to Play/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Valentine's Dance
Brotherhood and Heta Omega Bonfire Party/w Hattie Thorne & variousThe Great Lawn
Graduation Ceremony Guests/w variousThe Graduation Ceremony
Bitter Sweet/w Adorah ZumwaltThe Graduation Ceremony


While Nicole approached her final year of school with a certain level of anxiety, it started off with a mix of elation and disappointment. After spending an amazing Winter break in Paris with Ajax, Nicole returned to New Zealand to find she and Ajax had not been made Head Boy and Girl despite her hopes, though she had been giving the Presidentship of Heta Omega while Ajax continued to helm Accio!.
Nicole spent most of her year tending to her friends while handling her NEWTs prep but things officially turned on their head come the second semester. After a busy time organizing rose deliveries for the school, tragedy struck the school when Emma was petrified in an incident involving Lysander Summers and Kasim Safir in the school forest. Nicole was devestated for her friend though it did allow her to somewhat repair her connection with Iris in its wake. Despite the upset, Nicole was still able to succeed well enough on her NEWTs, with Slytherin taking the house and Quidditch cups, and Nicole graduated secure in her relationships with her friends and boyfriend and quietly hopeful for her future.

Let's Go to Paris/w Ajaccio SkeyEurope (Paris)
Friendly Housewarming/w Jenna JusantreaNew Zealand
Start of Year Feast/w Leia Hume & variousThe Great Hall
Gentle Comfort/w Jenna JusantreaThe Prefects' Common Room
A Glitterbomb/w Liusaidh Fergusson, Lucas Fletcher, & Lysander SummersThe Prefects' Common Room
Creeping Sensation/w Emma van HoutenThe Halloween Feast
A Slytherin Win/w variousThe Slytherin Common Room
Yule Prep/w Emma van Houten, Jenna Jusantrea,Kiara Wood, Chloë Thompson, & variousHeta Omega
All My Attention/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Yule Ball
Making Time/w Jenna JusantreaThe Hogwarts Gardens
Advice/w Addison Beckett
[X] {X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]Delivering RosesVarious
[X] [X] [X]Receiving RosesVarious
An Unofficial Dozen Red Roses/w Ajaccio SkeySlytherin House Table
Atoms at Night/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Valentine's Dance
Heta Omega - Slumber Party/w Liusaidh Fergusson, Jenna Jusantrea, & variousHeta Omega
Champions Victory Party/w Liusaidh Fergusson & variousSlyhterin Common Room
Losing Half Yourself/w Iris van HoutenThe Hospital Wing
What the Future Holds/w Ajaccio SkeyThe Prefects' Lounge
The Graduation Ceremony/w variousThe Graduation Ceremony
The End of Year Feast/w variousThe Great Hall
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