Closed Work to Play

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Ajaccio Skey

ajax ; wanderlust; travel photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
3/2038 (23)
The school celebrations always made Ajax very busy, there was always something that he needed to do, something to focus his attention on but he didn’t want to not spend the time with Nicole. So he’d once again volunteered himself to be the one who did the beginning of the night and had therefore been at the ball since before things had kicked off. He’d be able to work until Nicole got there and then be able to not think about it until the next day. He trusted everyone, they would all do well, no one was going to let him down. He was therefore as he worked keeping an eye on who was arriving at the room so that the moment he spotted his girlfriend he’d be able to drop everything and go spend the time with her.
There were pros and cons to having a boyfriend who worked on the school yearbook, Nicole mused, making her way carefully up the steps from the dungeon. She'd picked out a gorgeous red dress for tonight and Nicole was in love with it, but it was also strapless, and even though she'd enchanted it to stay put, she couldn't help but envisioning horrible scenarios where the charm failed and her top slipped down in front of the whole school. At least with Ajax she could count on there being no pictures, she thought grimly. It did also mean that Nicole could take her time getting ready for the night, and she tried to focus on that as a pro and not be bitter that he had to spend the first part of his night off taking photos of everyone else. Now that Nicole was stepping into the hall though the only camera she wanted to see was the one taking their couple picture and that was it.

She smoothed a hand down her as she stepped into the hall, taking a moment to smile happily at the Valentine's theme decorations before looking for Ajax, glad it didn't take too long to spot him through the crowd of students. "Alright, I'm here, camera goes away now, right," she said sweetly, though she knew her voice had a bit of an edge to it even as she pressed a kiss to Ajax's cheek to try and soften it.
Ajaccio hadn't missed the moment Nicole had walked in and he'd been smart enough to take a few pictures of her. They wouldn't be for the year book. He took a few last pictures, already moving to put away his camera as she joined him. He leaned into the kiss and nodded. "Of course," he assured her and put the camera in his pocket, where there was an undetectable extension charm, so it fit and didn't awkwardly jut out. "I'm all yours," he put his arm around her shoulders, "You look incredible by the way. Just...amazing," Ajax told her.
Nicole felt herself flush as Ajax spoke, though she wasn't going to complain about the compliments, or that he put his camera away without a fuss. She considered giving him a little twirl, just to show off a bit, but reconsidered it when she remembered how tight the skirt of her dress was. Sure it had a little give, but not so much that she wanted to risk falling on her bum in the middle of the school dance. "You're sweet. You don't clean up so bad yourself," she said with a small smile, brushing some of Ajax's hair back even if she knew abjectly it was a lost cause. "You get any good pictures? No one's wearing anything crazy this year, right?" She asked, looping her arm around Ajax's instead and enjoying the feeling of his body heat next to her as she leant against him She glanced around the hall, taking in a few of the couples and the outfits she could already see curiously. She'd never forget Michael Newton's crazy flower suit last year, and while she had her eyes open for more things like that, she couldn't deny she was also keeping an eye open for another seventh year at the same time. If just for a moment.
Ajaccio gave a little smile as Nicole brushed his hair from his face. "Careful now, I might just cut this whole mop off," he teased lightly, he would shorten it maybe, but never fully get rid of it. "I hope I got some good ones. No crazy outfits, but I had to convince my brother to not wear a bright blue suit with flemingos on it," he laughed lightly, it had just been too crazy an outfit for school, surely. Though a part of him too thought it might've just been hilarious to see. After all, it was good to have fun with clothes. "Do you to dance or get some drinks?" Ajaccio asked, he wasn't sure what Nicole would want to do first, but he was determined to get to it all.
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