Selene Le Fey


Wait 'til you're announced
We've not yet lost all our graces
The hounds will stay in chains

Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out

That slow burn wait while it gets dark, bruising the sun.
I feel grown up with you in your car, I know it's dumb.

The Basics

Name: Selene Morgause Le Fey
-Selene: Greek goddess of the moon.
-Morgause: was the name of my great grandma who died not long before me and helia were born. She is also a charictor from Arthurian myth, one of king arthurs sisters.
-Le Fey: same as autherian character Morgan Le fey, It means of the blessed or of the fey.
Nicknames: Lena, The moon twin.

House: Ravenclaw
Birthday: 31st December 2027
Hometown: Picton New Zealand (near Makatu Mall) however she comes from Devon England.
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: unknown, however it is known that her mothers line Is known as a line of female witches. and She doesntk now who her farther is but he is from a long line of greek witches and wizards so she is most likely mixed blood if not pure blood
Five words that best describe your character: bookworm, seer, quiet, quirky, smart.

Call all the ladies out
They're in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth

We've both got a million bad habits to kick, not sleeping is one.

We're biting our nails, you're biting my lip, I'm biting my tongue.

Hair Color: Dark Brown almost black
Hair Style: long, curly, thick
Eye color: One eye is violet, one is Grey
Height: 1.65 and a fairly average build.
Other distinguishing details: Selene has a slightly gothic style. not as victorian influenced as her mum but she leans towards dark colours. when she was younger she used to wear her hair in two long braids but now she usually has it down. recently she has trimmed it and had a go at straightening it. but with mixed results and she is starting to grow it out again.
Playby: Lorde,
Past Playby: Bella Ramsey

Now bring my boys in
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother,
while he glows through the room

Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it.
They all wanna get rough, get away with it.

Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone

About me
What can I say about myself. Hello my name is Selene. what can I tell you about me? I am seventeen and am training to be a seer like my mum and grandma. I love reading especially mythology and history books. my favourite colour is dark midnight blue. I have a pet cat called Asteria, well technically she is part kneezal, who I love, she is so cute, a pale silvery grey tabby. when i was younger i used to suffer from nightmares a lot meaning that i would often spend the nights awake and sleep during the day. I have always had one reoccurring one about being trapped inside a big house as it is on fire and the world burns around me. since i started seer training the nightmares have decreased which is good though i still get them from time to time. I love my family and would do anything for me sister or mum like when i asked the sorting hat to be in a different house from helia so she could have some space and grow without having to look after me. though i don't know my dad. mum says she doesn't know who he is though i am pretty sure she knows more than she says. I am trying to track him down but my last lead was a definate no. maybe I will eventually find him.

Dancin' around the lies we tell
Dancin' around big eyes as well
Even the comatose they don't dance and tell

All my fake friends and all of their noise, complain about work

They're studying business, I study the floor,

Personality: People say I am quiet when you first meet me. People call me weird or if the are nice quirky. I think that is about right. but they say once i get to know them i open up and i am friendly and kind. thoguh even my friends call me quiet.

Interests/hobbies: reading, daydreaming, practicing and perfecting her seer ability, watching the world go by (all with a cup of tea and a cake). She loves spending time with the students and helping people who need it.

career: I would like to be a professor or do something with runes and history like working at an archaeological dig.
Someone you look up to: Professor Josephs: she is my head of house and my favorite professor (except possibly mum) She has really inspired me all though my time at Hogwarts. I hope i will be like her one day when i grow up.

Boggart: Being burned alive

Dementor: I have never met one. can dementaurs bring to mind bad things that never happened. i feel like reliving some of my nightmares would be one of the worst experiences.

patronus memory: When i went to salem for the first time. and Thackery showed me around in the snow

Patronus form: I don't think i will ever be able to cast a proper Patronus. but if I could it would be a silver tabby cat. as Asteria my cat has protected me all though my time at school.


We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team

All the double-edged people and schemes.
They make a mess then go home and get clean.

You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone


Heliana Elaine Le Fey​
My twin sister and my other half, thirteen minutes younger than me and born in a different year. If i am the moon twin Helia is the sun. She is bright and cheerful and full of energy until we started school we were inseparable. but i asked the sorting hat to put us in different houses so she could grow without me clinging onto her in any social situation and i grew a lot from being away from her too. in the last few years we have grown even further apart I still see her most days but i know that she wants different things in life than me. and I am really not looking forward to when she leaves perminantly.


Elvera Le Fey​
Mum, she has given so much of her life just to look after me and helia. she left her job to raise us and since we started at school she returned to teaching. I often go up to her office in the afternoon to do homework or just have a cup of tea. I know she has some secrets that she keeps from me and helia. and can't help resent her a little bit for that but i am sure she has reasons.


Grandmother: Morgan Le Fey​
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Gramdma Morgan is getting older now and is retired. She spends most of her time I the garden growing a wide range of beautiful plants or cooking delicious food. of mixed ancestry, she is a seer like many women in the family. She was trained in herb lore, natural, and old magic.


Aunt Maya DeNiro:​
Technically aunty Maya is my mums cousin whatever that makes her to me. but she is more of an aunt to me than my actual aunts. She is awesome. she is an aurora but also runs a shop in salem very similar to mums. she lets me stay with her over the holidays too which is good

Aunt Eden Silverback:​
Scitorari member (although Selene doesn't know) I don't know her very well. she only occasionally some to some family events. Appaently Aunt Eden withdrew from the family when she fell out with aunt lilith. She does however send both of us very beautiful birthday presents every year which I know mum would never be able to afford

Aunt Lilith Patil:​
Auror, Aunty lilith lives in France with her husband Praneil. she also has a daughter Padme. I also don't see her often but she is nice.

I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air, so there
So all the cups got broke shards beneath our feet but it wasn't my fault

You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone

World alone, we're all alone

At Hogwarts

Your best subject: Runes, Divination, History of magic
Your worst subject: transfiguration
Extracurricular activities: Wild patch, club and she has recently joined heat omega
Favorite place at Hogwarts: The garden. and the divination tower, and the ravenclaw common room in the small hours of the morning
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: doesn't really have one
Do any of the staff members scare you?: none
Do any inspire you?: Professor Josephs
The large oak doors creaked open to reveal the great hall. Selene looked around as she, along with the other first years filtered in and made her way to the front. She had read about the place during her long nights awake but nothing in her imagination could prepare her for the sight of the actual hall, it was larger than she expected, the ceiling was higher, the stars more realistic, and there were far more people than she had expected. She was relieved that she was walking down with her sister. "wow" she breathed looking around. she looked at her sister and saw a similar expression plastered on her face as to what she felt. she was glad to have heliana with her to share this experience with her. she tried to imagine what the other students would be thinking experiencing this on their own.
They reached the front of the hall and they could see the sorting hat on his stool. the headmistress stood and introduced the ceremony and what to do when your name was called, and then attention turned to the sorting hat. she knew how improtant an wise the hat was but she had a sudden thought to if someone was looking in from the outside, be it as a muggleborn firstyear, or some outside observer she realised how odd it would look, everyone in the hall waiting for a, in helianas words, shabbby, hat to do something.
the song was good, introducing the houses and giving a bit of information about them. Selene didn't need information about the houses. she knew where she wanted to be. Ravenclaw. like her mum. though she wouldn't be too disappointed if she was elsewhere she couldn't see herself in any house except the blue one. Heliana was harder to place, she knew they probably wouldn't be in the same house which would be a shame. Heliana wasn't aiming for an particular house though selene could see her sister in red robes. it would be weird not being her her sister. they had never spent a night apart and had always shared a room. Selene needed heli. her the knowledge of her presence was something that was always there like a warm hug. she took her sisters hand and gave it a squeeze not letting it go afterwards. "Good luck" she whispered.
Being Le Fey's meant that they were somewhere in the middle of the group. as the list moved on slowly and soon "Le Fey, Heliana" selene watched as her sister made her way up too the stool and had the hat placed on her head. She smiled when she heard the house and clapped as her sister went to join her new table. there would be no prizes for guessing what name would be next. "Le Fey, Selene came the headmistresses voice. Selene made her way up to the stage and sat down. she was hardly breathing she was so nervous. she closed her eyes as the hat was placed over her head "thank you for putting my sister in her house. now please don't put me with her. as much as I would love to be with herald depend on having her around she needs to have the chance to experience school in her own way and she won't be able to do that with me hanging on to her" she thought. she remembered hearing that the house listened to your thoughts "and if you would be very kind Mr Sorting hat sir I would love to follow my mum and be a Ravenclaw" she thought waiting for the hat to make his decision.

"You'd do well in Gryffindor, you know. But if you're sure... Ravenclaw!"[/FONT]

And everyone's competing for a love they won't receive
'Cause what this palace wants is release

Nell WrightLars Van HoutenCyzarine HadenSophie Elliston
Iris van HoutenKira WolfThackery BinnsPoppy Perkins

Sexual orientation: undefined
Current relationships: none
Past relationships: Nell Wright, Thackery Binns,
Crushes: Nell Wright, Thackery Binns, Poppy Perkins

lyrics Team and by lorde
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Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again

Before School
Green Ink and a Red Wax SealSelene and Heliana receive their hogwarts LetterHeliana Le Fey, Morgan Le Fey
Torn Between Feathers and FurSelene and Helia go pet shoppingHeliana Le Fey, Geovanna Adler-Cade
Some Jobs need to be done aloneSelene buys her wandNatalie Reyes
A bit more than just Browsing ShelvesSelene gets her school books@Chante Harvelle-Ateara

And it was written
I got cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?

Joining the RoostSelene first meets her dorm mates and Swaps beds with SophieNell Night, Sophie Elliston, Katia Hensel, Nova Bennett, Emily Underwood,
His First NightSelene spends her first night in the common room and makes a friendMatthew Chambers
Chasing StairwaysSelene Forgoes her afternoon nap to read in the north tower, but ends up making a friend insteadAonghas Fergusson
Painting a pretty pictureSelene attends her first halloween feast dressed as a knight, and makes a couple more friendsAvaria Lockwood, Vader Hume
First Crunch HurdleSelene gets lost on the way to the library and makes yet another friendCyzarine Haden
In need of a spellSelene Finds the library, and meets one of her mums old friendsStefan Archer
NightmareAfter a nightmare Selene decides to forgo sleep and spends the night in the common room, where she meets another girl who suffers rom nightmaresKira Wolf, Sophie Elliston
Beginners LuckSelene attends her first yule ball and hangs out with a few of her classmatesMordred Cavanaugh, Aonghas Fergusson, Bada Yeong
Roses SentHelia,
Sixth a great Feast: Yellow for Sophie Ellistondelivered by Cyzarine Haden
Yellow Like Yellow Fever: Yellow for Kiara Wolf delivered by Lidiya Kozlova
A Sign of Friendship for the Librarian: Yellow for Stefan Archer delivered by Sam Mackintosh
Roses recievedYellow rose Delivery, Selene Le Fey: Selene revieves a yellow Rose from Aonghas Delivered by Lillian Lockwood
Friendships of like Minds: Selene Recieves a yellow Rose from Sophie Elliston Delivered by Rose holland
Lillian Lockwood, Aonghas Fergusson
Roses DeliveredFirst Rose: Yellow for Nell Wright
Uno Rose for Uno: Yellow for Uno Bear
Everly's Rose: Yellow for Everly Harrington
Lunchtime Delivery: Pink for Rory Fergusson
Pink for a prefect: Pink for Asmodius Jones
A Charming Rose: Yellow for Jasper Night
A Runic Rose: Yellow For Professor Kahurangi Josephs
A Refreshing Rose: Pink for Andi Forstrom
Medelines Rose: Yellow for Madeline Kaimarama
A Rose by the Lake: Red for Phoebe Holland
a flying Rose: Yellow For Jemma Potter
A Rose in front of my eyes: Yellow for Acacia Dunn
Last Rose: Pink for Edmund Westwick
NightmaresSelene and Kira spend another sleepness night in the common roomKira Wolf
Exam StudySelene falls asleep while studying for exams and reccieves a rather rude awakeningViolet Fields
Hallloween: Knight

Pad around when I get home
I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope
A greater woman wouldn't beg

Free Timeafter overhearing her mum and aunt talk about her dad selene uses an old year book to find her dad, and is unterupted by JasperJasper Night
no longer a childSelene attends the ball, and avoids a dung bomb punch powl ofJasper Night, Professor Monty Pendleton
Sitting knitting and watching the worldSelene has a relaxing afternoon by the lake practicing her knitting and ends up chatting with an older studentEmilia Manning, Ilija Olaf
DecisionsSelene meets with her head of house to discuss electivesProfessor Kahurangi Josephs

But I looked to the sky and said
PleaseI've been on my knees
Change the prophecy

Third year LuckySelne buys her books for third yearSophie Wilson
Familiar GroundSelene and Nell catch up after the holidaysNell Wright
The witching hourSelene attends the halloween feast dressed as a witchElsie Baros
Red for the nightSelne attends the yule ball in a dress that she doesnt feel parciulally comfortable in and gets saved from an awkwad situation by tresTyler Lee, Tres Bear II
Cross my mindselnes uncomfortable night at the ball continues as she hangs out with Cyzarine and gets interupted by Violet andCyzarine Haden , Violet Fields, and Mihail Styx
Specific knowledgeSelene makes friends with a younger student over their shared interest in DivinationIris van Houten
Christmas in SalemSelene spends the christmas holiday in salem with her mum aunt cousin and sister. as well as her aunts collegueMorgan Le Fey, Heliana Le Fey, Maia Denero, Thackery Binns
Christmas in Salem (Thackery and Selene)Selene and Thackery go fror a walk through town in the snow.Thackery Binns
roses Sent
Roses Recieved
roses DeliveredA Charming Rose: Pink for Diana Holland
Crossing Paths: Yellow for Alice Holland
picture perfect: Yellow for Aisa Hunter
are you red-y for your rose: Red for Onyx mitchels
Found you a rose: Yellow for Andrea Turner
A Rose with a side of history: Yellow for Tyler Lee
Roses in reverse: Red for Charlie Maddison
Rose at the end of a tiring day: Yellow for Vader Hume
Unofficial rosesSelene sends an unofficial rose to thackery and starts an owl corrispondancethackery binns
3amselene and Kira spend another sleepless night together. talking about the future and the moon, kira gives selene a necklace and selene gives kira some flowersKera Wolf
Packing upSelene and Nell pack up the dorm as conversations turn to dating, and selene learns that boys can date boys, and girls can date girlsNell Wright
Halloween: witchYule

Don't want money
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me

Escaping HellSelene shares a compartment with Lauren on the trainLauren Carter
Winter GardensSelene is rading in the cold gardens. She ran into Lars and and talk about books, drawing and sleepless nightsLars Van Houten
Enjoying the view and the peaceSelene finds some peace and quite to muse over her thoughts of both Thackery and Nell and talks to Helia about her dilemaHeliana Le Fey
The North Wind Shall BlowSelene is Practicing Tarot readings in the north tower and asks another student to borroy his textbook, they start talking and discussing what it is like to have parents as divination professorsBeau Chamberlin
knight in Shining ArmourSelene and Heliana hang out of the halloween feast as selene brings up the courage ot talk to NellHeliana Le Fey
Lost KnightSelene talks to Nell at the halloween feast. both dressed as knights Selene takes her hand kisses it and promises to go on an adventure and tame dragons. all while trying to sound cooler and more confident htan she feelsNell Wright
Knight TimeSelene and Nell Talk After the feast, selene finally admits her feelings to Nell. :Nell Wright
Roses DeliveredA Rose on the way to breakfast: Yellow for Analei Louw
aspho-rose: Yellow For Asphodel King
red: Red rose for Cace Corelli
Sharks and roses: Pink for allison Beckett
Pink Pettled by the water: pink for Xavier Mackintosh
Roses not divination books: Yellow Rose for Iris Van Houten
Just a rose: Yellow for Maria Madison
Roses Sent
Roses recievedAlley-oop Yellow: Yellow From Professor Elvera Le Fey delivered by Ajaccio Skey
A Quiet Rose: unsure rose delivered by Tiziano Edogawa
small coincidencesSelene talks to professor chamberlin about off occurences that she had been having and asks if he can teach her to be a seerProfessor Bryce Chamberlin

Don't want money
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me

Someone like youSelene attends the halloween feast with Nell, and they dress up as each otherNell wright
Raven and Gryffin patrolsselene and Cyzarine are on prefect duty togetherCyzarine Hadon
The moon and a starSelene is reading in the common room and starts talking about books with another student before someone else spills lego everywhereMinnie Calida, Rita Smile
roses sentcyzarine
My Last Yellow Rose goes to you: Yellow doe Professor Bryce chamberlin
Roses DeliveredRed on the moon Red for Kira Wolf
Rose Petals and tea: pink for Sydney Townsend
Lucky Last: Pink for Adorah Zumwalt
Mellow Yellow: Yellow for clifton ward
Hunting Roses: Yellow for Albian Hunter
Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris: Yellow for Iris Van houton
Roses Recievedred Yozhic: Red from nell wright delivered by Cyzarine Haden
We can talk it so good, we can make it so divineSelene wakes up with an easy feeling and folows an old cornins tradition to talk to the bees, She did not expect to be overheardAonghas Fergusson
dancing in the moonlightSelene and Nell skip the valentines dance for a more intimate moonlit eveningNell wright
To fill the emptinessSelene is worried about her dorm mate sophie who is becoming wthdrawn. she takes her some dinner up to the dorm and they talk about her sketches and the magical creatures her friend has dreamed upSophie Elliston
a Different type of loveNell can tell that selene is distracted when they are hanging out. she admits that she has been having dreams about nell being happy with someone else they break upNell wright
Questions without answersusing the few clues they have been given Selene and heliana have worked out who their dad is. they go to professor summer's office to ask him about it. but they are wrongHeliana Le fey,

Cards on the table
Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh
It was sinking in

BuggingSelene chats to Lars at the halloween feastLars van Houten
Inked soaked LetterSelene is reading in the dorm when a girl spills ink and she steps in to helpDelilah Thorne
out of sync but in timeSelene and Lars patrol togetherLars van houton
Recipie of a teen movieas part of the brotherhood/sisterhood event Selene goes to the ball with a blind dateAbian Hunter
Future PlansSelene discusses with her favorite professor about what she should do post graduationProfesor Kahurangi Josephs
Old years DaySelene celebrates her birthdayCyzarine Haden, Thackery Binns,
Practice is what you are looking forSelene is practicing clearing her mind for seer training and ends up talking to a younger studentRyan Fisk
Set and HeeldAfter splinching in apperation class selene is in the hospital wing and gets visited by her friendsLillian Lockwood, Sophie Elliston
Small StonesSelene is practicing rune readings in her dorm. Nell comes in, will they reconnect or will they fall out again?Nell Wright
Halloween: Skitter (bug hero/villen)

Slow is the quicksand
Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand
Oh, still I dream of him

Under the Pretence of familySelene has a weekend off from her summer break work at an archiological dig and goes to visit Thackery (while protending to be in salem to visit her aunt)Thackery Binns
For youSophie congratulates selene on becoming head girlSophie elliston
CongratulationsCyzarine congratulates Selene on becoming head girl, Selene is relieved she is not madCyzarine Haden
Prefects meeting y53Selene hosts the profects meeting with ElliotElliot Briar and others
Peace offeringselene leaves a yellow orchid kokedama on Nells bedside table asNell Wright
Runes homeworkSelene does a reading for Lysander Summers for her runes homeworkLysander Summers
a night of mischiefSelene attends the halloween feast as a zombie and runs into jasper who is armed with a glitter bombJasper night
RedecoratingSelene is reading in the common room and talks to a young artist redesigning his tarot cardsFinn Madison
Runes Reading episode two, professorsas part of her runes homework selene does a reading for professor CastilloProfessor Angel Castillo
Girls who have funSelene and Cyzarine attend the yule ballCyzarine Haden,
There when you needAfter missing lunch Selene heads to the kitchens and finds a stressed and upset lilly baking cinimon scrollsLillian Lockwood
a bit of claritySelene and Elliot talk about future plans in the head persons loungeElliot Briar
Roses sentThe Last One Rose: Yellow rose for Cyzarine Haden delivered by Elizabella Drake
In Muffin Yellows: Yellow Rose for Lillian Lockwood delivered by Ajaccio Skey
Roses deliveredLiusaidh Lounging with Lellow: Yellow rose for liusaidh Fergussen
Stop and Smell the roses: Yellow Rose for Freya Song
Early Roses: Yellow Rose for Indira Khatri
The early bird gets the rose: Yellow rose for Delilah Thorne
Riffs and Roses: Yellow rose for Thomas Jusantrea
Space to Stretch: Yellow rose for Skylar Anderson
Caught in the courtyard:Yellow rose for Elara Chatelain
You Can't Hide: red rose for Elliot Briar and he asks selene to the dance
Roses receivedHopefully Happy Head Honcho: Yellow Rose from Sophie Elliston delivered by Jordan Harris
Red Also Means Friendship: Red rose from Cyzarine Haden delivered by Samantha Jacobs
A Rose for the Head Girl: Yellow rose from Elliot Briar delivered by Elara Chatelain
Red For Selene Le Fey: Red rose from Lillian Lockwood delivered by Pascal Watties
There's a Love in FriendshipSelene attends the ball with Alliot after he asks her to go during deliveries.Elliot Briar
Study Break and Chocolate ButtonsSelene Takes a break from NEWT studies to read a book and ends up chatting with another student about itKiara Wood
Last Night Slumber PartySelene organises a slumbar party for all the seventh year gorls on their last night at the castleLillian Lockwood
Cyzarine Haden,
For the Last TimeSelene visits her favorite professor to thank her for hte supportover the yers.

And I sound like an infant
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
A greater woman stays cool

But I howl like a wolf at the moon

Post school
Confiding in youSelene and Sophie catch up at the dinette and Sophie admits that she is pregnantSophie Elliston
Just Us Twoa few months after graduation and the world has settled down into a rhythm. Selene finally brings up the courage to visit Thackeray in SalemThackery Binns
Mystical FriendshipsSelene and Iris stay in contact via owl and the younger witch asks for love adviceIris Van Houten
Surprise PlansSelene and Etenne organise a suprise party for Sophieetenne Monet
Coworkers and FriendsSelene and iris unpack an order and chat about love and lifeIris Van Houten
Present and futureTwo young seers chat about a kids birthday party and lifeKauri Tipene
Coming in on my day offAsk a seer week and iris comes in with a question: selene offers to do a reading by CarrotIris Van Houten
Gazing Forwardask a seer week. Finn comes in looking for help with his futureFinn Madison
Girls Just Wanna have funit is Selenes 21st birthday and she and Cyzerine go to the club to party.Cyzarine Haden
RuinsSelene sits in the park planning classes and wonders if teaching history to an amaerican muffle highschool is what she really wanted to.Cyzarine Haden
Settling inSelene is back home nervous about work and starts talking to an american teacher who has just moved to new zealand to teachDominic Torres
ShatteredAfter her break up iwth Thackery, Selene is back in new zealand and feeling miserabe and tries to cheer uerself up with ice creamAdorah Zumwalt
Predetermined Picnics and Future FriendshipsSelene goes to the park to relax with a picnic and a book. she runs into a friend and they wonder if their park trip was coincidence to a seer anomalyJordan Harris
Twenty Five to Feel AliveSelene heads to the mall to celebrate new years even and her birthday and makes a new friend who takes her dancing and drinkingPenny Wills
Colliding OrbitsSelene is busy stocking shelves at work and collides into Poppy. they talk about illustrations in a book.Poppy Perkins

And I look unstable
Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table
A greater woman has faith

But even statues crumble if they're made to wait

Lyrics, The prophecy by Taylor Swift
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