Wait 'til you're announced
We've not yet lost all our graces
The hounds will stay in chains
Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out
That slow burn wait while it gets dark, bruising the sun.
I feel grown up with you in your car, I know it's dumb.
The Basics
Name: Selene Morgause Le Fey
-Selene: Greek goddess of the moon.
-Morgause: was the name of my great grandma who died not long before me and helia were born. She is also a charictor from Arthurian myth, one of king arthurs sisters.
-Le Fey: same as autherian character Morgan Le fey, It means of the blessed or of the fey.
Nicknames: Lena, The moon twin.
House: Ravenclaw
Birthday: 31st December 2027
Hometown: Picton New Zealand (near Makatu Mall) however she comes from Devon England.
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: unknown, however it is known that her mothers line Is known as a line of female witches. and She doesntk now who her farther is but he is from a long line of greek witches and wizards so she is most likely mixed blood if not pure blood
Five words that best describe your character: bookworm, seer, quiet, quirky, smart.
Call all the ladies out
They're in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth
We've both got a million bad habits to kick, not sleeping is one.
We're biting our nails, you're biting my lip, I'm biting my tongue.
Hair Color: Dark Brown almost black
Hair Style: long, curly, thick
Eye color: One eye is violet, one is Grey
Height: 1.65 and a fairly average build.
Other distinguishing details: Selene has a slightly gothic style. not as victorian influenced as her mum but she leans towards dark colours. when she was younger she used to wear her hair in two long braids but now she usually has it down. recently she has trimmed it and had a go at straightening it. but with mixed results and she is starting to grow it out again.
Playby: Lorde,
Past Playby: Bella Ramsey
Now bring my boys in
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother,
while he glows through the room
Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it.
They all wanna get rough, get away with it.
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother,
while he glows through the room
Raise a glass, 'cause I'm not done saying it.
They all wanna get rough, get away with it.
Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in this world alone
About me
What can I say about myself. Hello my name is Selene. what can I tell you about me? I am seventeen and am training to be a seer like my mum and grandma. I love reading especially mythology and history books. my favourite colour is dark midnight blue. I have a pet cat called Asteria, well technically she is part kneezal, who I love, she is so cute, a pale silvery grey tabby. when i was younger i used to suffer from nightmares a lot meaning that i would often spend the nights awake and sleep during the day. I have always had one reoccurring one about being trapped inside a big house as it is on fire and the world burns around me. since i started seer training the nightmares have decreased which is good though i still get them from time to time. I love my family and would do anything for me sister or mum like when i asked the sorting hat to be in a different house from helia so she could have some space and grow without having to look after me. though i don't know my dad. mum says she doesn't know who he is though i am pretty sure she knows more than she says. I am trying to track him down but my last lead was a definate no. maybe I will eventually find him.
Dancin' around the lies we tell
Dancin' around big eyes as well
Even the comatose they don't dance and tell
All my fake friends and all of their noise, complain about work
They're studying business, I study the floor,
Dancin' around big eyes as well
Even the comatose they don't dance and tell
All my fake friends and all of their noise, complain about work
They're studying business, I study the floor,
Personality: People say I am quiet when you first meet me. People call me weird or if the are nice quirky. I think that is about right. but they say once i get to know them i open up and i am friendly and kind. thoguh even my friends call me quiet.
Interests/hobbies: reading, daydreaming, practicing and perfecting her seer ability, watching the world go by (all with a cup of tea and a cake). She loves spending time with the students and helping people who need it.
career: I would like to be a professor or do something with runes and history like working at an archaeological dig.
Someone you look up to: Professor Josephs: she is my head of house and my favorite professor (except possibly mum) She has really inspired me all though my time at Hogwarts. I hope i will be like her one day when i grow up.
Boggart: Being burned alive
Dementor: I have never met one. can dementaurs bring to mind bad things that never happened. i feel like reliving some of my nightmares would be one of the worst experiences.
patronus memory: When i went to salem for the first time. and Thackery showed me around in the snow
Patronus form: I don't think i will ever be able to cast a proper Patronus. but if I could it would be a silver tabby cat. as Asteria my cat has protected me all though my time at school.
We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team
All the double-edged people and schemes.
They make a mess then go home and get clean.
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team
All the double-edged people and schemes.
They make a mess then go home and get clean.
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone

Heliana Elaine Le Fey

Elvera Le Fey

Grandmother: Morgan Le Fey

Aunt Maya DeNiro:
Aunt Eden Silverback:
Scitorari member (although Selene doesn't know) I don't know her very well. she only occasionally some to some family events. Appaently Aunt Eden withdrew from the family when she fell out with aunt lilith. She does however send both of us very beautiful birthday presents every year which I know mum would never be able to affordAunt Lilith Patil:
Auror, Aunty lilith lives in France with her husband Praneil. she also has a daughter Padme. I also don't see her often but she is nice.I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air, so there
So all the cups got broke shards beneath our feet but it wasn't my fault
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone
World alone, we're all alone
So all the cups got broke shards beneath our feet but it wasn't my fault
You're my best friend, and we're dancing in a world alone
World alone, we're all alone
At Hogwarts
Your best subject: Runes, Divination, History of magic
Your worst subject: transfiguration
Extracurricular activities: Wild patch, club and she has recently joined heat omega
Favorite place at Hogwarts: The garden. and the divination tower, and the ravenclaw common room in the small hours of the morning
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: doesn't really have one
Do any of the staff members scare you?: none
Do any inspire you?: Professor Josephs
The large oak doors creaked open to reveal the great hall. Selene looked around as she, along with the other first years filtered in and made her way to the front. She had read about the place during her long nights awake but nothing in her imagination could prepare her for the sight of the actual hall, it was larger than she expected, the ceiling was higher, the stars more realistic, and there were far more people than she had expected. She was relieved that she was walking down with her sister. "wow" she breathed looking around. she looked at her sister and saw a similar expression plastered on her face as to what she felt. she was glad to have heliana with her to share this experience with her. she tried to imagine what the other students would be thinking experiencing this on their own.
They reached the front of the hall and they could see the sorting hat on his stool. the headmistress stood and introduced the ceremony and what to do when your name was called, and then attention turned to the sorting hat. she knew how improtant an wise the hat was but she had a sudden thought to if someone was looking in from the outside, be it as a muggleborn firstyear, or some outside observer she realised how odd it would look, everyone in the hall waiting for a, in helianas words, shabbby, hat to do something.
the song was good, introducing the houses and giving a bit of information about them. Selene didn't need information about the houses. she knew where she wanted to be. Ravenclaw. like her mum. though she wouldn't be too disappointed if she was elsewhere she couldn't see herself in any house except the blue one. Heliana was harder to place, she knew they probably wouldn't be in the same house which would be a shame. Heliana wasn't aiming for an particular house though selene could see her sister in red robes. it would be weird not being her her sister. they had never spent a night apart and had always shared a room. Selene needed heli. her the knowledge of her presence was something that was always there like a warm hug. she took her sisters hand and gave it a squeeze not letting it go afterwards. "Good luck" she whispered.
Being Le Fey's meant that they were somewhere in the middle of the group. as the list moved on slowly and soon "Le Fey, Heliana" selene watched as her sister made her way up too the stool and had the hat placed on her head. She smiled when she heard the house and clapped as her sister went to join her new table. there would be no prizes for guessing what name would be next. "Le Fey, Selene came the headmistresses voice. Selene made her way up to the stage and sat down. she was hardly breathing she was so nervous. she closed her eyes as the hat was placed over her head "thank you for putting my sister in her house. now please don't put me with her. as much as I would love to be with herald depend on having her around she needs to have the chance to experience school in her own way and she won't be able to do that with me hanging on to her" she thought. she remembered hearing that the house listened to your thoughts "and if you would be very kind Mr Sorting hat sir I would love to follow my mum and be a Ravenclaw" she thought waiting for the hat to make his decision.
"You'd do well in Gryffindor, you know. But if you're sure... Ravenclaw!"[/FONT]
They reached the front of the hall and they could see the sorting hat on his stool. the headmistress stood and introduced the ceremony and what to do when your name was called, and then attention turned to the sorting hat. she knew how improtant an wise the hat was but she had a sudden thought to if someone was looking in from the outside, be it as a muggleborn firstyear, or some outside observer she realised how odd it would look, everyone in the hall waiting for a, in helianas words, shabbby, hat to do something.
the song was good, introducing the houses and giving a bit of information about them. Selene didn't need information about the houses. she knew where she wanted to be. Ravenclaw. like her mum. though she wouldn't be too disappointed if she was elsewhere she couldn't see herself in any house except the blue one. Heliana was harder to place, she knew they probably wouldn't be in the same house which would be a shame. Heliana wasn't aiming for an particular house though selene could see her sister in red robes. it would be weird not being her her sister. they had never spent a night apart and had always shared a room. Selene needed heli. her the knowledge of her presence was something that was always there like a warm hug. she took her sisters hand and gave it a squeeze not letting it go afterwards. "Good luck" she whispered.
Being Le Fey's meant that they were somewhere in the middle of the group. as the list moved on slowly and soon "Le Fey, Heliana" selene watched as her sister made her way up too the stool and had the hat placed on her head. She smiled when she heard the house and clapped as her sister went to join her new table. there would be no prizes for guessing what name would be next. "Le Fey, Selene came the headmistresses voice. Selene made her way up to the stage and sat down. she was hardly breathing she was so nervous. she closed her eyes as the hat was placed over her head "thank you for putting my sister in her house. now please don't put me with her. as much as I would love to be with herald depend on having her around she needs to have the chance to experience school in her own way and she won't be able to do that with me hanging on to her" she thought. she remembered hearing that the house listened to your thoughts "and if you would be very kind Mr Sorting hat sir I would love to follow my mum and be a Ravenclaw" she thought waiting for the hat to make his decision.
"You'd do well in Gryffindor, you know. But if you're sure... Ravenclaw!"[/FONT]
And everyone's competing for a love they won't receive
'Cause what this palace wants is release
'Cause what this palace wants is release
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Nell Wright | Lars Van Houten | Cyzarine Haden | Sophie Elliston | |
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Iris van Houten | Kira Wolf | Thackery Binns | Poppy Perkins |
Sexual orientation: undefined
Current relationships: none
Past relationships: Nell Wright, Thackery Binns,
Crushes: Nell Wright, Thackery Binns, Poppy Perkins
lyrics Team and by lorde
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