🌹 Rose Giving rose petals and tea

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene was onto the next name on her list a sydney Townsend. She knew what the girl looked like more or less and what hosue she was in from her study of the yearbook last night. a couple of questions at the Slytherin table had tolder that she had last been seen leaving the casto for the courtyard with a cup of tea. she made her way outside and spotted the girl immediately. "Hello Sydney I have a rose for you" she said walking towards the girl while trying to detangle the pink rose from the rest she was carying.
@Sydney Townsend
The Great Hall was a nightmare today and Sydney had managed to keep her head long enough to grab some tea before she had to leave. All the incessant yelling and gushing over dumb little roses that didn't mean anything. She doubted any kids at this school really understand romance and love properly anyway. She'd just been about to take her first sip of tea when Selene Le Fey approached her. Sydney eyed her and her roses warily, not trusting a prefect much, let alone one who was a professor's daughter. "Yes?" She said cautiously, lowering her cup.
selene could almost feel the wariness coming off the Slytherin. she took a deep breath so steady herself as even though she was younger than her sydney seemed a little intimidating. "yes a rose, and it is a pink one" she said tkaing the rose and the note from her bunch. and passing it to her. "there you go then i will let you have your tea in peace, it smells good what kind is it?" she said not sure why she was making conversation with this girl who clearly just wanted to be left alone.

note said:
Dear Sydney,
Thank you.
Sydney had seen Selene going for a pink rose, but she still wasn't sure she believed it was actually for her, even as it was being handed to her. She briefly wondered if maybe it was a prank rose, like the ones she'd sent to Eric, but reading the note she was less sure. "Is that it? It's not signed," She said, flipping the note over before re-reading it. No name. Of course. Part of her hoped it was from Samantha, but would she have actually done that? And not signed it? Sydney clicked her tongue irritably, but Selene asked her about her tea, which Sydney had already nearly forgotten about while looking over the rose. "Oh, it's just earl grey," She said, appreciating that if anyone might have an interest in tea, it would be Professor Le Fey's daughter.
willow was surprised with the girls reaction most people who got pink roses were happy but Sydney seemed impatient. it didn't take long to work out why. "not signed. that's odd" she said her brows low over her violet and grey eyes in confusion. who would want to send a pink rose anonymously when the girl said it was earl grey she nodded. "I thought it smelled familiar." she said. she had had a really good earl grey a couple of weeks previously her mum was testing out a new supplier for the eye and this one was so citrusy and fresh it had been delicious.

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