Mellow Yellow

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
mealtimes were a good time to deliver roses. everyone was in the great hall and generally sitting at their house tables. of course today was a little more chaotic with people walking around trying to deliver roses just as selene was doing. but thankfully it didn't take her long to find her target, a hufflepuff in her year. "Hello Clifton, happy valentines day." she said holding a yellow rose out to him.
@Clifton Ward
His rose from Lily had been perfect, and Clifton had been walking on air all day. He hadn't even thought of the possibility of getting more roses. So it was a shock when he heard Selene addressing him, blinking in shock for a moment before accepting the rose. "Oh! Thank you!" He said brightly, beaming. He didn't know Selene all that well, she had always struck him as one of the more intimidating of his classmates, but seeing her delivering roses went some ways to soften that image. He opened the message, curious about who had been thinking of him.
((OOS: i have never thought of selene as being intimidating. the thought of someone being intimidated by her is humorous to me))
it was weird that Clifen had been in her classes for five years and she could not recall ever talking to him before other than the most basic of classwork. it wasn't for any particular reason he was in her twin's house and seemed pretty chilled out but she just had never had a reason to talk to him. and she was not usually the kind of person to start up conversations with people she didn't know. "Thank you. I have a yello rose here for your somewhere" she said shuffling through the roses she had still to deliver before finding the right one and handing it to him.

((ahahaha Clifton is intimidated by everyone, and Selene is Cool and Mysterious so DOUBLE INTIMIDATING :p ))

Clifton smiled a little nervously as he waited for the rose, wondering who would have sent him a yellow one. He had sent one to Elliot, so it might be his roommate returning the favour. He couldn't quite imagine who else would send a yellow rose to him... Matt, possibly, to cheer him up? He had never even thought of sending a rose to his cousin, but it would have been a nice thing to do. He would have to keep it in mind for next year.
Selene realised that the rose that she had given to Clifton didn’t have a note attached. sirry the note must have come unattached, just give me a second. she said rummaging at the bottom of the basket sot it she said passing him the parchment with His name on it. sorry about that. I hope that you are having a good day she said. Feeling a little silly for almost forgetting the note.
note said:
Thank you for all of the work you put into accio over this year! It would not be possible without you.
Clifton accepted the note gratefully, relieved that he didn't have to wonder who it was from. "Thank you!" He said brightly, glancing down at the message. His smile brightened when he realised who it was from. Clifton had looked up to Vader his whole time on the yearbook, and he was grateful the older boy appreciated his work.

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