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Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
full title: the jock and the weird girl on a blind date, a recipe for a teen movie.

Selene hadn't known what to expect with the blind dates at the school ball this year. despite being a sixth year she had only joined the sistwehood this year and had signed up to experience what the club that her ex had always complained about had to offer and also as a way to enjoy the ball without thinking about the last ball which she had spent with nell. when the list of names had been released she hadn't had to look far down on the list to see her own name partnered with @Abian Hunter. She wasn't sure what she had expected with the list but for some reason he wasn't who she had thought she would be partnered with but she also didn't know who she expected. but he was not like her. he was popular. captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. president of the brotherhood. and she was well the slightly weird nerdy girl who kept mainly to herself. when she had told heli her twin had laughed and said it sounded like the plot of a cheesy muggle teen movie. where they would realise they aren't that different and fall in love. part of her doubted that but after what she had heard about nells behaviour maybe it was time for her to move on too.
She had taken her time getting ready sorting her hair doing her makeup before putting on her dress. she really liked the dress she had this year gold on the top then the bottom there was a black skirt. the underskirt was shorter with a longer tule overskirt. which made it feel eligant with it being long but also not to warm. she made her way down to the entrance hall wondering what she was to expect. she couldn't even recall ever speaking to Abian before they got partnered up for the dance so who knew how it was going to go.
Abian had signed up for the blind dates, mostly because he felt like he should if he was hosting the event. He wasn't dating anyone, as his... thing with William wasn't considered dating, and it seemed like the blind date thing would be fun. He'd been paired up with Selene Le Fey, a Ravenclaw Prefect and the daughter of one of the professors. Abian didn't take Divination, so he didn't really know Professor Le Fey. He did know that Selene had a mysterious atmosphere around her. She was a bit of a loner, and Abian honestly didn't know much about her. He had gotten dressed in his suit, then headed to the Great Hall to meet his date. He hoped she hadn't been disappointed with who she had been paired with, and he'd try to make the evening fun for her. It didn't take long for him to spot the girl, and he went over to her with an easy grin. She looked good, her dress was really cool and interesting. "Hey, Selene." He said, as he approached her. "You look amazing." He then offered her his arm. "I hope you haven't been waiting for long?" He asked her.
Selene scanned the room as she waited she saw a lot of couples meeting up and several people like her looking around nervously. She heard her name and turned to face the boy who approached her. as a wave of relief washed over her she realised that she had been worried about no one showing. or albin being so embarrassed that he had been partnered with someone so uncool that he would have just stood her up. "Hey Abian. Happy yule" she greeted him just before he complimented her. "Thank you. you look great too" she said as she took his arm. "not at all. I only got here a couple of minutes ago" she said. she had rather enjoyed watching other people find each other, and seeing what they were dressed in. at least she would have done if she hadn't been so nervous. "should we" she said gesturing towards the door and making half a step in its direction. from here she could see into the hall and the beautiful Christmas wonderland inside. "Umm.... what's your favourite colour" she asked. before biting her lip. what silly kind of question was that? she had been trying to make small talk to get to know him a little bit better. But seriously THAT was the first thing that came into her head. she could have thanked him for coming or made some comment about the decorations, or the music. or even suggested they dance o eat, or something but no colours. he must be thinkng that she was an idiot.
It felt kind of cool to enter the ball with a pretty girl on his arm. He gave Selene a smile as she said she hadn't waited long, that was a relief at least. The hall was crowded, and Abian looked around to see if he saw anyone familiar. It would be nice to introduce Selene to one of his friends or teammates, wasn't that a bit what this event was about? Selene's sudden question took him off guard, and he looked at her in surprise before smiling. "Asking each other questions to get to know each other is a good idea." He told her. "I pretty much only know that you're a prefect and your mother is a professor." He then paused. "My answer is perhaps a bit cliche, but its yellow." He said with a shrug. "Maybe sleeping in a yellow room for six years kind of brainwashed me." He admitted. "Whats yours?" He asked her as he lead Selene further into the hall.
Selene was glad that Abian seemed to take her unusual question in stride. she smiled as he said getting to know each other was a good idea. "that is right. I also have a twin sister in your house" she said then she thought. "all I know about you is that you are a seventh-year, you run the brotherhood and you are the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team, I don't even know what position you play" she said. she didn't follow quidditch at all. like most people who grew up in a magic family she knew the basics, she had learned them from aunt Lilith and Padme her older cousin. but she had never really been interested in following the leagues or players. "I may be a bit of a cliche too. my favourite is dark inky blue, but deep purple is also nice. she said. thinking of the colour of the night sky just before dawn.
Abian nodded as Selene told him about her twin. He remembered her now, she was a girl he saw occasionally in the Hufflepuff Common room. Though she was very different from Selene, it seemed. "I play chaser. " He told her when she said she didn't know what position he played. "And I also have a sister, but she's not my twin. She's in Gryffindor and two years younger than me." He said, he looked around. "She should be around here somewhere, probably with a Ravenclaw girl she hangs around with a lot." He said. He wasn't sure if the girl was Aisa's girlfriend by now or not, but he suspected it was heading in that direction. Selene's favorite color seemed to suit her, but it felt weird to say so. Abian just nodded. "So... what sort of thing do you like to do at these events? Are you a dancer? Or more a person who watches the others dance?" He asked her with an easy smile.
selene listened as Abian explained what position he was on on the team and that he had a sister who was younger than him. she looked around if she could see the girls in question but in the tide of students entering the hall she couldn't pick out who his sister was. some of the students she recognised and some she didn't as they washed around her she heard snippets of conversation and wondered what they were like one younger boy cursing about something unknown as he passed with his date. "I think I've seen them around. I didn't realise she was your sister" she said. she had seen the two girls together but, as with Abian had never really spoken to them. when asked what she did at the events she thought. she didn't really know. she had been to the last couple with nell and before that, she had just hung out and ran into friends. "A bit of both I guess. last year I and my date cam grabbed some food then spent the rest of the evening by the lake" she said thinking back to then. the last time they had been happy together. or the last time they had been together that she hadn't felt like she was holding onto an idea. "I did go to professor Castillo and nurse aurora's dance class a few weeks ago so maybe we should dance at some stage" she said though she had a feeling that the type of dancing they had been teaching was not really how people danced at the ball. 'did you want to get something to eat or drink first? dance first? or just chat?" she asked as they emerged from the ground of people loitering near the doors and they had a bit more space to look around and see the hall and what was going on. the sound of music clearer now there wasn't so many people talking to drown it out. she was happy doing anything. though preferably staying away from the area where her mum was standing talking to professor kingsley.
Abian nodded as Selene said she knew who his sister was, vaguely. He could relate to that, it was impossible to track who was related to who at Hogwarts. One thing Abian knew about the wizarding world was that the families were very big, very interconnected, and very confusing. He listened as Selene explained what she had done last year, which sounded pretty romantic. He guessed her date hadn't been a casual one like today, and decided not to ask about it. But hearing about the dance lesson was interesting. "Oh, cool. I didn't go to those, but I heard they were pretty good." He said with a smile. "So we should definitely dance, so you can show off your skills." He said jokingly. "But we could get something to eat first and talk a bit?" He asked her. So far, chatting had been pretty fun. Abian was enjoying himself, and was glad he had been paired with someone he normally probably wouldn't have talked to. He hoped everyone else who signed up for the blind date event was having as good a time as he was.
Selene nodded as he said that he had heard that the dance lessons had been fun. "they were. but I cant guarantee I have many skills for dancing" she said even if she did have dance lessons she wasn't necessarily a good dancer she was just so focused on getting one thing right it meant she forgot something else. food first sounded like a good idea. she realised that she was actually gwtting hungry lunch seemed like a long time away. She let go of Abian's arm as they reached the table with the food. She pocked up two plates and passed one to her date. "what do you have planned for the holidays" she asked as she picked up a mince pie and some gingerbread and added it to her plate. she was glass that his question actually made sense.
Abian laughed softly as Selene said she couldn't guarantee that she had much skill for dancing. "You'll probably have more than me." He said, but was glad she seemed fine with eating some snacks and talking first. Abian took a plate as Selene handed it to him, and started loading it with food. He was pretty hungry, and glad they were eating first. "Just going home to see my mum." He said with a shrug. "Back to the muggle world, always a bit of a shock. But kind of nice too. What about you?" He asked her, pouring himself some pumpkin juice.
selene looked at her date when he said that she probably had more dancing skills than her. "I had got the impression that you were pretty coordinated" she said putting some turkey and cranberry tarts a slice of the yule log, and some pigs in blankets. as abian explained what he was doing on his holiday she nodded. in some respects she was not like most of the students here she didn't have to wait until the holidays to see her mum. she had tea with her most afternoons. the other thing she hadn't realised was that abian was muggleborn. growing up they had always had magic around even though her mum and grandma often insisted on doing tings the old way that often didn't involve magic it was still around. "that must be a tricky transition. but you are of age now so you can use magic at home right?" she said. She was looking forward to her impemnding birthday. She would be of age and most exciting of all. she would be able to use it one day before her twin. shewas never usually the one to gloat but she was lookinf forward to being able to use it on her birthday. "I think we are staying in new zealand fo the holidays. mum will try and organise each of us a birthday party which will be good. you are welcome to come tomine i you want to though i dont know much about it. she said, before picking up a mince pie and putting it in her mouth before she ven remotly thought about using your her plate..
Abian laughed softly when Selene said she had gotten the idea he was pretty coordinated. "On a broom, yeah." He said. "Even on a skateboard. But dancing is a whole different thing, it's nothing like throwing a quaffle through a hoop." He told her. "Unless I'm very mistaken." He then said jokingly. He had known Selene wasn't a muggleborn like him, because her mother was a professor here. So it wasn't a huge surprise that she asked him questions about it. "Yeah, I can. But I have to be very careful. Neighbors can't be allowed to see it and stuff." He said with a shrug. "And honestly, I think it kinda freaks my mum out, like she's afraid I'll set fire to the curtains or something." He said lightly. "So I don't do it a ton." He listened as Selene talked about her holidays and mentioned a birthday party. "Oh, cool. When is your birthday?" He asked her, pleasantly surprised he had been invited to a party. These blind dates were really cool.
[[sorry the lasrt two posts have been awkward to read. i was posing them just as I was about to go to bed]]

selene listened as Abian said that he was not as coordinated on his feet as he was on a broom or skateboard. she chuckled at his joke about dancing not being like throwing the quaffle. 'I could never balance on a broom I couldn't wait for each flying class to be over" she said. shuddering slightly at the thought. she liked heights. the towers were her favorite parts of the castle but she liked having both food firmly on the ground. she nodded understanding as he explained that he couldn't use too much magic at home. she wondered what it was like living in a home where magic wasn't a common utility. even though her mum insisted on doing things old school way said too much magic made things feel different like they were coveredshe said magic left behind a trace and too much magic left things with a coating that felt weird. she hadnt really thought too much about it but she wondered if it was the same with everyhting or if it was just one of her mums quirks. she knew that her mums seer ability was linked to touch where as her training seemed to indicate her developing skills were tied to dreams. "we dont use too much magic at home either" she said. by now she had finished filling her plate. "did you want to sit down" she asked. standing to eat seemed like a recepie for food on the floor and silly given the fact that there were so many tables empty aound the place. "my birthday is 31st of december" she said. she liked her birthday. while whe she was younger she had enjoyed being close to helia and shaing everything now they had grown up, and thanks to being sorted into different houses grown apart on their own, she liked the fact that she did have he own birthday. this year especially it was fun knowing that she would be able to do magic a day before helia, not just a day, but the year before helia.
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