A charming rose.

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene had been on a roll with her roses. she had delivered those to the Gryffindors in class. and she was planning on doing the same for the Slytherin first year. as she had charms with him this afternoon. she sat in class listening to the professor once they were dismissed she walked over to one of the Slytherins. she had never spoken to him before and was usually a bit shy about talking to new people. but having the roses to hand out certainly made her feel a bit more confident. it gave her a reason to talk, almost a dialogue to start with. "Hello, it's Jasper right? she said. she was pretty sure she had the right boy. but she wanted to be sure.
Jasper was about to head back to Slytherin after charms, wondering if they were going to learn some cooler spells soon. He looked around to see if he could walk with Blake or any of his other roommates, but instead he was approached by a girl he recognized from class. "Oh, hi." He said, nodding. "That's me." He tilted his head curiously. "What's up?"
Selene was glad that she had found the right boy. it would have been embarrassing if she hadn't. "hi. that is good." she said. I have a rose for you" she said. reaching into her basket and looking for a second before she found the right rose. "It comes with a note too" she said handing him the rose with the note attached.

note said:

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