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Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene was disappointed that professor Chamberlin had left her. She always looked forward to seeing lessons with him. the replacement divination professor seemed nice when she had passed her on the stairs or ran into her but there was just one snag. She wasn't a seer which meant that she had to take those extra classes with her mum. there had been a reason she had asked professor Chamberlin to teach her. at least since fourth year her mum had come around a little bit though she still got an impression she didn't want her to be a seer. Today was a nice spring day and Selene had a slight reprise from assignments before she had to start worrying about exams so she made her way down to the garden finding a quiet corner and started practising. her issue had been controlling when she was letting things in and blocking them. apparently, her mum had had the opposite problem with an information overload all the time initially. for her she had to push to let her guard down. at least when she was awake. she sat down. closed her eyes, took a couple of deep breaths as she focussed her mind almost trying to picture bulling down the walls around it.
Some days, Ryan could have the entire day pass him by in his dorm without him noticing. Other days, he felt listless for something interesting to do, wandering the grounds for anything unusual to catch his interest. Sometimes he could find weird bugs when he was out in the gardens, especially with all sorts of things starting a new stage of their life cycle as Spring went on.

He'd been inspecting a leaf for aphids when someone nearby caught his attention. It wasn't unusual or even unexpected to see other students out here, but someone sitting silently with their eyes closed was curious. Ryan spent a few moments, still crouched by the bush, watching the girl, who he was pretty sure was one of their prefects, Selene. When she didn't move or do anything obvious for awhile, Ryan shuffled closer, still hoping he could work out what she was doing. He didn't see her wand or any obvious magic occurring, but maybe it was some sort of non-verbal spell? Or perhaps she was meditating. He'd seen his mum do that when she was particularly stressed. "Are you meditating?" Ryan eventually asked, impatience for an answer winning out over his desire to figure it out on his own.
selene focused on the world around her. the singing of the birds, chirping of bugs and the russle of leaves in the garden as well as the sound of the wind in the forest. she took a deep breath and tried to draw her focus in to her. slowly letting go of each of the noises. a new noise appeared but it vanished before she could act on it. she didn't let it bother her. she continued to let the noises go reaching her 'white space' from there she would try and push out. or was it in. no it was out.
she was just about trady to stretch her focus when she heard a voice. She tried to push it away but it set a distraction though her peace as notable as if someone had splached brown and green paint across a canvas. She opened one eye and looked at the boy. or rather squinted as she was not particularly good at opening one eye. "no I'm doing homework" she said before closing her eye again however instead of clearing her thoughts this had the same effect of trying to clean the canvas by wiping it with a cloth. she opened the other eye. "I guess it is a kind of meditation" she said though she hadn't thought of it that way.
Ryan just frowned at Selene's answer, unsure if she was joking or not. If she was, he didn't get it. "Homework for what?" He asked, deciding to sit down across from her. It didn't look like any sort of classwork Ryan had ever had to do. If she was doing some sort of unknown magical technique, Ryan wanted to learn it. Or maybe she was just honing her senses. Either way, Ryan was interested in finding out.
The boy was persistent Selene had to grant him that. o was he just a curious kid? She opened one eye again this one her violet one and saw him sitting down opposite her. IT looked like she would be stuck with some company. 'Divination, or rather seer training" she said opening her other eye so he could see him properly. "What are you doing in the garden?" she asked him more to annoy him and to throw questions back at him than any real interest.
Selene's answer was pretty vague, which was annoying, and Ryan scooted a tiny bit closer as she opened both eyes to look at him. She had weird eyes, Ryan had somehow never noticed that before. He'd really have to pay more attention. "So are you seeing the future right now? Can you just do that?" Divination wasn't exactly a subject that had ever held Ryan's attention much, but even he could admit the idea of being seer, of being able to see visions of the future, was an incredibly cool, and useful, talent. "I'm- I was looking for bugs," he said simply in response to her question, waving it off distractedly now that he was caught up asking about her seer stuff instead. "What other stuff do you do for seer training?" he asked, fidgeting with his shoe laces as he tried to imagine some obstacle course filled with crystal balls or tea leaves. The reality would probably be a lot more mundane, judging by Selene's current practicing mostly seeming to involve just sitting, but you never knew.
:shy:whoops :doh:
Selene didn't want to talk to this boy. She wanted to practice. "No I am not seeing any more of the future right now than you are." she said. "would you be able to clear you mind if some stranger kept asking you questions" she said a tone creeping into her voice that made her sound a little more annoyed than she was.
she rubbed her hand across her face as if the gesture would rub her cranky mood off. and maybe it did work as when he said that he was looking for bugs she smiled slightly. "What kind are you looking for?" she said turning the conversation back to the boy. but it seemed that the boy was more interested in her studies than his bug search. as he asked what else they learned in seer training. "a lot of it is to do with focusing and clearing you mind. apparently how everyone learns is different but usually there is a lot of control involved" she said knowing she was encouraging the conversation even if she didn't want to but not knowing how to answer his questions without sounding rude otherwise.

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