Linden Remus Cullen

Linden Remus Kinnek
Nee: Cullen

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly

The Basics
Character's Name: Linden Remus Kinnek (nee: Cullen)
Linden, the name of a tree also called the lime tree, though not the tree that produces limes, as it is a tradition in my mum's family for members to be named after trees (traditionally the tree one is born under),
Remus: as both mum and dad are werewolves, they decided to give me the name of a famous werewolf from modern history. I mean, Remus Lupin was a really brave and cool guy, so I am rather proud to be named after him
Kinneck Kinneck is the name of Casper's birth family. When Me and Cas were getting married, there were some deep discussions on what name to go with and the end decision was Kinneck after his birth family
Cullen: my dad's last name, and despite the unfortunate link to a family of vampires in some muggle books years ago it is a good name to have.

Nicknames: Lin (most people) Pipsqueak (willow) Linny-Bear (Tara) Snowflake (Casper)

Character's Birthdate: 23rd May 2039
Star sign: Gemini (On the cusp with Taurus)

Hometown: Wagga Wagga, Australia though my parents now also have a house in New Zealand that they live in, the farm near wagga wagga will always be my hometown

Blood Status: mixed blood, on my mum's side both her parents are magic even though she doesn't know, her adopted mum is a witch and dad was a part giant wizard. On my dad's side my gran is a witch but my pop was a squib, that leaves me as mixed blood.

All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

At School

Wand: Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying.
Core: As a core, mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as Care of Magical Creatures and water-based spells. Though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.

I like my wand. each of the components show that i will be good working with magical creatures which is great as that is what i want to do when i grow up. and I like the curly shape it is a little bit pretty and unique

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
I like being one of the badgers. when i was sorted i was in the same house as my cousin and Willow's boyfriend. of couse Chante graduated after my first year and Willow and noelle broke up though he still was cool and looked out for me. the other students are great too. I am looking forward to get to know each of the boys in my dorm.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see

Hair: brown and naturally curly. I like having it a little on the long side down to my shoulders. though i tie it up for classes and quidditch
Eyes: blue.
Height: fairly average hight. somehow i am the shortest boy in my dorm. but that is mainly because Cas and Lucas are tall. I am a stronger build than them and can put on muscle easily.
Style: simple and practical. my go to style is straight leg jeans, a tshirt and hoodie sometimes with a jacket over the top if it is cold. Willow teases me that I need to get a better style. but I like mine it does the job. but if she buys me clothes (which she often does) I do end up wearing them.
Other Distinguishing Features:

All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

A Little Deeper
Personality: I like to look out for people I care about my family and friends as well as animals. I was never particually hard working at school tending to coast by with P's. but when i got to OWLS and NEWTs i worked a bit harder so i could get the grades needed for the job i want.

History: I was born in st mungoes and grew up on a property outside a city called Wagga Wagga in New South Wales in Australia. it is quite a large property. with paddocks and bushland. when I was younger I used to spend a lot of time outside playing with thefamily my dog bjorn
I went to the Muggle primary school, and got on well with the other kids, especially the boys on the soccer team that my parents signed me up for.
I was well known amongst my family and friends for being a gentle boy. i would often find injured animals and try and nurse them back to health. quite often it didnt work but i tried.


Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night



Husband: Casper Kinneck

Dad: Dederic Cullen,


Mum: Briar Rowan-Cullen,
head of department of magical creatures, Wisengamot member and werewolf rights activist.
How can I sum Casper up? I love him. and he means the world to me. He is one of the most incredible, brave and creative people I know. I would do anything for him. Dad is great. He is laid back and fun to be around. I sometimes help him out on his boat. i am a bit like him that i like the manual work. though i dont like killing the fish. at least i know they are for food.Mum is cool. She does a lot and is vary busy at times. but she is great and i love when she brings home animals from work. or even tells stories of what she has come across.


Sister: Willow Cullen


Adopted sister: Tara Hawthorne
former Gryffindor student

Sister: Ivy Cullen,
Gryffindor Student
Willow has always been someone that I look up to. She has been my big sister, and I love her. She can be annoying at times, but she tells me that is what sisters are for. My parents adopted tara when I was fifteen and she seems to crow on you like a bad smell. (I love you) she can be infuriatingly annoying at times but you have to love her and her scenes and bluntnessI remember when ivy was born. and have watched her grow up from baby to the girl she is today. I know I shouldn't have favorited but she is my favourite sister


Aunt: Madlyn Margera,
manager of the sanctuary


Uncle: Chayton Ateara,

Cousin: Chante Ateara,

Cousin: Jakson Ateara,

Grandmother: Iris Margera,


Cousin: Alison Young
former Ravenclaw Student


Mother-in-law: Martene Kinnek

Brother-in-law: Basil Kinnek
Bigonville Bombers Beater


Sister-in-law: Maisie Morvay
Former Gryffindor Student

Lyrics: Blackbird by the Beatles​
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Before School

Two spirits Become one: A part giant weddingLinden attends his aunt and uncles wedding and is the ring bearerChayten Ateara, Madlyn Ateara, and family and others
One of those nights ContinuedLinden wakes up in the middle of a thunderstorm and found that one of his aunts and cousins has come to stay with them.Alison Young, Willow Cullen, Dederick Cullen
Tell the world we finally got it all right, I choose you.A casual summer family barbeque gets a twist or two as Lindens mum announced she is pregnant and his parents get marriedBriar rowan-Cullen, Dederick Cullen and familt
The Middle of starting overLinden has a day to himself in obsidian and stops at the leaky for lnchHenry Addams
Because I cant Take Bjorn to schoolWhileschool shopping stop at the pet shop Linden meets his sisters best friendFleur van Houten
Something to match my nameLinden buys his wand before getting a message from his mumXavier Jeffreys
Fit for BurstingLinden rushes to the hospital and meets his baby sister (Technically Kinden couldnt post due to holiday forums but he is there)Ivy Cullen, Briar Rowan-Cullen, dederick Cullen, Jeremy Thorne,

First Year
First School Rideon his way to school linden meets a familair faceHenry Addams
First Night in the SettAfter being sorted into hufflepuff Linden meets the boys he will be living with for the next seven years. (or maybe even longer)Lucas Fletcher, Casper Beckett, Roxas Mckenna,
This Rockswhile chiling by the rocks Linden meeys a new friend and they bond over having family in the school and how part-veelas have extra charms (though apparently only the girls)Wade Verdelet, Roxas Mckenna
A trip to Neverlandthe first Halloween at the school and the only one with all his cousins the family organise a large perer pan themed group costume he goes as peter panWilllow Cullen (Tinkerbell)
Alison Young (Wendy)
Professor Madlyn Ateara (Captain hook)
chanto Ateara (tigerlilly)
Alexei Kozlov
Cozy AfternoonLinden spends a wet afternoon in the common room and talks to a new friend about dogsAlexi Kozlov
SaturnLinden attends the yule ball and ends up running into one of willows friendsMazikeen Roe
BirdieLinden returns to the dorm with a baby bird. there he accidentally surprises Casper before they have a chat about birds and drawingCasper Beckett
Stretch your wingsLinden tries to let a recovered birdie go and is spotted by wendallWendall Layton
Roses Sent
roses Recievedrosentine: Yellow rose from Alexi Kozlov delivered by Tiziano Edogawa
Flowery Family: Yellow Rose from unsure Delivered by Emma Van Houten
Wolves in the newsNews of a Werewolf attack hits close to home for a few people in the schoolLeda Layton, Wendall Layton, Lysander Summers, Chante Ateara, Willow Cullen

Second Year
Magic and RealityThe second year boys unpack in their dormLucas Fletcher, Roxas Mckenna, Emerson Griffith, Casper Beckett, Aras Ragauskas
The Offside Rule SucksHarry potter is not a very creative costume for the feast but it is the costume lin goes with. there he hangs out and gets to know leiaLeia Hume
ThereminAllison Drags linden to the arts room to show him the theramin she foundAllison Young
Kozlovs and then SomeAfter bumping into Lydia at the ball Linden gets to meet Alexi's familyLidiya Kozlova, Alexei Kozlov, Stefan Kozlov,
You Can't Replace a friendAfter Elg dies Linden goes to the menagerie to find a new companion for school and hangs out with Lysander and buys Mus a batLysander Summers
Boys and DogsLinden Alexi and Lysander have a dog play date for Bjorn, Igor, and OdieAlexi Kozlov, Lysander Summers
Unfortunate EventsLinden rescues a blow away ribbonBlake Lodge
Walking a CrupLinden helps out his aunt by walking one of the animals. and the cute crip atract some companyTilly Drage
dueling TournimentMatch 1: Win against Lumio Skey
Match 16: Loss against Lucas fletcher
Roses SentRose For Boy: Yellow For Alexi Kozlov delivered by Eustace Ross
Crushes and Badgers: Pink For Alexi delivered by Samantha Jacobs
roses Recieved
A Secret CrushAt the Valentines dance Alexi thanks linden for the yellow rose and says he wished he had sent him a pink one, Linden admits to Alexi that he sent both roses, Alexi LeavesAlexi Kozlov
Fifteenth of Februaryat breakfast the following day Linden and Alexi appologise for their actions the previous day. and admit that they do like each other and want to be more than friends.Alexi Kozlov

Third Year
It may be cold but hot chocolate will keep us warmAlexi and Lindens first big date at the ice cream shopAlexi Kozlov
sheding some (moon) Light on thingsAllison cornered Linden after a defence against the dark arts class and asks him 20q about his mum. much to lindens annoyenceAllison Beckett
hugs and Maybe KissesLinden and Alexi hang out in the common room and build a pillow fortAlexi Kozlov
Magpies and friendsAfter halping his aunt feed the animals linden feeds a magpie he has befriendses and talks to a friend he has s-piedLucas Fletcher

Fourth year
Threads of YellowThe borhter hood and sisterhood have blind dates for the ball Linden signs up as he knows there are fewer boys than girls participating and Alexi doesnt like the ball. he goes with a third year Ana sofia and they got on well and make friendsAna Sofia Burleigh
Ice-Cream ChaosRoleplay Roulette: Linden and Lysander go and get ice cream on their lunchbreak from the menagerie. there they run into Charlie and IreneLysander Summers, Charlie Helkovaara, Irene Holland
Roses SentLovely: Pink for Alexi Kozlov delivered by Delilah Thorne
Last rose for a puff: Yellow for Lucs Fletcher delivered by Rosalind Lockwood
the Last Yellow Rose: yellow rose for Lysander (Hopsprocket, Fuzfeathers, and Rembrandt) delivered by Elisabeth Easterling
Courtships and courtyards: pink for Giselle Rosenberg
roses Deliveredof Pages and Pettles: Yellow for Kiara Wood
Cozy Red: red for Cyzarine Haden
Across the Water: Yellow rose for Ana Sofia Burleigh
Roses Rock: Yellow for Sawyer Carnahan
Courtships and Courtyards : Pink for Giselle Rosenberg
In the heart of chaos: Yellow for Solomon Tofilau
Golden Hour: Yellow for Lauren Carter
Roses RecievedYellow for Thanks : Yellow from Ana Sofia Burleigh delivered by Ryan Fisk
The Lynx BoysWafter q tough quidditch training session Linden forgets his deoderent and asks to bowwor some.Jordan Harris, Lucas Fletcher, Connor Holland, Rene Tofilau,

Fifth year
Ill advised PatrolingA change in prefect rostering leaves Linden on patrol with Lucas. as they walk conversation flows covering topics of friendships, relationships and holidays and quidditchLucas Fletcher
Speed dating
Finns Table (1,
Lysanders Table (2)
Sullys Table (3)
Christina's table (4)
Adorah's table (5)
Linden signes up for the speed dating event. He visits Finn and has a great chat. He moves to lysanders table where yhet flirt and sander gives lin a halloween ideas beofre he kisses sander on the cheek and they and part, he moves to sullys table and they teas each other about quidditch. he briefly stopped at Christina and Adorah's table before circling back aroundto Finn's tableFinn Madison, Lysander Summers, Solomon Tofilau, Christina Holmgaard, Adorah Zumwalt
PoutingLinden returns from quidditch training and finds casper upset. he curls up next to him and offers a hug as cas eases his pain with a cry and an explanation. Linden invites cas to stay for christmasCasper Beckett
ALinden - AladdinLinden attends the halloween feast as alladin
A Longer DateLinden attends the yule ball with Finn and has a great time dancing with himFinn Madison
Felix made me do itAfter sampling a little felix Felicis in potions class. Linden goes for a swim in the lake.Rene Tofilau
Punch and people watchingIt is valentines day and Linden and Casper attend as friends. just friends it is until linden 'accidently" starts flirting.lucas Fletcher
Hufflepuff Victory PartyHufflepuff are the school quidditch champions and the team and the rest of the house celebrates in the common room. that is until lin and Jordie drop lucas onto Kasim. Kasim and Lucas kiss and lin and Connor both make quick getaways.Lucas Fletcher, Connor Holland, Kasim Safir, Rene Tofilau, Amy Jewel, Tilly Drage, Jordan Jarris
After the AfterpartyLinden moves to his dorm as the party downstairs continues, Mad at Lucas for kissing Kasim, mad at Casper for supporting Gryffindor, mad himself for being mad. Casper is the first to enter and getsh to face Lindens rageCasper Beckett
An abundance of Lucas'sAfter the game against Ilvermorny linden heads to the hospital wing to find lucas, not his licas but the haser who thought he was flirting with him and explain how he knew his nameLucas Ames
Victory PartyHufflepuff beat ilvermorny. though the way of the win left the after party feeling more glum than excitedAmy Jewel, Tilly Drage, Lucas Fletcher, Connor Holland,
After the Afterparty - Part 2Linden moves to his dorm as the afterparty continues. He Finds cas who is initially teasing him for flirting with the Ilvermorny chaser. Lin admits he wasn't trying to flirt with the chaser, but once the name of who he was flirting with comes out cas is even more upset.Casper Beckett.

Sixth Year
Just Two Boys Hanging Out and ContinuedLindan and lucas hang out over the holidays while lin is walking one of the Menagerie dogs, Lindan asks lucas to be his boyfriend, lucas agreesLucas Fletcher
Lost and found and
Found and Lost
After spending a week searching for a missing cas he has finally been found Linden and willow go and visit.Casper Beskett, Willow Cullin,
Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y41/S1Quidditch practice starts off well, but as Linden tries to cheer the chasers on however it causes tensions to rise between Lin and the new captain. resulting in lin leaving in a rage before practice was overConnor Holland and the Hufflepuff quidditch team
No I in teamBlair watched up with Linden after training and tells him she appreciates the tips and likes having him on the teamBlair Bianchi
Anger Managementin a way to try and ease his anger lin heads to a quidditch pitch and sets a trunk of bludgers on the looseSawyer Carnahan
Wake me up and Save me from the darkafter a loss in quidditch Connor sneaks out of the dorm, Linden follows to tries to comfort him. however things go south and Lin gets kicked off the teamConnor Holland,
Lysander summers
Pet PicnicLysander hosts a pet picnic on the lawn, Linden attends with Mus and JareLysander Summers, Nicholas King, Emma Van houten, Rosie Archer, liara Wood, Hester MacGillivray, Ryan Fisk, Blue Hoshino,
and I'll be the PrincessLinden and lucas attend the Halloween feast together and discuss what couple costume they will do next yearLucas Fletcher
Free TimeLinden hangs out in the dorm not sure what to do with all his free time now he is no longer on the quidditch team
Hiarplay and promisesLinden and Jordie hang out in the common room and talk al things, quidditch, and boys.Jordan Harris
Creature ComfortsLinden finds some orphaned mooncalfs in the forest and foes to professor burleigh to help look after themProfessor Joseph Burleigh
Yuletide JoyLindan and Lucas attend the ball together, Dance and talk about catching up over the new year
Roses SentA wonderful Yellow Rose: A yellow rose from Blair Bianchi, delivered by Valeria Iglesias
for a friendly face: A yellow rose for Jordan harris, delivered by Poppy Perkins
Hufflepuff Spirit: Yellow for Connor Holland delivered by Estella Fuentes
Petals and Pages: Yellow rose for Casper Beckett delivered by Freya Song
Roses DeliveredSweet Flower of Mine: Pink for Parker Reed
A rose by any name: Yellow For Jenna Jusentrea
Books'N'Roses: Yellow for Louis Vernier
Rose Coloured Boy: Yellow for Kasim Safir
Supermarket Flowers: Yellow for Felix Carnahan
Black roses red: Red for Ana Sofia Burleigh
Flowers for Vases: Yellow for Isadora Novak
Petals for Armour: Yellow for Professor Mallory Corrins
Roses RecievedTrusting Red: Red rose from Casper Beckett delivered by Isaiah Thompson
Longing Love: Red rose from Jordan Harris, delivered by Salem Lee
Last Puff on my List: Red from Lucas Fletcher delivered by stefan Kozlov
Roses and Their ThornsAfter finishing his rose Deliveries Linden walks in on Lucas and Kasim in his dorm and Kas asks why lin has three red roses. an. argument breaks out and Cas moves out of the dormKasim Safir, Lucas Fletcher, Casper Beckett
Lucas, Linden and the other L WordLinden and lucas attend the valentines dance though they are both trying not to let the argument get between them. Linden admits that he is in love with lucasLucas Fletcher
DebatingLinden and a group of students listen to the first Election Debate in the loungeLumio Skey, Louis Vernier, Aine Thompson, Lucas Fletcher, Rosie Archer, Aurora Archer, Valeria Iglesias
Just a Lost Boy, Ready to be founda few weeks have passed since the valentines day disaster. and Casper still hasn't returned to the dorm. Linden tracks him down in the arts room and tries to convince him to come homeCasper Beckett
Got Your BackCasper is in the hospital wong after he splinhes in class. Linden and Eugene visit homeCasper Backett, Eugene nester,

Seventh year
Just LookingCasper comes into Linden's work excited to tell him about his mum. But a shy cat takes a shine to casperCasper Beckett
To the moon and back: Linden and Lucas Discover the secrets of the universeLinden has organised a big date with Lucas finally granting him his wish of beingtaken to the moon though a trip to the planetarium. lucas realises that this isn't what he wants and the date ends up with a break up.Lucas Fletcher
The Aftermoon and ContinuedLinden is not coping well after the breakup. shortly after during the night of a full moon a restless night has him doing a DIY haircut. much to taras musemtn the next morningTara Hawthorne
LapisOn the last day of the school holidays Linden buys a catProfessor Aeon Summers
A Frosty WelcomeThe first night back in the Hufflepuff dorms, what starts as a new cat and new haircuts soon becomes very awkward and frostyCasper Beckett, Lucas Fletcher
Preparatory conversationsLinden and Niklaus Eliot Easterling have a meeting with Professor Burleigh about becoming his assistants.Professor Joseph Burleigh, Niklaus Eliot Easterling
Cold weather warm hugsIt ishard to get over an ex, especially when you share a dorm and quidditch team with them. linden is taking some private time by the lake for a cry when Casper finds him and they talk about the breakup and as a distraction about caspers familyCasper Beckett
Cocoa, Chats, and Chocolate Chip cookiesCasper and linden decide to warm up with hot chocolate to distract from that awkward hug. Linden introduces Cas to his new sister.Tara Hawthorn, Casper Beckett
Poop ScoopingLinden spends an afternoon helping with the magical creatures and cleaning out the hyppergriff paddocks.
Tiny Plant CrimesLinden Follows a first year into the forest, and meets her BowtruckleWisteria Lacewing
A Reluctant VampireTara and Lin attend the Halloween feast together. they run into Cas and soon tara ditches them, they talk about her scheming and Lin somehow manages to upset casTara Hawthorne, Casper Beckett
Talking to myself is boring conversationLinden bumps into Jordie as he is trying to get some space from both of his dorm mates and work out how he managed to upset casper. the two end up going for a jog togetherJordan Harris
A Date?lin is studying in the arts room and cas comes in telling him that Alex had asked him on a date. but he hadn't accepted it. Lin encourages him to which is apparently the wrong answer.Casper Beckett
To Kiss a Cute BoyIt is the yule ball, and lin goes with Finn to finally test his theory if his feelings for cas aredue to him needing to rebound after lucas or if they are genuine feelings worth persuing.Finn madison
Definitely not a dateLinden gets Casper and Tara a trip to Germany for Christmas to spend time with their mum. One night, Tara stays behind while Lin and Cas visit the Tollwood Festival. Could this night be the tipping point of their relationship? (be warned, this is a long 7-page thread)Casper Beckett
Asher Beckett, Tara Hawthorne
A Verry Cullen ChristmasAt the combined family christmas celebration cas vanishes for a while and ends up talkign to briar about his secret relationship, Linden eventually finds cas and they smuggle a few minutes alone togetherBriar Rowan, Casper Beckett
Matters of the heartMarnie is in the library talking loudly to Penelope about her new crush. Linden overhears and becomes a overprotective boyfriendMarnie Frogg, Penelope Marshall
Terrible at secretsLinden is in the arts room studying and cas comes in from hiding from him during a downpour. they finally end up talking about what they want out of their relationship and cas shows lin heis worries. unfortunately ther are spotted by some younger students and they have to decide how they move forward from hereCasper Beckett, Renata Stepanova, Niamh Erickson
A Heads UpLinden talks to Lucas. and admits that he and cas are datingLucas Fletcher
Called itLinden and Cas break the news to Tara. Tara wins a bed and cas runs awayCasper Beckett, Tara Hawthorne
HidingLinden follows casper to his secret hiding spot. they continue talk about their relationship and boundriesCasper Beckett
More Roses Less FightingIt is valentines day. while there are no official roses this year. Lin leaves one for each of his dorm mates with a note attached.
Buttercups and snowflakesLin and Cas attend the Valentine's Dance together. marking their first official date.Casper Beckett
Painting a new sceneLinden Runs into beau at archies rockBeau Chamberlin
Duelling Tournament #13Linden duels against Ryan. he wins by setting the birds Ryan coungered against him.Ryan Fisk, Professor Lena Williams
Canary YellowsLinden and cas sit in the courtyard after lins duel win. Lin is worried about the birds that were used in the duel. As they talk cas realises that lin is being serious with wanting a relationship and asks lin to move in with him after graduation.Casper Beckett
Lil SisLinden is studying in the library and runs into Maisie. they start talking and she gives him some crystals for his memoryMaisie Morvay
Duelling Tournament #21Linden is against Leia in the tournament. Will he win?Leia Hume
Professor Angel Castillo
Butterfly wingsAfter losing his duel Cas comes to visit lin in the hospital wing. conversation turns to graduation guests.
An invitationLinden Invites Martene to be his guest for graduationMartine Kinnek
Brother BearLinny-Bear Corners Tara after charms class. he had just cast his first corperal patronus and is mad that his is in the form of a bear, an animal she has started to nickname him.Tara Hawthorne
Once a Badger, Always a BadgerThe dorm mates congratulate each other and celebrate graduationLucas Fletcher
Casper Beckett
Seeing youAfter the ceromony Cas and lin meet their familiesCasper Beckett, Martine Kinneck,
Basil Kinneck
Willow Cullen
Final DaysLin makes his way to the lake front, and sits under a tree to ponder how much has changed since the start of school and the start of the year

After School
Under your skinLin is just closing the Menagerie one evening when cas comes in all panicked and upset. After a conversation cas tells lin it is because he gets anxiety when they are apart. over the course of the evening filled with lots of hugs and kisses they both design ways to reduce that worryCasper Beckett
First DayIt is Lindens first day of magizoology training. and he meets his new coworker and realises he knows herFleur Van Houten
Covering our hearts with new tattoosa couple of weeks into his new job Lin organises a date night with his first paycheck. dinner at a new restaurant and then a surprise visit to a tattoo parlourCasper Beckett
xAvaria Lockwood
The gallery of usCasper has his opening night of his first gallery. he gives linden a tour though the history of them.Casper Beckett
Celebrations of usIt is Cas and Lin's first anniversary, and Casper organises a date with a lot of Christmas decorating. Lin finds a small box with his name on it, and Cas has an important question to ask.Casper Beckett
Singedan accident at work leaves linden in hospital with burns. Casper is in a state with worry but helps look after LinCasper Beckett, Rhiannon Mcgowan
Opposite DirectionsLinden runs into Connor at brightstone. they talk though things get heated when Connor thinks lin is dating Kas. unfortinatly they dont realise thay are talking about different Cas'Connor Holland
Two hearts in the ForestIt is Lindens turn to organise the big annerversary date. This time they are camping in a forest glade, and lindens mind starts to turn to the futureCasper Beckett
OSW Lemon Corn SandwichConnor runs into linden in obsidian. they end up appologising for their previous misunderstanding and having nachos togetherAinsley Lynch, Connor Holland
Lunch BreakLinden and Fleur have lunch together at work and come up with a plot to have Casper and Lars be friendsFleur Van Houten
A Question of BrunchLinden invited Martene to brunch. and asks her for her blessing to proposeMartine Kinnek
Out for a WalkLinden walks a hyper griff through the sanctuary between enclosures.
Secrets between SiblingsLin asks Ivy to hid an engagement ring in her room until the time is right.Ivy Cullen
A Boys Night OutLin and cas go out for a fancy dinner courtesy of a prize cas won at an art show. however tensions are high as both boys have a question to ask.Casper Beckett
Christmas ShoppingLinden takes his sister shopping for her Christmas presentIcy Cullen
Dancing on the strings of my heartIt is the wedding of Allison Beckett & Thomas Jusantrea, Linden attends with Casper, as well as half of their combined families.Allison Beckett, Thomas Jusantrea, Casper Beckett
New Years Evedue to busy work and family comittments Lin and cas haven't had much alone time over christmas. However lin has a few days off over new year and the two make the most of it with wedding planningCasper Beckett

Linden Kinnek
Your Heart is all I ownThe day has come. Linden and Casper get married in the forrest near his childhood home.Casper Kinneck
Dancing in the dark with you between my arms Linden and cass sneek off during their wedding reception to spend some time as just the two of them together Casper Kinneck
Small spacesLinden brings a baby hoo hoo home and it escapes its box managing to damage caspers artwork which sparks the first Lin and cas have had in years. as they make up they decide they mat need to start looking for somewhere bigger. Casper Kinneck
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