Open Anger management

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden had always thought of himself as more Cullen than rowan. his sister had taken after his mum, red fiery temper. a passion and temper that burned hot when provoked. he had always been told he was more Cullen like his dad, water to the fire, calm like water, like the sea that provided his livelihood. he had never thought that water and the sea could also be angry and just as destructive, that his dad had been full of anger, a bitter, cold anger when he had been his age, or that no matter how he looked at it he was always half rowan.
It had been a few days since training when he had walked off the pitch after a fight with Connor and every time lin thought about it he felt a red hot anger swelling in his stomach. how dare Connor talk to him like that. he was well out of line. he hadn't been doing anything wrong just working with the chasers during training. he felt restless. he had tried sitting down to do homework but it wasn't working. he had been pacing the dorm. he had fed his animals. walked around the lake even tried a run and working out to try and let off the steam where no one could see him but he was still restless. he didn't want to talk to lucas about it as he had only just made up with connor and knew that was important to him, he didn't want to accidently blow up at cas like last time when he had unfairly for the brunt of his anger, he didn't know what was going on with jordie but he seemed to have something on his mind already. he could talk to stan or lysander but they were on the Gryffindor team and he didn't want to give them any ammunition with the season about to start.
He was walking again his feet following their own path until he realised he was back on the pitch. he went over to the supply cupboard. and took out his broom. well there was no dang point of practising keeping when he was alone. the only real things he could do was seek or beat or toss shots. the latter was of no interest to him. and the first seemed like it would be more frustrating in the evening light than releasing so he reached for one of the school bats, and set half a douzen bludgers loose before taking for the sky ready to beat the fire inside him into submission

OOCOut of Character:
he defiantly has some of his mum in him as can be seen here and here
Sawyer didn't like to let himself get nervous before Quidditch games, or at least he didn't like to admit he was nervous, but it rarely worked out that way. He liked playing Quidditch for the fun of it, the team feeling something closer to how things would feel messing around with his siblings at home than anything else he could find at Hogwarts, but that didn't mean he liked to lose either. He'd come out to the pitch to practice, mostly wanting to stay quick on his broom if the new strategy he wanted to use against Hufflepuff was going to work, but slowed when he spotted that the pitch was currently occupied.

It was odd seeing Linden Cullen with a beater's bat, and while it'd be easy enough to still get his own practice time in and leave Linden to.. whatever this was, Sawyer couldn't help but fly close enough to talk to the other boy just out of sheer curiosity, though making sure to keep his distance from Linden's furious swinging. "Well, I think this is my worst nightmare," he said wanly, motioning to the small swarm of bludgers Linden had let loose onto the pitch. "The bat is a new look for you... New strategy for the game?" He asked, daring to look away from the bludgers for a moment to glance at Linden.
linden hadn't expected to see anyone else down here not now. but hearing a shout he looked around to see the Ravenclaw keeper. flying towards him. he smiled as the other boy echoed his usual thoughts. the off handedness of the common causing some of the tension to leave him better than all his pacing had done. "yeah mine to be honest" he said he was glad that keepers generally didn't get much action from the bludgers, usually when they did get hit it was because the ball had gone off course. he hit one of the balls away from them as sawyer commented on the new look. a little surprised at how hard it was to time hitting with flying. "yeah, after the last game we have a new tactic, we are just going to, forget about the quaffle and snitch and just beat the other team into submission" he said dryly glad from his own feelings.
Sawyer hoped his flinch when Linden hit one of the bludgers wasn't too obvious. He was used to bludgers flying far too close for comfort from being around Juniper, (in fact he was pretty sure hazing him with bludgers was how she showed affection), but he wasn't totally confident in Linden's ability to actually defend them from the ones he'd let lose on the pitch. "Well, it certainly already worked once, though I can't say I'm looking forward to it. Just personally," he said weakly, pointedly moving his broom a little further from the main swooping grounds of bludgers. Maybe he could communicate to them somehow that he was harmless and not in possession of a beaters bat so they'd leave him be. "Always good to branch out, I suppose," he added distractedly, looking at Linden thoughtfully for a moment. He was tempted to ask Linden's opinion on the new keeping technique he'd been working on, but the last thing he needed was the Hufflepuff chasers catching wind of it before the match so he held his tongue. "Got any tips for me not getting murdered then? By bludgers or otherwise?" He asked instead, ducking impulsively when a nearby bludger flew a little close for comfort.
with Sawyer's comment about branching out Linden shrugged. "yeah. a change is good sometimes. she said before he saw a bludger coming towards them he gave the bat another swing at a bludger missed but the momentum at least swung him out of the way of the bludger leaving only his ego feeling a little bruised. but maybe i should stay at the goals in a match" he said. "but can i ask. do you also find keeping gets boring? you spend a lot of time hovering doing nothing" he asked. wondering if he was the only one when felt like that. maybe not something he should be asking the keeper on the other team. he didn't want Ravenclaw to know the Hufflepuff keeper was disinterested, but he did want to know if he was the only one. Another bludger was flying towards them. he backed himself this time two hands like a baseballer for the hit. he swung and it went flying out across the pitch. "you want to know the way to stay out of Connors firing range?" he said a slight edge to his voice. "It's easy, Dont talk, not even to encourage your own teammates he said the bitterness still in his tone.
Sawyer ducked again when another bludger flew nearby, wincing as Linden missed a swing at it. "Change is good, not getting hit by bludgers better," he said, nodding emphatically. He shrugged at Linden's next question, tilting his head as if her were rolling the thought around in his mind for a moment before responding. "I guess? I'm not really an adrenaline junkie or anything personally. I like letting everyone come to me, aye," Sawyer settled on, raising an eyebrow at Linden. "Plus if the chasers are busy at the other end of the pitch it makes my job a whole lot easier." He'd always liked quidditch but even he could admit it got stressful even just playing on the house team. He couldn't imagine what it was like playing one of the more high octane positions, he could leave that sort of thing to Felix.

Linden was more prepared for the next bludger coming their way and Sawyer was grateful as he knocked it clear from where they were flying. Linden's next comment did make Sawyer pause though, raising a quizzical eyebrow. "I'll... Keep that in mind?" He said slowly. "Connor not one of the uh.. Chatty sort of captain then?" Sawyer hedged, trying to get a read on what Linden was talking about. With Felix on the Hufflepuff team now, it'd be nice to know the team dynamic there wasn't too unpleasant.
Linden nodded as Sawyer said that not being hit by bludgers was better. "yes. they hurt. i don't know how the seekers do it, go into a game knowing that they are about to be beaten up by balls of steel" he said. he had seen the bruises lucas and willow sustained. and felt bad for them.
in the pause for the boys answer to his net question he could tell that he was thinking. his point made sense. and that was while he had liked the position beforehand he was starting to think it was the most useless position on the pitch and could really be done by anyone even a first-year with minimal broom experience. "that is fair. but don't you wish that you could be doing something more, to help the team not just sitting there like a spectator" he said. even when the ball was on his end of the pitch it was a fifty percent chance that the chaser would miss the hoops anyway even without his input.

he nodded as the Ravenclaw said that Connor was not a particularly chatty captain. "yes. you had better keep your damn mouth closed and not say a word to anyone else. not encouragement or suggestions and merlin forbid trying to make a joke after you get hit by a bludger. oh no. or else you get in big trouble" he said. while he had intended the sentence to be dry sarcastic and clinical something in him had broken halfway through and he could feel the heat of the fire rising through him again. he sniffed and rubbed his face with his sleeve. realising what he had said. "Oh puffskins, I shouldn't have said that. we are playing you next week. can you forget I said that?" he said.
Sawyer hummed in agreement, still keeping a weather out for the bludgers. "I stand by the assessment that all seekers have something just a tiny bit wrong with them," he surmised, allowing himself to drift just a little bit closer to Linden when it seemed he could at least knock a few bludgers away. "I mean, I'm helping by guarding the hoops," he offered, wondering what exactly Linden was getting at. It did kind of sound like maybe he needed to switch positions, which would explain the beaters' bat at least. "Like sure, it's a bit different than the other positions since players control the quaffle rather than them having a mind of their own, but I think it makes it more interesting. Besides, the other team scoring goals has gotta be bad for morale," he offered with a twist of amusement. Keeper wasn't a glamourous position, but Sawyer didn't have it in him to crave any serious action that maybe Linden did.

He raised his eyebrows at venom underlying Linden's words about Connor, rolling his lips and nodding slowly. Clearly something was up with the Hufflepuff team vibe, at least for Linden. "It's all good," he said, shaking his head. "I'm not sure I could use that against you anyway," he said sheepishly. "No wonder you need to hit a few bludgers around though," he added with another shrug, glancing out at the pitch as the bludgers shot around. "Is the rest of the team struggling too? I swear I'm not trying to sabotage, this is purely big brother nosiness," he assured.

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