Diana Ivy Holland

Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate ๐Ÿ’‹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (28)
Diana Ivy Holland



And yet, despite the look on my face, you're still talking
NAME:Diana Ivy Holland
๐Ÿ’‹ Diana: Probably derived from an old Indo-European root meaning "heavenly, divine", related to dyeus. Diana was a Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, forests, and childbirth, often identified with the Greek goddess Artemis.

๐Ÿ’‹ Ivy: From the English word for the climbing plant that has small yellow flowers. It is ultimately derived from Old English ifig.
๐Ÿ’‹ Holland: Derived from any of the eight villages named Holland, located in the counties of Essex, Lancaster and Lincoln, England. The name of the villages means "ridge land" in Old English.
HOMETOWN:Dunedin, New Zealand
PLACE OF BIRTH:Dunedin, New Zealand
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Diana's younger sister Alice calls her 'Dee' sometimes, she does not accept this from anyone else.
AGE: 24
BIRTHDAY:23 October 2033

NATIONALITY:Citizen of New Zealand
ZODIAC SIGN:Scorpio.Being a Scorpio born on October 23rd, you are characterized by your passion, ambition and calm demeanor. You have set very specific goals for yourself and are willing to work tirelessly to meet these goals. Even though you are always working towards progress, you rarely become overwhelmed. Your friends and family marvel at your ability to stay cool, even in the most hectic situations.
ELEMENT:Water. Water is your paired element and out of all the zodiac signs, you are the only to have a fixed relationship with the element. Water is the element of emotions, as they are often take on the qualities of the ocean, mysterious and powerful. You ride the waves of emotion with understanding, which allows you to be determined and stable. Embracing the positive qualities of water will support your growth, but beware of the stubborn and moody qualities of unsettled waters.
PLANET: Pluto. The Scorpio's ruling planet is Pluto and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double dose of Pluto's power. Being the planet of transformation, Pluto is responsible for your drive for power, transformation and renewal. It is Pluto's influence that will always lead you to a path of success. You want the best for yourself in all that you do. While this makes you competitive at times, it is one of your greatest strengths. Avoid letting your motivation hinder your personal relationships, as you may become more focused on manipulating others than connecting with them.

OCCUPATION: Gossip Columnist
EDUCATION:Hogwarts New Zealand

: Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
๐Ÿ’‹ Wood: Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other.

๐Ÿ’‹ Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.

PLAY BY:Katie Findlay
HAIR:Dark brown, falling in loose curls.
: A little tall for her age.
STYLE: Diana has a feminine style but prefers dark colors. She has an interest in make-up, but won't wear much until she's older.

PERSONALITY:Unlike her two older sisters, Diana is quiet. But that does not mean she's shy. Diana is an observer, she watches other people and tries to keep track of what they're doing. She is very curious about others and loves to figure out secrets so she can gossip about them later. She is a lot less direct than her older sisters, preferring to use underhanded methods to get her way. Her composure seems confident and even mean at times, but underneath she hides insecurity she wouldn't easily show. Diana is easily jealous and tends to compare herself to others, she is the type of person to bring others down so she can feel better about herself. She doesn't easily let people come close, the person who knows her best right now is her younger sister Alice. Diana loves the stars and the feeling of being outside at night, when she needs time to think she can often be found looking up at the sky at night. She likes the quiet and the feeling of being small, like her actions don't actually matter that much in the long run. She tends to say what she thinks, but only if she can't get in trouble for it. Diana is somewhat musical and played the cello for a while as a child, after her older sister Phoebe gave it up. It's not something she plans to pursue as she gets older.

Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

Dedicated ๐Ÿ’‹ Strong-willed ๐Ÿ’‹ Direct and Honest ๐Ÿ’‹ Loyal, Patient and Reliable ๐Ÿ’‹ Enjoy Creating Order ๐Ÿ’‹Excellent Organizers

Inflexible and Stubborn ๐Ÿ’‹ Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations ๐Ÿ’‹ Judgmental ๐Ÿ’‹ Too Focused on Social Status ๐Ÿ’‹ Difficult to Relax ๐Ÿ’‹ Difficulty Expressing Emotion

HISTORY: The Hollands are an upper middle class family that used to live in England, until until Diana's father got a new job as an Herbologist in New Zealand, which caused them to move. Diana was the first Holland to be born in New Zealand, though she always wanted to return to England to at least see the country her parents grew up. Being one of the quieter sisters, Diana sometimes felt overlooked growing up. She often clashed with her older sister Phoebe, as their personalities were just similar enough for them to not get along. Like Phoebe, Diana is very curious, but unlike her sister, she channeled that curiosity into prying in other people's business. She could often be found listening at doors, looking through her sister's things, or tattling to her parents if any of them did something they weren't allowed to do. The rift between her and Phoebe has only grown as the older girl left for Hogwarts, though they do care about each other deep down. Rose and Diana get along fine, but Diana's favorite sister is her younger sister Alice. She is the only one Diana actually gets to boss around sometimes, being the youngest.
LIKES: Make-up, fashion, gossip, astronomy, playing cello
DISLIKES:Fighting, being talked down to or treated like a child, messy people
GOALS: To be popular, to know everyone's secrets
FEARS: Being dismissed, being laughed at, that everyone secretly hates her
STRENGTHS:Diana has a keen eye and doesn't miss much going on around her. She is also smart, though she doesn't always put enough effort into her schoolwork. Diana also has a good sense of style.
WEAKNESSES:She is very insecure and lashes out at people to hurt them before they can hurt her, she's not the best at making friends for this reason. Her curiosity and nosy attitude can also get her into trouble.
: tba
BOGGART: A room full of people laughing at her


Name: William James Holland
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Name: Claudia Rose Holland - Richardson (x)
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Minister of Magic
Name:Rose Elizabeth Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Assistant at Honeydukes
Former House: Gryffindor
Name: Phoebe Anna Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Unspeakable

Former House: Ravenclaw
Name: Alice Claudia Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Ministry Employee
Former House: Hufflepuff
Name: Lucy Harriet Holland
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Baby


















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays before first year
Clashing KingdomsWith Alice Holland and Sophia NightTฤkarokaro Park
Enter in AnticipationWith Veronica Willows, Rose Holland and Phoebe HollandNew Zealand
Candy DashWith Nixon Mercury, Sage Havelock, Bethany Zanders and Rose HollandHoneyduke's
Stop at a ShopWith Rose Holland, Geovanna Volt and Taerin Kendall-WuMadam Malkin's Robes
Swing EasyWith Jacob Kingsley and ~Professor Cyndi KingsleyTฤkarokaro Park
First Year


"I'm glad I finally got to go to Hogwarts too. After hearing Phoebe brag about it for years, it was my turn. Hogwarts was fine, not as incredible as I had hoped. Most of the lessons were boring, but at least I met a few interesting people. A few losers too, though."

Diana started off her first year by making quite a few enemies. At the same time, she managed to make some friends as well. Not very interested in her classes, Diana was a lot more curious about the personal lives of her fellow students. She enjoyed going to the dances most of all, as it is a good place to observe people and talk about them. What she didn't enjoy so much was delivering roses, which her older sister had signed her up for. Next year, she definitely wouldn't be doing that.
Diana hadn't been that excited about arriving at the castle, not like some of the other kids she saw gawking like idiots. Of course, she was a little bit impressed, but she didn't show it. It was a lot like how Rose and Phoebe had described it to be. She followed the group of first years into the Great Hall, her eyes widening a fraction at the sight of it. She looked at the four tables, locating both of her sisters at different ones but quickly looking away. She didn't want Rose to start waving, or do something else embarrassing. It had been hard enough to avoid her overly eager sister on the train here.

She watched and waited as other students were called, and a little jolt went through her when it was her own name that echoed through the hall. She suddenly felt a burst of nerves, something she had been ignoring all day. But she tried not to show it as she made her way to the stool and sat down. She wasn't the biggest fan of the hat being placed on her head, as it looked smelly and old. She hoped this would be over soon, and also hoped she would be in a different house than both of her sisters. It would be easier to distinguish herself from them if she was.
"Sure, you have your sisters here, but you'll be able to make a name for yourself in...SLYTHERIN!" [/big][/color]

My Own WayWith Jacob Finley and Sam MackintoshNew Zealand Express
I Don't Have All DayBuying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Flowers With ThornsWith Dominique MaloneSlytherin First Years Girls Dorm
Why is this hereWith Gwen Owens-LeeThe Cliffs
A Place Where People Come TogetherWith Athena Holmgaard and Zennon BarosThe Student Lounge
Mischief Needs MayhemWith Sapphire Michaels and Derek TahanaSlytherin Common Room
GamesWith Jacob Kingsley, Dittany Belrose, Analei Louw, Emilia Manning, and Mazikeen RoeThe Great Lawn
People WatchingWith Edmund Westwick and Theodore WestwickThe Student Lounge
Studying is a MessWith Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin First Year Girls Dorm
A Lovely Time TodayWith Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, and Sara BenivieniThe Great Lawn
Like MindsWith Anastasie VernierSlytherin Common Room
Let Down My Guard TonightYule Ball
With Analei Louw
Great Hall
Blue Should Only Be Your House ColorWith Kira Wolf and Dittany BelroseThe First Floor Corridor
A New FriendWith Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, Alice Holland, and Aspen FayeEeylop's Owl Emporium
Good AcousticsWith Arvel Ayers and Emilia ManningThe North Tower
Raising Galleons! Good Cause!ith Mervyn Strangewayes,
Leda Layton, Anabelle Williams,
And various others
The Courtyard
Dusty and BoringRose Delivery
With Minerva Khulik
The Library
You're Someone's Uncle?Rose Delivery
With Braxton Woodlock
Ravenclaw House Table
A Ridiculous NameRose Delivery
With Wynne Andoujenero
Hufflepuff House Table
Halfway ThereRose Delivery
With Flavio Morales
The Student Lounge
I'm Not an OwlRose Delivery
With Ethan Mendoza
The Fourth Floor Corridor
A Boring RoseRose Delivery
With Norton Gillespie
The Courtyard
Almost DoneRose Delivery
With Asaiah Murphy
Slytherin Common Room
Never AgainRose Delivery
With Jerara Tapsell
The Library
Dance The Night Away Valentine's Dance
With Sapphire Michaels
Great Hall
To Be Continued... With Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin First Year Girls Dorm
Have You Heard the News?With Harley Tsuji, Phoebe Holland, Rose Holland, James Cade,
And various others
Gryffindor House Table
Vote Holland Campaign PosterSlytherin Common Room

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year History of MagicA
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year TransfigurationP
1st Year AstronomyO
1st Year HerbologyA
1st Year FlyingA
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.1 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 220
First Year Photos

Second Year


"It was nice not to be the youngest anymore, though even in my year I'm one of the oldest students. I had a good year, meeting some new people who weren't totally boring. I had a fight with Sapphire, but that was her fault for calling me mean. If she doesn't like me, I have other options. I'm mostly glad I met Edmund this year, and that we started dating."

Diana's second year started with a small disappointment as her younger sister was sorted in Hufflepuff. During the year, her mother ran for Minister of Magic, an election she won when the year was nearly over. Diana still isn't quite sure how to feel about it, but sure does enjoy the attention it gets her. She had a big fight with her friend Sapphire during this year, but also connected with Winnie and grew closer to her and her other friend Domi. She got in trouble for being mean to Jacob Kingsley, but didn't care that much. She was happy to be dating Edmund Westwick, a boy in the year above. It started off being mostly for bragging rights, but she really grew to care about him over time.

May The Odds Be In Your Favor Claudia Holland, James Holland, ~Professor Cyndi Kingsley,
And various others
New Zealand
Twins!With Sapphire Michaels and Onyx MichaelsEntrance Hall
Bridging a GapWith Anastasie Vernier and Alice HollandSlytherin House Table
Unexpected Run InWith Sapphire Michaels and Mervyn StrangewayesThe Student Lounge
JudgementWith Edmund Westwick and Abian WestwickThe Fifth Floor Corridor
FightingWith Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin House Table
Full SetWith Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, and Alice HollandGryffindor House Table
Soft as SteelWith Mervyn StrangewayesThe Hogwarts Garden
Ready To Leave Before I ArrivedHalloween Feast
With Gilly Gillespie and Gideon Zelinsky
Great Hall
Cutting Through the CracksWith Edmund WestwickThe Second Floor Corridor
Still Mad?With Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin Second Year Girls Dorm
Tell Me More, Tell Me MoreWith Dominique MaloneSlytherin Common Room
The Worst People You'll Ever MeetWith Dominique Malone and Winnie MarshSlytherin House Table
In Your Black HeartYule Ball
With Edmund Westwick
Great Hall
Holland Jolly ChristmasWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Alice Holland, Rose Holland, and Phoebe Holland New Zealand
Freezing Family BondingWith James Holland and Alice HollandFlorean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
Ensnared in Your WebWith Edmund WestwickThe Courtyard
Stealing Your SpotlightWith Jacob Kingsley and Rose HollandThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Carry a ChangeReceiving a rose
With Sophia Night
Entrance Hall
Yellow for Diana!With Nixon MercuryThe Dungeons
Cold Hearts WarmingValentine's Dance
With Edmund Westwick
Great Hall
Y31 Dueling Match #2Duelling Tournament
With Guinevere Lavish
The Duelling Chamber
Y31 Dueling Match #20Duelling Tournament
With Arvel Ayers
The Duelling Chamber
Y31 Dueling Match #35Duelling Tournament
With Analei Louw
The Duelling Chamber
Post-Lunch NapWith Derek TahanaSlytherin House Table
Shine BrightWith Edmund WestwickThe Dungeons
An Uncaring MaskWith Onyx MichaelsThe North Tower
Listening to the NewsWith Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, Alice Holland,
And various others
The Student Lounge

Second Year Marks
2nd Year History of MagicA
2nd Year PotionsA
2nd Year CharmsA
2nd Year TransfigurationA
2nd Year AstronomyO
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
2nd Year HerbologyA
Grade Point Average4.3 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 180
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"My third year started fairly well, but quickly turned into a disaster. I'm still so angry at both Edmund and his stupid brother for humiliating me. At least I know he still likes me deep down, even if he'll never have another chance. I'm ready to move on, which I definitely proved with my spin the bottle game. That was a lot of fun."

At the start of her third year, Diana Holland was happily dating Edmund Westwick. The two of them had written over the holidays, and she looked forward to seeing him again. But instead of Edmund, his brother Theodore met up with her. Diana mistook him for his brother, and believed him when he said he wanted to break up. Heartbroken, Diana showed a vulnerable side of herself she didn't often show. But then her sadness turned into anger, especially at Analei Louw who seemed to have caught Edmund's eye after her. She tried her best to get between them, and is confident she succeeded. Diana is also ready to move on, and show the world she's over Edmund completely.

Lipstick, Besties, and GossipWith Dominique Malone and Winnie MarshNew Zealand
Getting What I NeedWith Chante AtearaFlourish and Blott's
Going NowhereWith Emily MadisonThe Sixth Floor Corridor
Beautiful ShineWith Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin Common Room
A Venomous SpiderWith Theodore WestwickThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Frozen Hearts Break EasilyWith Rose Holland, Sapphire Micheals, Uno Bear, Phineas Ellis, and Analei LouwThe Third Floor Corridor
Changed IrrevocablyWith Edmund WestwickThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Pink LadiesHalloween Feast
With Dominique Malone and Winnie Marsh
Great Hall
A Last Minute DecisionWith Avaria LockwoodBrightstone Village
Jingle Bell RockYule Ball
With Dominique Malone and Winnie Marsh
Great Hall
Surprise PartyWith Sapphire Micheals, Emilia Manning, Onyx Michaels, Avaria Lockwood, Kira Wolf, and Jacob KingsleyAbandoned Classroom
Crimson RoseReceiving a Rose
With Ainsley Lynch
The Dungeons
Rose for DianaReceiving a Rose
With Flavio Morales
Entrance Hall
Spin the Bottle!With various third and fourth yearsAbandoned Classroom

Third Year Marks
3rd Year History of MagicA
3rd Year Ancient RunesA
3rd Year CharmsA
3rd Year DivinationA
3rd Year AstronomyA
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 128
Third Year Photos

Fourth Year


"My fourth year was great. I officially got over Edmund and am now dating a much better boy. I really like being with Simon, and not even that stupid blonde nobody can stop me from having fun with him. I'm proud of winning the duelling tournament for my year too. It makes it obvious to everyone I'm nto someone to mess with."

Diana's fourth year started off badly when she heard one of her best friends had transferred out of Hogwarts. Things got a bit better when she ran into Simon Vanity, who recognized her from the spin the bottle game she had hosted last year. The two quickly grew closer and started to date around the time of the yule ball. The fact that Charlotte Harper was clearly jealous of this did nothing to deter Diana. She was trying not to fall for Simon, but eventually had to admit to herself she really liked him, a lot. She ended the year by winning the duelling tournament for her year and catching up with Sapphire a bit, as they hadn't talked much in a while.
Darkened CorridorsWith Derek TahanaThe Dungeons
CollidingWith Simon VanityThe Great Lawn
SpeculationsWith Charlotte HarperThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Sharp TeethHalloween Feast
With Joshua Toubia and Simon Vanity
Great Hall
A New AdditionWith James Holland, Claudia Holland, Rose Holland, Phoebe Holland, and Alice HollandThe Three Broomsticks
Y33 Heta Omega MeetingWith Nell Wright,
And Various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Let the flames begin.With Willow Cullen, Simon Vanity,
And various others
The Great Lawn
Showing You OffYule Ball
With Simon Vanity
Great Hall
SDA Holiday HangoutWith Alistair Lancaster,
And various others
The Three Broomsticks
Stars Keep BlazingValentine's Dance
With Simon Vanity
Great Hall
Prim RoseWith Elliot Briar and Simon VanityThe Student Lounge
Yellow for GreenWith Alexis KramerSlytherin House Table
Y33 Dueling Match #8Duelling Tournament
With Guinevere Lavish
The Duelling Chamber
Y33 Dueling match #19Duelling Tournament
With Willow Cullen
The Duelling Chamber
Y33 Dueling Match #23Duelling Tournament
With Arvel Ayers
The Duelling Chamber
Picking the StringsWith Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin Fourth Year Girls Dorm
We'll See...With Kengi SmileThe Student Lounge
Not to be FrogottenWith Charlotte Harper,
And various others
Entrance Hall

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year History of MagicA
4th Year CharmsA
4th Year AstronomyE
4th Year DivinationA
4th Year Ancient RunesA
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.2 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 272

Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"Ugh, my fifth year started pretty badly. I confronted Simon about what Charlotte had told me, and he basically dumped me immediately. It was humiliating, but at least I'm now rid of him. I've started to realize that boys really aren't worth the trouble most of the time. Though there is one who caught my eye... I just have to be more careful, I can't let myself get hurt again."

Diana's fifth year started with a breakup with her boyfriend Simon. He got together with Charlotte Harper right away, after making it clear to Diana he had feelings for her. This was very humiliating to Diana, and she was very angry with Simon for leading her on. She made a few new friends while contemplating how to get him back, but mostly moved on with her life. She participated in the duelling tournament and got to the final round, only to be beaten by Willow Cullen in the final match. Diana grew a bit closer to a boy in the year above her, but has been careful. She didn't want to move too fast and get hurt again, as she hasn't had much luck in romance so far.

One More Makes FiveWith James Holland, Alice Holland, Phoebe Holland, and Rose HollandNew Zealand
Chasing the TruthWith Simon Vanity and Charlotte HarperThe Library
Bitter CompanionshipWith Shane Ackley and Jenna ToubiaThe Student Lounge
Miscommunications and MisunderstandingsWith Derek TahanaThe Third Floor Corridor
Nose in the BooksWith Sam Mackintosh and Sapphire MichaelsThe Library
This feels weirdWith Cole DragonovSlytherin Common Room
Acid GlaresYule Ball
With Cole Dragonov
Great Hall
Holland Christmas PartyWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Winnie Marsh
And various others
New Zealand
A Charming RoseReceiving a Rose
With Selene Le Fey
The Third Floor Corridor
Pretty RoseReceiving a Rose
With Cyzarine Haden
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Frustrating ErrandRose Delivery
With Willow Cullen
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Ridiculous NameRose Delivery
With Ajaccio Skey
Ravenclaw House Table
Y34 Dueling Match #11Duelling Tournament
With Arvel Ayers
The Duelling Chamber
Y34 Dueling Match #20Duelling Tournament
With Mazikeen Roe
The Duelling Chamber
Y34 Dueling Match #26Duelling Tournament
With Willow Cullen
The Duelling Chamber
Y34 Heta Omega Slumber PartyWith Adorah Zumwalt, Emilia Manning, Acacia Dunn,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Alistair Lancaster, Norton Gillespie,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Y34 Semester Two: Slytherin Study EventWith Daintree Vaskevold, Derek Tahana,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Slytherin Quidditch Cup PartyWith Leda Layton, Sapphire Michaels,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year History of MagicE
5th Year CharmsA
5th Year AstronomyA
5th Year DivinationA
5th Year Ancient RunesA
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.2 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 215
Fifth Year Photos

Sixth Year


"My sixth year wasn't bad. I mostly talked to Sapphire, but the other girls in my year are pretty annoying anyway. I also got together with Cole, which I'm happy about. I was nervous to like anyone new, but he is good to me. I hope I'm not going to get hurt again in the end, though."

Diana's sixth year was fairly drama free. She had a little confrontation with Cole's sister, but it didn't turn out too badly. She started dating the older Slytherin at the yule ball, and has been very happy with him. A part of her is still worried about putting her trust in another boy, but Cole has won her over. She didn't focus too much on her classes this semester, but managed to pass everything. Diana was happy to learn to apparate, as she knows it will be useful in the future. The year ended with Diana attending Cole's graduation and meeting his mother. She knows she will miss him a lot next year.

Y35 Slytherin House MeetingWith ~Professor Kalif Styx,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Snake TalkWith Sapphire MichaelsSlytherin Sixth Year Girls Dorm
To Sea AgainWith Amethyst MichaelThe Lakefront
Have You Heard?With Cole DragonovSlytherin Seventh Years Boys Dorm
Not Good EnoughWith Elia DragonovaSlytherin Sixth Year Girls Dorm
A Matter of TasteWith Katy MillerDervish and Bange's
At Long LastYule Ball
With Cole Dragonov
Great Hall
Summer Lakeside PartyWith Emilia Manning, Chloe Thompson,
And various others
The Lakefront
Pretty in PinkReceiving a Rose
With Lysander Summers
The Dungeons
The Owls Are GoneWith Padme HumeThe Owlery
We the Kings!With Leda Layton, Zennon Baros, And various othersSlytherin Common Room
Y35 Duelling Match #21Duelling Tournament
With Analei Louw
The Duelling Chamber
Meet the MotherWith Cole Dragonov and Isabella HowardGreat Hall

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year History of MagicE
6th Year AstronomyE
6th Year DivinationA
6th Year ApparitionO
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)
House points earned during year: 110
Sixth Year Photos

Seventh Year


"My final year was a little underwhelming. Without Cole at school, there wasn't really anyone cool to hang out with. Besides Sapphire whenever she had time. It was just boring and childish and I'm glad to be done with it all. I'm ready for the real world."

Diana's final year was a lonely one, as the girl started to realize she didn't really have many friends left at school. She got through her classes and exams, and participated in the duelling tournament. Unfortunately, she lost in the final round. Diana was glad to be done with Hogwarts and relieved to graduate, even if she's still not sure what her next steps are going to be.
Gathering of SortsWith Isabella Howard, Derrick Howard, and Cole DragonovNew Zealand
Girls NightWith Sapphire MichaelsNew Zealand
Out of Her CocoonHalloween Feast
With Willow Cullen
Great Hall
Here Without YouWith Sapphire MichaelsThe North Tower
Y36 Heta Omega MeetingWith Emilia Manning, Mary Lou Prindeou,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Family MattersWith Cordelia DragonovaThe Student Lounge
We'll Get A TrampolineWith Liusaidh Fergusson Slytherin Common Room
Ask an Auror - SDA S1 eventWith Analei Louw, Willow Cullen,
And various others
Great Hall
Bored AfternoonWith Aonghas FergussonThe Student Lounge
Y35 Duelling Match #15Duelling Tournament
With Willow Cullen
The Duelling Chamber
Y35 Duelling Match #21Duelling Tournament
With Analei Louw
The Duelling Chamber
No RosesWith Padme HumeThe Cliffs
Y36 S2 Meeting | Making Valentine's CardsWith Emilia Manning, Acacia Dunn, Mazikeen Roe
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Solitary GloomValentine's Dance
With Analei Louw
Great Hall
Passing JudgementWith Elliot BriarThe Library
SDA Event: End of Year Party and Award PresentationWith Willow Cullen, Analei Louw,
And various others
Student's Defence Association
Yearbook Is Out Now!With Vader Hume, Aisa Hunter,
And various others
Entrance Hall

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year AstronomyP
7th Year DivinationP
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 60
Seventh Year Photos

While there was some sadness mixed in with her emotions, Diana mostly felt relief as she headed into the great hall for the graduation ceremony. If she was honest, she was pretty much done with this place. Her final year at Hogwarts had been a disappointment, and she was ready to move on. She had clearly outgrown this place. Diana wasn't entirely sure yet what she was going to do next, but she knew it would be amazing. She glanced at her classmates, satisfied with the realisation that she would barely miss any of them. She'd be glad never to see Jacob again, and the same went for Willow and Analei. The only person she still considered a friend was Sapphire, and she returned the other Slytherin's smile.

Then she looked at the stage where the headmistress spoke to them all. It was likely the exact same speech she gave every year, and Diana didn't so much as smile. She didn't think the woman meant any of this. Then it was Analei's turn, and her speech was so cheesy that Diana couldn't help a small laugh. She hoped the girl heard it. Zennon's speech was no less sentimental, and Diana rolled her eyes more than once while he was speaking, pointedly checking her watch as well. He really did like the sound of his own voice, didn't he? Diana then waited for her name to be called. When it did, she walked up to the stage confidently and accepted her diploma without a word to Professor Alicastell. She had done nothing for Diana, so why should she thank her? She paused on stage for a moment, happy to soak in the attention. Then she walked back to her seat. Hopefully the rest of this wouldn't take too long.
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