Old School Week Going Nowhere

Emily Madison

OOC First Name
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Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
3/2035 (26)
Even after a busier holiday at home than usual, Emily was happy to be surrounded by people at school again. There was always something to do and someone to talk to... most of the time. Today, though, Emily had nowhere to be and noone to hang out with. Wandering down the hallway she barely paid any attention to where she was walking, humming to herself as she tried to decide what fun stuff she was gonna do today.
Diana enjoyed being back at school, especially now that she was sort of a celebrity. She found herself wandering the corridors a bit more than usual, hoping someone would recognize her and talk to her. But so far, not much luck. As she passed a younger student, Diana paused and glanced at her. The blonde looked familiar, and after a moment she realized the girl was Alice's best friend. Despite having tried to avoid Alice a little at school, Diana felt a little jealous of the girl. She had always been Alice's best friend before. She put on a friendly smile and headed over. "Hi! Emily, right?"
Emily's ponderings were interrupted by a voice and she looked up, smiling at the girl who had approached her. "Yeah, I'm Emily!" She said happily. The older girl looked familiar, but Emily couldn't quite place her. "What's your name?"
Diana was glad she had at least talked to the right person, but quickly grew annoyed when it became clear the blonde had no idea who she was. How could she not know her best friend's sister? "I'm Diana." She said, her tone a lot colder now. "Alice's sister. Has she not mentioned me?" She was trying to conceal her rising annoyance, but it was difficult for the girl to do.
As soon as the older girl spoke, Emily realised her mistake. "Oh, sorry!" She said, embarrassed. "Alice has so many sisters. You're..." She paused, trying to remember which one was Diana. "The Slytherin one?"
Diana pursed her lips in annoyance, watching Emily with an unimpressed expression. "Yes, I'm the Slytherin one. That's my name. Good job." She said sarcastically. "Some friend." She muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.
Emily's good mood was quickly being dashed by this rude girl, but she tried to keep a handle on her growing anger, for Alice's sake. "Well, you already said your name was Diana, I was trying to remember which house you were in!"
Diana snorted at the girl's words. "Right, I knew you were Emily and that you are in Gryffindor. But I suppose not everyone pays that close attention." She checked her nails, pursing her lips slightly. "Alice really does befriend anyone, I suppose."
Emily flushed, starting to get a little angry with this girl, though she tried to push it down. She didn't want to fight with one of her best friend's sisters. "I mean, there are four of you! I didn't remember if Diana was the Slytherin one or the Gryffindor one!"
Diana was getting bored with this conversation, and allowed that to show on her face. "Four isn't that many." She countered with a shrug. "But alright, I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again." She smiled and shook her head. "I'll see you around, then." She said before turning and walking away. It had been kind of fun, needling this girl. But she knew if she took it any further she would have Alice whining at her.
Emily couldn't help but roll her eyes. She had lived with more than four kids before, but she knew four was still a lot, and she only shared a house with one of Alice's sisters. It was easy to forget. As soon as she had arrived though, Diana was gone, and Emily shrugged the encounter off, trying to calm her annoyance as she continued on in her search for something to do.

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