Yellow for Diana!

Nixon Mercury

Freelance Writer | Emotionally Unavailable
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Sturdy Willow Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It seemed Nixon's day was finally brightening up again when he read that his next Rose delivery was to Diana Holland. She was a girl he met a while ago while writing his first article for the Hogwarts monthly, who was now at hogwarts, and conveniently at that, she was in Slytherin which meant he did not need to leave his place in the dungeons. After completing his last delivery, he continued walking around until he saw the girl. He approached her with a smile, happy to interact with her again. "Diana! Long time no see! Got a rose to deliver to you." He said, looking to his basket to find the yellow rose for her.​
Diana had only received one rose so far, and it made her a little annoyed. She wasn't really expecting anything from Edmund, as he definitely didn't seem to be the rosy type, but she still wanted more than just one. She ignored the fact that she hadn't actually sent out any roses either, which might explain a little why she wasn't receiving too many. She had a stormy look on her face as he headed to the common room to put her single rose in her dorm, when she heard someone call her name. She looked up to see an older boy she had met before Hogwarts. He had been doing something for the paper at Honeydukes. Her face brightened considerably when he mentioned he had a rose for her. "You do? Give it to me." She said, holding out her hand.
Diana did not seem near as happy to see Nixon as he was to see her, but he tried not to pay her expression too much thought. Delivering roses was worth the fuss for Nixon even if he witnessed disdain from people occasionally. She at least seemed happier when he announced he had a rose, and not wanting to make her wait for it, he quickly pulled the yellow one for her from his basket and handed it over. "Looks like your friends appreciate you." He said, smiling.
Note said:

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! We go together, like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong!

Diana resisted the urge to tap her foot impatiently as she waited for Nixon to hand her the rose. When he did, she finally smiled at him. "Thanks!" It was another yellow one, but that wasn't a big surprise. She turned it over in her hands before looking at the note. Only Domi would find a way to sound like she was yelling obnoxiously in a note. Diana couldn't help smiling at the message, though. It was certainly sweet.

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