- Messages
- 1,265
- OOC First Name
- Rowan
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Interested in Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Gay
- Wand
- Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
- Age
- 6/2038 (25)
Name: Connor Patrick Holland
Meaning: Connor – Lover of hounds, Patrick - Noble
Birthdate: 26th of June, 2038
Zodiac: Cancer
Strengths: Loyalty - Dependable - Caring - Adaptable - Responsive
Weaknesses: Moody - Clingy - Self-pitying - Oversensitive – Self-absorbed
Being a Cancer born on June 26th, you are no stranger to emotions, but instead find comfort in understanding them. You are sometimes surprised with your natural ability to know what others are feeling and thinking. While it is tempting to use this gift to your advantage, you instead use it in the form of compassion and nurturing. These qualities are greatly appreciated by your friends and family.
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
Flexibility: Whippy: A wand that is quite simple to master but lacks power.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hair: Connor's hair falls in soft, light brown waves.
Eyes: Wide, dark brown, and expressive.
Build: Connor is on the short side for his age, and though he may seem soft, he's more muscular than he would appear at first glance.
Complexion: Pale and clear.
Style: Connor prefers a simple style, mainly t-shirts and jeans. Most of his clothes are hand-me-downs, and a little too big for him.
Distinguishing Features: Despite his muscular frame, Connor moves with a notable gentleness.
Playby: Brad Simpson
Personality: Connor is a soft-hearted and sensitive boy, who only wants to make the people around him happy. He feels very deeply and longs to express that side of himself, but feels as though he should conceal it somewhat to be a tough man. Toughness doesn't come easily to him though, and when left to his own devices, Connor's inner sensitivity shines through quickly. Connor has a bad tendency to put his own needs aside in the interest of making others happy, and can find it difficult to be his true self when under pressure, rather than kowtowing to the wishes of others.
-Connor is very empathetic, and finds it easy to connect with other people's emotions and understand what they're going through.
-Connor cares very deeply for the people who are important to him, and would do anything for them, loyal almost to a fault.
-Connor aspires to do great things for the ones he loves, and has a very noble vision of the person he would like to be.
-Connor is extremely vulnerable to his emotions and takes everything extremely personally, crying easily at almost the drop of a hat.
-Connor doesn't have the best judgement of situations, and can react inappropriately when he thinks he or someone he loves is being threatened.
-Connor fears new experiences and rarely steps outside of his bubble.
Rugby – Rugby is something that Connor and his brother have always shared, and he enjoys feeling strong and confident on the pitch.
Guitar – Connor has played guitar for a few years now, and considers himself decent at it.
Flower arranging – Connor loves flowers and enjoys collecting ones that look nice together in boquets or flower crowns.
Personality Type: INFP (The Mediator)
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
Strengths: Idealistic, Seek and Value Harmony, Open-Minded and Flexible, Very Creative, Passionate and Energetic, Dedicated and Hard-working
Weaknesses: Too Idealistic, Too Altruistic, Impractical, Dislike Dealing With Data, Take Things Personally, Difficult to Get to Know
History: Connor's mother, Melanie, left her family age 16 over a dispute with her oldest brother. Their parents had died, and Vincent, in control of the family's funds, refused to support Melanie, who wanted to drop out of Hogwarts to be with the man she loved. Melanie left her family and set out on her own, doing her best to support herself without any qualifications. The man she had left her family for left her shortly afterwards, but she settled down with another man and had two children, Connor and his older brother Eric. Connor's father left the family when Connor was young, and Connor grew deeply attached to his mother and brother, wanting desperately to be good enough for them so they wouldn't leave him too.
Health: Connor is in mostly good health, other than suffering from mild asthma.
Goals: To become a stronger, tougher man, and stand up for himself.
Fears: Disappointing the people he loves.
Secrets: Connor deep down knows he doesn't have it in him to be tough, and would much rather simply embrace his gentleness.
Regrets: All the times he's failed to stand up for himself.
Colour: Pastel yellow
Food: PB&J
Smell: Fresh cut grass
Music Genre: Pop
Animal: Bunny

_____________________________ | _____________________________ | _____________________________ |
Mother Name: Melanie Holland Date of Birth: 2011 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: | Father Name: Ryan Marshall Date of Birth: 2011 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Unknown | Brother Name: Eric Holland Date of Birth: 29/10/2036 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Medley Bouncer |
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Uncle Name: William James Holland Date of Birth: 2005 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Stay At Home Father | Aunt Name: Claudia Rose Holland (née Richardson) Date of Birth: 2007 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Former NZ Minister of Magic |
Cousin Name: Rose Elizabeth Holland Date of Birth: 23/7/2031 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Honeydukes Asst. Manager/Herbologist | Cousin Name: Phoebe Anna Holland Date of Birth: 20/6/2032 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Unspeakable | Cousin Name: Diana Ivy Holland Date of Birth: 23/10/2033 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Gossip Columnist | Cousin Name: Alice Claudia Holland Date of Birth: 9/3/2035 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Misuse of Muggle Artifacts dept | Cousin Name: Lucy Harriet Holland Date of Birth: 4/2049 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: HNZ Student House: Ravenclaw |
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Uncle Name: Vincent Douglas Holland Date of Birth: 1998 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: French Ministry of Magic Employee | Aunt Name: Camille Janine Holland (née Richelieu) Date of Birth: 2000 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Astronomer |
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Cousin Name: Grace Laura Holland Date of Birth: 19/2/2027 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: HNZ Flying Professor | Cousin Name: Violette Ida Holland Date of Birth: 10/2039 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Beauxbatons Student |
Half-Sister Name: Penelope Marshall Date of Birth: 19/9/2044 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: HNZ Student House: Hufflepuff | Half-Brother Name: Holden Marshall Date of Birth: 4/2047 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: HNZ Student House: Gryffindor |
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