Connor Holland

Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)

Name: Connor Patrick Holland
Meaning: Connor – Lover of hounds, Patrick - Noble
Birthdate: 26th of June, 2038
Zodiac: Cancer
Strengths: Loyalty - Dependable - Caring - Adaptable - Responsive
Weaknesses: Moody - Clingy - Self-pitying - Oversensitive – Self-absorbed
Being a Cancer born on June 26th, you are no stranger to emotions, but instead find comfort in understanding them. You are sometimes surprised with your natural ability to know what others are feeling and thinking. While it is tempting to use this gift to your advantage, you instead use it in the form of compassion and nurturing. These qualities are greatly appreciated by your friends and family.

Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
Flexibility: Whippy: A wand that is quite simple to master but lacks power.

Hogwarts House:


Hair: Connor's hair falls in soft, light brown waves.
Eyes: Wide, dark brown, and expressive.
Build: Connor is on the short side for his age, and though he may seem soft, he's more muscular than he would appear at first glance.
Complexion: Pale and clear.
Style: Connor prefers a simple style, mainly t-shirts and jeans. Most of his clothes are hand-me-downs, and a little too big for him.
Distinguishing Features: Despite his muscular frame, Connor moves with a notable gentleness.
Playby: Brad Simpson


Personality: Connor is a soft-hearted and sensitive boy, who only wants to make the people around him happy. He feels very deeply and longs to express that side of himself, but feels as though he should conceal it somewhat to be a tough man. Toughness doesn't come easily to him though, and when left to his own devices, Connor's inner sensitivity shines through quickly. Connor has a bad tendency to put his own needs aside in the interest of making others happy, and can find it difficult to be his true self when under pressure, rather than kowtowing to the wishes of others.
-Connor is very empathetic, and finds it easy to connect with other people's emotions and understand what they're going through.
-Connor cares very deeply for the people who are important to him, and would do anything for them, loyal almost to a fault.
-Connor aspires to do great things for the ones he loves, and has a very noble vision of the person he would like to be.
-Connor is extremely vulnerable to his emotions and takes everything extremely personally, crying easily at almost the drop of a hat.
-Connor doesn't have the best judgement of situations, and can react inappropriately when he thinks he or someone he loves is being threatened.
-Connor fears new experiences and rarely steps outside of his bubble.
Rugby – Rugby is something that Connor and his brother have always shared, and he enjoys feeling strong and confident on the pitch.
Guitar – Connor has played guitar for a few years now, and considers himself decent at it.
Flower arranging – Connor loves flowers and enjoys collecting ones that look nice together in boquets or flower crowns.

Personality Type: INFP (The Mediator)
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
Strengths: Idealistic, Seek and Value Harmony, Open-Minded and Flexible, Very Creative, Passionate and Energetic, Dedicated and Hard-working
Weaknesses: Too Idealistic, Too Altruistic, Impractical, Dislike Dealing With Data, Take Things Personally, Difficult to Get to Know

History: Connor's mother, Melanie, left her family age 16 over a dispute with her oldest brother. Their parents had died, and Vincent, in control of the family's funds, refused to support Melanie, who wanted to drop out of Hogwarts to be with the man she loved. Melanie left her family and set out on her own, doing her best to support herself without any qualifications. The man she had left her family for left her shortly afterwards, but she settled down with another man and had two children, Connor and his older brother Eric. Connor's father left the family when Connor was young, and Connor grew deeply attached to his mother and brother, wanting desperately to be good enough for them so they wouldn't leave him too.
Health: Connor is in mostly good health, other than suffering from mild asthma.


Goals: To become a stronger, tougher man, and stand up for himself.
Fears: Disappointing the people he loves.
Secrets: Connor deep down knows he doesn't have it in him to be tough, and would much rather simply embrace his gentleness.
Regrets: All the times he's failed to stand up for himself.
Pastel yellow
Food: PB&J
Smell: Fresh cut grass
Music Genre: Pop
Animal: Bunny





Name: Melanie Holland
Date of Birth: 2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Ryan Marshall
Date of Birth: 2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Unknown
Eric Holland
Date of Birth: 29/10/2036
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Medley Bouncer


Name: William James Holland
Date of Birth: 2005
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Stay At Home Father
Name: Claudia Rose Holland (née Richardson)
Date of Birth: 2007
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Former NZ Minister of Magic
Name: Rose Elizabeth Holland
Date of Birth: 23/7/2031
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Honeydukes Asst. Manager/Herbologist
Name: Phoebe Anna Holland
Date of Birth: 20/6/2032
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Unspeakable
Name: Diana Ivy Holland
Date of Birth: 23/10/2033
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Gossip Columnist
Name: Alice Claudia Holland
Date of Birth: 9/3/2035
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Misuse of Muggle Artifacts dept
Name: Lucy Harriet Holland
Date of Birth: 4/2049
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Student


Name: Vincent Douglas Holland
Date of Birth: 1998
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: French Ministry of Magic Employee
Name: Camille Janine Holland (née Richelieu)
Date of Birth: 2000
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Astronomer


Name: Grace Laura Holland
Date of Birth: 19/2/2027
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Flying Professor
Name: Violette Ida Holland
Date of Birth: 10/2039
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Beauxbatons Student
Penelope Marshall
Date of Birth: 19/9/2044
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Student
Holden Marshall
Date of Birth: 4/2047
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: HNZ Student
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Connor was not at all excited to begin his first year at Hogwarts. Even with his brother there to look after him, the thought of going to another country all together to go to school was a terrifying one, and so was living in a dorm with strangers, and having to face the cousins Eric had told him so many negative things about, and every other facet of the process Connor could think of. He tried to keep his head up and show a brave face, though before even arriving at school, he had been thoroughly spooked by a girl he met on the train. His first semester Connor felt as though he was bouncing from farce to farce, humiliatingly spending more of his time crying than not. His first semester culminated in the horror of his brother getting into a fistfight with a girl Connor assumed was his cousin's bodyguard, an event that shocked Connor entirely back into his shell. He spent his second semester at Hogwarts hiding as though his life depended on it, determined not to make any more waves or get in any more trouble.
Even after hearing Eric talk about it, Hogwarts seemed bigger than Connor had ever imagined it could be. He didn't think he had seen such a big building or so many people all together ever in his life. It was overwhelming, being surrounded by so many classmates all at once. Who would be his friends? Who were the bullies? He would be spending seven whole years surrounded by these people, and it was all a lot to take in. He wondered how Eric had felt in his shoes a year ago. Probably just fine - Eric never had any trouble in a crowd. And Connor was sure everyone in Eric's year loved him already. Connor was grateful to have already made a few friends in his year, sticking close to Emma and Iris as he waited for the headmistress to call his name to take his place at Hogwarts.

"Holland, Connor!"

It seemed to take no time at all, and Connor barely felt as though he had begun to get his bearings in the incredible hall before his time had come. He stared like a deer in the headlights at the tables and tables full of students as he made his way up to the headmistress - how could there possibly be so many people here?! Connor had hoped to pick his brother or cousins out of the crowd but it quickly became clear that that would be impossible, so he dropped his eyes, staring at the ground to try and hide his face as he scuttled up to the stool and sat down, gripping the seat for dear life as the hat's brim slid in front of his vision and he settled in to await his fate.

"You'll find your place in...HUFFLEPUFF!"
Differences in CommunicationWith Emma van Houten, Iris van Houten, and Nicole Fisk
Sweet TreatsWith Jenna Jusantrea
Among The FlowersWith Haven Topez Compton
Important PurchaseWand Shopping with Emmett Lancaster and Melanie Holland
Journey's BeginningWith Freya Song
Y34/S1 Hufflepuff House MeetingWith various Hufflepuffs
A New HomeWith Scott Baker, Sebastian Kaimarama, and Kasim Safir
New Look AroundWith Jenna Jusantrea and Amy Jewel
Indoor Sports!With Ajaccio Skey
(Un)Hired HelpWith Amari Kent
Burden To BearWith Alice Holland, Emily Madison, Eric Holland, Noel Waldgrave, Professor Mitchell North, Nova Valtoria, Samantha Jacobs, Professor Monty Pendleton, Uno Bear, Phineas Ellis, Liam Waldgrave, and Professor Hezekiah Mowry
Patiently WaitingWith Chloe Thompson
Low ProfileWith Alexei Kozlov
Turned AroundWith Issac Jacobs
Floral FriendshipWith Poppy Perkins
Brotherly AdviceWith Eric Holland
Holland Christmas PartyWith various attendees
Planting a WiggentreeSDA/Wild Patch club event
Year's EndWith Freya Song
Wild Patch


The events of Connor's first year at Hogwarts didn't make him especially excited to return for a second. He did return though, trying to fall back into normal school life. For the most part the early year passed quietly, to Connor's relief, and he was able to slip under the radar, spending time with his friends, enjoying club activities, and learning more about magic. Other than a small hiccup involving Freya, Kas, and invisible lizards towards the end of the year, Connor had a blessedly peaceful and calm second year of school.
Familial RevelationsWith Kasim Safir and Eric Holland
Y35 Hufflepuff House MeetingWith various Hufflepuffs
Welcome Back Rugby GameWith various players
My City NowWith Freya Song, Kasim Safir, and Sebastian Kaimarama
Buttercup YellowDelivering Valentines Rose with Andrea Turner
By The Same NameDelivering Valentines Rose with Rose Lockwood
Sunny RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Iris van Houten
Sweet PetalsDelivering Valentines Rose with Mhairi Olaf
Sunny RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Christina Holmgaard
Fear-Flushed FloraDelivering Valentines Rose with Alice Holland
Golden PetalsDelivering Valentines Rose with Lysander Summers
Roses Among Other FlowersReceiving Valentines Rose with Poppy Perkins
Tipping The ScalesWith Kasim Safir and Freya Song
Hide (From Responsibilities) and SeekWith Emma van Houten, Nicole Fisk, Augustus Westwick, Iris van Houten, Poppy Perkins, Knox Ivers, Nikko Blackwood, Ryan Fisk, and Freya Song
Wild Patch


Connor felt a bit more comfortable in his life at Hogwarts by the time he returned for his third year, no longer so afraid of everything going on around him. He experienced his first few kisses all at once at an eye-opening game of Spin The Bottle, during which a handsome older Gryffindor boy caught his eye. His first semester was marred though, by a conflict Connor didn't fully understand. It took months for him to discover the reason Kas wasn't talking to him was a fight with Eric, and Connor forced the two to make up, frustrated with the unnecessary drama. With that over with he settled into Hogwarts life, enjoying his classes, clubs, Quidditch, and other regular activities, and finding himself feeling like he had finally found his place at Hogwarts.
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y36With various Hufflepuffs
Spin The Bottle Y36With various attendees
Great Sports!With Ajaccio Skey and Hattie Thorne
ImpactWith Lysander Summers
Kissing With The HomiesWith Freya Song and Kasim Safir
Mending a GapWith Eric Holland and Kasim Safir
Amber and ApparitionsDelivering Valentines Rose with Terrell Foley
Lemon and LoyaltyDelivering Valentines Rose with Willow Cullen
Sunshine and SolidarityDelivering Valentines Rose with Solomon Tofilau
Cream and CamaraderieDelivering Valentines Rose with Freya Song
Yellow and YellingDelivering Valentines Rose with Mazikeen Roe
Coral and CrushesDelivering Valentines Rose with Elliot Briar
Yellow MatryoshkaReceiving Valentines Rose with Cyzarine Haden
Pink Suits YouReceiving Valentines Rose with Emori Pourroulis
EndeavoursWith Knox Ivers
Raranga HarakekeWild Patch Club Event
Wild Patch
Alt. Beater
Mad Hatter
Valentines Dance


Returning to Hogwarts, Connor was alarmed to find out two of his friends had spent the holidays together. Though they claimed it hadn't been romantic, Connor had long wondered whether Kas liked boys, and unfortunately, Lysander wasn't able to give any easy answers. Connor's first semester passed by in a rush of extracurriculars giving tours around the castle, practices and games for his new role as Beater on the Quidditch team, and spending time with friends. A small effort was made to possibly turn one of those friendships into something more, but after one date it quickly became clear to Connor and Lysander that they were better off as friends. A friendship that wouldn't last long unfortunately, as the second semester brought chaos to Connor's social life. Following a dramatic scene in the Great Hall, Connor found himself in the middle of a feud between his brother Eric, who had overheard painful gossip about him, and Connor's own friends, who blamed Eric for the whole situation. The conflict came to a head during one dramatic study session, tearing the whole second year class into two sides, Nicole Vs. Connor. Dejected and dismayed at the loss of people he had thought he could trust, Connor was beyond eager for his fourth year to be over as quickly as possible.
Almost Missing The TrainWith Ajaccio Skey, Poppy Perkins, Lysander Summers, and Kasim Safir
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y37/S1With various Hufflepuffs
Bulking UpWith Nikko Blackwood
Settling InWith Lucas Fletcher, Kasim Safir, and Freya Song
First Year Tour!With Alice Holland, Freya Song, and various firsties
A VIP TourWith Michael Newton
PhotosynthesisWith Ren Lockwood and Solomon Tofilau
ReconnaissanceWith Nicole Fisk
Target PracticeWith Lysander Summers
Written In The CardsWith Iris van Houten
Muddy And TiredWith Maris Wormwood
Foraged FeastWild Patch Club Event
Dates and DancesWith Lysander Summers
The Start of Slow GoodbyesWith Alice Holland
False ImpressionsWith Lars van Houten, Blake Irons, and Eric Holland
Hufflepuff Camp Fire Y37/S2With various Hufflepuffs
Meeting ExpectationsWith Eric Holland and Kasim Safir (Related: Boiling Over)
Chomping CabbagesWild Patch Club Event
Moment Of PeaceWith Lucas Fletcher and Kasim Safir
No Drama, Just FriendshipWith Jenna Jusantrea
Picking a SideWith Nicole Fisk, Rosalind Lockwood, Poppy Perkins, Iris van Houten, Emma van Houten, Lysander Summers, Jenna Jusantrea, Kasim Safir, Freya Song, Kiara Wood, and Juniper Zumwalt
Out Of The WayWith Nikko Blackwood
A Mask Of My Own FaceWith Freya Song
Beaten DownWith Tilly Drage (Related: Hogwarts Monthly: Y37 Semester 2)
Collateral DamageWith Eric Holland
Wild Patch
Yule Ball
With Lysander Summers


Connor's fifth year at Hogwarts was tumultuous, to say the least. Starting off seemingly well with a prefect badge finding its way to him, Connor was quickly brought back down by a fight with Nicole's brother on the train, followed by the dismaying discovery that Nicole, Poppy, and Jenna had all been made prefects as well. Feeling outnumbered and unhappy, Connor tried to bury himself in schoolwork, though his bitterness even extended to fights with friends. It was a relief when something finally went right, and a hang out with Nikko in the holidays turned into a relationship, though the pair broke up quickly over their teams' disastrous Quidditch histories. Upset and on the rebound, Connor kissed two boys on the same day, first Knox during the rose deliveries followed by a friendly date with Lucas for the Valentines dance turning romantic, ending with the two becoming a couple. He still felt decidedly unsettled in his life, but after making things up with Iris, Connor was beginning to feel almost like things were turning around.
Brother to BrotherWith Ryan Fisk
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y38/S1With various Hufflepuffs
The Last Table on a Rainy AfternoonWith Ajaccio Skey
Earned ResponsibilityWith Samantha Jacobs
Castle Tours For First YearsWith various firsties
Prefects Meeting 2053 (S1 Y38)With various Prefects
Hordes of HorklumpsWild Patch Club Event
The Direct ApproachWith Kasim Safir, Lucas Fletcher, and Freya Song
Never A Bad TimeWith Freya Song
Sun-WarmedWith Nikko Blackwood
Unwritten RegretsWith Iris van Houten
The Lynx BoysWith Linden Cullen, Jordan Harris, Lucas Fletcher, and Rene Tofilau
Run AfoulWith Nikko Blackwood
Overdue CelebrationWith various Hufflepuffs
Sunshine for a GryffindorDelivering Valentines Rose with Aubrey Miller
Flower for a FlowerDelivering Valentines Rose with Iris van Houten
Hufflepuff YellowDelivering Valentines Rose with Oliver Boone
Gold In The TowersDelivering Valentines Rose with Annabeth Easterling
Rose Across Troubled WatersDelivering Valentines Rose with Michael Newton
Family FloraDelivering Valentines Rose with Eric Holland
Poison RoseDelivering Valentines Rose with Nicole Fisk
Petals In The BreezeDelivering Valentines Rose with Liusaidh Fergusson
Complicated ComplimentsReceiving Valentines Rose with Elliot Briar
Of Beautiful YellowReceiving Valentines Rose with Cyzarine Haden
Red for Connor HollandReceiving Valentines Rose with Knox Ivers
Off Your FeetWith Lucas Fletcher (Continued)
WeatherproofingWild Patch Club Event
Y38 Graduation GuestsWith various attendees
Wild Patch
American Football Player
Yule Ball
With Freya Song
Valentines Dance
With Lucas Fletcher


Coming off the back of a terrible fifth year, Connor continued making mistakes before even returning to Hogwarts. While adjusting to Eric's girlfriend having moved in with the family, Connor ran into Lysander in the holidays and made a thoughtless flirty comment, realising to his horror that he had almost forgotten about Lucas in the moment. Feeling guilty for his slip, Connor decided to end his relationship with Lucas, taking this as a sign that he wasn't truly invested in the way Lucas deserved. The breakup didn't go over well, and Connor lost yet another friend in the process. In the meantime he was trying to keep up with his classes and adjusting to his new role as co-captain of the Quidditch team, pleasantly surprised when they defeated reigning champions Slytherin in the first round of matches. Stressed out and miserable, Connor grasped at the opportunity for fun when he and Kas decided to prank Eric by pretending to date. In the process of spending so much time together, Connor realised to his surprise that he had genuine feelings for Kas, feelings he wasn't able to explore as the prank ended before long. Despite his upset, Connor's Quidditch team managed to win the house cup, and in a joint effort between Connor and Tilly defeated Ilvermorny - not by catching the snitch, but by an unprecedented feat of the Beaters managing to eliminate so many rival players that Ilvermorny had no choice but to forfeit. Ending the year on that high note, Connor resolved to fix his mistakes in his final year at Hogwarts.
Off-HoursWith Lysander Summers
New FamiliesWith Eric Holland, Minnie Calida, and Melanie Holland
Everything FlowsWith Samantha Jacobs
Tour For First YearsWith various attendees
Y39 Prefects MeetingWith various Prefects
What Can't Be Taken BackWith Lucas Fletcher and Freya Song
Celebration Time!With Amy Jewel, Lucas Fletcher, Kasim Safir, Jordan Harris, and Linden Cullen
Unbreakable HeartWith Kasim Safir and Eric Holland
ConsequencesWith Kasim Safir
Build Your Own GardenWild Patch Club Event
Urge To PickWith Lucas Fletcher
Hogwarts Monthly: Y39 Semester 1Hogwarts Monthly Issue
Cut ThreadsWith Nikko Blackwood
Putting On A Good ShowWith Kasim Safir
Holiday CampPhoenix Scouts Event
In On The JokeWith Kasim Safir
Hufflepuff Victory Party!With various Hufflepuffs
Project Garden KingdomWild Patch Club Event
Victory Party!!!With various Hufflepuffs
Y39 Graduation Ceremony: GuestsWith various attendees
Wild Patch
Beater & Co-Captain
As The Joker
Yule Ball
With Kasim Safir
Valentines Dance
Kasim Safir


Being one of the youngest in his year, Connor celebrated his birthday in the holidays by getting far, far too drunk with Kas and Freya in the hopes of drowning his lingering feelings in alcohol. The scheme didn't work at all, and he wound up only making himself feel worse. Returning to school, Connor was relieved to reconnect with Poppy after their feud years ago, and after repairing his feud with Lucas as well, Connor was starting to feel like his life was finally coming together again. A feeling that was painfully short-lived, as struggles on the Quidditch pitch led to a fight so bad that Linden quit the team outright, and he struggled with new feelings of inadequacy as a captain. Halfway through the year, Connor was shocked as his father returned to his family's lives, after having abandoned them more than a decade ago. Connor was eager to reconnect with the father he never knew, and wound up getting into a fistfight with Eric when the brothers disagreed on the subject. Returning to school, Connor tried to keep his head down and focus on his life, a focus that was quickly broken by a misphrased valentines rose made his unspoken situation with Kas go from bad to worse. As Connor was struggling to figure out how to fix things, the decision was made for him as events involving Lysander wound up getting both Lysander and Kas expelled, and landing Emma in hospital. A ball of repressed fury and misery, Connor was unable to focus on school at all anymore, flunking almost all of his NEWTs and completely bungling his graduation speech.
All Grown UpWith Kasim Safir and Freya Song
Hufflepuff House Meeting Y40/S1With various Hufflepuffs
First Years Castle TourWith various firsties
Y40 Prefects MeetingWith various Prefects
Written In StoneWith Poppy Perkins
Open BookWith Iris van Houten
Burying The HatchetWith Lucas Fletcher
Death BeatersWith Tilly Drage
Dark Eyes, Warm HeartsWith Kasim Safir
Off The ClockWith Kiara Wood
Abysmal PerformancesWith Jordan Harris
(Related: Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y40/S1)
Having A Field DayWith Lysander Summers
Kicking Up DirtWith Freya Song
Clearly SpottedWith Vivienne Hoshino
Wake Me Up And Save Me From The DarkWith Linden Cullen, Lysander Summers, and Professor Elvera Le Fey
Windy AfternoonWith Aine Thompson
Zombie Your Own BossWith Kasim Safir
Plant What You LikeWild Patch Club Event
An Unavoidable TraditionWith Kasim Safir
All Alone and A-LowlyWith Ryan Marshall, Eric Holland, and Melanie Holland
Power ShiftWith Eric Holland
A Bloom Amongst The BooksDelivering Valentines Rose with Addison Beckett
Flora And FoodDelivering Valentines Rose with Hamish Reid
Petals And PauseDelivering Valentines Rose with Nikko Blackwood
Blossoms BelowDelivering Valentines Rose with Ares Kuya-Tine
Friendship Over AnythingDelivering/Receiving Valentines Rose with Kiara Wood
Finding FlowersDelivering Valentines Rose with Valeria Iglesias
Roses and RecognitionDelivering/Receiving Valentines Rose with Salem Lee
Love For A LeaderDelivering Valentines Rose with Chloë Thompson
A Yellow EnigmaReceiving Valentines Rose with Niamh Eriksen
Hufflepuff SpiritReceiving Valentines Rose with Estella Fuentes
Passing SincerityReceiving Valentines Rose with Ryan Fisk
Head Rose for Head BoyReceiving Valentines Rose with Isadora Novak
Third Time's A CharmReceiving Valentines Rose with Slate Gates
For a FriendReceiving Valentines Rose with Juniper Zumwalt
Tipping PointWith Kasim Safir
A Look Into The PastAccio! Club Event
Hufflepuff Victory PartyWith various Hufflepuffs
Y40 Graduation Ceremony: GraduatesWith various attendees
Head Boy
Wild Patch
Beater & Captain
As a Zombie
Yule Ball
Connor had felt sick all day. Today was always going to be terrifying, but now... now everything was heartbreakingly, gut-twistingly wrong, and there was no way to fix it. The not knowing was the worst part. He had heard as much as anyone else in the school - there had been a Basilisk loose in the grounds, Emma had been petrified, and Kas and Lysander had been expelled. It didn't take much to put the pieces together. His feelings had been on a roundabout ever since - blinding fury at Kas and Lysander being so stupid, terror at the thought of what was going to happen to them, guilt that Kas had been caught up in something so dark and he hadn't even noticed... it all revolved so fast that he was left numb, unable to fully submit to any one feeling when a moment later it would be whisked away and replaced with a brand new horror. He barely remembered the last few weeks of the semester, and he was certain that he hadn't done well on his NEWTs. He had spent the entire Care of Magical Creatures exam fighting back tears.

And now he was here. Finishing school, without Kas by his side. He would be leaving this part of his life behind forever, with no certainty he could cling to. His best friend gone, maybe for good. His career in question if his NEWT marks were as bad as he expected. He felt untethered from reality, like he was living through a horrible dream that would dissolve into mist at any moment. But it was real, all too real. Maybe he was the dream. Maybe he was about to dissolve. That would at least be easier than giving this speech. The headmistress calling his name came far too soon, and Connor felt his body get to its feet before his mind had really processed the thought. He stepped up to the podium, looking down at his notes rather than out at all the people in front of him. Connor hadn't managed to write a speech, but he had brought what he had, a few scribbled thoughts he had jotted down before his world fell apart. It wasn't much help, but it was easier than looking out at the crowd. Seeing his classmates watch him fall apart. His mum. His brother.

"I, um... I want to thank our teachers." Connor croaked, completely failing to keep the misery out of his voice. He knew he must look a complete mess, but he had to get through this. The quicker the better. "They... they shaped... shaped us into... the people we are today. The, um... the skills, the things we... we learned..." He paused, taking a deep breath. He knew he couldn't fall apart in front of the entire school. Knew there was part of him somewhere in there that didn't want that, that would be embarrassed. He had worked so hard to distance himself from his early reputation as a crybaby, and somewhere deep down he didn't want to be seen like that. But it felt so trivial, so far away. So hard to care about. He took a long, slow breath, trying to collect himself and speak in full sentences as he went on, though there was nothing to be done to hide the misery and hollowness in his voice, or the words he stumbled over as he went. Not exactly the picture of the Head Boy inspiring his classmates.

"The things we learned from our teachers, and... and from our class... classmates, that's... what makes us who we are. We're all... better for... for our time at school, good or bad. And, um..." Connor turned over the piece of parchment, hands trembling as he scrambled for anything else to say. "And whatever happens... wherever... wherever we go from now on, we'll always... we'll always have... have our friendships, and... and all the... the experiences we shared. The-" Connor cut off, a tear falling on the parchment in front of him. Would he always have Kas? Would he ever hear from him again? Kas hadn't answered a single owl since being expelled, and the scariest part of Connor's brain said that that was because he was in Azkaban. He didn't know. He had lost one of the most important people in his life, maybe forever, to that person doing something unthinkably stupid and evil, and now... now he was supposed to just stand here in front of the school, to congratulate them on graduating, like this was all normal. Nothing was normal - maybe would never be normal again. Kas should be here, and he wasn't. "I... I'm sorry..." Connor choked, abandoning his notes on the podium and clapping a hand over his mouth to try and hold the tears back as he stumbled back to his seat. He managed to drop into it before breaking down, burying his face in his hands as his whole body shook with the force of his sobs.
Connor wanted to leave. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, so he'd never have to see any of his classmates again. Anyone again, period, he added, as he realised in horror that his mum and Eric were here. Everyone had seen him completely fall apart on the stage, and it was all because Kas was gone. The knot of pain inside him twisted, anger and sorrow a vise gripping tight around his heart. It was all too much - a day like today that should have been a happy-sad ending to seven years of his life turned so easily into his worst nightmare.

It was a relief when Chloë managed to somehow salvage the speeches, and Connor knew he owed the Head Girl a debt of gratitude beyond words. He kept his head down, barely listening as the graduates began taking the stage. It didn't matter. Kas wouldn't be among them. Neither would Lysander. Emma almost hadn't been, and the thought made him feel sick all over again. He took a moment to react when his name was called, feeling disconnected from everything that name represented. His limbs weighed far too much as he stood, feeling like he was dragging himself through a dream as he made his way across the stage and accepted his diploma. He knew he should probably say something - thank the Headmistress, apologise for his speech, something - but his mouth was full of cotton wool, and speaking felt impossible. He just nodded instead, miserably loping back off to his seat and burying his face in his hands, desperately hoping this would all be over quickly.
“Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.” - J. Lynn
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Scar On Your BreastboneWith Kasim Safir
Uncanny SimilaritiesWith Eric Holland, Ryan Marshall, and Holden Marshall
Stuck In My HeadWith Kasim Safir
Y41 Graduation Ceremony: GuestsWith various attendees
Long Time No SeeWith Lucas Fletcher
Secret Spy StuffWith Freya Song
Chloë and Juniper's Housewarming PartyWith various attendees
Stepping Up Or Stepping OutWith Zelda Wigham

Opposite DirectionsWith Linden Cullen
Remnants of a Better LifeWith Freya Song
Turned Inside OutWith Eric Holland
Lemon, Corn, SandwichWith Linden Cullen and Ainsley Lynch
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