- Messages
- 2,450
- OOC First Name
- Marijke
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
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- Sully
- Wand
- Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
- Age
- 04/2038 (23)


Chloë Célestine Thompson.
PRONOUNCIATIONChloe in English is pronounced as KLOH-ee, in French it is pronounced as KLOH-eh. Célestine, which is once again French, is pronounced as SEH-LEHS-TEEN.
MEANINGChloë meaning "green shoot" in Greek, referring to new plant growth in the spring.
Célestine being derived from the Latin caelestis meaning "heavenly".
WHYChloë's parents had heard the name somewhere during her mother's pregnancy and at that moment had shared an all-knowing look with each other. For some reason they had both felt that this was the name they were to give their little girl. Her second name, Célestine, was chosen in honour of her mother's sister, who had died at a young age and had meant everything to her mother.
NICKNAMESSince her name is short of itself, she doesn't have many nicknames. Her father used to call her princess a lot when she was younger, her mother still often calls her ma petite fleur, which means my little flower. Her brother mostly calls her 'chlo'.
BLOOD STATUSMixed Blood. Her mother comes from a Pure Blood family, but her father is a Half Blood wizard.
THOUGHTSChloë's mother comes from a wealthy, French, Pure Blood family. Her grandparents did not agree with her mother marrying her father and threatened to disown her if she did. Which is exactly what happened. This is just one of the reasons why Chloë could care less about her own, or anyone else's bloods status. She believes that people are their own person and blood should never be used to define who you are or what you should be.
ROOTSAs mentioned, her mother comes from a long line of wealthy, Pure Bloods. Her family finds their roots in Marseille, France. Her father is from New Zealand, although he is also partly American, as his great-grandmother came to New Zealand from America.
NATIONALITYAfter her family moved to New Zealand Chloë officially became a New Zealand resident.
HOMETOWNChloë lived in Marseille, France for the first six years of her life.
CURRENT RESIDENCEThe Thompson's currently reside in a cosy family home in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others. Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality. Wood: Larch is a durable wand wood that helps realize new talents and always seems to have some unexpected qualities influenced by its owner. Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them. Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder. |

Chloë was born on the 10th of April, 2038.
PLACE OF BIRTHChloë was born in a wizarding hospital in Marseille, France.
BIRTH STORYHer parents have always told her that her birth was over before they had even fully realized it. Chloë was born two weeks early and had come rather unexpected, causing her parents to have to hurry over to the hospital. There had been some complications with the birth of her brother so her mother absolutely wanted to be in the hospital in case anything went wrong. In comparison to her brother's birth, however, Chloë's birth went smoothly which was a great relief to her parents.

♂ Mars. Mars has the symbolic colour red -- the colour of blood, fire, action and passion. Mars is notably passionate and impulsive. Mars is able to ignite our passions and proper us forcefully towards our goal, making its influence particularly important as it is able to determine the way we pursue and achieve our goals in life. Mars in Aries is in its element and gives the native the whole of its energy, will-power and courage. An Aries under Mars often finds that veni, vidi, vici comes true for them.

Abigail Cowen
BLOOD TYPEChloë's blood type is O-, which means she is a universal donor.
HAIRChloë has long, natural red hair. Her hair is naturally wavy, but she likes to wear it straight as well. She loves to wear her hair loose, but also enjoys trying out different hairstyles. If she's tired or her hair won't work with her, she'll just quickly put it in a braid or bun and just let it be for the rest of the day.
EYESHer eyes are of a blue/grey-ish colour. Her mother always sayd that she has her fathers eyes and she is proud to share the resemblance with him.
HEIGHTShe has always been a little below average. Chloë isn't extremely short, but she's definitely shorter than most of her friends and classmates. It doesn't bother her but has proven to be an easy thing for people to tease her with. She loves to joke around though, so she'll likely laugh about it.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURESAsides from her hair, Chloë's most distinguishing features are probably her freckle. She loves her freckles and even though they will completely cover her face in summer they never fully disappear in the winter.
PIERCINGSChloë has had both of her ears pierced when she was six years old.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is her right hand.
LANGUAGESChloë is fluent in both English and French, the latter being her official mother tongue. She was raised bilingually from a young age. She also knows some New Zealand Sign Language thanks to some classes hosted by other students at school.

Ambitious. Having a strong desire and determination to succeed.
Astrophile. A person with a deep love for stars; astronomy.
Bubbly. A person who is very lively and cheerful, often talks a lot.
Confident. Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.
Daring. (Of a person or action) adventurous or audaciously bold.
FIVE WORDS EXPLAINEDAmbitious. Chloë has had one main goal in her life for a while now: to become an auror when she grows up. She feels like to do so she needs to excel in her classes and is determined to do good.
Astrophile. Ever since she was younger Chloë has had a great fascination with the sky and everything it consists of. She loves looking at the sky at night and trying to determine which little dot is what star, planet or constellation. She loves learning about it, enjoying the feeling of looking up and actually knowing what she is looking at.
Bubbly. Anyone who has met Chloë will notice this about her. She is very outgoing and walks around a happy person most of the time. She loves to chat with anyone and everyone, always happy to speak to new people and possibly make new friends.
Confident. Chloë is confident in herself and what she can do. She knows she's smart and should be able to fulfill her goal of doing well in school so she can get the carreer she wants when she grows up. She is also rather confident in how she looks.
Daring. Chloë won't run away on an adventure every chance she gets but she definitely appreciates one every now and then. She is bold and is not easily scared on intimidated.
OVERAL PERSONALITYChloë is a confident girl and outgoing person. Definitely more of an extrovert than an introvert. She enjoys socializing with others and wil most likely befriend anyone and everyone she thinks is nice. Chloë is intelligent and knows exactly what she wants to be when she grows up and what she has to do in order to get there. She likes to get her work done right away so she can't forget it and has plenty of time left to do fun things. Small as she is, she won't stand for people she cares getting hurt and will not back down from a confrontation. This might have to do with her being a compassionate person. She instinctly wants to watch out and care for others, help them out in any way she can. Chloë is a person who loves to have fun and be surrounded by her friends. She loves to have people she can joke around with and won't shy away from a little sarcasm every now and then. She's generally a happy person and will often be found smiling. Other than that she is also extremely curious and will have no trouble asking questions if she is, no matter whether she knows the person she's curious about or not.
PERSONALITY TYPE EXPLAINEDPeople of the Consul personality type are 'popular', which makes sense given that is a common personality type. At their heart, Consul personalities are social creatures and thrive on staying up to date with what their friends are doing. Consuls take their responsibility to help and do the right thing seriously. They are supportive and outgoing: at a party you'll find them to be the ones trying to find time to chat and laugh with everyone. Consuls enjoy supporting their friends and those they care about, being genuinly interested in their lives, wanting to organize social gatherings and trying their best to make sure everyone is happy. Assertive Consuls often have an optimistic outlook and will try to let go of regret more quickly than others. They would describe their approach to life with a sort of energetic ease that taps into their confident focus. They are likely to be bold in their belief that they can deal with anything that life throws their way.
OPTIMIST OR PESSIMISTChloë is definitely an optimist. She will try to see the good in things and likes to look at the bright side, to try and keep things positive even is she might feel a bit glum herself.
TEMPERAMENT EXPLAINEDPeople with the Sanguine temperament/personality type tend to be lively, optimistic and carefree. They are bad at dealing with boredom and will seek entertainment instead.
GOOD HABITS/STRENGTHSChloë is highly social and has no issues making friends or chatting with complete strangers. She's intelligent and will easily do well in school. More to be added as she grows up and discovers them.
BAD HABITS/FLAWSChloë can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her schoolwork. She has also found out that she has difficulty coping with people leaving, which makes her feel left behind.
LIKESDancing, hanging out with friends, the colour red, Gryffindor, people who make her laugh, animals, quidditch, everything to do with the sky.
DISLIKESRude people, long lectures, being left behind, smoking and bludger hits because they are the worst.

She would smell her mother's favourite perfume, coffee and freshly baked waffles. These are all smells that have been with her throughout her life and mean a lot to her.
MIRROR OF ERISEDChloë would see herself as an Auror in the mirror. She has wanted to become one for as long as she can remember and it is her one dream in life.
PATRONUSBasset Hound. Chloë's Patronus will turn out to be a Basset Hound. Basset Hounds hail from France. Their name literally means “low-set.” These short-legged companions are loyal and affectionate. They are pack animals that crave companionship but often do things in their own way and in their own time. Basset Hounds have a sense of humor and a playful demeanor.
BOGGARTThe people she loves turning away from her, leaving her alone.
HOBBIESChloë's favourite thing to do used to be dancing, which is something she has been doing ever since she was young. She started out with classical ballet and picked up modern dancing along the way as well. She hasn't done much dancing since arriving at Hogwarts though and instead has spend way more time on something that she has grown to love even more: quidditch. She thoroughly enjoyed being onher house team during her Hogwarts days and is beyond excited she gets to play professionally. Even if it can get busy and tiring.

FIRST CRUSHSolomon Tofilau.
FIRST KISSChloë had her first kiss with Nicole Fisk during a game of spin the bottle in her third year.
OTHERS KISSEDChloë has kissed Nicole Fisk and Simon Thorne during a game of spin the bottle in her third year. Added to that list: Solomon Tofilau.

Chloë was homeschooled together with her brother and some other magical kids when she was younger and living in Marseille. She continued to be homeschooled for a couple of years after her family moved to New Zealand. Here she was homeschooled by one of her uncles, together with some of her cousins and a couple of other kids. When she turned eleven Chloë went on to attend Hogwarts New Zealand.
TIMELINEHomeschooled in Marseille, France // 2042-2043.
Homeschooled in Dunedin, New Zealand // 2043-2048.
Attended Hogwarts New Zealand // 2048 - 2055.
HOGWARTS HOUSEShe was sorted into Gryffindor.
THOUGHTSChloë was excited to be sorted into Gryffindor. Her dad had been in the same house and it immediately made her proud to share this with him. She loves her house.
FAVOURITE CLASSHer favourite class was Astronomy, but she also liked Charms a lot.
LEAST FAVOURITE CLASSChloë's least favourite class was always a tie between Potions and History of Magic. She wasn't a fan of either but did think they were useful classes to have.
CLUBS & EXTRA CURRICULARSHeta Omega member (started Y35).
Gryffindor Quidditch team - Chaser (started Y36).
TITLESGryffindor Prefect (started Y38).
Heta Omega Secretary (Y40).
Head Girl (Y40).
GRADUATIONShe graduated in 2055 (Y40).
SUPERLATIVESY38 - Best Helper.
Y39 - Godric Gryffindor Reincarnated.
OCCUPATIONChloë managed to get picked for a Chaser position on the Moutohora Macaws not long after graduation and still plays quidditch professionally.
WORK ETHICChloë is a hard worker. She has certain goals she has set for herself and wishes to achieve and she will try her best to do so. At school, she works hard and prefers to get things done right away rather than procrastinating, because this way she can use the time she has left for other, more fun activities.

![]() Isaac James Thompson D.O.B. 21st of May, 2008 BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand alumnus HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Obliviator | ![]() Elodié Fleur Thompson (née Laurent) D.O.B. 4th of April, 2010 BLOOD STATUS Pure Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Not applicable. OCCUPATION Healer | ![]() Archer Noah Thompson D.O.B. 15th of November, 2033 BLOOD STATUS Mixed Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Not applicable. OCCUPATION Model |
Chloë has a great relationship with both of her parents. She finds both of their jobs highly interesting and loves to listen to anything they can tell her about them. They are very loving parents and have always supported her to the fullest. She cares greatly for her parents and wouldn't know what to do without them. The main difference between her relationships with her parents is that her father is a bit more easy going than her mother is. He will often allow things her mother would say she needs to think about or possibly won't allow.
RELATIONSHIP WITH BROTHEREven though Archer is four years older than Chloë is, they have a good relationship. Ofcourse they have their fights as all siblings do, but they are never too bad. Chloë and Archer don't really apologize to each other, rather waiting for a little while after a fight before casually walking in to the other's room to hang out again and everything will be good. Archer is protective of his sister and although she doesn't always like that, Chloë appreciates him wanting to look out for her. She sees Archer as one of her best friends and is grateful to have him as her brother.
PETSChloë used to have two pets. The one that she still has is a black cat called Lotus. It used to be their family cat but once Chloë was set to attend Hogwarts she was allowed to take Lotus with her as her pet. The family has had the cat for quite a couple of years now, getting her after they had moved to New Zealand. Chloë adores Lotus and is happy to have her around.


EARLY YEARS (2038-2048)

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