Open A Little Clueless

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Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Chloë wasn't known for planning her halloween costumes all too well. She enjoyed halloween but had never tried exceedingly hard on getting a good costume, often forgetting halloween was even coming up and throwing together a costume pretty last minute. This year was no different. Between quidditch, prefect duties and trying to take things a bit slower after the busy year she had last year making sure she had a halloween costume on time had once again slipped her mind. Nevertheless, with a fake fur coat and a little spell to change her hair colour into black on one side and white on the other, she felt like she had managed to pull of something. Although she had to give most credit to her cousin, who had once told her the coat reminded him of a character from a muggle movie. She wasn't entirely too sure what the movie was about, but remembered the gist of it. Something about a lot of puppies and the character she was dressed up as being the bad guy. That was pretty much the story, right? She had gotten her cousin to write down the name of the character in case anyone would ask her and secretely wondered who would recognize her costume and who would be clueless about it.
Sully was always keen to celebrate Halloween. His parents had told him it hadn't been nearly as popular in New Zealand when they'd been growing up, but even the stuff he'd done as a kid at home paled in comparison to how wizards got to celebrate.

He'd been bobbing his way through the crowd, enjoying the costumes and the atmosphere of what he'd realized was his last Halloween at school when he spotted Chloë, approaching her with a grin. "Why, you look positively villainous," he announced to her, putting on a thick Transylvanian accent. Or at least what he hoped passed for one. Maybe Eastern European. Close enough.
Chloë had been looking around to see if she spotted any of her friends and decide what she wanted to do if she didn't. Luckily, she had been spotted before she had been able to spot anyone else. Which saved her a little bit of trouble. "Well thank you." She chuckled at whatever accent Sully was trying to put up as she gave him her best villain pose, which was basically just her trying to look mean. Something she wasn't exactly good at. Strict? Sure. Mean? Not so much. "You look.. fabulous." She bit her lip in an attempt not to laugh at his wig. At least she hoped it was a wig. Knowing Sully, he wouldn't have been opposed to just using a charm to grow out his own hair for the costume. "I mean don't tell anyone, but I'm not even exactly sure who I am." Chloë said, moving a bit closer as if she was actually telling him a secret. "I do kind of like the black and white hair though, maybe I'll just keep it like this." She jokingly added.
Sully grinned back at Chloë, giving her an elaborate bow as she complimented his costume. He supposed at some point he and Chloë should have tried to plan a couples costume like other people did, but he'd never really had the mind to plan ahead like that. And if he was being honest, he was still mostly ignoring the fact that he and Chloë wouldn't have more time for things like that later. It was just easier not to talk about it. Or think about it. "Man, we have got to organize a muggle movie night or something then," he said, shaking his head fondly when Chloë admitted she didn't know what she was dressed up as, though he faltered again when he realized making plans like that involved thinking about how much time he still had left for that sort of thing. He cleared his throat, glad when Chloë brought up her hair. "Nah nah nah, you gotta keep the red," he said emphatically. "Not that you don't look good in everything. But I like the red," he added hurriedly. "Though maybe we could pull it off if we both kept our hair this way," he said, giving Chloë a side long glance before laughing.
Chloë chuckled when Sully bowed to her in return when she complimented his own costume. She always enjoyed seeing what sort of costumes others came up with and liked to believe she knew her friends well enough to figure out what angle they'd go for. Although some also had a habit of showing up in costumes that she had never thought they'd wear and she reckoned that was just the magic of halloween. Chloë smiled at the idea of a muggle movie night, quickly pushing away the thoughts that started running through her head. Thoughts about how everything beyond this year was uncertain, about how she didn't even know what was going to happen when Sully inevitably graduated at the end of it. Thoughts that popped up in her head regularly since getting back to school. That would push forward during every quidditch practice and moment of fun they had. Ones she had been trying her best to ignore for a while now. "Well it would've been weird if you didn't." She laughed softly when he mentioned her hair, pretty keen on it herself. Her laugh grew louder when he mentioned both of them keeping their current hairstyles. "Nope. Okay, no. Not happening. Neither of us is keeping the hair." She responded as she vigorously shook her head at the idea. She'd happily give up the black and white hair to see Sully lose whatever he had going on on his head at the moment. Even if it did really add to his costume. "Can you imagine playing quidditch like that though?" She grinned, trying to imagine what that would look like rather than giving into the thought that there wasn't much quidditch left for them to play together either.
Sully grinned when Chloë seemed less than enthused about his hair suggestion. "No? You don't think? What if I did all my yearbook pictures like this?" He teased, running a hand through his hair before looping it around Chloë, bringing their faces together so he could try to tickle her with the long black hair he had tonight. It would be pretty funny if Sully's last pictures from this year were of him dressed like this, but that was veering dangerously close to the unfun territory he'd been purposely avoiding, so Sully let it go. "Extra padding, I'd say," he said with a laugh when Chloë mentioned Quidditch, nodding exaggeratedly just to let his hair flop around a bit. "Though i already get distracted enough seeing your red hair going by sometimes," he admitted, a bit quieter, though his tone was still teasing.
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