- Messages
- 1,830
- OOC First Name
- Ana
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Wand
- Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 22
The Basics
You always find the exit sign in a crowded room
Everybody wants their shot, but you're bulletproof
You always find the exit sign in a crowded room
Everybody wants their shot, but you're bulletproof
Full Name: Harper Katherine Alston
Gender: Female
Birthday: 27 April 2040
Age: 22
Hometown: Helensville, New Zealand
Occupation: Auror
Education: Helensville Primary School (2045-2051), Hogwarts New Zealand (2051-2058)
Magical Information
The blood is rushing, but you're paralyzed
Defenseless, but you feel so alive
The blood is rushing, but you're paralyzed
Defenseless, but you feel so alive
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Boggart: When approached by Harper, boggarts turn into a black, suffocating mist that envelops her and paralyzes her muscles. She defeats them by turning the mist into glitter.
Amortentia: Fresh-out-of-the-oven blackberry pie, a dewy field of grass early in the morning
Mirror of Erised: All of her loved ones, both muggle and magical, standing around her; her two worlds made one
Dementor: Harper's worst memory is getting stuck as a half-human, half-falcon hybrid.
Patronus: New Zealand Falcon
Patronus Memory: Taking her first flight as a falcon animagus
Animagus: Harper's form is a New Zealand Falcon. The lighter-coloured feathers covering her torso and neck are the same shade of blonde as her hair.
Paint the colors on top of the sunset
I can do this all for you
Paint the colors on top of the sunset
I can do this all for you
Hair: Harper has wavy blonde hair that curls in humid weather. It's quite thick, and she's broken a number of hair bands trying to tie it back in a ponytail to keep it from getting in her face. When she leaves it down, it hangs just past her shoulders; any longer and it becomes a nuisance.
Eyes: She has ocean blue eyes that are always darting about.
Height: At 5'10'', Harper is quite tall, something that pleases her.
Style: Harper dresses very simply, almost always in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She's always on the move, and she prefers her clothing to be practical and suited to the outdoors. Harper wears a lot of red as that is her favorite color and tends to avoid pinks and purples and other colors she deems to be too "girly." She's never been one to care for jewelry though she does wear a battered sports watch, several hair ties, and a friendship bracelet from Hilda on her left wrist.
Other Distinguishing Features: A long scar down the calf of her right leg from a bike accident.
Playby: Maddie Hasson
General Description: Tall and broad-shouldered, Harper has a commanding presence. Her posture is fairly good, and she has no problem looking people in the eye and saying what she wants. Combined with a bit of an RBF and a smile that looks a lot like a smirk, she can sometimes come off as intimidating to those younger than her (or stuck-up to those older than her). Her cheeks are sunburnt more often than not and despite spending a lot of time outdoors, she remains quite pale as she cannot tan. Harper is in constant motion — maybe she's drumming her fingers or perhaps she's jiggling her leg. It's nearly impossible for her to sit completely still. Her ever-present energy also causes her to tend to speed-walk everywhere. From a young age, her parents enrolled her in multiple sports as a way to burn off her excess energy, and as a result, she has an athletic build.
We'll be rolling fast, and crashing hard
Hear the mountains roar to the beat of our hearts
We'll be rolling fast, and crashing hard
Hear the mountains roar to the beat of our hearts
General Description: Harper is generally a cheerful person who prefers to look on the bright side of things. She has a smile more often than not and is usually very friendly. Though she acknowledges any negative realities, she finds it unproductive to dwell on them. If given a choice, why not adopt a more positive mindset? The alternative after all just involves self-inflicted misery. She's a big believer in the saying that those who worry suffer twice.
If there's something Harper does better than being optimistic, it's pretending to be optimistic. She's very good at putting on a calm front, and it takes a lot to faze her. If you're looking for someone who won't panic in a crisis, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone better than Harper. She'll work to calm everyone else and keep people's spirits up even if she herself is internally panicking. Of course, much of that ability stems from an abundance of confidence. She's remarkably self-assured and has a pretty good grasp of her strengths.
Perhaps she sometimes has a bit too much confidence in her strengths. Harper can overestimate her abilities, causing her to act recklessly. For example, she knows she's a strong swimmer. So that dare to try crossing that dangerous river? She'll attempt it, thinking her swimming skills will hold up. Harper trusts her instincts first and foremost and often acts on them without second thought, making her impulsive at times. It takes a lot to convince her to go against her intuition. Harper deciding to follow someone else's advice or direction (in opposition to her own instincts) is a clear indicator of just how much she trusts that person and how highly she regards their judgement.
Generally though, unless something strikes a deep moral chord within her, Harper is fairly easy-going and doesn't mind being a follower. In the past, this has meant that she's gotten into a lot of mischief by going along with her older brothers' pranks and schemes. That being said, she herself usually doesn't actively seek out trouble. In fact, outside of any negative influences, she's quite responsible and sometimes acts as the "mum friend" of her friend group. Harper is very organized and prepared for any situation. She's attentive to her friends' needs and good at mediating conflicts.
Harper does have a bit of a need to prove herself. Chalk it up to always getting overlooked in a large family of five kids while growing up. Though she loves being surrounded by other people, she wants to make it clear that she doesn't need others to survive. She can solve her own problems, thank you very much, and accepts external help very reluctantly as she sees it as a form of weakness. This reluctance, combined with her overconfidence in her own abilities, can sometimes cause her trouble.
One negative trait of hers that she wishes she could eliminate forever is her tendency to get jealous easily. Harper finds that often her first reaction to other people receiving attention or accomplishing things she wants is envy. She tries to suppress it since she knows all jealousy does is breed resentment at no one's fault but her own. But envious thoughts still flicker across her mind, and Harper desperately wishes she could stop herself from even feeling the emotion.
When Harper is down, the one thing that always brings her solace is physical activity. She loves playing sports and seeking out adventures. Harper seems to have boundless energy, and athletics has always been her primary way of channeling that energy. She loves everything about sports, from the strategy to the focus it requires. Even just going on a run improves her mood.
Strengths: confident, responsible, organized, easy-going, attentive
Weaknesses: impulsive, single-minded, jealous, hubristic, reactionary
Likes: blackberries, football, pop music, dogs, gymnastics, spy novels, swimming, the color red, ponds, science, early mornings, running, puns, riddles, roses, the sound of lapping water
Dislikes: grass stains, tea, long car rides, frosting, her middle name, cold soup, Wednesdays, being told to sit still, cats, chalk dust, messes, loud bass
Values: kindness, activeness, open-mindedness, a sense of adventure
- She did not break her arm falling off her bike, as she told her parents. She broke it trying to do a backflip off the swings.
- Sometimes she's a bit resentful her siblings seem to get more attention from their parents than she does
- She also kind of resents the fact that so many of her friends get to pursue careers as professional athletes while her own dreams were cut short
- She gets claustrophobic quite easily and was scared of the dark longer than she'd like to admit
- She actually kind of hates 80s music. Her parents would be devastated if they knew.
- She thinks Quidditch is a nonsensical sport and is a bit baffled by its popularity
- She's afraid that she'll eventually be forced to pick either the magical or muggle world — and subsequently lose relationships she really cares about
Learn to do some flying tricks. She also thinks it'd be really cool to hang upside-down from a broomstick or do another acrobatic trick.✔Win her town's summer football league championship✔Play on the senior team of an Auckland football club✘Become an animagus✔- Accomplish something (she's not sure what) that will make her stand out among her siblings
Get a job doing something active and thrilling (in the past, she's wanted to be a trapeze artist or a spy; these days, she's thinking auror)✔
Listen 'til the wind goes silent
We can let our hearts run free
Listen 'til the wind goes silent
We can let our hearts run free
History: Eileen Greenwood met Bryson Alston through a mutual friend from college. The two immediately hit it off, initially bonding over a mutual love of old 80s music. She was a new associate at an accounting firm in Auckland, and he worked as an audio engineer. After dating for a few years, he proposed to her outside the dessert place that had been the site of their first date.
After a few years establishing their careers, the two decided to have their first child and moved to the nearby town of Helensville, where they would have more space for a growing family. The two had always wanted a large family as both had been only children and come from small families. Their first child was a boy, Everett, and Eileen quickly realized she loved being a mother. After her maternity leave, she reduced her hours at work to spend more time with Everett and worked out an arrangement in which she could work from home. Another boy, Fletcher, followed two years later, and Eileen decided to quit her job to take care of the two rambunctious children.
Harper was born just a year later, and Eileen and Bryson were overjoyed at having a daughter. Compared to Fletcher, who was a needy baby, and Everett, who as a toddler was already learning to wreak havoc, Harper was easy to take care of. The only odd thing was that things seemed to disappear around her. One minute, Harper was putting up a fuss about having to eat her peas. The next minute, the small jar of peas were nowhere to be found. Eileen and Bryson didn't know it at the time, but this was Harper's magic already starting to manifest. A bit overwhelmed by raising three young children, the couple simply waved off the strange disappearances, assuming they had just lost the items in the everyday chaos of the household.
It was another three years before Eileen got pregnant again, this time with another girl, Lila. Immediately, the couple became preoccupied with the new baby. Not that Harper minded too much. She thought it was really cool to have a little sister (she would've preferred a puppy, but a little sister would do). When she got sick of Lila, she would follow Everett and Fletcher around, often into mischief. She and Fletcher in particular grew to be close, and although Harper herself often didn't purposefully seek out trouble, she often found herself in it after helping Fletcher with one of his harebrained schemes. The three of them spent their days exploring the park near their house and playing football with the other neighborhood kids. Whenever Everett tried to ditch them, thinking he was too old to hang out with them, Fletcher and Harper would gang up on him and annoy him into letting them tag along.
Two sons and two daughters was quite enough for Eileen and Bryson, but two years later, Eileen found out she was pregnant with a boy, Ryland. What was adding one more kid to the mix? Once again, their attention was diverted to the newest family member, and Harper often found herself left alone to entertain herself. She didn't actively seek out attention from her parents the way Lila did. And she wasn't as prone to getting in trouble as her brothers, who required close supervision. So she grew to be quite independent though she often did wish her parents would pay more attention to her. When they did focus their attention on her, it was often to ask her to help take care of the two younger kids. As the most responsible of the five children, Harper often mediated between fights among her siblings and babysat the two younger children when their parents were out (Everett was often off with friends and Fletcher definitely could not be trusted).
As the kids grew older, Harper found that her brothers often preferred hanging out with the other neighborhood boys. Though she did sometimes force them to let her join in (she wasn't afraid to deck anyone who tried to say "No girls allowed"), she spent more and more time by herself, reading and daydreaming. Thankfully, Eileen and Bryson enrolled her in lots of activities (mostly sports) to keep her occupied. In particular, she developed an affinity for gymnastics — she loved learning the different skills — and got better at football. The town was only big enough for one football league, so Harper often played against other boys, who she could beat quite easily.
Like her siblings, Harper attended the Muggle school Helensville Primary School. She did well in school, enjoying science in particular. Because it was a small school, everyone knew of her older brothers, which she found to be annoying since she was constantly being compared to them. She strove to be better than them at everything — academics, sports, making friends — but even when she did well, people always seemed to mention her accomplishments in relation to her brothers.
A few months after her 11th birthday, a school official showed up to their house, bearing a letter inviting her to attend Hogwarts. The family was bewildered, refusing to believe the invitation was real until he demonstrated a couple of spells. Harper didn't think she had ever done any magic, unaware that all of the mysterious disappearances that seemed to plague her were manifestations of her magical ability. Still, the prospect of a magical world was thrilling. It was something straight out of her fantasy novels. And for once, she'd be at a school where the teachers and other kids didn't know about her family and her siblings.
But she had never been away from her family and though there were occasional moments of frustration, she loved her chaotic household. Days at the Alston house were filled with laughter and nights were filled with music. For all her complaints about her parents and the lack of attention she received from them, they still took care to ensure she felt loved. Bryson occasionally whisked her out of the house to spend a day at a nearby pond, and Eileen always showed up to her games, even if it was only for five minutes. And her siblings, in particular Fletcher, were her default best friends. So when the school official confirmed that no, her siblings would not be able to attend Hogwarts, Harper felt a bit guilty for being the only one in her family to get magical abilities. But she would be sure to keep them updated, and who knows? Maybe she'd be able to teach her siblings some magic after she learned to do it herself.
- Eileen Alston née Greenwood - Mother
- 56 years old | Accountant | Muggle
- Bryson Alston - Father
- 54 years old | Audio Engineer | Muggle
- Everett Alston - Brother
- 25 years old | Student | Muggle
- Fletcher Alston - Brother
- 23 years old | Student | Muggle
- Lila Alston - Sister
- 19 years old | Student | Muggle
- Ryland Alston - Brother
- 17 years old | Student | Muggle
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