Apparition 1

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
This was an important milestone in the life of a wizard, and Irene Finch knew that many of the students looked at their license as a taste of the freedom they'd earn on their way to becoming fully trained wizards. With the registration list tucked in a folder that was under her arm, the woman stepped into the room, her heels announcing her presence. She called attendance, making sure that no one had snuck into the room without paying their galleons. Tucking the folder away, Irene began. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. I'm here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic to prepare you for your apparition exam." She said all of this briskly. Irene was not a lady who liked her time wasted. In truth, she enjoyed teaching apparition to much of the dull paperwork she was often stuck doing as the head of a department. Walking around as she spoke, Irene's icy blue eyes looked at all of them and none of them at once. "The headmistress has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons. But do not attempt to do so in your free time. It would be...unwise to attempt practicing here or elsewhere outside of these lessons" she stated in a very firm tone.

With so few students and the furniture against the walls as she'd requested, her voice carried easily around the large room. The woman focused on a student who'd been fidgeting, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will, solely, depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation." She enunciated each word. "There are no shortcuts. If you fail to grasp these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination." She'd made a quick scan and found the perfect landing point. " Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students on the concept of apparating. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this very important information. Soon enough their time was up, and they had done nothing but listen. "Don't forget the 3 Ds. I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything with you to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be." With that, she dismissed the students though she waited a few moments longer in the event that any of the students had questions.
Please make sure to register for the course! Remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. Without it, they can't apparate!

This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.
It would be a lie to say that Flynn wasn't eager to learn how to apparate. It would certainly make things so much easier, even if he was aware he wouldn't be able to make the most of it while at Hogwarts. He didn't really expect to be able to practice in their first-ever lesson, but he still was disappointed when he found out they were just going to be standing there and listening. Though, for a change, Flynn did try and actually pay attention. This was different from boring old lessons. If he wanted to apparate he was going to need his license, so it was probably best if he actually paid attention to what they were being told and make sure that he didn't mess around. Though there wasn't really much to learn except those Three D's, or whatever. He ended up leaving the Great Hall feeling almost disappointed. Though he was still excited, they would probably get around to practicing in the next lesson and that was sure to be interesting.
Liusaidh was eager for this, she knew that if she failed she’d be able to retake it, but she didn’t want to have to retake it. She walked into the great hall with the other sixth years and glanced towards the woman who was teaching them. Liusaidh nodded lightly but rolled her eyes as the professor told them that their ability to learn how to apparate had little to do with her blood status, Liusaidh was sure that was rubbish, she hadn’t apparate before but she had experience side along apparition and her family had been doing it for ages, she had to be able to get this easily. Unfortunately the teacher wouldn’t be letting them do it that day and would have to wait. She wasn’t too happy with that, but just headed out of the room. This would be easy once she actually got to do it.
Emmaline was definitely nervous about learning how to apparate. She had never attempted this before, not even alongside appariation. Her mother wasn't a fan of this type of travel. She found it too dangerous, too unnecessary. Emmaline wasn't sure if she agreed, but she was not going to risk never learning. Even if it did add another class to her rather full course load. It would all be worth it.

The young Gryffindor made her way to the Great Hall where the lesson would take place. She had never met the professor that stood there, or well ministry worker. She smiled at the woman as she took her spot among her classmates. A lot more individuals filed in before the lesson began. This seemed a bit different than other lessons, which made sense due to the nature of the materials that they were learning about.

Emmaline focused intently on the words that Miss Finch was speaking. The young Gryffindor wished that she had time to take out her notepad and quill, but she did not want to miss a single word. She mentally took notes, knowing she would have to jot them down after this lesson. They were learning about the three D's, Destination, Determination, Deliberation. She repeated the words over and over in her mind as the lesson continued.

Miss Finch even demonstrated for the class. Emmaline's eyes widened as she appeared next to a student in line, just like that. The woman made it seem so easy. Hopefully, Emmaline would be able to one day do this with such ease. She just had to remember the three D's. Still repeated the three words in her mind, the lesson came to an end. Emmaline grabbed her things and quickly left the Great Hall. She went straight to the library to write down everything that they had covered in the lesson. She would need to know it all if they were to actually practice next week.
Ever since learning about apparition all the way back in first year, Harper had been dying to learn how to do it herself. Most of her magical friends lived outside Auckland. Getting her apparition license would make it infinitely easier to visit them during the breaks. It would also make traveling in general much easier. Growing up, Harper had never had much opportunity to travel. Money was always tight, and there was always one Alston kid who was too young to be traveling. The History of Magic field trip in first year had been Harper's first time outside of the country. Once she got her apparition license, she could move much more freely.

Harper made sure to get to the Great Hall early, intensely curious to know what these lessons would look like. All of the furniture had been pushed to the sides, and it wasn't long before the Ministry official in charge of teaching them strode in. She seemed rather stern and no-nonsense, but Harper didn't mind, instantly taking a liking to the woman after she emphasized that one's ability to apparate had nothing to do with blood status. She listened carefully as Ms. Finch went over the three Ds, flinching a little when the woman suddenly appeared in front of a couple students chattering near Harper. The lecture continued, and Harper paid attention to every word. She didn't want to fail the exam. Eventually they were dismissed with the instruction not to bring anything to the next lesson. Harper assumed that meant they would begin apparition practice next class.
Rose was scared and excited for the Apparation training they were doing at the school. Although it was a great way of transportation it was also a dangerous one. She walked into the Great Hall that was currently reserved for the sixth years. The whole thing did sound rather confusing. Something like this didn't exist in the muggle world. Teleportation was something that appeared in movies, not in real life. They were only a couple of lessons and Rose wasn't sure if she was going to make it. She disliked brooms so this was the only transportation left that didn't include fireplaces. The fact you couldn't train in between made things harder. She understood why, apparating could be dangerous. Rose paid attention to every word and made sure to read up on everything she could. When the lesson came to an end Rose wondered how difficult it was going to be.
Sutton could not wait to learn apparition. It was something right out of the storybooks that she clung too so often. The idea of just being able to transport herself anywhere was enough to make her want to dance a ridiculous dance right in the hallway. She was finally moving towards something that her characters in her books only dreamed of. The young Ravenclaw rushed to the Great Hall, for once not having her nose in a book. She was living this moment, focused on reality. Her mother would be so proud. If only she could do that more in other lessons.

Sutton joined her fellow six years in the Great Hall, bouncing a little with excitement as the Ministry worker began the lesson. Sutton had never met this woman, but her icy blue eyes cut right through anything they seemed to look at. She seemed strict. Sutton tried to remain still, hiding the excitement to just a wide smile on her face. She listened to the 'professor' explain what it took to appariate. The three D's. Sutton repeated them in her head as she watched the demonstration.

Although Sutton was tempted to clap as Miss Finch appariated next to a few chatty students, she held back the temptation. She smiled wider. Now when would she be able to try that? Sadly the answer was not this week. Sutton was a little disappointed, but knew the time would come eventually. She grabbed her things, making a note not to bring anything next week, and left the Great Hall. Just one week away from teleporting, well appariating.
Marlow was actually excited to learn more about appariation. Of course, it was nothing like learning about the magical portraits that she so desperately wanted to cover in any of her classes, but it was quite interesting, nonetheless. She would be able to learn to travel to any place in the blink of an eye. Think of all the wonderful places she could go for inspiration. She wanted to paint a sunset, well apparate to that time zone. She wanted to paint the pyramids, travel to Egypt. The possibilities were limitless. This made the class that much more exciting.

The young Slytherin girl entered the Great Hall. Many of the sixth years had already arrived. Marlow took a spot among them as she waited only a few moments for Irene Finch to begin. She introduced herself, which Marlow was thankful of. She had never seen this person in her life, or at least not that she could remember. Marlow tried to focus on the information that was being given, about what would be expected of them. Irene Finch talked about the 3 D's which sounded a lot like what was needed to paint a picture. Marlow imagined that she could easily remember these things. It would be worth it.

The lesson was not a particularly long one, but it did have a bit of new information. Well all the information was new to be honest. Marlow listened to what she could, jumping a bit when the woman demonstrated. She had not quite been expecting it to be that quick. This would be amazing. Marlow had to learn this skill. She was a little disappointed as the lesson came to an end. They were given information, but not a chance to practice. Next week. Marlow could wait one more week. She waited for dismissal before heading out of the Great Hall with a few of the sixth years she knew on a first name basis.
Fenton wasn't sure how he was going to do with apparition. His brother had learned what seemed like ages ago. He always held it over Fenton's head, well in the most loving brotherly way he could. Fenton was jealous for awhile, happy that now he was able to learn himself. He would randomly pop all over the house once he was allowed. But first he had to learn.

Fenton entered the Great Hall. He was not surprised that he was one of the last ones to arrive. He didn't have the best timing in the world, no matter how hard he tried. He hoped that wouldn't be an issue. A few students arrived after him, so at least he was not late.

The lesson started soon as the Ministry worker introduced herself. She explained how the headmistress had removed the requirements in this room so that they could apparate. That was pretty cool. It was kind of a pity that they were not able to do it anywhere else in the school, but once they were out of Hogwarts the limits would not longer exist, not really.

Fenton listened to the Ministry worker explain the Three D's. Fenton felt like he certainly could do the destination part as well as the determined. He was determined to learn this. The Deliberation might be the most difficult, but with practice he was hopeful. The lesson was mostly a lecture and demonstration. Fenton watched, wishing he could give it a try. He knew he wasn't ready yet. It was still a bit of a disappointment. But he would be able to try it next week. Fenton left the Great Hall ready for the next week adventures.
Aubrey had no worries when she arrived at the Great Hall. She knew she could do this. She could feel it in her bones. She took her place with the others, watching the woman as she walked about the room in front of them. The womans lesson seemed simple enough. Remember the three D's, don't practice outside of her supervision. Simple. She shrugged and left the room with the others, not worried in the least about the upcoming lessons.
Tara was glad to be back at school. She'd missed Stan, and she was sure it was going to be a good semester. Even if it was her last one with all of her friends here. She looked around the room, trying to see if there was anyone nearby that caught her attention. There were, but before she could ask anyone anything the Professor- or the worker? The adult lady started talking and Tara turned her eyes to the front. The lesson seemed easy enough, and she spent a few minutes reciting the three D's in her head. She followed the others from the room, still muttering the words under her breath.
Penny was no stranger to side along apparation and she hated it. She dreaded every time she had to accompany but even still, she knew the benefit of getting a license for herself. Apparation was useful and so necessary to being a normal adult witch. She listened to the instructor tell the class about the three D's: Destination. Determination. And... Oh shoot, she had forgotten the last one. It wasn't dedication but she couldn't think of another word that it could be. She waited for the three D's to be repeated but they weren't before class was dismissed. She would just have to wait until next week.
Delilah was nervous for her Apparition lessons. After all the struggles she had had with her wand and with magic she wasn’t sure if any of that trouble would follow her here. She stood with the rest of her class as Ms. Finch started to address them as the lesson began. She tried to focus on her breathing and kept telling herself she could do this. It was odd to be in the great hall with all the furniture pushed aside for something that wasn’t a dance but she shook her head and tried to pay attention to the lesson. She repeated the three D’s in her head and let out a surprised gasp when Ms. Finch apparated next to her classmate. When the lesson was finally over Delilah felt herself relax but only for a moment. They didn’t have to apparate today but she knew that next time she wouldn’t get by so easily.
Sawyer hoped it wasn't obvious how fidgety he was about their first apparition lesson. It was talked up as an important skill, a rite of passage and all that for young witches and wizards but honestly more importantly, it meant freedom outside of school. Not that Sawyer minded spending all his holidays cooped up at home with his siblings most of the time, but they did live in the middle of the nowhere and being able to just pop away when he needed some space or to see a band or go visit someone sounded like a godsend. He just had to get through a few lessons with all his peers and the incredibly intimidating ministry lady watching. Cool, great. No big deal.

Thankfully, they just went over some of the basics today, though Sawyer nearly blanched when the ministry instructor made direct eye contact with him at one point, making sure he quietly mouthed the three D's back to her a few times to really stick them in his brain. He made a note to wear the thinnest shirt he could muster next lesson as they were dismissed, wondering if he could find Theia before his next class for some tips as the class filed out of the hall.
A year ago, Brooke wouldn't have even bat an eye at the prospect of their apparition lessons. It would be a given that she would ace it without a speck of difficulty and finally have the freedom of movement without needing floo powder or her parent help her get places. She was already old enough to perform magic outside of school, so this was the last step left before she could really be considered a proper adult. But after her disaster of a year last year, Brooke was less sure about her ability to naturally ace the lessons and now it became just another class to fret and stress over.

She'd tried to read up more on apparition before their first lessons with Ms Finch though she was very aware, as Ms Finch advised them as well, that they would only be able to practice while in lessons with her in the hall. Still, Brooke couldn't let on her own reservations about their futures lessons, keeping a calm but interested expression as Ms Finch explained the "Three D's" of apparition before a few warnings and quick demonstration. It seemed simple enough, Brooke assured herself, but next lesson would really prove how easily she could handle this.
Estella knew she wasn't the only one that was a little nervous for the first Apparition lesson. She wanted to be a good witch, and so knew it would be basic knowledge that she would eventually need, however she wasn't sure how good at it she would be. She knew there could be implications if it wasn't done correctly, and that was the main thing that was on her mind as she entered the Great Hall and gathered around with her yearmates. The lady at the front began speaking rather seriously, and so Estella instinctively took out her notebook and began writing down some notes. The lady seemed to talk a lot about the Three D's which Essie made sure to write down in big letters as they definitely seemed important. Once the lady was done, she dismissed them all and Essie headed out.
The break had been alright, but Ivy was glad to be back at Hogwarts. Things at home were still tense, but she had grown used to it by now. She was very good at ignoring it and pretending everything was oaky. It was still a relief to be at school, though, where everything actually was okay. At least for the most part. She headed to the great hall for the first apparition lesson. She was pretty curious about it, as it was an entirely new subject. Ivy listened as their teacher started to speak. She was pretty interested to hear she was from the ministry, though she also noted she seemed to be very strict. She spoke to them about the three Ds: Destination, determination, and deliberation. Ivy had taken a small notebook and noted a few things down, as she was sure they would help her in the long run. The lesson ended soon after and she put her notebook in her bag before leaving.
Ares was admittedly excited to be learning how to apparate. For years he had been apparating with his parents, wishing he could just do it himself so he didn't have to wait for them, and now he finally had the opportunity to learn how to do it himself. He entered the Great Hall with the rest of his year group, keen to get started. He wanted to show Jordie his abilities and hopefully apparate Jordie around soon too. But as the lesson started, the Ministry lady simply spoke to them, telling them about the Three D's that they had to remember. It all seemed a little pointless to Ares as he didn't think he would learn unless he actually gave it a try. Soon enough, the lesson came to an end and Ares just shrugged as he walked out.
While Tilly had dropped most classes the school offered over the years, she was not going to pass up Apparition. Obtaining her license was something she was itching to do ever since she was small. She wasn’t sure she could even call herself a witch if she didn’t obtain her license. Tilly remembered acutely that apparating made her dad nervous, but he’d still learned how to do it. How was she suppose to get anywhere in the wizarding world if she couldn’t manage a simple life skill?

As Tilly walked into the Great Hall, she found a spot towards the back of her classmates, not wanting to block anyone’s vision. That said, she didn’t need to make the effort after all- Irene Finch’s icy voice was sharp and clear for anyone who was paying attention. She watched as the woman apparated by a student who didn’t seem to be as focused as they should be. Tilly almost flinched herself at the movement. Who knew learning how to Apparate would be so suspenseful?

The Hufflepuff did her best to remember the three Ds. Destination, determination, deliberation. It would have been a lot easier if she had her notebook out. When the lesson was dismissed, Tilly decided to stick around for a moment, scratching this down on parchment with her Everlasting Quill. There was no way Tilly was going to fail her exam and she needed to take every measure to pass it.
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