Old School Week I Don't Wanna Wait for the Endless Summer

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
It was a little too windy for it to be ideal beach weather, but that hadn't stopped Harper from heading out anyways. The sun was shining, and she wasn't working today. She really had no excuse not to go, especially since magic made travel so easy. Harper was in the middle of spreading out her towel when something large sailed towards her. She threw herself to the ground, narrowly avoiding a beach umbrella that soared overhead. "Watch out!" she called as the umbrella skipped towards a nearby beachgoer.

((This can be set at any beach in NZ, magical or muggle!))
Blair missed surfing while in school and while in Russia. In Russia it was pretty much impossible, so as she had a time, Blair made a free time and went on to the beach in New Zealand. Usually she would go to a muggle one but this time she decided for a magical. And immediately heard a known voice call out a warning. "Блин," she fastly used her wand to stop the umbrella. Then she looked behind and excitedly exclaimed: "Harper!"
Thankfully the other person was able to stop the umbrella before getting impaled. Harper glanced back to see if the owner would come to claim the umbrella but quickly forgot all about that when she heard her name. "Oh my gosh, Blair!" Squinting against the sun, Harper could now tell that the other person was her former classmate, and she grinned as she made her way over. "It's been forever. How've you been?"
Blair run as fast as she could towards Harper, knowing that sand didn't make it easy, dropped her stuff close to Harper's place and hugged her old classmate. "God, being out of school is so weird! I'm studying ballet y'know, a lot of shows, a lot of trainings. You? How are you?" Blair knew that somehow she had changed since graduation, she was more open, everything seemed easier, she had the time for herself and it made her feel better about everything. Even about hugs, especially with people she hadn't seen for so long.
Harper was a little surprised when Blair hugged her, but she quickly hugged her back. The former Hufflepuff seemed a lot less guarded now, a lot more relaxed. "It really is," she said with a laugh. "I still haven't gotten used to how much free time I have now." Blair's post-grad activities came as a surprise. "Oh nice! Are you studying here in New Zealand?" After graduation, it seemed her classmates had spread out across the globe. "I'm good! I've been taking a gap year of sorts. I was working in the muggle world, but I quit a couple days ago. I'm going to be traveling for the next few months," Harper explained.

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