Harper Alston
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  • So hum... you know that you are my favourite person right? If you don't then you know now. I totally need a favour
    • Bowchuckle
    Reactions: Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    Hmmm well I guess I can't say no if I'm your favourite person 🤔
    Hunter Robinson
    Hunter Robinson
    The pun was terrible
    but like, you know how I have two sisters and all... well so it's like... hum... one of them is new here and... she kinda wants to meet ya. Let me rephrase, she will meet ya. Be careful of any toddlers in the hall and never give out too much info on me.
    Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    Pfft, it was great. And damn there go all my plans for a gossip session with the two of them in the common room...
    Dude I got some news for ya. I have two new people living at my place, please kill me, I hate them.
    • Merlin's Beard!
    Reactions: Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    Oh, so she's not boring? :r
    Hunter Robinson
    Hunter Robinson
    :blank::blank:I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that. Anyway, no. She is more... deadly? I'm kind of afraid of what she can do when she is mad, which is 24/7, but she is also super protective of her sister, the 8 years old. I just...let her be.
    Harper Alston
    Harper Alston
    That's definitely the best strategy. Just let the two of them distract each other, and they'll leave you alone
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