🌹 Rose Giving Can I join?

Lillith Montgomery

cookie monster / constant sugar rush
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
October 23 (13)
Lillith didn’t really understand why people would want flowers on valentines day, they just end up dieing? Maybe she should ask hogwarts to change it to chocolate or something. Either ways, she didn’t have much to do so she ended up signing her name.

Lillith walked around to look for Harper. It was the only name that she had recognised from the list that she had to deliver. She decided that it would probably the easiest to look for her in the same floor as the Gryffindor House, seeing as she was a gryffindor, of course. And she was right, “Hey Harper!”

@Harper Alston
Harper had always liked Valentine's Day if only because it usually meant getting candy in her classes. Unfortunately, Hogwarts seemed to be more interested in flowers than candy. The rose giving tradition was a nice idea, but she still hoped her professors would be giving out treats in class today. At the very least, hopefully the dance tonight would have a decent selection of sweets. The school always seemed to go all-out when it came to big events.

Harper was daydreaming about chocolate when she heard someone call her name. Harper immediately spotted Lillith and smiled. "Lillith! Hi!" She briefly wondered why the other girl was on the seventh floor; most non-Gryffindors didn't bother to make the trek up here. Maybe she was in Heta Omega? "How are you?"
Lillith smiled and waved. “I’m good! I’ve actually got a rose for you, that and some valentines day cookies.” She handed her the rose from her basket which had less than a dozen flowers and more than a dozen bags of chocolate chip cookies that she had baked. “Here! The cookies are from me.”

Dear Harper Alston
We should run together again
"Oh!" Harper said a bit surprised. She hadn't really been expecting a rose and had definitely not been expecting cookies. She gave Lillith a grateful smile as she accepted the flower and the treats. "Thank you!" The message was short, but it made Harper giggle since by sheer coincidence she had also sent Hunter a yellow rose with a very similar message.

Harper looked up and caught a glimpse of the roses and bags of cookies in Lillith's basket. Her eyes widened. "Wow, did you bake all of those yourself?" Her cooking skills were non-existent, and she couldn't do much more than make toast. So she was very impressed that someone her age knew how to bake cookies.
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“Mhmm! And I’m sure you’ll enjoy them!” Everyone who had tried her cookies loved them. Lillith had learnt to bake from her mother, a famous pâtissier, ever since she was young. Every Sunday in her household hand been baking day. “Also, I go running before dinner all the time. Do you want to join me sometime?”
Harper laughed lightly when Lillith assured her she'd enjoy the cookies. She didn't doubt it. "That's so cool. I wish I knew how to bake." At Lillith's next question, Harper nodded. "I usually run in the mornings, but I'd definitely love to join you sometime!" She didn't mind changing her schedule up a bit. Besides, whenever she slept in, she pushed off her daily run to the evening anyways. "When are you going running next?"
“I can teach you how to bake sometime! It’s not too hard with the right teacher.” She said, pointing at herself confidently. “I’m probably going the day after tomorrow” Lillith took a look at the basket and at the clock and saw there was about 20 minutes before her next class. “I better go, I want to deliver another rose before class starts.” She gave a little wave and turned around to go to the stairs.
"That would be great!" Harper's favorite dessert was blackberry pie, and at home, getting some usually meant a lot of begging and pleading with her dad before he finally gave in and made his famous pie. She could already imagine his look of surprise if she learned to do it herself. Lillith mentioned she'd go running the day after tomorrow, and Harper nodded. "I'll meet you at the Entrance Hall." She waved back as Lillith turned away before looking back down at her rose, an idea forming.

"Wait, Lillith!" She walked towards the other girl. "Is it okay if I invite my friend to run with us? He's in our year and is also a Hufflepuff. His name's Hunter, and he's really nice and a good runner." Harper was generally a big believer in the saying "the more, the merrier" and she figured the two of them would get along. They were both friendly and they liked to run—that was a pretty solid basis for a friendship, as far as she was concerned.
”Yeah?“ Lillith turned around at Harper’s voice. “Oh yeah, sure!“ Lillith loved to meet new people and this would be a good opportunity. “I’ll see you later, Harper!”
"Great!" Harper beamed and waved again. "Good luck with your other deliveries!" She turned and headed back towards the Gryffindor common room. After she dropped off her rose and cookies, she would have to find Hunter.

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