April Jane Ward

April Ward

🌟Energetic | 2050 Grad | Daycare teacher🌟
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Norton)
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2032 (30)
April Jane Ward


Be a unicorn in a field of horses
NAME:April Jane Ward
April: From the name of the month, probably originally derived from Latin aperire "to open", referring to the opening of flowers.

Jane: Medieval English form of Jehanne, an Old French feminine form of Iohannes.
Ward: Derived from Old English weard meaning "guard, guardian"
HOMETOWN:Dunedin, New Zealand
BIRTHDAY:15 April 2032

NATIONALITY:Citizen of New Zealand
ZODIAC SIGN:Aries. As an Aries born on April 15th, your personality is defined by a fun-loving attitude, optimism and generosity. While there are many people who take a negative look towards life, you truly enjoy living and experiencing new things. You are always upbeat, which can be credited to your innate optimism. While your friends and family always marvel at your positivity, it may be your generous nature that they appreciate the most. One would be hard pressed to find a situation where you turned away a friend in need.
ELEMENT:Fire. Your sign's elemental pair is fire and of all the zodiac signs, only the Aries has a cardinal connection to the element. Your special relationship with fire gives your personality the special spark of a leader and self-starter. When paired with the burning passion of fire's influence, your potential as a leader knows no bounds. As you embrace fire's positive qualities you will continue on a path to success, but be sure to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that plagues all fire zodiac signs.
PLANET: Mars. The planetary ruler of the Aries is Mars, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a generous helping of Jupiter's planetary power. While the power of Mars can be given credit for your assertiveness and vigor, it is the influence of Jupiter that links to your innate optimism, and generosity. More so than the other Aries Decans, your planetary influence makes you a truth-seeker and adventurer. You have a natural curiosity and subsequently, you may find yourself on a lifelong journey to understanding and knowledge. Your interests in the theoretical can make you a dreamer at times, but luckily your drive for success keeps you mostly grounded in your efforts. While your optimism is one of your greatest strengths, it can become detrimental if you fail to see the realistic dangers of your decisions.

FORMER EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Hufflepuff Seeker + captain, SDA

WAND: Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Wood: Dogwood wands are mischievous, and like the same in those who wield them. They refuse to perform non-verbal magic (and are often quite loud), and look for fun and excitement. However, in the right hands a wand with this wood should not be underestimated.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.


PLAY BY:Poppy Okotcha
HAIR:Short and tightly curled.
EYES:Dark brown.
BUILD: Thin and tall for her age.

STYLE:April has a very colorful style. She wears anything that looks funny or outrageous as long as it draws attention to her. She loves to wear a lot of different jewelry at once too, not really caring about how well it fits.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:April has very expressive eyes and a wide smile, her emotions are always easy to read on her face.

PERSONALITY:April is very outgoing and energetic, she loves to be the center of attention and will try to achieve that by being funny and nice. Her personality is very friendly and she can easily get along with many people, though she doesn't tend to form strong connections too easily. April tends to get annoyed when other people are more successful than her at the things she loves, and will push herself harder to beat them. This competitive streak is very subtle, as she wouldn't let the other person know it bothers her. Because of this, she often seems more carefree than she really is, which she likes. She was very active on social media and dreaded giving it up for Hogwarts, but was still very excited to learn magic.

The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

Curious Observant Energetic and Enthusiastic Excellent Communicators Know How to Relax Very Popular and Friendly

Poor Practical Skills Find it Difficult to Focus Overthink Things Get Stressed Easily Highly Emotional Independent to a Fault

HISTORY: April's parents divorced when she was young. Being a child of both a wizard and a muggle, April grew up in a mixture of both worlds. Her mother is a successful business woman in the muggle world and is often away, though they try to schedule visits as often as possible. April lives with her father Matt, who she is very close to. Matt spoils April as much as he can and almost never tells her no. April has been taking ballet classes from a young age which she enjoys a lot. Matt often dropped her off at the dance school, where he met met another single father, Kyle Alcott. He is the father of October, a girl in April's ballet class. Matt and Kyle hit it off and started dating and eventually introduced the idea of their relationship to their daughters. The two families now often hang out together, and April is very excited about it. She can tell how happy Kyle makes Matt, and quietly hopes they will get married
LIKES:Dancing, Music, Colorful things, Acting, Singing, Attention, Social Media, Quidditch
DISLIKES:Reading, Rain, Bullies, Other people stealing the spotlight
GOALS:April's goal is to be famous, she doesn't yet have specifics in mind about how she wants to achieve that.
FEARS:Snakes, The dark, Being disliked
STRENGTHS:April is very positive and energetic, she sees things in a positive light. She's not afraid to talk to other people or to speak in front of a crowd and she is very friendly.
WEAKNESSES:April is a bit flighty, she's not the most reliable friend. She also can easily get on people's nerves because her need for attention causes her to constantly try to be the funniest in the room.
MIRROR OF ERISED: Herself on a stage in front of a roaring crowd.

BOGGART: A giant snake.
AMORTENTIA:Lemons, Popcorn, Cake.

Name: Matt Arthur Ward (x)
Relation: Father
DoB: 2007
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Professor History of Magic

Name: Adelia Kolter
Relation: Mother
DoB: 2011

Blood Status: Muggle
Martial Status: Divorced
Occupation: Businesswoman

Name: Kyle Alcott
Relation: Stepfather
DoB: 2011
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Scrivenshafts Deputy Manager
Name: October Avery Alcott (x)
Relation: Stepsister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Ballet dancer

Former House: Ravenclaw
Name: Amy Ward
Relation: Aunt
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Gambol and Jape's Shopkeeper

Name: Clifton Ward
Relation: First Cousin Once Removed
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ

House: Hufflepuff















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before First Year
Family ReunionWith Kyle Alcott, October Alcott and Matt WardNew Zealand
Excitement and DisappointmentWith Adelia KolterNew Zealand

First Year


"My first year was so much fun! I'm happy to be part of the magical world for real now, even if I have to miss my favorite sites. I love love LOVE that my dad is at school too, it's so much fun to drink tea with him in his office! I loved most of my classes, though I did have to sit still a lot for them. I really hope next year will be as great as this one!"

April was very eager to start her time at Hogwarts, having grown up with stories from her father about the school. She was even more excited to find out her father would actually be going with her as the new History of Magic professor for the older years. His boyfriend Kyle turned out to also be a wizard, so April was at school with his daughter (and her sort-of-maybe-someday sister) October. The two didn't spend a lot of the year together, as April quickly made friends in her new house. She developed a love for Quidditch by watching it with her friend Norton, and wants to try out for the team in her second year.
April felt herself buzz with excitement as she followed her brand-new classmates into the Great Hall. The hall was so beautiful! She could hardly believe it, she was really here! Really at Hogwarts! She was glad to be tall for her age, she could look over the heads of some of the other kids and see everything around them. Everything looked so magical! She nearly tripped over her own feet in her excitement, which made her feel silly because she was usually not clumsy. But this day was an exception to a lot of things. She tried to take it all in, to remember it all for later. She wanted to write everything down in her letter to her mother. She was a muggle and would never see any of this, which was sad. Maybe if April described it well enough, it would make up for it a little bit.

When she could see the other students in the hall, she immediately looked for October. When she saw her, she waved and jumped up and down eagerly. It was so fun to be in front of everyone, it almost felt like she was on a stage in front of a crowd. She felt the same excitement she felt then, like a spotlight was shining just on her.

Well, not just her. There were other kids around her at all sides. It made her frown a bit, no one would even notice her at all. Maybe she could do something fun to make an impression on them, something exciting. Her name was near the end of the list so she waited patiently while thinking of what to do. When her name was finally called, she knew. She took a few steps towards the stool and then without warning moved into a perfect cartwheel, ending right in front of it. She laughed, enjoying the murmurs and laughs from the crowd as she gave a small bow and then sat down to hear what house she was in. At least people had noticed her now!

"Your desire for attention might hinder you a little more than you think, but you should find all the care and concern you need in HUFFLEPUFF!"

Farewell SurprisesWith Kyle Alcott, October Alcott and Matt WardObsidian Harbour
Yay! A Wand!Buying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Finally DepartingWith October AlcottNew Zealand Express
Girl SquadWith Therese Rosenberg, Geovanna Volt, Vilhelmine Dahl, Ollie Atwater, and Minerva KhulikHufflepuff First Years Girls Dorm
Huffy Puffy PeopleWith Remy LagowskiHufflepuff Common Room
The StandsWith Norton Gillespie
And various others
The Stands
I Shouldn't Be Surprised, And Yet...Halloween Feast
With Jessica Matthews
Great Hall
Everything NiceWith Kauri TipeneThe Great Lawn
Yule Ball ShenanigansYule Ball
With Kauri Tipene
Great Hall
A rose by any other name would smell as sweetReceiving a Rose
With Elizabeth Chatwin
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Have a presentReceiving a Rose
With Eleanor Hope
The Great Lawn
A Sweet RoseReceiving a Rose
With Evelyn Manning
The Great Lawn
Something to be excited aboutWith Jessica CadeHufflepuff House Table
Secret Life of a WallflowerValentine's Dance
With Minerva Khulik and Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
The Staff vs Students Wheelbarrow RaceWith Kauri Tipene
And various others
The Great Lawn

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsE
1st Year History of MagicE
1st Year CharmsO
1st Year TransfigurationE
1st Year AstronomyA
1st Year HerbologyO
1st Year FlyingO
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 477
First Year Photos


Second Year


"My second year was even more fun than the first! I made so many friends and became alternate seeker on the quidditch team! I actually got to play two matches, and caught the snitch in one of those! I met soooo many fun people, especially while delivering roses on Valentine's day. Can't wait to see what my next year will bring!"

April's second year was an eventful one, as she met new people and got herself pretty hurt during a Quidditch game. After their regular seeker was taken out, April got to fill in as an alternate. By pure luck, she managed to grab she snitch and win the game for them. She grew closer to friends she made in her first year, like Norton and Kauri, and bonded with Geo, a girl in her dorm. She also had her first negative interaction with Andromeda Zhefarovich, but she just plans to ignore her from now on.

With Kyle Alcott, October Alcott and Professor Matt Ward
New Zealand
What Needs to be SaidWith October AlcottRavenclaw House Table
Rotten Luck!With Syrus StilinskiThe Lakefront
Don't talk to meWith Andromeda ZhefarovichHufflepuff Second Year Girls Dorm
OuchWith Professor Matt Ward , Norton Gillespie, Ethan Mendoza, and Felix GarciaThe Hospital Wing
A Little Sports FunHalloween Feast
With Simon Vanity, Jocelynn Moors and Hermione Walden
Great Hall
Bounce BackWith Perry Wyatt The Great Lawn
Full of Badger PrideWith Geovanna Volt and Danielle CorelliHufflepuff Common Room
The Night Lasts ForeverYule Ball
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Go The DistanceReceiving a Rose
With November Albertson
The Great Lawn
The Wildest Things We'd Ever SeenReceiving a Rose
With Aurora Night
Hufflepuff House Table
Lovely Hufflepuff RoseReceiving a Rose
With Liam Waldgrave
Hufflepuff House Table
Nice Roses for a Bad BoyDelivering a Rose
With Silus Hollister
Ravenclaw House Table
Bird FriendsDelivering a Rose
With Agrippina Vetrova
Ravenclaw House Table
Yellow SnakesDelivering a Rose
With Hera Pourroulis
The Third Floor Corridor
First HalfDelivering a Rose
With Signy Forstrom

Hufflepuff Common Room
Second HalfDelivering a Rose
With Xavier Jeffreys
The Great Lawn
Final RoseDelivering a Rose
With Aion Zephyr
The Student Lounge
Happy CollisionValentine's Dance
With Kauri Tipene
Great Hall
Rays of SunlightWith Norton GillespieThe Quidditch Pitch
Reconsidering the situationWith Geovanna VoltHufflepuff Second Year Girls Dorm
Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsO
2nd Year History of MagicE
2nd Year CharmsO
2nd Year TransfigurationA
2nd Year AstronomyA
2nd Year HerbologyO
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5.1 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 428
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"My third year was fun. I loved taking Care of Magical Creatures as an elective, and I had a lot of fun with my friends! It's too bad I had a fight with Kauri, but at least we made up before the year was over. I'm glad I got to play more Quidditch, but very sad we lost in the end. I'll have to get better!"

April decided to only pick one elective in her third year, one she ended up really enjoying. She had a busy year, meeting many new people at various school events. Her aunt Amy took over Gambol & Jape's, which meant she could visit her on Brightstone weekends. Things went a bit sour for her when Kauri got a boyfriend, something April struggled with a little. But the two made up after the relationship ended, and April doesn't intend to let anything come between them again. She also had a good conversation with her stepsister October, which surprised her but also made her happy.


Tumbling Upside Down
With Syrus StilinskiEntrance Hall
Lunch timeWith Therese Rosenberg, Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu, and Geovanna VoltHufflepuff House Table
It's the most wonderful time of the yearWith Vex, Professor Monty Pendleton, ~Professor Katherine Alicastell, Geovanna Volt, Arvel Ayers
And various others
Great Hall
Third WheelWith Kauri Tipene and Tristan CollinsHufflepuff House Table
Fun ChocolatesWith Amy Ward and Bethany ZandersHoneyduke's
All Eyes on MeWith Dominique MaloneThe Great Lawn
Look Me in the EyeWith Corrine Lagos The Rosebush
Sweet As SugarHalloween Feast
With Gideon Zelinsky
Great Hall
UnimpressedWith Sara Benivieni and Anastasie VernierAntiquated Lavatory
Post VictoryWith Corrine Lagos, Anastasie Vernier, Syrus Stilinski and Geovanna VoltThe Great Lawn
Your dance is my fightWith Geovanna Volt and Gwen Owens-LeeAbandoned Classroom
You're Not Afraid to Break OutYule Ball
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Easy PeasyWith Lily Cliffeton and Professor Matt WardFlourish and Blott's
Bothering AprilWith Syrus StilinskiHufflepuff House Table
A yellow rose With Ari DesaiHufflepuff House Table
Rose for April!With Tomas WodeHufflepuff House Table
When a Badger gets a Yellow Rose,the Room Becomes a Brighter PlaceWith Alexis Sage KramerThe Fourth Floor Corridor
A Reluctant DeliveryWith Nixon MercuryHufflepuff Common Room
A Pinkish CrushWith Signy ForstromHufflepuff Common Room
The Music Never StopsValentine's Dance
With Corrine Lagos
Great Hall
Open SpacesWith Acacia Dunn and Tuesday PalmeroThe Great Lawn
Y30 Dueling Match #17Dueling Tournament
With Gideon Zelinsky
The Duelling Chamber
You Were RightWith Kauri Tipene The Courtyard
We Did GoodWith Norton Gillespie ,
And various others
Hufflepuff Common Room
Uncharted TerritoryWith October AlcottRavenclaw House Table
PrideWith Kyle Alcott The Owlery

Third Year Marks
3rd Year PotionsO
3rd Year History of MagicE
3rd Year CharmsO
3rd Year HerbologyO
3rd Year AstronomyE
3rd Year Care of Magical CreaturesO
Grade Point Average5.7 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 378
Third Year Photos

Fourth Year


"My fourth year was pretty fun! I met new people, bonded with my old friends and got to play a lot of Quidditch. I'm glad I'm finally part of the team officially, but it's too bad that we lost. I'm glad I'm closer to October now, she really feels like my sister! I can't wait for my dad's wedding."
Things started off dramatically in the Ward-Alcott family when October lashed out against her dad. April was glad things were talked out, and was happy that October seemed to enjoy being her sister more and more over time. She had a nice year at Hogwarts, though her losses in Quidditch and Dueling weren't very nice. She became closer with Perry Wyatt and went to the dances with him which was fun. Near the end of the year, she participated in the talent show with her best friend Kauri. They didn't win, something she thinks is very unfair.

A Single BokWith Aion ZephyrFlourish and Blott's
Your Happy Ending's Up To YouWith Kyle Alcott, October Alcott and Professor Matt WardNew Zealand
Party HardWith October Alcott,
And various others
New Zealand
Back At It AgainWith Therese Rosenberg and Geovanna VoltHufflepuff Fourth Years Girls Dorm
Simple MathWith Alistair LancasterThe Student Lounge
What Do Boys Like?With Gideon ZelinskyGryffindor House Table
Sort of SleepoverWith October AlcottAbandoned Classroom
Magical BadmintonWith Perry WyattThe Great Lawn
Glittery TrailHalloween Feast
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
CrushedWith October AlcottThe Hospital Wing
Can't Seem to WinWith Ares JeffreysHufflepuff House Table
Flowers for PeaceWith Norton GillespieThe Hogwarts Garden
Something NewYule Ball
With Perry Wyatt
Great Hall
Something UniqueWith Kauri TipeneFlorean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
Forgotten BooksWith Norton GillespieFlourish and Blott's
For An Awesome SeekerReceiving a Rose
With Thaddeus Miller
Hufflepuff House Table
Shining RoseReceiving a Rose
With Lizzie Taylor
The Great Lawn
Our Hearts Made It Out AliveReceiving a Rose
With Sophia Night
The Great Lawn
Y31 Dueling Match #10Dueling Tournament
With Jessica Cade
The Duelling Chamber
What the Night Will BringValentine's Dance
With Perry Wyatt
Great Hall
New Home, Same Old FamilyWith Clifton WardBrightstone Village
Heta Omega Talent Show Y31With Kauri Tipene
And various others
Great Hall
Useless WaterWith Charlie MadisonThe Lakefront

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year PotionsO
4th Year History of MagicE
4th Year CharmsO
4th Year HerbologyO
4th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5.6 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 258
Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"My fifth year was pretty awesome. First my dad got married, which was nice. And then he got to be my teacher too! It was pretty weird to have my dad as my professor, but it didn't really make History of Magic any more interesting unfortunately. I'm still a bit surprised about getting a boyfriend, but it was pretty cool all the same. I like spending time with Norton a lot! "
During the break between April's fourth and fifth year, her father got married to Kyle Alcott, making him her stepfather officially. April was very happy about this development and enjoyed the festivities a lot. Her school year started similar to most of her other years, but she quickly realized she was looking differently at Norton, one of her best friends. This was pretty alarming for April, but she slowly realized she liked him, and that he liked her too. They started dating, and while April is still getting used to that, she's very happy. She managed her OWL year fairly well, and is happy with the grades she got.

Lost Hearts Find A HomeWith Kyle Alcott-Ward, Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, Kauri Tipene, and Norton Gillespie
And various others
New Zealand
Not My FocusWith Norton GillespieFlourish and Blott's
The New GuyWith Shane AckleyHufflepuff House Table
Paint a Little Color into My LifeWith Maggy HarringtonHufflepuff Common Room
Sharing NewsWith Ares Jeffreys The Owlery
Yawn and SnoreHalloween Feast
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
I Found, Maybe UsYule Ball
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Matters of the HeartWith Kauri TipeneThe Third Floor Corridor
Awkwardly WeirdWith Norton GillespieHufflepuff Common Room
French PressWith Camila WoodsThe Kitchens
Yellow Rose Delivery! Receiving a rose
With Lily Lockwood
Hufflepuff Common Room
Rose for AprilReceiving a rose
With Flavio Morales
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Better than toenail clippings I guessReceiving a rose
With Lidiya Kozlova
The Fourth Floor Corridor
A Bright SparkValentine's Dance
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Random BangingWith Syrus StilinskiConglomerated Arts Room
Different but the SameWith Norton Gillespie and Amy WardBrightstone Village
Y32 Dueling Match #10With Alistair LancasterThe Duelling Chamber

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year PotionsE
5th Year History of MagicE
5th Year CharmsE
5th Year HerbologyE
5th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)
House points earned during year: 268
Fifth Year Photos

Sixth Year


"I really liked my sixth year. At least I didn't have any big exams at the end of the year this time! But I think I did pretty well. I'm sad October is graduating, and also a little sad that I will be going into my last year too! I also think losing Quidditch is a shame, but hopefully we'll win the cup in my last year!"
April started off her sixth year by meeting Norton's sister at Flourish and Blott's. The relationship between her and Norton steadily became more serious over the course of the year. She met up with a few other people as well. Her best friend Kauri comforted her after losing the Quidditch match, and she received a few roses from her friends as well as her boyfriend. April also entered the Duelling tournament, but was once again knocked out in the first round. She felt sad, knowing that October was graduating at the end of the year. It will be weird for April to return to Hogwarts next year without her.

Boredom and BooksWith Norton Gillespie and Gilly GillespieFlourish and Blott's
Get This Party StartedWith October Alcott,
And various others
New Zealand
Put Your Emptiness to MelodyWith Vivian BrackenstallConglomerated Arts Room
The Coolest KidsHalloween Feast
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
What You Break Is What You GetWith Tristan Collins, Vivian Brackenstall, Jerara Tapsell,
And various others
Great Hall
Gonna be AmazingYule Ball
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Y33 Dueling Match #12Duelling Tournament
With Alistair Lancaster
The Duelling Chamber
Two SunshinesValentine's Dance
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
A Moment AloneWith Kauri Tipene and Daphne DomminoAntiquated Lavatory
Loving GiftReceiving a rose
With Emily Madison
The Courtyard
Seeking a SeekerReceiving a rose
With Solomon Tofilau
The Second Floor Corridor
Rose from a friendReceiving a rose
With Mark Ross
Hufflepuff House Table
You Feel Like HomeWith Norton GillespieHufflepuff Sixth Years Boys Dorm

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year PotionsE
6th Year History of MagicO
6th Year CharmsE
6th Year HerbologyE
6th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
6th Year ApparitionO
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 232

Sixth Year Photos

Seventh Year


"My seventh year was good. I'm proud that Austin made me captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and I hope I did an alright job. I wish we had won, but at least a second place isn't terrible. I also am glad I could spend so much time with Norton and with Kauri. But I'm sad that my time at Hogwarts is now over. I'll definitely miss it."

At the start of April's final year at Hogwarts, she was promoted to Quidditch captain of the Hufflepuff team. As someone who has never been very good at taking responsibility, this was a big step for April. She was very nervous about her new role, but took to it after a while. The Hufflepuff team did fairly well, though they eventually lost to Slytherin. April had a nice year with her friends and her boyfriend. She participated in the duelling tournament again, only to lose in the first round as usual. But in the end, she had a great year at Hogwarts. April was very scared to graduate, and is now nervous about her future.

A BurdenWith Elliot BriarThe Quidditch Pitch
Hufflepuff Victory PartyWith Wendy Bell, Amy Jewel,
And various others
Hufflepuff Common Room
DaisiesYule Ball
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Friends For LifeWith Kauri TipeneThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Sweet LoveReceiving a Rose
With Kauri Tipene
Hufflepuff House Table
Yellow For The SeekerReceiving a Rose
With Chante Ateara
Hufflepuff Seventh Years Girls Dorm
The Peak of ValentinesReceiving a Rose
With Juniper Steele
The Quidditch Pitch
The Loveliest EveningValentine's Dance
With Norton Gillespie
Great Hall
Y34 Duelling Match #23Duelling Tournament
With Alistair Lancaster
The Duelling Chamber

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year PotionsE
7th Year History of MagicE
7th Year CharmsA
7th Year HerbologyA
7th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average4.6 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 171
Seventh Year Photos

April wanted to both laugh and cry. She was happy to be here with her classmates, with Kauri and Norton, but she was sad to leave Hogwarts. It only felt like she had been here for a short while. Sorting didn't feel like it was that long ago, and she remembered how excited she had been on that day. Now it was all over, and while April knew it was just part of life, she couldn't help being sad about it. She was sad too to hear her mother couldn't come to this. Not because she was busy with work for once, but because muggles couldn't go to Hogwarts. April teared up at Kauri's speech, and had to resist the urge to run up to the stage to hug him when he started crying as well. Sophie's speech wasn't nearly as nice, but she supposed she was a bit biased. She glanced at Norton, trying to smile bravely but failing quite a bit. She watched Norton get his diploma, cheering for him loudly. Then it was her turn. April took a deep breath as she approached the stage. Then, she did what she had done at her sorting all those years ago. Instead of walking up to Professor Alicastell, she cartwheeled across the stage and stopped right in front of her. She gave the headmistress a watery smile as she took her diploma. "Sorry." She added in a whisper, in case she had startled her. Then she returned to her seat between her two dads, discreetly wiping her eyes on her sleeve.
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2050 NYE Party! With Geovanna Volt, Norton Gillespie,
And various others
New Zealand
Morning Sunrises and RosesWith Norton GillespieNew Zealand
A Date InterruptedWith Lillian Lockwood and Clifton WardThe United Kingdom
30th Anniversary Fashion ShowWith Zelda Wigham, Amy Ward,
And various others
Mākutu Mall
Put Together AgainWith October AlcottNew Zealand
Holiday Get TogetherWith October Alcott, Sia Tofilau,
And various others
New Zealand
Sup, Twinkle Toes?With Syrus StilinskiAotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary


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