Odette Giselle Madison

Odette Madison

👑Macaws Beater | Healing | Adopted | 2049 Grad 🦢
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
2/2031 (31)
Odette Giselle Madison


Dress like you're going to meet your worst enemy today

NAME: Odette Giselle Madison
FORMER NAME: Odette Giselle Harper
Odette: This is the name of a princess who has been transformed into a swan in the ballet 'Swan Lake' (1877) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Giselle: Derived from the Germanic word gisil meaning "hostage" or "pledge". This name may have originally been a descriptive nickname for a child given as a pledge to a foreign court.
Harper: Originally belonged to a person who played the harp or who made harps.
Madison: Madison is a surname of English origin, Madison, commonly spelled Maddison in Northeastern England, is a variant of Mathieson, meaning son of Matthew.
HOMETOWN: Auckland, New Zealand
PLACE OF BIRTH: Austin, Texas, The United States
AGE: 27
BIRTHDAY: 11 February 2031
NATIONALITY: Citizen of New Zealand

ZODIAC SIGN:Aquarius. As an Aquarius born on February 11th, your impulsiveness and charm defines your personality. You have a wide variety of interests and hobbies and that is a result of many spontaneous passions. As a result of your innate charm, your impulsiveness has most likely led you to have a variety of passionate relationships. Throughout your life, you have noticed that people seem to gravitate towards your warmth and mystery. It may be surprising to find, that you have many friends that still struggle to understand your true self.
ELEMENT:Air. Your sign's paired element is air and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection to the element. As is the case with all air signs, a gentle breeze of curiosity is ever-present in your being. When something grabs your interest, air pushes you towards gaining understanding and knowledge. Your special connection with air inspires a notable determination and stubbornness to your personality. In this way, you take on many of the characteristics of forceful wind. The influence of air is largely positive, but be weary of air's less active qualities, which include unemotional moods.
PLANET: Uranus. The Aquarius is under the planetary rulership of Uranus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the mysterious planetary power of Venus. Uranus, being the planet of deviation, is linked to your originality and need for freedom. On the other hand, it is Venus that fuels your emotional, social and artistic qualities. More so than the other Aquarius Decans, you are quite sensitive. In your close relationships, this quality allows you to display unconditional love and affection. A natural romantic, you easily fall into love, but unfortunately, your impulsiveness makes it just as easy to fall out of love. While your tendency to act before thinking is one of your greatest challenges in life, it will lead you to many worthwhile and exciting experiences.

OCCUPATION: Professional Quidditch Player, Beater for the Moutohora Macaws
EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
FAVORITE CLASS: Defence Against the Dark Arts
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Slytherin Quidditch Team (Captain)
WAND: Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Wood: A beautiful wand wood that tends to draw beautiful people to itself for best results.
Core: Much like the creature that they come from, wands with veela hair are temperamental and volatile in nature. They are good for use in divination work and with charms.


PLAY BY: Erin Moriarty
HAIR: Blond and just over shoulder length.
EYES: Brown.
BUILD: Slim, average height for her age.
STYLE: Odette likes to wear light colors and slightly girlish clothes. She wears dresses whenever she can. Whatever she wears, she tends to keep it slightly muted. Never too many accessories or jewelry that really calls attention to itself.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Odette masks her true emotions very well, though occasionally her temper comes through. When she's really annoyed or nervous but trying to hide it, she plays with her hair.

PERSONALITY: Odette is very calculating. From a young age, she has learned to see other people around her (especially girls) as competition. She knows how to charm people and how to put on an innocent face, but rarely forms a real connection with anyone. Deep inside, she is very insecure and has a lot of conflicted feelings about herself. Her entire life has been overshadowed by her mother, who had a very specific image of what a daughter should be like, which she had been pushing Odette to be. Odette always wants to please her mother, and often thinks of what she would think or say even when she's not around. She has a fondness for storybooks, which she rarely indulges in because of her mother's disapproval. She also enjoys singing and dancing.


Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together.

Dedicated Strong-willed Direct and Honest Loyal, Patient and Reliable Enjoy Creating Order Excellent Organizers

Inflexible and Stubborn Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations Judgmental Too Focused on Social Status Difficult to Relax Difficulty Expressing Emotion

HISTORY: Odette was born in the U.S. but moved to New Zealand when she was around two years old. Her mother never told her why, but she never seemed happy to be living there so Odette doesn't understand why she moved in the first place. All the stories about America from her mother made Odette want to move back, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. When Odette got her letter from Hogwarts New Zealand she couldn't help but be a little disappointed, she had still hoped she would be accepted into Ilvermory like her parents. Odette never knew who her father was, she only knows he was American and that she has his last name.

Unbeknownst to Odette, her father is still alive in the U.S. He is married to a different woman and has a family with her. Before Odete was born, he had an affair with her mother Rebecca which resulted Odette's birth. In order to keep the affair a secret from his family, he forced Rebecca to move out of the country. This was mostly to ensure that his illegitimate daughter wouldn't share a school with his other children. In order go get her to agree and to keep her quiet, he finances her expensive lifestyle. Odette's father is a wealthy business man in the muggle world, though he is a wizard of mixed blood himself. After graduating from Ilvermory, he had decided to work in muggle finances, using magic to help himself along in subtle ways and to quickly work his way to the top. Though this is illegal, it is very hard to trace. He has a son a few years older than Odette and a daughter a few years younger.

Odette's mother Rebecca had big plans for her daughter. She was going to show ex lover just what he was missing out on, and make their little girl famous. From a young age, she dragged Odette from dance classes to acting auditions to pageants back in The States, but Odette never got her big break. In the years going up to Hogwarts, Rebecca gave up on her daughter's career, knowing that it would be near impossible to combine with her schooling. She has not hesitated to let Odette know how disappointing this is, making her feel like it was her fault. She also ensured that Odette got her father's last name, so her connection to him would still be traceable if it was ever necessary.
LIKES: Reading, Flying, Playing Quidditch, Singing
DISLIKES: Girls that are prettier than her, Math, Tacky jewelry or clothes.
GOALS: Odette's goal is to be famous and well liked, she always wants to be the most important person in a group.
FEARS: Losing her mother, being outshone, spiders
STRENGTHS: Odette is very good at reading people and adjusting her own personality to make them like her. She can easily get others to do things for her, and exploits that. She is also quite clever and can talk her way out of situations.
WEAKNESSES: As much as she can make people like her temporarily, Odette has a lot of trouble making real friends. She is very closed off and would rarely share her feelings. She also has a temper, which can show the uglier side of her personality despite her hard work to hide it.
MIRROR OF ERISED : Both her parents together, looking proud of her and her accomplishments.
BOGGART: Her mother telling her she's a disappointment and always has been.
AMORTENTIA:Chocolate, Fresh Air, Lavender


Name: Rebecca Carol Cross
Relation: Biological Mother
Age at death: 41
Passed Away on: 30 March 2047
Cause of Death: Splinching accident
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Name: John David Harper
Relation: Biological Father*
Age: 48
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Name: Matthew John Harper (x)
Relation: Half-brother
Age: 21
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Freelance Photographer

Former House: Hufflepuff
Name: Charlotte Jane Harper (x)
Relation: Half-sister
Age: 16
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ

House: Slytherin
Name: Maria Rebecca Madison (x)
Relation: Adoptive Mother
Age: 38 (2011)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Hogwarts counsellor

Former House: Hufflepuff
Name: Charlie Valeria Madison (x)
Relation: Adoptive sister
Age: 16
Blood Status: Unknown
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ

House: Gryffindor
Name: Emily Bacardi Harris Madison (x)
Relation: Adoptive sister
Age: 14
Blood Status: Unknown
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ

House: Gryffindor
Name: Finn Madison
Relation: Adoptive brother
Age: 10
Blood Status: Unknown
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Muggle Primary School Student
*Odette has never met her father, nor does he officially acknowledge her.

First Year


Second Year


Third Year


Fourth Year


Fifth Year


Sixth Year


Seventh Year






Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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First Year


"First year didn't exactly go as planned, but that wasn't my fault. At least Flying lessons were fun, and I met Margo and Beaubelle. They both need a guiding hand, and I'm just nice like that."

Odette's first year was eventful. She started out making her own mark on the school by making her feud with fellow student Harley Tsuji incredibly public. Unfortunately, she was caught in the act which caused her to lose face. For the rest of the year, she attempted to lay low, though she did manage to meet a few girls that were loyal to her. She hopes to increase that number when new gullible first years arrive at Hogwarts.
So far, Odette's school experience was nothing to write home about. The train ride had been anything but fun. Wasn't there a more convenient way for a magical school to transport people than to cram them all together in a train like sardines in a can? Honestly, it was a stupid tradition. And as Odette looked around the large castle she was going to spend the next seven years in, she could already tell there would be plenty of other stupid traditions to work around. The castle looked old and drafty, and she wondered if there were heating spells in place so they wouldn't all freeze to death in their beds. Assuming they got beds, it would almost not surprise her if they would be required to sleep on the floor.

Despite her stormy mood, she never forgot her mother's words. In fact, they seemed to be firmly implanted in her head. It was almost like she could hear her voice as if she was talking to her directly. A lady always looks pleasant and sweet, no matter the circumstances. A frown looks ugly on you, my girl, so I don't ever want to see it. You understand? I'm only looking out for you. She could even almost feel the little pat her mother would give her on the cheek after saying it, as if it would soften the words. But Odette was a good daughter, she was smiling sweetly as if she was having the most wonderful day of her life. But even as she looked like she was patiently waiting to be sorted, she was sizing up the other first years around her. She saw a few girls that were definitely prettier than her, but also a few that weren't. She would have to make sure she made herself seem better in different ways so she could still stand out more than the pretty ones.

Her eyes landed on the hat as her name was called. It was a filthy old thing, and it took all her willpower not to pull a face at the idea of putting it on her head. She managed, though, lowering her eyes shyly as she passed some other first years to take her place on the stool. She had no idea which house was the best one, and she didn't really care which one she would be put into. As long as it wasn't one that always lost the House Cup or had a bad reputation. Unfortunately, she didn't know enough about Hogwarts to really know which house that would be. It irritated her that they didn't just get to choose, or maybe do an interview with a Professor to get into a good House. She could charm a Professor into giving her the best house, she was sure of that. But a hat? Especially one as filthy as this one? She would just have to wait and see.

"You belong in...Slytherin!"

Ready or NotWith Margo Ellis, Autumn Branning,
Austin Branning, Rufus Villiers, and Sofia Rosenberg
New Zealand Express
Power In My HandBuying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Unfriendly warningWith Harley Tsuji and Professor Justin CliffetonAntiquated Lavatory
Too Shy Or Too Confident?With Beaubelle WaldgraveThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Getting Used to SharingWith Beatrice Fleming and Hayley ElridgeSlytherin First Year Girls Dorm
To Have Some ImpactWith Aurora NightThe Lakefront
Looking for AlliesWith Aurelia JamesonThe Library
As Sweet as SugarWith Margo Ellis and Alex SheffieldThe Student Lounge
FootstepsWith Asmodeus SnowThe Dungeons
A Total CoincidenceWith Aurora NightThe Third Floor Corridor
Warning!Spreading FlyersMultiple Corridors
Unfriendly Warning, part IIWith Harley Tsuji, Professor Monty Pendleton, and Hayley Elridge The Dungeons
SlanderousWith Professor Monty Pendleton and Professor Kalif StyxProfessor Styx's Office
How Dare SheHalloween Feast
With Alex Sheffield
Great Hall
An Overdue ConfrontationWith Aurora Night, Lycus Jin Howard, Aurelia Jameson, Kaia Rosemary and Professor Liberty KaelenThe First Floor Corridor
Making AmendsWith Margo EllisThe North Tower
This Is No MatchWith Sofia RosenbergConglomerated Arts Room
Yet Another ConfrontationWith Hayley ElridgeSlytherin First Year Girls Dorm
HidingWith Leonardo BenivieniAbandoned Classroom
Ok, So I LiedWith Margo Ellis, Harley Tsuji, Alex Sheffield, Aurora Night, and Rose HollandGreat Hall
Not So ComposedWith Margo EllisThe First Floor Corridor
Congratulations!With Alaska WaterhouseSlytherin Common Room
A Third RoseReceiving a Rose
With Archie Renner
Slytherin House Table
White Dress, Black MoodValentine's Dance
With Hayden Lavish
Great Hall
Girls Like UsWith Evangeline CampbellSlytherin Common Room
Pas De DeuxWith October AlcottConglomerated Arts Room

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year History of MagicA
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year TransfigurationP
1st Year AstronomyA
1st Year HerbologyE
1st Year FlyingO
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.4 (Between an A and E)

House points earned during year: 328
First Year Photos


Second Year


"I'm happy I got onto the Quidditch team this year and even got to play two games. Besides that, I enjoyed the duelling tournament too. I won, naturally. Hayden and I went to both dances together which was a lot of fun. I just wish it hadn't ended on such a confusing note. I'm sure the misunderstandings will all be cleared up next year, it's all a big mistake."

Odette's second year was quieter than her first. She kept her head down and didn't get into big trouble. She tried out for the Slytherin Quidditch team and got accepted as alternate beater. She ended up playing one game as a chaser and another as a beater. She befriended two first year Slytherins to increase her group of minions friends. Near the end of the year, drama finally caught up with her. Her half-brother Matthew sent her a letter which was delivered by exactly the wrong person. Odette ends her second year confused and upset, not sure what to believe about her family.


Nature vs NurtureWith Rebecca Cross and Professor Monty PendletonObsidian Harbour
RecoupingWith Margo Ellis and Beaubelle WaldgraveNew Zealand Express
A Common InterestWith Hayden LavishSlytherin Common Room
The Terrifying Kind of FairytaleWith Jessica Matthews and Lourdes BrackenstallSlytherin Common Room
Kindred DisputeWith Soonkyu Kendall-Wu, Kimmyeon Kendall-Wu
And various others
Slytherin House Table
Dressing Up and Talking DownWith Margo EllisAntiquated Lavatory
Transfiguration TutoringTutoring Program
With Solomon Mordaunt
The Library
Undeserved but Not UnexpectedYule Ball
With Margo Ellis and Hayden Lavish
Great Hall
Try to Understand but I Won't Get FarWith Rebecca Cross and Margo EllisNew Zealand
Y28 Duelling Match #2Duelling Tournament
With Spencer Owens
The Duelling Chamber
Y28 Duelling Match #19Duelling Tournament
With Jerara Tapsell
The Duelling Chamber
Y28 Duelling Match #25Duelling Tournament
With Xena Dragonslayer
The Duelling Chamber
Extra PracticeWith Alana FinchThe Quidditch Pitch
Sweet Slytherin RoseReceiving a Rose
With Clementine Pratt
The Dungeons
Better BehaviorValentine's Dance
With Hayden Lavish
Great Hall
Questionable ConfrontationsWith Aurora Night, Harley Tsuji, and Matthew HarperGreat Hall
Advice, I GuessWith Professor Monty PendletonProfessor Pendleton's Office

Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsA
2nd Year History of MagicA
2nd Year CharmsE
2nd Year TransfigurationA
2nd Year AstronomyA
2nd Year HerbologyA
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.3 (Between an A and E)

House points earned during year: 410

Second Year Photos


Yule Ball


Third Year


"So, I don't care about Charlotte or Matthew, so I won't go on about that. Classes continue to be boring, but at least Quidditch is fun now that I'm actually on the team. We may not have won, but Asaiah and I are some of the best beaters in the school I'm sure. Hayden is great too, so it wasn't a bad year despite some people trying to ruin it."
Odette's third year started off with a shock as her younger half-sister Charlotte suddenly appeared at the school, something not even their brother Matthew had expected. For the first half of the year, Odette managed to avoid the younger girl for the most part. But during the yule ball Odette couldn't help herself and told the girl everything in a malicious manner, creating a new enemy. She also started dating Hayden Lavish this year, though she has some trouble opening up completely. And even though she pretends to be above it, the stress of her family drama is starting to get to her.

Reaching OutWith Margo EllisThe United Kingdom
Not Quite Sorry, but CloseWith Harley TsujiEntrance Hall
Take to the SkiesWith Leo BenivieniThe Quidditch Pitch
Boiling PointWith Hayley ElridgeSlytherin Third Year Girls Dorm
Catching UpWith Beaubelle WaldgraveThe Student Lounge
What We WantWith Hayden LavishSlytherin House Table
Uncanny ResemblanceWith Margo EllisThe Library
Post-Match TalkWith Asaiah MurphySlytherin Common Room
Closing InWith Margo Ellis and Professor Monty PendletonProfessor Pendleton's Office
Center of AttentionYule Ball
With Hayden Lavish
Great Hall
Dresses Disasters and DiscoveriesWith Charlotte HarperEntrance Hall
Snakes Aren't the WorstWith Evangeline Campbell and Hayden LavishSlytherin Common Room
Unfriendly JokeReceiving a Rose
With Sara Benivieni
The Great Lawn
Rose for Odette HarperReceiving a Rose
With Xavier Jeffreys
The Great Lawn
Finally A CelebrationWith Charlotte Owens, Liam Waldgrave
And various others
Slytherin Common Room

Third Year Marks
3rd Year PotionsE
3rd Year CharmsE
3rd Year TransfigurationA
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.8 (Between an A and E)

House points earned during year: 187
Third Year Photos


Third Year, SDA, Quidditch Team


Fourth Year


"Fourth year sucked, there's no other way to describe it. Talking to the counsellor wasn't bad, and Harley definitely surprised me, but for the most part it was awful. I'm glad it's over now, honestly. "
Odette's fourth year was a tough one for her. Her anger about her family situation made her lash out at the people around her, which caused her to lose friends and alienate other students. Her grades suffered because of her bad mood, and Odette eventually went to see the school counsellor to deal with her feelings. One bright point in her fourth year was a new connection she made with her once-enemy Harley. She isn't sure what they are, but she rather likes kissing the other girl.

ChangesWith Hayden LavishNew Zealand Express
Black and BlueWith Harley TsujiAbandoned Classroom
End of the RoadWith Hayden LavishEntrance Hall
A Little Twist of the KnifeWith Margo Ellis and Professor Monty PendletonThe Third Floor Corridor
NecessitiesWith Lenore HarvelleMadam Malkin's Robes
I'm More Than Just a PictureWith Jessica MatthewsThe Lakefront
A Little Thorn in the SideWith Hayley ElridgeSlytherin Fourth Year Girls Dorm
Kiss With A FistWith Harley TsujiAbandoned Classroom
The Weight of the WorldWith Kimmyeon Kendall-WuThe Quidditch Pitch
Just the OneWith Amelia CosgroveFlourish and Blott's
Happy New Year!With Geovanna Volt, Vilhelmine Dahl, Ursula Ciccone, Austin Branning, Sara Benivieni and Autumn BranningThe Cliffs
Lost in the SilenceWith Maria MadisonThe Library
Odette's RoseReceiving a Rose
With Flavio Morales
Entrance Hall
The Beater has got a loverReceiving a Rose
With Evelyn Manning
The Quidditch Pitch
Passing it downReceiving a Rose
With Maggie Ryan Rosendale
Slytherin House Table
A red rose for a white princess swanReceiving a Rose
With Lauryn Woodlock
Slytherin House Table
Lost and FoundReceiving a Rose by OwlThe Owlery
Closing In, Closer to YouWith Harley TsujiAbandoned Classroom
Collapse*Professor Monty Pendleton
And various others
Entrance Hall
Bound by BloodWith Matthew HarperThe Lakefront
Well Wishes, in a Way*Professor Monty PendletonProfessor Pendleton's Office

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year PotionsA
4th Year CharmsA
4th Year TransfigurationP
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average3.8 (Between a P and A)

House points earned during year: 60
Fourth Year Photos


Fourth Year, SDA, Quidditch Team

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Fifth Year


"My fifth year was a little better than my fourth, until the what happened near the end. I don't know what to do now, and my future feels very uncertain. I'm just glad I have a few people I know I can rely on, and I know I can learn to rely on myself too."
Odette's fifth year started great when she was asked to be the new Quidditch captain for her house. Odette had always been passionate about the sport, so she was very happy to take on the responsibility. At the same time, she started dating Harley. Their relationship lasted until a few days after the Christmas break, when it ended because Odette wasn't ready to be open about it. Her first year as captain also didn't go very well, as Slytherin ended up in third place this year. Near the end of the school year, Odette got horrible news. She learned her mother had died, something that shook her to her core. She had always had a troubled relationship with her mother, and is left with a lot of mixed feelings and confusion now that she is gone.

Overdue GiftWith ~Professor Cyndi KingsleyQuality Quidditch Supplies
My time is nowWith Jessica CadeQuality Quidditch Supplies
Party HardWith Lizzie Taylor, Xena Dragonslayer, Corrine Lagos,
And various others
New Zealand
Day OffWith Syrus StilinskiQuality Quidditch Supplies
Making an investmentWith Geovanna VoltQuality Quidditch Supplies
A Fresh StartWith Lily CliffetonFlourish and Blott's
Rattle This Ghost TownWith Harley TsujiNew Zealand
If I Could, I Would StayWith Maria Madison, Charlie Madison, Emily Madison, Finn Madison, and Rebecca CrossObsidian Harbour
I Have Myself to BlameWith Margo EllisNew Zealand Express
Never Said I Wanted ThisWith Hayley Elridge Slytherin Fifth Year Girls Dorm
This is the Lamest ExcuseWith Margo EllisThe Third Floor Corridor
Setting Down RulesWith Liam Waldgrave Slytherin Common Room
Not Sure If You CareWith Asaiah MurphyThe Owlery
Get a Little CloserWith Harley TsujiAbandoned Classroom
And My Heavy Heart SinksWith Sapphire MichaelsThe Lakefront
Clashing BludgersWith Lizzie TaylorEntrance Hall
Small Pieces, Big PictureWith Hyorin LeeSlytherin Common Room
Uncertain ExpectationsYule Ball
With Hayden Lavish and Xena Dragonslayer
Great Hall
Y31 Wheelbarrow RaceWith Margo Ellis
And various others
The Great Lawn
It's a Long Way DownWith Charlotte HarperSlytherin Common Room
Unusually Hard to Hold Onto With Harley TsujiAbandoned Classroom
Passed TorchWith Charlotte OwensThe Owlery
Yellow for the Slytherin CaptainReceiving a rose
With Avaria Lockwood
The Dungeons
Greenish PinksReceiving a rose
With Alexis Sage Kramer
Entrance Hall
Best FriendsYule Ball With Margo EllisGreat Hall
Til SunriseWith Margo EllisThe Cliffs
For the Snakes and the People They BiteWith Hayley ElridgeSlytherin Fifth Year Girls Dorm
Friendship Through Ink and PaperWith Asaiah MurphyBrightstone Village
CommonalityWith Marisol WoodsThe Student Lounge
The Ground Below Is CrumblingWith Margo EllisEntrance Hall
The Stars Are All ExplodingWith Maria MadisonThe Library

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year PotionsE
5th Year CharmsE
5th Year TransfigurationP
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.5 (Between an A and E)

House points earned during year: 137
Fifth Year Photos


Sixth Year


"I'm grateful for the people that helped me through my sixth year. For the first time in a long time, I feel happy and at ease. I haven't made many new friends, but I feel like the ones I have are enough for now. I'm still sad sometimes, but not all the time anymore."

Maria Madison took Odette in after her fifth year, fostering her after her mother died. It took Odette a while to completely trust this situation, but eventually she started to feel more at ease there. She bonded with Maria's kids, and tried her best to be nicer to the people around her. After the yule ball, Odette started dating Margo Ellis, her long time best friend. It scared her, but also made her very happy. Near the end of the year, Odette ran into her biological half-sister Charlotte. The encounter was unpleasant, making Odette question her ties to her father more than ever.

Put Your Empty Hands in MineWith Maria Madison and Emily MadisonNew Zealand
Steady by My SideWith Margo EllisNew Zealand
Different but the SameWith Cristian KyleFlourish and Blott's
Unsure on a BroomWith Vader HumeThe Quidditch Pitch
Testing The WatersWith Charlie MadisonThe Quidditch Pitch
Not Feeling ItWith Rory FergussonSlytherin Common Room
Just Keep MovingYule Ball
With Margo Ellis
Great Hall
Can't Live on Fairy TalesWith Margo EllisThe Courtyard
First ChristmasWith Maria Madison, Charlie Madison, Emily Madison, Finn Madison, and Matthew HarperNew Zealand
Running Into Each OtherWith Charlotte HarperThe North Tower
Y32 Duelling Match #12Duelling Tournament
With Autumn Branning
The Duelling Chamber
Y32 Duelling Match #26Duelling Tournament
With October Alcott
The Duelling Chamber
Unsteady FeetWith Maria MadisonThe Library

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year PotionsE
6th Year CharmsE
6th Year ApparitionP
6th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average4.5 (Between an A and E)

House points earned during year: 225
Sixth Year Photos


Seventh Year

"My last year was pretty quiet, which... all things considered, isn't all that bad. I was happy to just go to classes, hang out with Margo and have a normal year. I'm happy with Maria and her support, and I'm happy to have a home to go back to after Hogwarts. I think things are looking up for me."

Odette's last year was a quiet year. She spent time with Margo and mostly kept to herself. Most of Odette's energy in her last year went to managing the Quidditch team, as it was her third year as the captain. her hard work paid off, as to her pride, the Slytherin team managed to win the house cup at the end of the year. Odette was very happy about this, because they hadn't done very well in the previous years with her as captain. She was happy to defeat October Alcott, the Ravenclaw captain. Though October beat her in turn in the duelling tournament. All in all, Odette was happy when she left Hogwarts. She finally feels at peace, and has plans and ideas for her future after school.
With Open ArmsWith Maria Madison New Zealand
Get This Party StartedWith Margo Ellis
And various others
New Zealand
First BroomWith Wendy BellQuality Quidditch Supplies
Only The BestWith Mordred CavanaughQuality Quidditch Supplies
Step upWith Leda LaytonQuality Quidditch Supplies
Looking For A BroomWith Chloe Llewelyn-WhiteQuality Quidditch Supplies
Happy BirthdayWith Emily MadisonThe Lakefront
Hear Me RoarHalloween Feast
With Vivian Brackenstall and Hudson Worth
Great Hall
Short but SweetWith Sapphire Michaels, Blake Irons,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
A ReplacementWith Austin BranningQuality Quidditch Supplies
SDA Holiday HangoutWith Alistair Lancaster, Leda Layton,
And various others
The Three Broomsticks
Y33 Dueling Match #14Duelling Tournament
With October Alcott
The Duelling Chamber

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year PotionsE
7th Year CharmsE
7th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)

House points earned during year: 155
Seventh Year Photos

As Odette sat with her fellow graduates in the great hall, all her mind could focus on was that this was the last time she would be sitting here with these people. Somehow, that thought wouldn't leave her mind. She was graduating, leaving Hogwarts. It had been such a big part of her life over the past years, and even had been a home to her when her own home didn't feel that way. And now... she would be leaving. Odette had a home now to go back to, and she had plans for her future, but it was still unsettling to just leave Hogwarts behind. So much had happened here, and everything about the castle was familiar to Odette. There was a lot she would miss.

But there was a lot to look forward to as well. Odette was sitting near Margo and gave her girlfriend a quick smile during Professor Alicastell's speech. It was good to know she wasn't going into her future all by herself. And she would have Maria's support too. Professor Alicastell stopped talking, and October Alcott took the stage for her speech. October mostly tuned her out, not really interested in what she had to say. They had never gotten along, and Odette was sure her speech would be absolutely tuned to perfection. It was a bit of a surprise to see her become emotional, though. Odette had always seen October as someone who was a bit more cold and calculating. Maybe she had been wrong. But as Jerara started to speak, Odette realized that everyone would soon forget about October's tears. This was what would be talked about after the grauation ceremony. It might even circulate at Hogwarts for a few years after they left. His speech was awful and bitter, and Odette listened to it in distaste. There were better ways to complain about things than doing it so publicly, after you had been asked to speak as an honor. She wondered if he would suffer any consequences for this, but guessed there was nothing any professor could really do. That was probably why he waited this long to say anything. Or maybe he just relished in the chance to shock some parents and teachers. With a start, Odette realized he'd been saying these things with the Minister of Magic in attendance. Hopefully he wasn't aiming for a job there. Odette didn't clap for his speech, but of course Harley had to shout out loud about it and apparently agreed with it. She rolled her eyes, but there was a slight feeling of fondness there too. Of course Harley would react that way.

The speeches were over, and Professor Alicastell commented a bit on what Jerara had said. Odette was sure it had taken her by surprise, but she recovered pretty well. Then, their names were called. Odette's heart started pounding in her chest. It was time to graduate, and even though that was the entire reason they were here, it still felt very sudden. She clenched her hands into fists as she waited for her name to be called, watching her classmates accept their diploma's in turn. When it was her turn, she got to her feet and walked over to the stage. She quietly accepted her diploma, looked over to where Matthew, Maria and Emily were sitting, and gave them a small smile. Then she headed back to her seat almost automatically. She looked down at the paper in wonder. It was hard to believe this was really the only proof she had of the seven years she'd spent at Hogwarts.
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