Stepping down (with a silver lining)

Tilly Drage

Hufflepuff Co-Captain | Beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12" Pear with Mermaid Scales
May 25, 2040
Hello there HNZ,

I am having to reduce my activity on the site for this upcoming year. I don't know if some of you have noticed, but I did choose to leave my position in DADA with @Professor Lydia Drage. Please know that I really, really enjoyed this role and I did not make this decision lightly.

The reason I am doing this is because my husband and I are expecting in December. And that's not all; we are expecting twins! I am excited to meet my little ones. There is so much I need to do in the upcoming four months that HNZ has to take a back seat, and I have a very strong feeling that once they do arrive, my time on here will be limited. Right now, we are working on home renovations, decluttering, baby showers, choosing names, going to the clinic for check-ups, etc. etc. Seriously, that just feels like the tip of the iceberg.

I am planning to see Tilly through her seventh year and the upcoming Quidditch season. I would love to RP with you (just message me!) I might be slow, but I want to send her off right. :wub: I still need to decide what I'm doing with some other minor characters. If I have ongoing plots/plans with you, please reach out.

that is very exciting news. I mean we will miss you but congratulations.
I am glad that you are taking a step back now before things get too much and overwhelming (and Hufflepuff needs a good strong quidditch team this year :r )
Good Luck again and i hope that we will keep seeing you around for a bit longer (Even if it is just in spam and shouty"
Congrats again! I hope things go smoothly with the pregnancy! 💜
Congrats Amanda!! That is so exciting! And so scary lol

I'm going to miss having you around! But wish you the best of luck with everything! Wizards will always be here when you need a break lol :hug:
Congratulations Amanda!
Expecting twins is huge but exciting news. Best of luck to you and your husband!
:frantics:ahhh so exciting, TWINS! Congrats, Amanda, take all the time you need and spend time with your amazing family :hug: I'll definitely still bug you for a Tilly thread or two if I can but obviously we all understand where you'll be focused in the next several months 🎉
Oh wow! Twins!! Congratulations! 👶 👶 good luck with everything!

Also here's your chance to name them Theodore and Edmund and make the Westwick twins real jsyk
Congratulations Amanda! I'm so excited for you, I hope you have the best time with your new bubbas :wub: We'll miss having you around so much, but good luck with everything! Stay in touch if you can, I am always around to live vicariously through other people's cute baby stories :r
Congrats Amanda! It's going to be full on but I'm sure it'll be wonderful :wub:
Congrats Amanda!! Wishing you all the best and good luck!!! <3
Wow, that's so exciting!! :frantics: All the best for this new chapter in your life Amanda. Take very good care of yourself:wub:
I am going to miss seeing you teach, but as I have already said, congratulations on the newest additions and best of luck to your pregnancy!
Congratulations Amanda! :hug:
CONGRATS AMANDA!!! That’s so exciting!! :wub: Will definitly miss Tilly and Lydia being around but wishing you all the best with those two little beans :hug:
I'm so excited for you Amanda!!! Wishing you absolutely all the best with the babies, and all of the preparation!! :hug: <3
Congratulations on the twins Amanda!
Hi all, just wanted to pop in with an update. Although I was hoping otherwise, I haven't had the energy to keep up with the site and that will not be changing for the foreseeable future.

Love you all! This isn't goodbye forever, just for now. You are still welcome to message me on Discord if there are any answers/clarification you need for planned plots, or you just want to say hello. Mandrake#9424

Until next time,
Amanda :wub:

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