📝 Community Signature

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (63)
It's fun to look back and see who was around on HNZ each year, which is why we're celebrating HNZ's 17th birthday with a community signature!! We do this every year to commemorate us all being here together, so it won't be a surprise to most of you, but as you can see we have a brand new signature for you to sign. When it's completed, anyone who wishes to can use it as a signature on the boards! ^_^

A few guidelines for adding your name to the signature to get us through this with our sanity:
~ Post in this thread saying you're adding your name.
~ Save the signature that the person before you uploaded
~ Place your name on it in text no larger than "HNZ's 17th Birthday!" is. (Your name, a nickname, what we call you. Whatever.)
~ Re-save the file as a high quality .PNG image (Seriously this might be number 4 but it's super important, make sure it's a .PNG file and not a .JPG)
~ Re-upload it, then edit your post in this thread to include the new signature

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Can someone pretty please add me? <3
Can someone put my name on it! :)
HI! The banner is so cute :wub: Could someone add my name onto it? Black would be great, but fine with any other colour hehe!
Hi. Banner is realy grate. Can i be there to? ^_^
Joining the list of people who can't do graphics. :r Could someone pretty please add me too? Thank you :wub:
I would also like to join that list! If someone could please add my name as well, that would be awesome!
I think I added everyone! I chose random fonts and colors, hope that's ok! If anyone wants me to change theirs just let me know!
Can someone add me please? 🥺
Can I please be added as well?
Could I please be added in a yellow font? Thank you ^_^
I could added my name as well?
doing the above ones!
Adding you now :)

EDIT: Done :D

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Can someone please add me somewhere? :D
On it!


Can someone add me too please.

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