Y38 Sorting Reactions!

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Sorting is still a few days away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, amirite? :D

As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :p )

Are you going to try for an exchange student? :o

Where do you think they'll end up? 🦁🐍 🦅 🦡

Do you think they'll be happy about it? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! ^_^

I'm back on my 'one student per year' pledge last year was a fluke do not @ me with the oldest of Kahurangi's niblings, Manaia Te Rangi. And honestly, I don't know what to expect from him. I'm still working on his bio and there are a number of ways he could go. I think he's personally going to want to be in Ravenclaw so he can have his aunt as HoH, but I don't know if it's necessarily the best fit. However things shake out, I'm really looking forward to finding out!!
Yay!!! Sorting!!

I am sorting three characters this time around! Nolan Burke, Charlie Jacobs (Cousin of Samantha Jacobs), and Xiuying Huang (Sibling of Charlie’s character, Jingyi Huang)

However, i’m not particularly sure what house they would be best fit in. I feel like Nolan would be either best fit for Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Charlie i feel like he would be best fit for either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. And I definitely can see Xiuying in Ravenclaw, but i can kinda see her in Slytherin too! But we just have to wait and see!

I’m so excited to see the new first years aboard Hogwarts New Zealand!

I'm also sorting just one, and his name is Louis Alcott. I'm very curious where he'll end up, as I'm seeing either Gryffindor or Slytherin for him. He's a nice guy but a b it arrogant and can be a jerk if he doesn't like you. He's also kind of sensitive to wanting to be 'cool' and popular and I can see that being his more snaky side, possibly.
Yessss sorting!

I'm just going to be sorting René this year, who's Sully's little brother. He's definitely going to want to be in Gryffindor with Sully, but I'm not sure what house he might actually land in 🤔
I can see potential for everything except maybe Slytherin, so I'm curious how I'll feel after the sorting form 👀

I'm so ready for sorting! This year I'm sorting Caleb Thorne and I'm excited to finally have all of the Thorne siblings at school. I made them all at once not long after I joined so I'm looking forward to finally getting to the baby of the family.

As far as what house he'll end up in, it's hard to say. I think he could end up in pretty much any house except for Ravenclaw, he has no interest in school what so ever. Although the more I rp with him and think about it he leans closer to Slytherin. It would make him my second Slytherin in a row and third overall. But the hat works in mysterious ways so we shall see haha.
Against my better judgement, I'm sorting a new character this year (mostly because I want a character who isn't so... happy all the time).

Her name is Celia Vuong, and she has a lot of Slytherin traits though a decent amount of her values align with Hufflepuff. I could also see some Gryffindor in her?? Part of me hopes she gets Hufflepuff because I know she'll hate it :r
I'm sorting two again this year! Mirim & Dmitri are both VERY excited (and nervous) to go to Hogwarts.

Mirim, I think will probably go into Gryffindor (like her sister) but I can kind of see her go into Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Her mood's gonna change a lot depending on where she goes into, so I'm excited to see how she ends up. Dmitri, I think will be in Ravenclaw but I can see him getting into Hufflepuff as well. He'll be happy with either, but he'd be my first Ravenclaw if that happens. ^_^
I'm sorting! Losing Ava is no fun, but I have Charlie coming up! He's american, super close to his dad and into sports but not actually sporty himself. He's not really open with expression, so I'm kinda torn. I really feel he's Hufflepuff but Gryffindor seems to plague me.
I'm sorting to and i not sure what house be Elizabella. She is so sweet person with nice soul. Mayby she belong Hufflepuff but i hoped she will be the same house with @Louis Alcott. Also i have Remus Black and he is smart kid and a little bit weirdo. He levo so much learn magic stuff. So i think he would be good Ravenclaw house :)
Sorting is always a toss up for me. This year I'll be sorting Zachariah (Zach for short). Younger sibling of Alexis who is a Slytherin. Zachariah is definitely not Slytherin material since he is actually different from his sister. I think Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw will suit him best. But then again the sorting hat knows best. I'm still working out the kinks in his personality. He is into quidditch, like he might die if he can't participate (okay I'm exaggerating but he really does like quidditch).
Looking like a fun group so far. I can't wait to see where they end up!
Cyndi had me all excited thinking she was sorting again when I saw her post

It's already shaping up to be a boy-heavy year I can't wait for the dorm threads~
I'm sorting at least one, as always, because even if I can't commit fully to HNZ right now I want to have the opportunity to RP if the muse strikes hehe

I'll probably be sorting Van Voclain and Synnove White. Van I could see anywhere except Ravenclaw (although it could happen). She's good to her friends but has got a bit of an attitude and some trust issues. Synnove I think will be a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff; she's caring and intelligent, although takes things to heart too easily sometimes. But could be a Gryffindor because of her underlying courage.

Definitely looks like a fun group so far :teehee:
Cyndi had me all excited thinking she was sorting again when I saw her post

It's already shaping up to be a boy-heavy year I can't wait for the dorm threads~
I haven't decided yet but am leaning towards 1 more IC year of no students. :p
I was thinking the same Kris, too bad Cyndi xD

I have decided to stick with just one every year. So I'm very excited to sort Crystal Holmgaard, the last of the Manning clan so far. I have been waiting for some time since her playby is my all time favorite ever. I don't really know where she will end up, but I guess either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Seems like an fun group of firsties so far.
Even though I haven't been as active as I used to be (first year of college is taking everything from me, my sleep schedules are ruined, my stress is higher than ever and I'm not really sure how my brain still functions) buuuuuutttttt I'm sorting Grayson Mendes this year, Aaliyah and Noah's brother. He gives me Slytherin or Gryffindor vibes but if he had to choose he would want either Slytherin or Hufflepuff since he wants some independence from his siblings.
Sorting form is DONE and I... have even less of an idea about René than I did before. He cares deeply about his family and is emotionally intelligent, which seems Puff to me, but he's pretty energetic and deeply wants to be in Gryff with his brother.. but he's also curious and eager to learn more so Ravenclaw... but also follows in the footsteps of everyone around him which could be a very Slytherin thing too...

Choices choices.... I can't wait 👀 Though I will find it Very Funny if he goes Claw and I end up 3 for 3 on Ravenclaw little brothers.
I'm also sorting just one, and his name is Louis Alcott. I'm very curious where he'll end up, as I'm seeing either Gryffindor or Slytherin for him. He's a nice guy but a b it arrogant and can be a jerk if he doesn't like you. He's also kind of sensitive to wanting to be 'cool' and popular and I can see that being his more snaky side, possibly.
I've uh, kind of said goodbye to the snake side because when I was filling in the form I was feeling a much stronger Gryffindor vibe
It's funny what filling out the form does =)) after mine I think Van will be a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor almost certainly

For 'What does your character want to achieve at Hogwarts?' I put 'Have a laugh' and that sums her up really xD

She's quite fair/honest though I think, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the hat interprets her :D
It's funny what filling out the form does =)) after mine I think Van will be a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor almost certainly

For 'What does your character want to achieve at Hogwarts?' I put 'Have a laugh' and that sums her up really xD

She's quite fair/honest though I think, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the hat interprets her :D
Louis wants to be the coolest person at Hogwarts :cool:
It's funny what filling out the form does =)) after mine I think Van will be a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor almost certainly
Interesting! From her post I was thinking 🐍 all the way...
I genuinely have zero clue where Georgina will go. Part of me thinks Slytherin (but she doesn't want that because Green would clash with her hair lmao) but also Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Alternately Hufflepuff because puffs accept everybody. I'm so indecisive with her

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