Natalia Zoé Novak

Natalia Novak

🧊 2059 Grad | Ice Queen | Herbologist | Lonely 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Lesbian (Salem)
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
12/2040 (21)

One night, a few moons ago
I saw flecks of what could've been lights
But it might just have been you
Passing by unbeknownst to me
NAME: Natalia Zoé Novak
- Natalia: From the Late Latin name Natalia, which meant "Christmas Day" from Latin natale domini. This was the name of the wife of the 4th-century martyr Saint Adrian of Nicomedia.
- Zoé: Means "life" in Greek. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of EVE.
- Novak: Derived from Slavic novy "new", originally a name for someone who was new to a village.

HOMETOWN: Gisborne, New Zealand
BIRTHDAY: December 30 2040
NATIONALITY: Hungarian, Citizen of New Zealand
PATRONUS: Arctic Fox

ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn. Being a Capricorn born on December 30th, you are characterized by a hardworking, determined and patient personality. Its hard for you to relate to those with leisurely personalities, as you are always working to accomplish a new goal. When you find a task to be worthwhile, you will always put in the effort to complete it, regardless of how difficult or challenging it may be. While your friends and loved ones admire this quality greatly, they may be most impressed with your amazing patience. Even in the most frustrating and hectic situations, you always manage to keep a calm and composed demeanor.
ELEMENT:Earth. Your sign's elemental pair is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection to the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you an active self-starter in all aspects of life. Earth's influence becomes even more obvious when your grounded nature is considered. You take little refuge in leaving your head in the clouds, as you much rather pursue goals that are realistic and practical. Your earthly prudence may become one of your greatest assets. Be weary of being overly cautious however, as this tendency may lead to missed opportunities and experiences.
PLANET: Saturn. Saturn is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn's mysterious power has a doubly strong effect on your personalty. Saturn's powers relate to control, which explains for the discipline, determination and responsibility that is so prominent in your personality. Much more than the other Capricorn Decans, you are destined for success. In life and love, you display devotion and loyalty that is rarely matched. Above all else, you have grown to strive for material gain and respect, which explains why you are focused on security for yourself and those around you. While you may be quick to spoil your loved ones, you may find it more difficult to express your love and affections directly. To avoid depressed moods, find balance between your material ambitions and your emotional needs.

EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
WAND: Straight 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
- Wood: 'Hazel Moans' the poem tells us, but it does a lot more than that. This wand will reflect and respond to its owner's emotional state and so should always be handled with care, and the wizard it calls should work to understand their emotions.
- Core: As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.


PLAY BY: Odeya Rush
HAIR: Dark brown and wavy
EYES: Light blue
BUILD: Average for her age
STYLE: Natalia has a very proper and classic style, usually wears feminine clothing in traditional wizard fashion.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: She usually looks very serious, which can come across as arrogance to outsiders.

The first thing someone would notice about Natalia is her cold demeanor. She often keeps her expression neutral, and has a somewhat haughty look about her. Natalia is very reserved, cold to people she doesn't know. She has been taught to look down on people from outside the magical world, and to curry favor of established magical families. Natalia is very loyal to her family and very dutiful. When her parents tell her to do something, she will always do her very best to obey them. She wants them to praise her, and has on multiple occasions snitched on her sister when she did something that was against the rules. Unless it goes against her duty to her family, Natalia looks out for herself first. Natalia is competitive, she wants to be good at what she does. She can be arrogant and feel like she is better than those around her. Deep down, she can be very sad and lonely, but she would rarely ever show that side to anyone. It is much easier for her to pretend indifference rather than reveal she has some sort of negative feeling that isn't outright disdain. She has respect for authority figures and has been raised with strict manners. Speak when spoken to, children should be seen and not heard. These values have been ingrained in her, and she judges kids around her age who behave differently than she has been taught. She is very precise and meticulous, neatness is something she values a lot.

Now that Natalia is older and has graduated, she has mellowed a little bit. She still likes rules, but understands why others might have to break them sometimes. Her stepping away from her parents was a tough decision on her, but it isn't one she regrets. She tends to avoid things that scare her, like reaching out to her sister.

The Logistician personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make Logisticians a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the Logistician personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, Logisticians hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

Honest and Direct - Strong-willed and Dutiful - Very Responsible - Calm and Practical - Create and Enforce Order - Jacks-of-all-trades
Stubborn - Insensitive - Always by the Book - Judgmental - Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves​

HISTORY: Natalia's family is descended from a big prominent wizarding family in Hungary. Her grandfather moved to New Zealand when her father was young, but he married a suitable Hungarian witch he got to know through family connections. Natalia's parents tried to raise their daughters in the same way he had been raised, instilling the family's old fashioned norms and values and their views on magic and blood. The family had always looked down on muggles and muggleborns for infiltrating the magical world, and this is something Natalia has been raised with. Coming from a wealthy family, she never had to ask for much. Natalia and her sister Isadora always had nice toys and beautiful clothes, and were often brought to play dates with children other magical families. But the girls were always told about the other family's reputation and how they should act accordingly. Natalia took over a lot of her father's formal mannerisms, and came across as cold and strange to other children. She often had conflicts with her younger sister, who never embraced their parents' teachings and was a lot more rebellious than Natalia ever was. Whenever Isadora did something wrong and tried to get away with it, Natalia would tell their parents. This caused a rift between the two girls, and caused Isadora to hardly play with her older sister anymore. Natalia is very aware of her parent's wishes to create more connections within New Zealand's important wizarding families and has been tasked by befriending children from high ranking and pureblood families. She has also been instructed to stay away from those with muggle backgrounds.

After Hogwarts, Natalia realized her parents wanted to disown her younger sister Isadora, which she didn't want. Over the years at Hogwarts, Natalia had started to question her parent's pureblood supremacy more and more, which eventually led her to stepping away from her family and breaking bonds with them, on the condition that they wouldn't send Isadora away again. Her younger sister was unaware of this and never knew why Natalia suddenly left. Now that Isadora is also an adult, Natalia wishes to seek her out. But it also terrifies her.

LIKES: Ice skating, flowers, gardening, butterflies, practicing magic, magical history, fashion
DISLIKES: Loud noises, explosions, obnoxious behavior, muggle things
GOALS: To become a strong witch with the right connections. To make her parents proud.
FEARS: To disappoint her parents.
STRENGTHS: Natalia is very serious and dutiful, she usually does what she is asked and takes her responsibilities seriously. She can communicate eloquently with adults and usually leaves a good impression on them.
WEAKNESSES: Natalia isn't as good in communicating with other people and often doesn't know how to socialize with them. She can come across as very rude or harsh, even without meaning to. She always seems cold and indifferent.

Name: Richard Novak
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Alchemist
Name: Cecilia Novak
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation: Socialite
Name: Isadora Novak
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Martial Status: -
Occupation: Aimlessly wandering

Former House: Gryffindor

Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful
You wanting me tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around
Like snow on the beach
Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before First Year
Childish MomentsWith Daintree VaskevoldTākarokaro Park
A Sweet SightWith Salem LeeBrightstone Village
Morbid CuriosityWith Indira KhatriFlourish and Blott's

First Year


"Hogwarts was nothing like I expected. I thought my family's status would make it easier to make the proper friends, but there are less of us than I had imagined. I enjoyed my classes and had a few decent conversations, but I still hope it will be easier to make the proper connections in the future. Perhaps I should join more clubs, though I think a lot of them seem to be pretty silly. I hope I can find a suitable one."

Natalia came to Hogwarts with certain expectations set by her parents. She had grown up in pureblood society, and imagined a lot of her classmates were raised in similar ways. Unfortunately for her, that was not the case. She had a rude awakening when she met quite a few people who completely disregarded her blood status and didn't seem to care. And children from families she was supposed to connect to were more difficult to find than she had imagined. She had a lonely first year, though she would never show it or admit it out loud. Natalia is good at making it seem like being on her own was her idea, simply because no one else was good enough for her company.

The castle was pretty, Natalia supposed. But it still felt strange to walk here instead of the halls of Durmstrang, the school she had grown up to hear stories about from both her parents. She knew why she was going to this school instead, it would be better for the family if she made friendships and connections with local children, but she still longed to follow in her parents' footsteps. It felt strange to know she was the first Novak to set foot in this school. The girl was quiet as she followed the other first year students to the Great Hall, her hands folded in front of her properly. Every time one of the other kids did something noisy or annoying, Natalia shot them a look. They might be children, but that didn't mean they had to act childish. It was as if some of them had never been taught manners. Probably those raised by muggles, she added quietly to herself. She spotted the weird girl obsessed with exploding lemonade, and gladly stayed out of her way. That was definitely not a person who she should associate with. Natalia waited for her name to be called, taking in the hall and the crowd of watching older students. She had imagined that those of the right status would be easy to spot, would stand out from the crowd. But now she wasn't so sure. They all looked very similar, especially from so far away. It was probably best to start in her own year, anyway. It wasn't like older students would want to associate with a first year. She wouldn't if she was in her position.

Natalia watched coolly as the hat sung a stupid song, glad when it was over. She watched as some of her classmates were sorted, taking note of the different houses and trying to remember what she had learned about each one. To her, Slytherin sounded the best. She had learned about its noble founder, and she hoped she could be in that house herself. It took a while before it was her turn, and when it was she felt the first nerves of the evening as she made her way to the stool. Sat down properly, like a lady. Then folded her hands in her lap and waited for the hat to be placed on her head. She closed her eyes to wait for the verdict.

"Slytherin is a good and noble house, and is definitely where you should be......Slytherin"

Key to the KingdomBuying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Into the UnknownWith Nathan ClarkeNew Zealand Express
A Place That Should Be HomeWith Raven Davies, Jenna Irons, Lucie Vernier, Indira Khatri, and Yukiko EdogawaSlytherin First Year Girls Dorm
Future SightWith Eoin ArmatiThe Library
Complete OppositesWith Isaiah ThompsonThe Student Lounge
Familial LinesWith Liusaidh FergussonSlytherin Common Room
Frozen DistanceWith Indira KhatriSlytherin House Table
A Missing LinkWith Ryan FiskThe Library
Lonely NightsYule Ball
With Kia Sorens
Great Hall
Solo ValentinesValentine's Dance
With Valencia Addington and Estella Fuentes
Great Hall
Cold PleasantnessWith Brooke TownsendSlytherin Common Room
Cold Morning BreezeWith Jordan HarrisThe Courtyard
Small Steps to ConnectionsWith Lucifer StyxSlytherin Common Room
Y37 End of Year FeastWith ~Professor Katherine Alicastell, Liusaidh Fergusson, Brooke Townsend
And various others
Great Hall

Second Year


"My second year was a lot like my first. I spoke to a few more people and grew a bit closer to Liusaidh at least. I also got to know Brooke, who seems like a respectable friend. On top of that, I know who to stay away from, with Gisele Rosenberg being the first on the list. I'm glad I managed to keep my grades decent and that I joined the Wild Patch club. Hopefully, I can do even more things next year."

Natalia's second year was a bit more eventful than her first, but her cold attitude and sharp tongue still kept her from making a lot of friends. She got a bit closer to Nathan Clarke, though she would deny that. In an attempt to get to know more people, Natalia signed up for the rose-giving event. Something she regretted when Liusaidh said it wasn't becoming of someone of her status. She isn't sure what to think about that. Natalia also tried out for the Quidditch team in her second year but didn't make the team. Her roommate Indira did, much to Natalia's chagrin.
A Fergusson-Hensel ReceptionWith Aonghas Fergusson, Katia Hensel, Isadora Novak, Tilly Drage,
And various others
New Zealand
A Lonely IslandWith Nathan ClarkeSlytherin Common Room
No Room to GrowWith Valencia AddingtonThe Library
Magical AdvantagesWith Amaryllis ThorneThe Library
Shiny ThingsWith Jenna IronsSlytherin Second Year Girls Dorm
Good IntentionsWith Delilah ThorneRavenclaw House Table
Skipping FestivitiesWith Pixie LongmireThe North Tower
WPC Meeting Y38/S1 - Hordes of HorklumpsWith Elliot Briar, Elara Chatelain,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Time to DanceYule Ball
With Liusaidh Fergusson, Giselle Rosenberg and Professor Lydia Drage
Great Hall
Unforeseen InkWith Ryan Fisk, Eoin Armati, Isaiah Thompson, Isaiah Thompson, and Rosemarie Chatwin,Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
Yellow as SunlightRose Delivery
With Ana Sofia Burleigh
Hufflepuff House Table
Sunny PetalsRose Delivery
With Jarica Ashley
Gryffindor House Table
Yellow Friendship RoseRose Delivery
With Rita Smile
Ravenclaw House Table
Pretty Pink PetalsRose Delivery
With Sydney Townsend
Slytherin Common Room
A Rose for a Friend(?)Rose Delivery
With Liusaidh Fergusson
Slytherin Common Room
Yellow BlossomsRose Delivery
With Annabeth Easterling
The Student Lounge
Gold as HoneyRose Delivery
With Hunter Robinson
Hufflepuff House Table
Yellow for a Red LionRose Delivery
With Noel Waldgrave
The First Floor Corridor
A Little Over the TopReceiving a Rose
With Brooke Townsend
Slytherin Second Year Girls Dorm
No PlansValentine's Dance
With Jordan Harris, Elara Chatelain, Isaiah Thompson and Nathan Clarke
Great Hall
Some Differences Are Too BigWith Valencia AddingtonThe Library
WPC Meeting Y38/S2 - WeatherproofingWith Elliot Briar, Lysander Summers,
And various others
The Wild Patch

Third Year


"My third year wasn't all that different than the first two. I didn't manage to make any appropriate friends, and now it feels like everyone else already has a friend group. But it's fine. I joined the Wild Patch Club last year and I enjoy going to the events, for the most part. And some of my classmates aren't absolutely horrible. Salem is usually nice to me, in her weird way. I just wish I could curse Indira once and for all. She needs to leave me alone."

Natalia still remained distant from most of her classmates, her quiet and serious nature making it difficult for her to make friends. Especially because other purebloods are fairly rare. She has a few girls she sometimes hangs out with, but no real close friends. Natalia spent a lot of her free time this year helping out at the Wild Patch, usually by herself. She also spent a lot of time on Quidditch practice, as she enjoys her position as alternate chaser on the Slytherin team a lot. She dreads Isadora coming to Hogwarts next year, worried her sister will notice how much she has exaggerated her friendships with other pureblood kids at home. She just didn't want to disappoint her parents, but is sure her sister would use it against her.

Ancient LinesWith Celia VuongSlytherin Common Room
Third Years Hang Out!With Isaiah Thompson, Weston Stirling, Indira Khatri, Nathan Clarke
And various others
New Zealand Express
A ProposalHalloween Feast
With Salem Lee
Great Hall
Flights of FancyWith Salem LeeThe Great Lawn
Y39 WPC Meeting - Build Your Own GardenWith Lysander Summers,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Hop AlongWith Isaiah Thompson, Solomon Tofilau,
And various others
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Tending to FlowersWith Pixie LongmireThe Wild Patch
Fancy ClothesValentine's Dance
With Liusiadh Fergusson
Great Hall
WPC/CAC - Project Garden KingdomWith Lysander Summers and Casper Beckett
And various others
The Wild Patch
Slowly BoilingWith Indira KhatriSlytherin Third Year Girls Dorm
Y39 End of Year Feast!With ~Professor Katherine Alicastell, Liusaidh Fergusson, Lucie Vernier,
And various others
Great Hall

Fourth Year


"This year Isadora also started attending Hogwarts. Unsurprisingly, she stayed far away from me. She immediately made a bunch of friends and completely forgot I existed, which is fine, I wanted that anyway. I got a bit closer to Brooke, which was really nice. I even had a open and honest conversation with Liusaidh which strangely enough made me like her more. I could still do a bit better with my grades, though."

Natalia had gotten used to being alone at Hogwarts in her fourth year. She was a bit nervous about Isadora joining her at school, worried her younger sister would notice how lonely she really was, as she tended to hide this from her parents. She grew closer to Brooke and developed a bit of a crush on the older girl, though Natalia isn't entirely sure what to do with it. She definitely wants to spend more time with the older Slytherin next year.

Y40 S1 Slytherin House MeetingWith ~Professor Angel Castillo,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Speech With a FuryWith Harper AlstonThe Slytherin House Table
This House Is Not a HomeWith ~Professor Angel CastilloSlytherin Common Room
The Quiet Common RoomWith Leia HumeSlytherin Common Room
Ghostly DriftingHalloween Feast
With Brooke Townsend
Great Hall
A Slytherin WinWith Eleanor KingsleySlytherin Common Room
Not a Game of UnoWith River Hopkins-VanceThe Lakefront
WPC - Plant What You LikeWith Lysander Summers,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Arise for FunYule Ball
With Liusaidh Fergusson
Great Hall
A Terrific Red RoseReceiving a Rose
WIth Valeria Iglesias
The Dungeons
Yellow Of A KindReceiving a Rose
With Timothy Black
The Student Lounge
Two of TwoReceiving a Rose
With Stefan Kozlov
Slytherin House Table
Fancy a RoseReceiving a Rose
With Soren Gates
The Dungeons
Weighed DownWith Brooke TownsendSlytherin Common Room
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Fifth Year


"Fifth year was alright. My parents were very pleased with my prefect badge, which was nice. I enjoyed spending more time with Brooke, until... things were less nice. I still can't tell if I overreacted or not, I wish I had someone to talk to about it."

Natalia had a fairly quiet year, though she felt a little less lonely as she spent more and more time with Brooke. Things didn't go so well at the Valentine's Dance though, where something Brooke said really hurt Natalia's feelings. Confronting her about it didn't make her feel any better, she's not sure if she did the right thing. She also participated in spin the bottle this year but didn't think it was all that special.
Laser TagWith Nathan ClarkeNew Zealand
A Quick StopWith Isaiah ThompsonFlourish and Blott's
Where Flowers GrowWith Rosie ArcherThe Hogwarts Garden
Here to StayWith Brooke TownsendSlytherin Common Room
Y41 Slytherin House Meeting S1With ~Professor Angel Castillo,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
No, It's Chill, I'm FineWith Liusaidh Fergusson and Ivelisse BurleighThe Hospital Wing
Dressed Up for OnceHalloween Feast
With Kia Sorens
Great Hall
What Are We Doing?Yule Ball
With Brooke Townsend
Great Hall
Left in the DustWith Indira KhatriThe Quidditch Pitch
Spin the Bottle Y41With Louis Alcott, Salem Lee, Caleb Thorne, Manaia Te Rangi, Valeria Iglesias,
And various others
Abandoned Classroom
Wrong Words at the Right TimeValentine's Dance
With Brooke Townsend
Great Hall
CHAMPIONSWith Liusaidh Fergusson, Indira Khatri,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
Clarifying ThingsWith Brooke TownsendSlytherin Common Room
WPC Event - Y41 Study at its best!With Rosemarie Chatwin, Salem Lee,
And various others
The Wild Patch

Sixth Year


Dreaded Train RidesWith Valencia AddingtonNew Zealand Express
How Things Turn OutWith Liusaidh FergussonSlytherin Common Room
Prefects Meeting Y42 S1With Ares Kuya-Tine, Emmaline Hopkins-Vance, Harper Alston,
And various others
Prefects Common Room
Y42 Start of Year FeastWith ~Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, Cameron Roswell,
And various others
Great Hall
Y42 S1 Slytherin House MeetingWith ~Professor Angel Castillo,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
I'll Take Your JoyHalloween Feast
With Liusaidh Fergusson
Great Hall
WPC - Y42 Enjoy the SunWith
With Rosemarie Chatwin,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Back to the SidelinesYule Ball
With Salem Lee
Great Hall
Blossoming AloneValentine's Dance
With Harper Alston and Delilah Thorne
Great Hall
Treading WaterWith Indira KhatriSlytherin House Table
Y42 End of Year FeastWith ~Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, Liusaidh Fergusson,
And various others
Great Hall

Seventh Year


The Difficult PathWith Salem LeeAotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary
A Promise to a FriendWith Fraser FergussonGryffindor House Table
Y43 Start of Year FeastWith ~Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, Indira Khatri
And various others
Great Hall
Prefects Meeting Y43 S1With Jordan Harris, Indira Khatri, Celia Vuong,
And various others
Prefects Common Room
Y43 S1 Slytherin House Meeting
With ~Professor Angel Castillo,
And various others
Slytherin Common Room
RoyaltyHalloween Feast
With Salem Lee and Indira Khatri
Great Hall
WPC Y43 - Fluxweed HarvestingWith Salem Lee
And various others
The Wild Patch
Like FlowersYule Ball
With Salem Lee
Great Hall
The Real YouWith Salem Lee The Courtyard
Rose and ThornReceiving a rose
With Mercury Hela
The Dungeons
Being OurselvesValentine's Dance
With Salem Lee
Great Hall

Natalia couldn't say she had loved her time at Hogwarts. If she could do it over, she would probably do things differently. She would be less distant, make a few more friends. But even now, she was glad with the friendships she did have. Indi and Salem were both girls she had disliked the first few years of Hogwarts, and now she couldn't imagine not living in the same castle as them anymore. She was scared of graduating, scared of having to tell her parents she was defying their dreams for her. But she was also excited to see what she could do in the world, the difference she could make. She knew confronting her parents would be difficult, but she could do it. For now, she tried to focus on the moment. She sat with Salem and looked over at her with a small smile as Indi took the stage. Indi's speech was great, and it was very her. Natalia was really proud of her friend. When the speeches were over, it was time for htem to all graduate. Natalia clapped for Indi and Salem. Then it was her turn. She wished her sister was here to see her graduate. She wished she'd had any guests to invite. As she took to the stage to receive her diploma, she quietly vowed to make sure her sister would graduate in this same hall, and that she would be there to watch. She took her diploma, then returned to her seat quietly.
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Herbologist / Shop Assistant


Unfamiliar SoilWith Amelie DerouinNew Zealand
Y43 Graduation BashWith Isaiah Thompson, Weston Stirling,
And various others
New Zealand
For better potionsWith Loki StyxThe Apothecary
Final items to shop forWith Horror ZhefarovichThe Apothecary
One thingWith Bailey Walden-CadeThe Apothecary
Just the One ThanksWith Enoch GoldewynThe Apothecary
One For The CollectionWith Oswald BrambleheartThe Apothecary
More Potions Stuff PleaseWith Apolline FontaineThe Apothecary
Should Be StraightforwardWith Kyousuke KurosawaThe Apothecary
Should I have one?With Callie CardosoThe Apothecary
A Simple PurchaseWith Aroha BlenheimThe Apothecary
The Simple LifeWith Dominic Owens-LeeThe Apothecary
Giving It Another GoWith Marley Owens-LeeThe Apothecary
Too EasyWith Violet Owens-RosemaryThe Apothecary
Potions made easyWith Osiris ValeThe Apothecary
Gotta upgradeWith Marcellus VetrovThe Apothecary
Always Good To Be PreparedWith Miranda DawesThe Apothecary
How do I not have these?With Veronica Walden-CadeThe Apothecary
Last minute thingsWith Millie Walden-CadeThe Apothecary
Is this a dagger I see before me?With Kyousuke KurosawaThe Apothecary
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