WPC Y43 - Fluxweed Harvesting

Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
03/2041 (20)
It had taken more planning that Salem usually had the mind for to set up tonight's event but she hoped it was more than worth it to do something unique and interesting with the Wild Patch tonight. The Wild Patch and the school grounds were bathed in silvery moonlight tonight and Salem lowered the lit tip of her wand to take in the cool night around them for a moment as club members started to arrive. They'd set up a few floating lanterns to guide the club members across the lawns and around the club area so no one tripped or walked into the chomping cabbage patch and Salem grinned at Rosie and Professor Miller in the flickering light for a moment before waving her wand a little to get the gathered club's attention.

"Hey guys, glad you could all join us out here tonight, I'm Salem, you're new Queen of Flowers, and this is Rosie, our Princess of Flowers! Remember please no wandering off tonight as we have been granted a special exception to curfew so that we can host tonight's event which only applies to us club members and the club area," she said. It had felt weird being allowed out of the common rooms and in the grounds so late, like they were all going on a little adventure, and Salem was keen to get started. "Tonight, Professor Miller has offered to let us assist her with harvesting a very important potion ingredient, Flux Weed," Salem explained, waving a hand to the plants growing nearby. "Please give her your attention for a moment so she can give us the run down on Flux Weed and what we'll be doing and then we can get started," she finished, clapping her hands excitedly, the sound echoing across the lawn for a moment as she turned to let Professor Miller and Rosie speak.

OOCOut of Character:

This event is approved for WPC members only to be out after curfew. And club members who leave the club area will be subject to regular school rules regarding breaking curfew.
Please wait for Sam to post with Prof. Miller and Emzies to post with Rosie before making your own post!

Also! We've unfortunately lost track of the WPC member list for the past few years so if you have a moment, please check the list here and let me or Emzies know if your character(s) need to be removed or added to the list so we don't miss anyone.
Professor Hallie was certainly excited to be able to give some of the Wild Patch Club members this opportunity. She had thought it was an amazing idea from the start, the ability to allow them to help harvest the fluxweed. Of course, this did require them to be out after curfew. Se hoped that all the students would take this very seriously. It was an opportunity not a privilege. She certainly did not mind the extra help though.

Hallie followed the lights to the path where they were all meeting. The leader of the club was already there when she approached. After waiting a little while for everyone to arrive, her keeping track of the time of course, the leader of the club spoke giving a little introduction. "Thank you Salen and Rosie for letting me join in on this fun" She began with a soft smile.

She turned to address the students in the club. "My name is Professor Hallie Miller. I am the Potions professor for the earlier years, which most of you know by now." She added. She saw plenty of familiar faces within the crowd. "Tonight we are doing something very special as Salem mentioned. We are harvesting fluxweed." Hallie knew this was not a lecture, but she wanted to give some information on the subject nonetheless.

"Fluxweed is a very important ingredient that is often only collected during a full moon. Due to this timing, it is important to always be prepared to harvest it when you know you are running low. This ingredient is used in the Polyjuice Potion, which you will all be brewing later on in your Hogwart's career" She mentioned. Of course, Hallie did not have them brew the potion, but she believed that the students would cover this in their Seventh Year.

Hallie did not want to go into too much detail, which was challenging for her. "I'm not going to give a full lecture of course. Some important things to remember though. Make sure you use your gloves when harvesting this ingredient. Be gentle with it. And of course, never run with the shears that we will be using." She said. It wasn't as much detail as she would have liked, but she hoped the students would get the idea. She was there to help if they needed more information.
Rosie was very happy to be the princess of flowers, she liked being able to be a part of the wild patch and liked helping to lead it. It was good, she had a lot of ideas, but with the leader being Salem, and Salem's idea being excellent, she was more than happy to support it. She happily stood with Salem and Professor Miller, as they were out a bit later to discuss Fluxweed and do a little harvesting. It was cool, not something she knew a whole lot about and she liked to what the professor said eagerly. She hoped this wouldn't feel too much like a lesson for people. It hadn't for her, but she found herbology so fascinating. "Thank you, Professor!" she said excitedly. "Now, everyone can get started, the professor will be sticking around, so just flag if you need any help, and have fun,"
When Caleb heard that the Wild Patch meeting would be happening after curfew he was more excited than he usually was for the event. He loved the excuse to be outside and outside after dark was even better. The warning from Salem did little to keep his eyes from wandering to the edge of crowd and where the light of the lanterns failed to reach. He didn't pay much attention to what the professor said and when they were finally let loose to harvest, Caleb hovered towards the back and was halfheartedly participating while looking for an opening to slip away. It was what he was good at.
Margo was curious about what they would be doing in the gardens so late at night. It was highly unusual to have a Wild Patch meeting so late but she liked the lanterns that guided her way even if it did make the shadows seem a little spookier than normal. But she tried to shake the paranoid feeling of someone watching her as she joined the rest of the club and waved shyly to Rosie before the meeting began. She listened as Salem began and she felt a bit awkward as Professor Miller spoke to them. She had dropped potions last year and she still felt bad about it sometimes. But she felt so claustrophobic in the dungeons there was no way she would have been any good once they got to more complicated lessons. Finally they were instructed to start harvesting and she walked over to Rosie. "Congratulations Princess." Margo said playfully. "This is a really cool idea." @Rosie Archer
Rosie smiled at Margo and blushed a little at the greeting. "Thank you," she replied, before motioning to Salem. "This was mostly Salem's idea, but it's fun and a little different from just planting," which had been her idea, for this club that would've been a solid. Always a solid. "The fluxweed are cool," she commented with nothing more to say about anything.
@Margo Fox
Natalia was proud of Salem for taking over the WPC, even though a small part of her had hoped the title would go to her. Salem was a lot more suited as a leader, though, so she understood the choice. Natalia had barely spoken to most people in the club, she tended to keep to herself.

She headed to the Wild Patch at night, curious about the event Salem had planned. There was a professor there, which was surprising. Salem introduced herself, then explained what they were going to do. They were going to harvest Flux Weed, which Natalia already knew about. She finally understood why they were out here at night. She still listened as the Potions professor explained a bit more. Natalia pulled on her gloves, but before she got started she headed over to Salem. “Nice idea for a meeting.” She said quietly, giving the Gryffindor a smile.

@Salem Lee
Daria loved the Wild Patch, but today's meeting made her a bit nervous. She wanted to be surrounded by flowers and pretty things, not running around in the dark. It was a pretty night at least, and as she made her way down to the Wild Patch she found herself feeling more comfortable. She listened as Salem and Professor Miller explained what they would be doing, getting more interested as they went on. She didn't know much about the potion these were used for, but it was a little exciting harvesting something so useful. She made sure she had all her things set up safely before she started harvesting, hands gentle and light on the plants as she collected them.
Roo was hesitant to attend the wild patch club meeting. She was sure it would be fun, and possibly a good experience, but was reluctant to go as she wasn't entirely sure what to expect. She wanted to do something thrilling, something that she could possibly get into trouble for but she could get away with it. The thing that intrigued her the most about the club meeting this time was that it was during curfew hours. Roo was interested in being out after dark.

As the sun completely disappeared, Roo made her way out into the night to the wild patch meeting. She followed the light, avoiding the cabbage patch, and gathered around as the Queen of Flowers spoke. The potions professor was also there, and as she took over, it reminded Roo of a potion's class, and that wasn't exactly what she was there for. Shrugging, the girl just put on her gloves when instructed and headed over to the fluxweed to get started with harvesting it.
Salem was glad things seemed to be going okay, at least no one had wandered off yet. At least not that she'd noticed.

Natalia had arrived right as Salem was getting on her gloves, half-way bent over to give the plant a curious sniff before hastily standing up to greet her, hoping the dark hid the way her face flushed. "Uh, yeah you think so? It's a cool plant and plus we get to be out after dark," she said with a shrug, grinning back at Natalia. "You... Wanna work on this one with me?" Harvesting wasn't really a two person job, especially not when they were both Seventh Years who could easily use a pair of shears, but she didn't want Natalia to walk away just yet. @Natalia Novak
Natalia nodded with a smile. “Smart of you to get a professor involved.” She added quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She felt slightly awkward talking to Salem, but she also desperately wanted to keep talking. She felt her cheeks flush a bit as Salem asked if she wanted to work on the plant together with her. She knew both of them were perfectly capable of harvesting a plant on their own, and if anything, Salem should be helping one of the younger kids. But she found herself nodding anyway. “Yes, I'd love to.” She heard herself say.

@Salem Lee
Elara was elated to be outside that castle after hours. She wasn't like many Gryffindors who had broken rules over the years, usually too tired from her daily activites to care about sneaking out. And even though she had permission to "break" the rules, seeing the moonlight on the lake as she crossed to the gardens was beautiful. Salem had done good, with the help of Rosie, of course, and Elara was excited to harvest some fluxweed and just chill. She'd thrown on a pair of overalls and a sweater, having seen many people gardening in overalls in movies. After Professor Miller gave them their instructions, El grabbed her gloves from pocket and went to borrow a pair of sheers. She looked for Salem before noticing she'd already found someone to work with and grinned as he walked to a vacant area, carefully extracting her first fluxweed plant.
Silas rather enjoyed the idea of harvesting underneath the moonlight, its beams glistening on most things it touched. It also allowed him to enjoy soaking up any moonified energy, something he hoped for as the end of the semester drew near. Finding himself entering the gardens after most people had started, he put on his gloves and found a seat on a bench, leaning back to look up at the sky and he just smelled the roses, literally.

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