Your HNZ Dreams

I had a dream that the Z family adopted a lot of muggle-borns, and it was other people's characters (I can't remember the name of but one was a set of twins in HNZ). I had a feeling that they would soon vanish or something.
Yikes, please do not adopt me.

Anyway, one of the things that made me come back, was a couple of months ago I had this crazy HNZ dream that the board sort of morphed into reality and everyone kind of merged with their main accounts, so like Nick was Kingy and Nick, Cyndi was herself and Cyndi, Kaitlyn was also Kalif, Rowan was part himself and part Ainsley, I was part Jack Kaster ( who had been my main at the time I left) and part myself and so on etc... anyway, so everyone was kind of just hanging out and no one was really mentioning that we were both physically and mentally half and half of ourselves and our characters and then Donna part Daisy kind of rushes in and tells everyone that the board is offline and we only have five minutes to live as our true selves before it all vanishes???

I literally have no idea.
I just had a dream that everyone on the site was gnomes and we'd all gone to a water park together which was fun until Daph and Jesse teamed up to try and murder me :glare: pls do not murder me Daph & Jesse
I today dreaming about hnz Merlin easy how to write. That was long time when i write easy about something like that! But not to long, when i was tired i finished easy and go to the reading book! :D
It’s 1:30 am and I literally just woke up from a dream where a snake tried to kill me by strangling me. I think my unconscious Zennon might be reaching for something :sleepy:
Okay so this was two nights ago. I literally had a dream I woke up to nearly 200 notifications on HNZ =))
I can't remember if I've had any specific or detailed HNZ dreams recently, but every now and then I do get these flashes of roleplays that haven't happened, with characters and member groups that don't exist =))
I've been having really vivid stress dreams about site staff all week for some reason x_x The other night I dreamed Cyndi came back and announced everyone was going to have to resubmit every form. Like. Every form. Down to sorting forms for characters from a decade ago. It was... not a popular announcement. I woke up walking around trying to remember what I wrote in Kyle's sorting form before I clicked that it wasn't real =))

And then last night I dreamed Emzies had made me a mod of a subforum that doesn't exist (it was a really specific OOC area for planning characters weddings??) but I went in to look and about half the posts in there were completely unrelated fanfiction for some reason, so I thought I would be helpful and move them to the alt rp/fanfic area, but it made Emzies so angry she actually FLEW TO NZ to tell me off in person ;_;

IDK why my subconscious has decided to stress about completely implausible HNZ issues right now but based on that escalation I guess Nick will just murder me with an axe in my dreams tonight or something x_x
Omg Rowan! That sounds really stressful, are you okay?!
Ahaha yeah I'm okay, think my brain just likes inventing problems x_x Had completely unrelated stress dreams last night though, so I'm cured!
I had a dream last night where I had applied Klaus Smile to be an auror, but I told the admin to ignore it cause I had changed my mind. Emzies was like, "sure, no problem." then I had changed my mind AGAIN and told them to look it over and emzies said sure. Then I realized Klaus has terrible grades, so he couldn't be an Auror, so I messaged Emzies again telling her and the admin to ignore the application because he didn't even meet the requirements. Then I woke up feeling like @Stefan Archer was really mad at me. xD

PS. I love you Emzies
I Have one dream tonight with profesor Monty. I'm not sure but we was so close and talk about something and drink tea. :D Well i see Lysander boy my dream and later talk to him and got a little fight. :D
Since I've just discovered this thread I'd like to share that since only rejoining HNZ a few weeks ago I've already had one dream!! It was last week or so haha, where Rowan made a new character but using Raquelle from Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse as a playby :p :p
I had a dream last night, where I woke up checked my phone and noticed that I had message from Cyndi saying something like "emily there's a huge site problem" and I then actually deadass woke straight up at that moment, in a dead sweat and checked my phone for real and of course there wasn't a massive problem...
I had a dream once I was looking a someone’s member title and it said “Zhefarovich killer” and I was confused cause the color of the name that I can’t remember was a Hufflepuff.
This really needs to be changed to 'Your HNZ Nightmares'.
I see tonigjt a weird dream about hnz dreams..@proffessor Summers help me with cursed computer. Who was there a wiris who wanted kill me. He was a big help and computer later was worked but i see upsested doll with knight. Then he help me again. That was a weird dream..
This really needs to be changed to 'Your HNZ Nightmares'.
For real

I just had a dream that Kathy (the HNZer) was sneaking into my house at 3am every night in a mask to scare me
Just dreamt you had to be on HNZ at a certain time of day to do your lessons live as they got posted =)) can you imagine??
Today i was dreamed Jenna walked the shop and by some lucky lotery. She later looked at the lottery and winned big money. Jenna wanted go traveling to Havai icland xD :party:
Today i see a realy bad dream. I was going with Wendall magazin and later walked the strange factory. There was so many teorist and i get almost killed i also remaind knight in my stumick. That was a realy weird dream. Jenna was dead.
This is so dumb but I have a rose topic where Vader asks Lysander if he can take a picture of him with his rose deliveries, and last night I had a dream that Emzies replied to it and gave me a list of photo edits she'd made for the yearbook, but they were all photos of Lysander's playby cuddling dogs, and I didn't know how to let her know that dogs are not roses :p

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