The Hunger Games - HNZ Edition (Round 2) 🏹

Aaahh one spot!!! Who's gonna fill it?! :p
Last call for the last spot - if nobody fills it we'll just play with 23!! Signups will close later today ^_^
I did think about doing exactly that =)) but I wouldn't want her surviving late into the game over someone else!!

All right, sign-ups are closed!! And here are our tributes:


Jenna Irons
District 1
Status: Healthy

Celia Vuong
District 1
Status: Healthy

Estella Fuentes
District 2
Status: Healthy

Seraphina My
District 2
Status: Healthy

Stan Beckett
District 3
Status: Healthy

Isaiah Thompson
District 3
Status: Healthy

Penny Wills
District 4
Status: Healthy

Andi Hart
District 4
Status: Healthy

Linden Cullen
District 5
Status: Healthy

Valeria Iglesias
District 5
Status: Healthy

Renata Stepanova
Distruct 6
Status: Healthy

Flynn North
District 6
Status: Healthy

Sloane Ari
District 7
Status: Healthy

Mary Lou Layton
District 7
Status: Healthy

Lucas Fletcher
District 8
Status: Healthy

River Hopkins-Vance
District 8
Status: Healthy

Felix Carnahan
District 9
Status: Healthy

Wisteria Lacewing
District 9
Status: Healthy

Axel Zhefarovich II
District 10
Status: Healthy

Sawyer Carnahan
District 10
Status: Healthy

Birdie Atwood
District 11
Status: Healthy

Rory Styx
District 11
Status: Healthy

Casper Beckett
District 12
Status: Healthy

An excellent cast :teehee: any predictions for how this is going to play out?? I haven't actually generated the story yet so I have no idea myself. But Wisteria's confidence worries me, and Celia and Jenna being in District 1 together looks dangerous =))
I'll be real I know Nothing about the actual Hunger Games franchise but I can't wait for Jenna and Celia to wreck shop 💪
Mary Lou will win. She seems sweet and innocent and harmless. But has a way of getting what she wants. :p
Mind you. Depending on the time of the month Stan could wreck havoc.
cas gunna camouflage himself and *could* win but dies doing stupid things for linden
Birdie’s strength is running, i wouldn’t be surprised if she lasted by running away.
Renata's either dying instantly or making it to the end, no in between. :lol:
I'm hoping for some brother vs brother shenanigans with Felix and Sawyer and the ultimate Slyth girl team up with district 1 and 4 👀
Why are the districts scarily accurate to the characters? Like I can definitely imagine Celia and Jenna thinking they're the best in district one, and then poor Cas in district 12 ;_;
^ I was thinking the same thing. Also very fitting that Penny is in District 4, what with the ocean in the background of her avatar
I am way to excited about this. I can see River being in district 8 :) hopefully she isn’t too impulsive and survives a little bit :p
Andi will probably just do something reckless and dumb and get both her and Penny killed
Oh wow, what a group. Felix and Wish is such a fun combo, can't wait to see what they get up to. I am also hopeful for some brother v brother drama 🤞

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Wisteria Lacewing grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

Mary Lou Layton runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Birdie Atwood breaks Casper Beckett's nose for a loaf of bread.

Renata Stepanova runs away from the Cornucopia.

Stan Beckett runs away from the Cornucopia.

Valeria Iglesias runs away from the Cornucopia.

Lucas Fletcher stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Jenna Irons runs away from the Cornucopia.

Celia Vuong snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Rory Styx snatches a pair of sais.

Estella Fuentes finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

Sloane Ari runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sawyer Carnahan cannot handle the circumstances and steps purposely on a landmine.

Seraphina My runs away from the Cornucopia.

Andi Hart stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Linden Cullen clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

River Hopkins-Vance clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Flynn North and Isaiah Thompson fight for a bag. Isaiah Thompson gives up and retreats.

Felix Carnahan runs away from the Cornucopia.

Axel Zhefarovich II runs away from the Cornucopia.

Penny Wills runs away from the Cornucopia.


Isaiah Thompson tries to sleep through the entire day.

Casper Beckett makes a slingshot.

Lucas Fletcher receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Jenna Irons overhears Valeria Iglesias and Linden Cullen talking in the distance.

Celia Vuong injures herself.

Seraphina My collects fruit from a tree.

Estella Fuentes picks flowers.

Andi Hart defeats Penny Wills in a fight, but spares her life.

Sloane Ari sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Felix Carnahan, Mary Lou Layton, Birdie Atwood, and River Hopkins-Vance hunt for other tributes.

Renata Stepanova discovers a river.

Wisteria Lacewing runs away from Axel Zhefarovich II.

Flynn North questions his sanity.

Stan Beckett convinces Rory Styx to not kill him, only to kill him instead.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Sawyer Carnahan
District 10

Rory Styx
District 11


Jenna Irons
District 1
Status: Healthy

Celia Vuong
District 1
Status: Injured

Estella Fuentes
District 2
Status: Healthy

Seraphina My
District 2
Status: Healthy

Stan Beckett
District 3
Status: Healthy

Isaiah Thompson
District 3
Status: Healthy

Penny Wills
District 4
Status: Healthy

Andi Hart
District 4
Status: Healthy

Linden Cullen
District 5
Status: Healthy

Valeria Iglesias
District 5
Status: Healthy

Renata Stepanova
Distruct 6
Status: Healthy

Flynn North
District 6
Status: Healthy

Sloane Ari
District 7
Status: Healthy

Mary Lou Layton
District 7
Status: Healthy

Lucas Fletcher
District 8
Status: Healthy

River Hopkins-Vance
District 8
Status: Healthy

Felix Carnahan
District 9
Status: Healthy

Wisteria Lacewing
District 9
Status: Healthy

Axel Zhefarovich II
District 10
Status: Healthy

Sawyer Carnahan
District 10
Status: Dead

Birdie Atwood
District 11
Status: Healthy

Rory Styx
District 11
Status: Dead

Casper Beckett
District 12
Status: Injured

That was possibly the least bloody 'bloodbath' in Hunger Games history =)) unless Birdie hit Casper exceptionally hard!!

Also WHAT THE HECK Ravenclaw?! Letting us all down in house points and in the Hunger Games. But what can you expect from the most conflict averse house, I suppose :teehee:

How would @Celia Vuong have injured herself, do you reckon? :p
Oh poor Sawyer.

Like... I'm not surprised but a lot of this but it's wild to still read it in story form. Seraphina running away and then just picking fruit is pretty spot on. Also, good for Mary Lou for finding alliances. I'm rooting for her.
River makes “friends” when she can :p
Honestly, it's very IC of Celia to try and make her own Molotov cocktail

How would @Celia Vuong have injured herself, do you reckon? :p
Well she does have a history of coming up with really terrible plans that only end up hurting herself... :r
I like Essie picking flowers while all this goes on :lol: poor Sawyer, just couldn't handle it. And all is not well in District 4...
I can't believe Axel made it through! I was expecting him to die right at the beginning xD
Brother nooooo! Felix would be very distraught but also glad and shocked to still be alive haha.
lol I seem to remember my char died early last time too RIP. Felix carry on the Carnahan name
Omg Sawyer =))

Also feels very Mary Lou to initially hide xD Hopefully she won’t come and betray her district friend..

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