Slow for a while

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
I've been debating whether or not to post this but at this point it's feeling fairly unavoidable @_@

I'm doing my best to keep up with what I can, but I might be even slower than usual for a few weeks. I've been having some health problems for a while that have lead to a change in my meds, and my new medication has basically made it impossible to focus on anything at all. My doctor assures me this is just adjustment pains and I'll feel fine in a few weeks, so hopefully that's the case. I'll likely be slow on most threads for a while though. If anything is urgent, please nudge me, because I guarantee you it's probably slipped my mind while I was busy completely zoning out staring at walls every ten minutes :erm: I'll do my best to be around and about and get to whatever I can whenever I have a few brain cells to spare.
Aw no, take care. I hope everything works out the way it needs to so you can get back to feeling ok!
I hope it'll work out well!
Good luck Rowan! Big changes like that can be so hard!
Take your time!!! I'm sure you'll adjust soon, but don't be too hard on yourself in the meantime :wub:
Take care of yourself :hug:
Feel better soon!!
Small update on this: Unfortunately I have NOT been getting back to normal and other than a few good days here and there I'm getting worse and worse on these meds. I'm hoping to come off them as soon as my doctor is back from holiday, but right now I'm in pretty bad health and beyond keeping up with responsibilities I've committed to IDK how active I'm going to be until I'm able to get my health sorted out :( Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll be in a better place healthwise.
Take care of you first, and don't you worry about HNZ! I wish you the best of luck to your health!
Awhh Rowanclaw I'm sorry to hear that!! Take it easy and look after yourself! You most important
I'm sorry Rowan!! :( :console: I echo what everyone else has said. Look after yourself!!
Big love to everyone for all the support. I've come off the medication at last (had some delays because my doctor was away) and I'm starting to feel like a normal human person again. I'm still not at 100% again but I'm able to think in a straight line at last, so I'm going to start trying to catch up (as exemplified by my rose binge this morning :p ) If I had ongoing plots with people I need to pick back up on please please please message me asap. My memory of the last two months is almost nonexistent and I'm still struggling to figure out what I was actually doing beforehand, so I'll almost certainly need nudging on important plots. Thanks everyone! :wub: :hug:

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