Phoebe Anna Holland

Phoebe Holland

Unspeakable | Curious | Arrogant | 2050 Grad ⚗️📐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Charlie)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
6/2032 (30)
Phoebe Anna Holland



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do
NAME:Phoebe Anna Holland
Phoebe: Latinized form of the Greek name Phoibe, which meant "bright, pure" from Greek phoibos. In Greek mythology Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon. This was also an epithet of her granddaughter, the moon goddess Artemis.
Anna: Form of Channah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament. It was a popular name in the Byzantine Empire from an early date, and in the Middle Ages it became common among Western Christians due to veneration of Saint Anna (usually known as Saint Anne in English), the name traditionally assigned to the mother of the Virgin Mary.
Holland: Derived from any of the eight villages named Holland, located in the counties of Essex, Lancaster and Lincoln, England. The name of the villages means "ridge land" in Old English.
HOMETOWN:Dunedin, New Zealand
PLACE OF BIRTH:London, England
BIRTHDAY:20 June 2032

NATIONALITY:Citizen of New Zealand
ZODIAC SIGN:Gemini.As a Gemini born on June 20th, you are no stranger to being called talkative. You embrace the outside world and are constantly striving to understand it. Your interests are wide and varied, as you take any given opportunity to pick up new pieces of information. As a communicator you are skilled and insightful. While others sometimes struggle to find the right words, you rarely encounter this issue. Your charm and sociability make you a valued friend and highly sought after companion.
ELEMENT:Air. Your paired element is air and as a Gemini, you have the more fluid connection with air than any of the other signs. The influence of air causes a seeking of knowledge to stir inside you, as if it was coaxed by a gentle wind. Once you find an interest that really excites you, the wind picks up force and direction. These qualities of moving air make you ever the student, always willing to learn more. At times, air can be stagnant, which is reflected in those times where you fall into the uninterested state of aloofness.
PLANET: Mercury. While Mercury is the ruling planet of the Gemini, your planetary influenced is also shared with Uranus, because you are born in the third Decan, or part of the Gemini sign. Mercury's power is reflected in your nimble, knowledge driven mind, while the power of Uranus creates an inward push for originality. The path often traveled is of no interest to you, as you look towards unique and creative ways of grappling with life. Your mental freedom gives you the ability to accomplish great things, but it can be counterproductive if your focuses are too wide. Try to narrow your attention down to a few, important interests in order to counter this problem.

OCCUPATION: Unspeakable, Ministry of Magic
FORMER EDUCATION:Hogwarts New Zealand
WAND: Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.

Core: As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.

PLAY BY:Madison Mclaughlin
HAIR:Dark brown and wavy.
EYES:Light brown.
BUILD: Average height and built for her age.
STYLE:Phoebe tends to wear casual clothes, she doesn't put a lot of thought into it
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:Phoebe has a mole underneath her left eye


PERSONALITY:Phoebe is very similar to her older sister in her love for adventure and fun. The difference between them is that while Rose doesn't think ahead or consider consequences, Phoebe always does. Phoebe is a thinker and very curious, her mind comes up with what sometimes seems like a thousand questions a minute and she wants to figure out the answers herself. She loves to experiment with things to see how they work and is eager to learn magic so she can try inventing things herself. She's fond of nature, collecting funny looking rocks and leaves whenever she can. One of her dreams is to own a pet gecko one day. Phoebe is usually friendly but she can be very dismissive of people she considers less intelligent than her. She's also quite good at holding grudges and once she forms a negative opinion of someone she won't easily change it.


Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they've set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.

Efficient Energetic Self-Confident Strong-Willed Strategic Thinkers Charismatic and Inspiring

Stubborn and Dominant Intolerant Impatient Arrogant Poor Handling of Emotions Cold and Ruthless

HISTORY: The Hollands are an upper middle class family that used to live in England, until until Phoebe's father got a new job as an Herbologist in New Zealand, which caused them to move. Phoebe was very young at this time doesn't remember anything about the country she was born in. She was raised with her three sisters in a house near the countryside and has always enjoyed exploring it with her sisters. The age difference between her and her older sister Rose is only a little more than a year, which makes them very close. Phoebe is very attached to Rose and in her mind they are basically the same age. Because of this, it was difficult for Phoebe when Rose got to go to school a year earlier. Her relationship with her younger sisters is less close but she feels protective of them in her own way.
LIKES:Experimenting, science, rocks, bugs, potions
DISLIKES:Being stuck inside, boredom, dull or stupid people
GOALS: To one day invent something that will change the world
FEARS: Being irrelevant, being seen as unintelligent,
STRENGTHS:Phoebe has a very quick mind and can easily make connections between things and see solutions for problems. She's also friendly and social, using her wit to charm people if she likes them.
WEAKNESSES:Phoebe dismisses people she considers unintelligent and won't easily change her mind about it. She also thinks she's a good leader but in reality tends to be a bit selfish when put in that role.
MIRROR OF ERISE: Herself as a world famous inventor.
BOGGART: Failing at all subjects
AMORTENTIA: The ocean, pineapple and cotton candy


Name: William James Holland
Relation: Father
Age: 44 (2005)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Name: Claudia Rose Holland - Richardson (x)
Relation: Mother
Age: 41(2007)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: -
Name:Rose Elizabeth Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Age: 18
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Honeydukes Shop Assisstant

Former House: Gryffindor
Name: Diana Ivy Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Age: 16
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ
House: Slytherin
Name: Alice Claudia Holland (x)
Relation: Sister
Age: 14
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ
House: Hufflepuff
Name: Lucy Harriet Holland
Relation: Sister
Age: 0
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Baby

Name: Vincent Douglas Holland
Relation: Uncle
Age: 52 (1998)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation: French Ministry of Magic employee
Name: Camille Jeanine Holland - Richelieu
Relation: Aunt
Age: 49 (2000)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Astronomer
Name: Grace Laura Holland (x)
Relation: Cousin
Age: 22
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: HNZ Flying Professor















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before First Year
Sunshine, Lollipops and RainbowsWith Elizabeth ChatwinMākutu Mall
A Wonderful ShopWith Oswald BrighamNew Zealand

First Year


"Hogwarts was wonderful, though I do think they could improve the first year curriculum to be a little more advanced, there were hardly any challenges. Maybe a separate class for bright students? It could definitely help. I'm so glad I met Veronica and a few other people I really like. There's so much left to explore at school and I can't wait to go back!

Phoebe started her first year in her usual way, curious and eager to find out everything about Hogwarts. She met Veronica Willows on the train to school who turned out to be very similar to her, and the two quickly became good friends. Phoebe made more friends, but she didn't get along with everyone she met. Her tendency to dismiss people she considers less intelligent than her can make her enemies quite easily, as in the case of Tomas Wode. She also avoided her older sister for most of the year, though the two will have to interact during the holidays when they're both at home. Phoebe is eager to get started in her second year, and especially excited to finally brew a real potion.
Phoebe had been ready for Hogwarts for over a year now, and she was finally here. Because she and Rose were only a little less than a year apart, it was sometimes hard to forget they weren't twins like they used to pretend. Phoebe had been a little angry after Rose had left for school, but now it was getting harder and harder to remember why. She was here now and everything was as it should be. The school was beautiful, magical, and full of secrets. Phoebe knew she had seven years to figure them all out, but she wished she could get started right away. She had been close to stopping and chatting to several portraits on the way to the Great Hall, curious about their 'life', but had been reluctantly dragged along by the stream of students. It was alright, sorting was important too.

The Sorting Hat greatly interested her. She had learned about it from a letter from Rose and had tried to find out more about the weird object(person?), but she hadn't really managed to figure anything out. She was now focused on it as it sorted other students, so much so that she forgot to look for Rose's face in the crowd. How did it work? Could it really think on its own? Did that make it technically a person? Did it have rights? Would it be treated like a person if it committed a crime? Or, she supposed, if it got someone with a body to do it? Would it get a trial or would it just be destroyed? Did it sleep? Eat? Have memories? All these thoughts were crowding into her head as her name was called and she jumped. She had almost forgotten why she was here. As she walked to the stool, she finally did notice Rose. Her silly sister was now standing and waving with both arms to catch her attention. Phoebe couldn't help a small smile as she sat down and waited for the hat to be put on her head. She tried to focus on any of her earlier questions in the hope the hat might answer one or two, but her nerves and anticipation about hearing her future house was making it hard to focus. She closed her eyes, ready to hear what was in store for her.

"There are certainly limits to magic - even magic as powerful as me. I do what I was created to do, and I do it exceptionally well. I have the knowledge of the founders and can see who best embodies their values, but I am not them. Keep asking questions, though, in RAVENCLAW!"

Everything I NeedBuying her wandOllivander's Wand Shop
Three's a CrowdWith Veronica Willows and Tomas WodeNew Zealand Express
Tracking Important InformationWith Leila WaldenThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Great ThinkersWith Veronica Willows, Sophie Wilson, Elizabeth Chatwin and Henrietta HowardRavenclaw First Years Girls Dorm
Searching for SquidsWith Matt RosemaryThe Lakefront
Ready for the Real ThingWith Professor Monty PendletonProfessor Pendleton's Office
Snacks, Friends, and LaughterWith Rose Holland, Aurora Night, Harley Tsuji, and Hayley ElridgeNew Zealand
Becoming the Usual ThingWith Veronica Willows and Tomas WodeThe Library
Enjoying the ViewWith Rose Holland and Charlie AbberlineThe North Tower
A Rose For A Nice RavenReceiving a Rose
With Therese Rosenberg
Ravenclaw House Table
Phoebe's RoseReceiving a Rose
With Daisy Parker
The First Floor Corridor
Sword Fights and BanterWith Oswald BrighamThe Great Lawn

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsO
1st Year History of MagicO
1st Year CharmsO
1st Year TransfigurationE
1st Year AstronomyE
1st Year HerbologyO
1st Year FlyingA
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5.4 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 542
First Year Photos

Second Year


"Second year was alright, a little bit better than the first. I learned new things, but I still felt like the curriculum was a little simple. I made some friends, which was cool, but I hate that I got Veronica in trouble. Still, I think if we hadn't messed it up Professor Pendleton would have been proud of us. He only had to punish us because it went wrong. That won't happen next time."

Phoebe's second year was a lot like her first, she spent a lot of time exploring the castle and experimenting with different aspects of magic. She met a few people, and got in trouble twice in one year. One of those times was when she and her friend Veronica decided to brew a potion together before having a lesson about it, because Phoebe got overconfident and didn't follow directions very well, the potion failed. It spewed acid clouds, which Professor Pendleton saved them from. Still, getting in trouble for this hardly stopped Phoebe for wanting to try again, and maybe try even more reckless things in her next year.​

Enter in AnticipationWith Veronica Willows, Diana Holland and Rose HollandNew Zealand
A Little LumosWith Simon VanityRavenclaw Common Room
Seekers of ScienceWith Stella WrightRavenclaw Common Room
Shh, Don't TellWith Matt Rosemary, Elizabeth Chatwin, James Cade, and PodreyThe Kitchens
Scaly CinderellaHalloween Feast
With Oswald Brigham, Fleur van Houten, and Geovanna Volt
Great Hall
The Water's Coming in FastWith Veronica Willows, and Professor Monty PendletonThe Dungeons

Dragged to Shore
With Veronica Willows and Professor Justin CliffetonProfessor Cliffeton's Office
ExplosionsReceiving a Rose
With Geovanna Volt
The North Tower
Pride Event, 2045With Eleanor Hope, Rose Holland, Professor Monty Pendleton
And various others
Great Hall

Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsO
2nd Year History of MagicE
2nd Year CharmsO
2nd Year TransfigurationE
2nd Year AstronomyE
2nd Year HerbologyO
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Grade Point Average5.4 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 376
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"Third year was fine. I wish there were more electives to choose from, but Care of Magical Creatures is at least interesting. Diana being at school is a little annoying, but I've mostly managed to avoid her for now. Next year, I hope I can have an entire year without getting in some sort of trouble. I'll have to work on not getting caught.

Phoebe started off the year with an argument with one of her sister's friends, but aside from that mostly had a pleasant year. One negative thing that happened was the fact that she got caught in the forest with her friend Elizabeth Chatwin. The two served detention together, which Phoebe didn't mind too badly. She met a few new people and got along with most of them. Near the end of the year, Phoebe heard her mother was running for Minister and put up posters for her campaign in the Ravenclaw common room.​

Red and Blue FireWith Aurora NightThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Curiosity Leads to AdventureWith Elizabeth Chatwin and ~Professor Katherine AlicastellThe Forbidden Forest
Oh, It's YouWith Tomas WodeThe Library
Clean Up On Owl FourWith Elizabeth Chatwin and ~Professor Katherine AlicastellThe Owlery
Strange InterestsWith Oswald Brigham and Daphne DomminoThe Student Lounge
Boredom leads to thisWith Sara Benivieni, Margo Ellis and Daisy ParkerThe Lakefront
A New LookHalloween Feast
With Ainsley Lynch
Great Hall
I'll Be AlrightWith Patrick Vernier and Jacob KingsleyAbandoned Classroom
Illustrated ThoughtsWith Fleur van HoutenGryffindor House Table
Daddy issuesWith Jessica Cade, Geovanna Volt, Gwen Owens-Lee and Leila WaldenThe Seventh Floor Corridor
A Lovely Time TodayWith Rose Holland, Diana Holland, and Sara BenivieniThe Great Lawn
Red and White Stripes All OverReceiving a Candy Cane
With Maggy Harrington
The Courtyard
I am looking for Phoebe but she is just next to meReceiving a Candy Cane
With Alexis Sage Kramer
Ravenclaw House Table
All The WayYule Ball
With Simon Vanity and Alexis Sage Kramer
Great Hall
An Innocent NapWith Anastasie VernierThe Student Lounge
Eager to LearnWith Lily CliffetonFlourish and Blott's
A New FriendWith Rose Holland, Diana Holland, Alice Holland, and Aspen FayeEeylop's Owl Emporium
Under the SurfaceWith Kira WolfThe Lakefront
Y30 Duelling Match #4Duelling Tournament
With Stella Finch
The Duelling Chamber
Explosive FunWith Ruby Folsom Honeyduke's
Sweet ReunionWith Alice Holland and Elizabeth ChatwinBrightstone Village
Have You Heard the News?With Harley Tsuji, Phoebe Holland, Diana Holland, James Cade,
And various others
Gryffindor House Table
Vote HollandCampaign PosterRavenclaw Common Room

Third Year Marks
3rd Year PotionsO
3rd Year History of MagicE
3rd Year CharmsO
3rd Year TransfigurationE
3rd Year AstronomyE
3rd Year HerbologyE
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
3rd Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 369
Third Year Photos

Fourth Year


"I enjoyed my fourth year quite a bit, and I feel like we're finally getting to the good stuff in our lessons. The year started off in a confusing way when a girl kissed me at a party. It wasn't unpleasant, but kind of weird. It's nice to have Alice at school now too, though she mostly does her own thing. She probably has more friends than me already. I have her to thank for my new girlfriend, though I would never admit that to her. I'm still very happy about it."

Phoebe had been complaining about the simplicity of the Hogwarts curriculum since her first year, but now in her fourth year she was finally starting to feel a bit challenged by her lessons. She had a lot of fun with her friends in between learning, and tried to look out for her youngest sister whenever she saw her around the castle. Phoebe tried her best to stay out of the political stuff as much as possible, but it wasn't something she could entirely escape. This year, she got in her first romantic relationship with a girl in the year below her. Alice, working together with Charlie's younger sister Emily, set the two up at the yule ball. Phoebe really enjoys spending time with her girlfriend, and is eager to impress her. Near the end of the school year, the results of the elections were announced. Phoebe is proud of her mother, but a bit wary of the changes coming to their lives.


Absorbing KnowledgeWith Nymphea WellsFlourish and Blott's
Party HardWith Elt,
And various others
New Zealand
No!With Avaria LockwoodRavenclaw House Table
Full SetWith Rose Holland, Diana Holland, and Alice HollandGryffindor House Table
Irresistible RiskWith Perry WyattThe Forbidden Forest
inding YouYule Ball
With Alice Holland, Emily Madison, and Charlie Madison
Great Hall
Holland Jolly ChristmasWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Alice Holland, Rose Holland, and Diana HollandNew Zealand
Monsters Are CoolWith Lily CliffetonFlourish and Blott's
Watch Where You're Going!With Tomas WodeThe First Floor Corridor
Ravenclaw RoseReceiving a rose
With Jemma Potter
Ravenclaw House Table
You + Me = ChemistryValentine's Dance
With Charlie Madison
Great Hall
The Science of ScaleWith Stella WrightAbandoned Classroom
Y31 Dueling Match #9Duelling Tournament
With Stella Finch
The Duelling Chamber
Y31 Dueling Match #25Duelling Tournament
With Henrietta Howard
The Duelling Chamber
Y31 Dueling Match #9Duelling Tournament
With Gideon Zelinsky
The Duelling Chamber
Listening to the NewsWith Rose Holland, Bethany Zanders, Charlie Abberline,
And various others
The Student Lounge

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year PotionsO
4th Year History of MagicE
4th Year CharmsO
4th Year TransfigurationE
4th Year AstronomyE
4th Year HerbologyE
4th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
4th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5.3 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 292
Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"Fifth year was pretty awesome. Finally I got to take my OWLs and show off my knowledge. Sure, I didn't get perfect grades, but grades don't really say much. I learned a ton, and I bet I know more than my classmates that did get all O's on their report card. I'm still getting used to my mum being the minister, but it doesn't affect me too much either. I still do what I want, and I haven't been caught out of bounds yet."

Phoebe's fifth year was one the girl had looked forward to. The OWLs seemed to her like her first real challenge at Hogwarts, though she was disappointed by how repetitive some of the lessons were. She didn't want to revise what she had learned over the last years, she wanted to learn new things. But she did feel like the year had finally given her some material that was new to her and a bit more challenging, which she was happy about. Her relationship with Charlie became more serious during this year. Neither of them are quick to talk about feelings, but they did confess they loved each other near the end of the year. Phoebe is very happy about this, and hopes to have a long future with Charlie.

Gaze to the FutureWith Norton GillespieFlourish and Blott's
Stair after stairWith November AlbertsonThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Raindrops Hitting the WebWith Edmund WestwickRavenclaw Common Room
Real HorrorsHalloween Feast
With Charlie Madison
Great Hall
Owls, owls, owlsWith Leif OdegardThe Owlery
MatchedYule Ball
With Charlie Madison and Emily Madison
Great Hall
A Rose by the LakeReceiving a rose
With Selene Le Fey
The Lakefront
Rose For HollandReceiving a rose
With Signy Forstrom
Entrance Hall
A New LevelValentine's Dance
With Charlie Madison
Great Hall
Y32 Dueling Match #9Dueling Tournament
With Geovanna Volt
The Duelling Chamber
Y32 Duelling Match #20Dueling Tournament
With Alistair Lancaster
The Duelling Chamber

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year PotionsE
5th Year History of MagicE
5th Year CharmsO
5th Year TransfigurationE
5th Year AstronomyE
5th Year HerbologyE
5th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
5th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5.1 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 420
Fifth Year Photos


Sixth Year


"I'm glad to be in more advanced classes this year. Finally I'm learning things that are interesting me! There's so many students at school who are kind of annoying, but at least I can shut them up with a good spell if I have to. I'm happy that I still have Charlie, she's really awesome. It'll be sad to graduate next year with her still at school."

In Phoebe's sixth year, she had a relatively quiet year. She spoke to some new people and even challenged one to a duel, but didn't get herself into any trouble. Phoebe was happy to learn more advanced spells in her lessons, and looks forward to the sort of things she will learn in her NEWT year. She's sad to see Rose graduate at the end of this year, though, and knows it will be weird to go to Hogwarts next year without her. Phoebe is mostly pleased with how her sixth year went, but is also a bit annoyed at losing duelling to Alistair Lancaster yet again. She hopes to beat him next year, as that will be her last chance to win the tournament before her graduation.
Dinner TogetherWith Charlie Madison and Maria MadisonNew Zealand
One final year...With Cullen YeongThe North Tower
OverloadingWith Shane Ackley Abandoned Classroom
Blast and BoomWith Solomon TofilauThe Great Lawn
Common Room ChatterWith Stella WrightRavenclaw Common Room
For Research Purposes OnlyWith Francis RuisBrightstone Village
Got it right this timeReceiving a rose
With Zennon Baros
Ravenclaw House Table
Heta Omega Party 2049With Sara Benivieni and Alice HollandThe Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Y33 Dueling Match #13Duelling Tournament
With Nora Seville-Maxwell
The Duelling Chamber
Y33 Dueling Match #21Duelling Tournament
With Alistair Lancaster
The Duelling Chamber
A Worthy OpponentWith Alistair LancasterThe Student Lounge
LGBTQ+ Pride 2049With Charlie Madison,
And various others
Great Hall

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year PotionsE
6th Year History of MagicE
6th Year CharmsO
6th Year TransfigurationE
6th Year AstronomyE
6th Year HerbologyE
6th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
6th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
6th Year ApparitionA
Grade Point Average5 (E Average)
House points earned during year: 377
Sixth Year Photos


Seventh Year


"Finally, I got to learn the most advanced things Hogwarts had to offer. I liked my final year a lot, though I'll actually miss Hogwarts quite a bit. I'm sad I never beat Alistair in a duel, but maybe I can still do it. No one says you can't duel after Hogwarts, after all. I'm going to miss Charlie a lot."
Phoebe's final year began with an confrontation with the new Head Boy, Kauri Tipene. She went on to antagonize a few other people this year too, including prefects Viktor Styx and Leda Layton. During the holidays, a bit of drama happened in the family when her uncle Vincent turned up at a party uninvited. Being a year older than her girlfriend, Phoebe knew that this year would be their last year together for a while. They tried to spend as much time together as possible, but it still felt sad to graduate without her. But all in all, Phoebe enjoyed her final year a lot.

One More Makes FiveWith James Holland, Diana Holland, Alice Holland, Rose HollandNew Zealand
Conflict of InterestsWith Kauri TipeneThe Courtyard
Poking With a StickWith Viktor StyxRavenclaw Common Room
Y34 Heta Omega MeetingWith Nell Wright,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Hogwarts Monthly: Y34 Issue 1With Leda Layton, Alistair Lancaster,
And various others
Great Hall
To Look at the SunWith Stella WrightRavenclaw Common Room
Save a DanceYule Ball
With Charlie Madison
Great Hall
Holland Christmas PartyWith Claudia Holland, Charlie Madison,
And various others
New Zealand
Red Rose For Who NowReceiving a Rose
With Corey Edogawa
Ravenclaw House Table
Y34 Duelling Match #16Duelling Tournament
With Alistair Lancaster
The Duelling Chamber
Y34 Heta Omega Slumber PartyWith Nell Wright,
And various others
The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Alistair Lancaster, Leda Layton,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Out with a BangWith Alistair Lancaster, Tomas Wode, and Caro TaylorThe Cliffs
Seventh Year Marks
7th Year PotionsE
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year CharmsE
7th Year TransfigurationE
7th Year AstronomyE
7th Year HerbologyE
7th Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
7th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average5.1 (Between an E and O)
House points earned during year: 363
Seventh Year Photos
Phoebe wasn't surprised when Kauri gave a touching speech, but she was surprised that it actually touched her a bit. She was a little sad about graduation, though that had more to do with Charlie than with her classmates or the school itself. Her time at Hogwarts had been nice, even if she felt like she could have been challenged more with more interesting things to learn. Phoebe hoped to find that after school, though she wasn't really sure what she wanted to do yet. But she had time to figure all that out. The head girl's speech was next, and it was a lot shorter. Phoebe was glad, as she was impatient to get up there and get her diploma. Get the proof that she had worked hard and finished everything. Once her name was called, Phoebe got up with a grin on her face, heading towards the stage. She shamelessly waved at her parents before she turned to Professor Alicastell to accept her diploma. Once she was done, she returned to her seat with it. This did feel somewhat surreal, and a little sad too.
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LimitlessWith Isaac KainThe Apothecary
2050 NYE Party!With Geovanna Volt, Austin Branning,
And various others
New Zealand
New SpacesWith Charlie MadisonNew Zealand
Everyone at HomeWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Rose Holland, Diana Holland, Alice Holland, Charlie Madison,
And various others
New Zealand
Connecting PiecesWith Lucy HollandNew Zealand
All Ministry Staff MeetingWith Victoire Fontaine, Rupert Cresswell, Charlie Madison,
And various others
Conference Room
Unexpected NewsWith Claudia Holland, James Holland, Diana Holland, Alice Holland, Charlie Madison,
And various others
New Zealand
Curiosity Killed Something But It Wasn’t MeWith Jelle van ZijlThe Silver Snake
An AccordWith Edmund WestwickUnspeakable Offices
A Treasured MomentWith Elliot Briar, Alice Briar, Charlie MadisonNew Zealand


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