Lars David van Houten

Lars van Houten

🌻 Dutch | Shy | Painter | 2054 Grad 🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Blake)
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
2/2036 (26)
Lars David van Houten


Creativity takes courage.

NAME:Lars David van Houten
🌻 Lars: From the Roman cognomen Laurentius, which meant "from Laurentum". Laurentum was a city in ancient Italy, its name probably deriving from Latin laurus "laurel".
🌻 David: From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawid), which was derived from Hebrew דּוֹד (dod) meaning "beloved" or "uncle".
🌻 van Houten: Means "from wood", derived from Dutch hout "wood".
HOMETOWN: Roosendaal, the Netherlands
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: February 26 2036
SEXUALITY: Homosexual

ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces. Being a Pisces born on February 26th, your personality is defined by an intuitive, selfless and imaginative nature. You have the innate ability to sense the emotions of those around you. There have been numerous times that you simply "know" how someone is feeling, regardless if they attempt to hide their inner workings. You use your emotional understanding to be a supportive and compassionate friend. Your loved ones would be the first to admit your selfless nature, as there have been many times when you made sacrifices for their well being. In all matters of life you display an active and creative imagination, which you use to find the best in people and situations.
ELEMENT:Water. Your sign's paired element is water and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable relationship with the element. Your special connection with water allows you to be as fluid and adaptable as free-flowing water. This fact explains for your gifts as a communicator. As is the case with all water signs, you are at ease in the deep, mysterious oceans of emotion. When you experience strong waves of emotion, you gain emotional understanding that turns into compassion. As you embrace water's positive qualities your emotional depth will grow. Be weary of water's negative influences however, which include periods of moodiness or overly emotional states.
PLANET: Neptune. Neptune is the planetary ruler of the Pisces and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Neptune actually have twice the influence over your personality. Being the planet of refinement, Neptune's influence can be reflected in your sensitivity, compassion and vision. Your unique planetary influences makes you the most romantic of all the Pisces Decans. At times, you retreat into a world of romantic fantasy, where beauty, love and poetry can be the focus. While this quality allows you to love with great openness, it can become detrimental if you become too vulnerable to others. You will always be the first person to lend a helping hand or supportive ear, but you may run the risk of troubling yourself too heavily with the burdens of others. Remember to take time to address your own emotional and personal needs. In love, find a partner that shares in your value of honesty and romanticism, as this will bring you the most satisfaction and happiness.

EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
LEAST FAVORITE CLASS: Defence Against the Dark Arts
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Wild Patch Club, Ravenclaw Keeper (+Co-Captain)
WAND: Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Wood: Almond is widely known as the tree of life as it is the first tree to bloom in Spring
Core: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.


PLAY BY: Alexander Arnold
HAIR: Auburn and straight, just covers his ears.
EYES: Brown.
BUILD: Tall and lanky
STYLE: Lars tends to wear clothes he likes, whether they look good together or not. Because he's so tall, they often tend to be too short for him, showing ankles and wrists when they're not supposed to. Lars often wears a lot of layers, and favors the color yellow. He almost never wears matching socks, and does this on purpose.
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Lars gets some freckles in the sun, though not nearly as many as his older sister.

PERSONALITY: Lars is a quiet and creative boy. He has always loved to draw, but he enjoys painting most of all. He prefers to paint landscapes and details of nature. His favorite flowers are sunflowers, and he always enjoys painting them. Lars looks up to his older sister Fleur, but doesn't usually agree with her on what to do in their free time. Fleur tries to get him to play Quidditch with her or run around, while he would prefer to do his own thing. Lars is not very social, and is kind of awkward in social situations. . He tends to speak his mind and put things into words that others wouldn't, stating things bluntly when they should be said with more care. He's never had too many friends, partly because of his shy nature and general awkwardness.He's not a confrontational person, though, so this can be difficult for him. Lars tends to avoid his problems until he can't anymore, distracting himself with anything he can think of until he absolutely has to face his problems. Sometimes this can be schoolwork he finds hard to complete. He tends to procrastinate it to the point where its nearly impossible to finish it in time, and then he finally does it with just enough time to spare. When Lars has to face things he finds difficult, it's almost certain you will find him painting somewhere on his own to distract himself from the problem for a while.


Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

Idealistic 🌻 Seek and Value Harmony 🌻 Open-Minded and Flexible 🌻 Very Creative 🌻 Passionate and Energetic 🌻 Dedicated and Hard-Working

Too Idealistic 🌻 Too Altruistic 🌻 Impractical 🌻 Dislike Dealing With Data 🌻 Take Things Personally 🌻 Difficult to Get to Know


HISTORY: From a young age, Lars grew up with an artistic influence in his mother, who works as an illustrator for children's books. Lars shared her passion for drawing and creating art, and would often be found 'assisting' her in her studio. The family lives on a farm, where Lars' father works as a farmer tends to the land. Everyone is has their tasks to help out around the farm, but Lars would much rather daydream in a haystack then shovel manure. He still mostly does as he's told, but tends to sneak away to do his own thing whenever he can get away with it. Besides his older sister, Lars has two younger twin sisters. Being the middle child, he's often a bit overlooked, but Lars doesn't really mind as he prefers minding his own business and doing his own thing. Sometimes he feels a bit overwhelmed when his siblings are around, needing some time by himself. His mother understands this more than his father does, and he's a little closer to he because of it.
LIKES: Being outside, painting, drawing, flowers, reading
DISLIKES: Big groups of people, being confined inside, chores
GOALS: Lars wants to be an artist
FEARS: He's worried he'll never be able to make friends on his own without his sister's help, or be truly independent.
STRENGTHS: Creative, smart, kind, caring
WEAKNESSES: Shy, nervous, speaks without thinking
MIRROR OF ERISED: Himself successful with his art


Name: Mark Adam van Houten
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Farmer
Name: Julia Maria van Houten - Bergen
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation: Illustrator
Name: Fleur Marita van Houten
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Dragonologist
Former House: Gryffindor
Name: Iris Julia van Houten
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Shop assistant
Former House: Ravenclaw
Name: Emma Ilse van Houten
Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Party Planner
Former House: Gryffindor
















Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before First Year
First Steps in a New PlaceWith Luna BlanchardBrightstone Village

First Year


"I was a little nervous before my first year at Hogwarts, but it was mostly okay. I liked seeing all the places Fleur described, and enjoyed spending time out on the grounds. I met a few very nice people, and actually made a few friends. The school was a bit confusing at first, but I got used to it. Unfortunately, there were less nice kids around too. I hope I can avoid them as much as possible."

Lars wasn't surprised to be in a different house than his sister, and quite enjoyed Ravenclaw once he got more used to it. He made a few friends during the year, and enjoyed his time at Hogwarts. He spent much of his free time painting, which got him in some trouble when it caused an argument between him and Blake Irons. The boy accidentally ruined one of Lars' paintings, and didn't seem to think it was a big deal. The boys had another confrontation later in the year, where Blake and his friend Tyler bullied Lars and his friend Elliot. Lars hopes to avoid the Slytherin boys in the future. For the most part, he enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts a lot.

Lars had heard things about Hogwarts from Fleur, but now that he was actually here he realized how little justice her words had done the castle and its atmosphere. It had been amazing to view it from a distance, and Lars was already planning to head out to the grounds as soon as he could to sketch the beautiful building. He wondered how many people would react weirdly if he put up an easel and started to paint outside, but he figured a few odd looks were worth it. He was pretty used to getting odd looks anyway.

Lars followed the other first years in the great hall, looking around with wide eyes. He hoped he didn't stand out too much in the group, though he was pretty tall for his age. He had grown a lot over the summer, which meant his arms and legs now felt too long and awkward sometimes, which was really strange. Nervously, Lars scratched his nose as he glanced around. He spotted Fleur at the Gryffindor table, as she wasn't easy to miss with her red hair. He was glad his own hair was more of an auburn. Not because the red was ugly, but it did stand out a lot. He smiled when he noticed his sister waving at him, and raised his hand to wave back, only to change his mind halfway through. Others would be able to see him, and they might think that was weird. He tried to disguise the motion by fidgeting with his sleeve, but he was sure he looked odd. He probably would have looked less weird if he had simply waved. His ears felt hot as he looked at the floor, listening to the hat's song without looking up. Soon after, students were being called. He looked up now to see the students make their way to the hat to get sorted. He was glad Fleur had told him about this process, though it did seem strange to him. When it was his turn, his stomach dropped. He took a deep breath before walking over to the stool and sitting down. Before the hat was placed on his head, the boy closed his eyes to block out the crowd. A part of him hoped he would be with his sister, but there was another part of him that wasn't so sure if he wanted that. Fleur was very protective of him, and it could be stifling. Besides, he didn't think he was much of a Gryffindor based on everything he had heard about the house.


Different from a PaintbrushBuying his wand
Ollivander's Wand Shop
Ink-Stained PagesWith Lily CliffetonFlourish and Blott's
The Uncertain Colors of The FutureWith Mordred Cavanaugh and Sophie Elliston New Zealand Express
Up near the Starry SkyWith Etienne de VilliersRavenclaw First Years Boys Dorm
Eyes Wide with WonderWith *Professor Monty PendletonEntrance Hall
On a MissionWith Peregrine WhiteThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Paint with PurposeWith Elliot Briar and Isla ZephyrConglomerated Arts Room
Sisterly SetupWith Fleur van Houten, Stella Wright, and Nell WrightThe Student Lounge
HeadfirstWith Blake IronsThe Lakefront
Colors in BloomWith Sierra WoodlockThe Hogwarts Garden
Another Yellow RoseReceiving a Rose
With Sam Mackintosh
The North Tower
Repeated MistakesWith Elliot Briar, Blake Irons and Tyler LeeThe Great Lawn

First Year Marks
1st Year PotionsA
1st Year History of MagicA
1st Year CharmsA
1st Year TransfigurationA
1st Year AstronomyA
1st Year HerbologyE
1st Year FlyingA
1st Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.1 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 184
First Year Photos

Second Year


"My second year was alright. I managed to paint more and make a few more friends... and talk more to my old friends. I like that I talked to Elliot a lot, but I wonder if I talk to him too much. I don't want to annoy him. I've also not been entirely successful in avoiding Blake and Tyler. I don't know why they always bother me."

Lars' second year was a lot like his first. He mostly stayed by himself, doing his own thing. He had a few friends he enjoyed hanging out with and saw a bit more of them over the year. He grew a lot closer to Elliot Briar in his second year, developing a crush on the other boy. By the end of the year, he was completely infatuated with him and had trouble focusing on anything else. But Lars didn't quite know if he should be open about liking boys, let alone about liking one of his best friends. On top of that, things with Tyler and Blake got worse. He ended his second year feeling very uncertain about himself.
SearchingWith Sierra WoodlockThe Second Floor Corridor
In The Safety of ColorsWith Amy JewelConglomerated Arts Room
Things Changing, Things Staying the SameWith Elliot BriarThe Courtyard
Ups and DownsWith Elliot Briar and Blake IronsThe Great Lawn
Quiet MomentsWith Lily LockwoodThe North Tower
Flowers Flowering GaloreWith Aonghas Fergusson and Selene Le FeyThe Wild Patch
First DanceYule Ball
With Elliot Briar, Ren Lockwood, and Lily Lockwood
Great Hall
A Small Piece of HomeWith Elliot BriarThe Courtyard
Baby FleurReceiving a rose
With Leda Layton
Ravenclaw House Table
For a FriendReceiving a rose
With Elliot Briar
The Courtyard
On the huntWith Sierra WoodlockThe Hogwarts Garden
Put To The TestWith Blake Irons and Tyler LeeThe Third Floor Corridor
LGBTQ+ Pride 2049With Professor Monty Pendleton and ~Professor Kahurangi JosephsGreat Hall

Second Year Marks
2nd Year PotionsA
2nd Year History of MagicA
2nd Year CharmsA
2nd Year TransfigurationA
2nd Year AstronomyA
2nd Year HerbologyE
2nd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
Grade Point Average4.1 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 163
Second Year Photos

Third Year


"I liked my third year at Hogwarts a lot. Mostly because fo Elliot... but other things were good too. I feel less scared ont he Quidditch Pitch, and I feel like I actually have some friends. It was also fun to have Iris and Emma at Hogwarts too, especially with Iris in Ravenclaw as well. I enjoyed this year, and I hope next year will be just as good. I'm glad I have Elliot, he helps me a lot."

Near the start of the third year, Lars and Elliot kissed outside in the rain. They started dating soon after, which Lars was extremely happy about. He spent most of his time with the Hufflepuff boy, getting to know his good friend Lily Lockwood as well. Lars stepped a bit more out of his comfort zone this year, participating more in activities. He signed up for rose deliveries this year, something he really enjoyed doing despite how nervous it made him. He also went to a Ravenclaw study event near the end of the year, meeting a few of his housemates there. Lars is slowly opening up, and hopes to make a few more friends in the coming years.
Quiet ViewsWith The Blue Lady and Poppy PerkinsThe Fifth Floor Corridor
DownpourWith Elliot BriarThe Hogwarts Garden
Bursts of FeelingsWith Sophie EllistonConglomerated Arts Room
RaincheckWith Elliot BriarThe Courtyard
Pick Flowers and Put them Together - WPC EventWith Norton Gillespie, Elliot Briar, Poppy Perkins
And various others
The Wild Patch
Post-Match MomentWith Elliot BriarThe Quidditch Pitch
The Thought that CountsYule Ball
With Elliot Briar
Great Hall
Like ConstellationsWith Elliot BriarConglomerated Arts Room
Next StepRose Delivery
With Thomas Jusantrea
Gryffindor House Table
Flourishing FlowerRose Delivery
With Adorah Zumwalt
Ravenclaw Common Room
Simple DeliveryRose Delivery
With Nell Wright
Ravenclaw Common Room
Two Roses and a KissRose Delivery
With Elliot Briar
The Seventh Floor Corridor
Friendly FaceRose Delivery
With Norton Gillespie
Entrance Hall
Intimidating RosesRose Delivery
With Jenna Toubia
The Dungeons
Sweet GesturesRose Delivery
With Tres Bear II
Slytherin House Table
Rose Like a PaintingReceiving a Rose
With Wendall Layton
The Student Lounge
Impatient Rose?Receiving a Rose
With Zennon Baros
The Third Floor Corridor
For a FriendReceiving a Rose
With Poppy Perkins
Ravenclaw Common Room
Hold On to MeWith Lily Lockwood and Elliot BriarThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Planting A Wiggentree - SDA & WPCWith Norton Gillespie, Alistair Lancaster
And various others
The Wild Patch
Ravenclaw Group Study Y34With ~Professor Kahurangi Josephs
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room

Third Year Marks
3rd Year Ancient RunesA
3rd Year Muggle StudiesA
3rd Year PotionsA
3rd Year Defence Against the Dark ArtsA
3rd Year History of MagicA
3rd Year CharmsA
3rd Year AstronomyA
3rd Year HerbologyA
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 165

Third Year Photos


Fourth Year


"My fourth year was not that great. Elliot broke up with me, and it turned out he never truly liked me at all. It really hurt, and I lost more than just him, as I lost Lily as a friend too. I know that was my own choice, but its too difficult to be friends with someone so close to him. I hope next year I can avoid them both for a while."
At first, Lars' fourth year started pretty well. He grew closer to Lily through Elliot, and spent much time with both Hufflepuffs. He also grew a bit closer to a few people in his own house, and continued playing as an alternate on the Quidditch team. But at the yule ball, Elliot broke up with Lars, something that ruined the rest of his school year a bit. Sensitive as he is, Lars spent most of his time after that processing the breakup and working through it. He is still very hurt, but hopes the break before fifth year will help him make peace with it.

The Changing of the SeasonsWith Elliot Briar, Lillian Lockwood, Nell Wright, and Clifton WardNew Zealand
Hitting the RoadWith Elliot Briar and Katy MillerNew Zealand Express
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y35/S1With ~Professor Kahurangi Josephs,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
Winter GardensWith Selene Le FeyThe Hogwarts Garden
To Tell You The TruthWith Lillian Lockwood and Ren LockwoodThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Longing for SomethingWith Minnie CalidaRavenclaw Common Room
It's a Biscuit ThingWith Clara McCarthyRavenclaw Common Room
Ya'll Still Deserve a Gold StarWith Alexis Kramer, Joshua Toubia, Chloe Chan, Minnie Calida and Simon VanityRavenclaw Common Room
Sunshine WarmthWith Elliot BriarConglomerated Arts Room
Gardens in the SpringWith Mhairi Olaf,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Us and the StarsWith Elliot BriarThe Courtyard
Sorry RoseReceiving a Rose
With Paige Thompson
The Sixth Floor Corridor
Yellow Rose for a Blue BirdReceiving a Rose
With Edward Elric
The Quidditch Pitch
Gnomes; Begone!!With Mhiari Olaf,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Loves Me NotWith Avaria LockwoodThe North Tower
I Still Love YouWith Lily LockwoodThe North Tower
Y35 Pride EventWith Elio Zeyphyr, Avaria Lockwood,
And various others
Great Hall
Throw it AwayWith Avaria LockwoodThe North Tower

Fourth Year Marks
4th Year Muggle StudiesA
4th Year PotionsA
4th Year History of MagicA
4th Year CharmsA
4th Year AstronomyA
4th Year HerbologyA
Grade Point Average4 (A Average)
House points earned during year: 122

Fourth Year Photos
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Fifth Year


"After my fourth year, things were looking up for the fifth. Though I was very alarmed to get both a prefect's badge and a quidditch captain badge at the start of the year. The tasks were intimidating, but I managed not to do horribly at them yet. I'm glad I have Minnie's support in Quidditch, she's really great. I'm glad things between me and Elliot are slowly getting better. Things between me and Blake are... weird. A year ago I wouldn't have imagined I'd feel so much sympathy for the guy, though I wouldn't say we're friends or anything."

When Lars was asked for two prominent positions at Hogwarts at once, he panicked a little. He didn't think he was the sort of person who would be a good prefect or a good captain. But with help of others, he managed to do alright. His friendship with Elliot had been ruined by their breakup, but after Lars finally managed to confront him about how things had gone, the two could start healing. He also managed to grow close to Lily again around the same time. Near the end of the year, Lars had a talk with Blake that revealed a lot of surprises about the other boy. He wants to help Blake, but hasn't quite forgotten their past either. He isn't sure if he can trust the Slytherin, even if he feels himself drawn to him sometimes.

First Strategy MeetingWith Minnie CalidaLeaky Cauldron
TrainwreckedWith Blake IronsNew Zealand Express
Back at the BeginningWith Sophie EllistonRavenclaw House Table
Y36 Prefects MeetingWith Analei Louw, Zennon Baros, Elliot Briar,
And various others
Prefects Common Room
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y36/S1With ~Professor Kahurangi Josephs, Iris van Houten, Selene Le Fey,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
CollidedWith Elliot Briar and Blake IronsThe Hospital Wing
Out of SightWith Lillian LockwoodThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Out of MindWith Elliot BriarThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Spin the Bottle Y36With Solomon Tofilau, Lysander Summers, Emma van Houten,
And various others
Abandoned Classroom
Making Time For FunHalloween Feast
With Minnie Calida and Noel Waldgrave
Great Hall
WPC Y36 S1 Event - The Great Bee House SwarmingWith Elliot Briar, William Kaimarama, Selene Le Fey,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Losses and Hot ChocolatesWith Minnie Calida, Arinna Desai, Emily Underwood, Ajaccio Skey,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
Create your own Christmas BaublesWith Emily Underwood, Lumio Skey,
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
Soft BreadWith Lillian LockwoodThe Kitchens
Slowing DownWith Blake IronsThe Lakefront
Seeking a Familiar FaceWith Ryan FiskThe Fifth Floor Corridor
Victory!With Minnie Calida, Ajaccio Skey, Adorah Zumwalt,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
Yellow for a FellowReceiving a Rose
With Ruben Right
The Fourth Floor Corridor
An Excuse to TalkReceiving a Rose
With Elliot Briar
Prefects Common Room
Ravenclaw's PrideReceiving a Rose
With Rosemarie Chatwin
The Quidditch Pitch
The Second EncounterReceiving a Rose
With Adorah Zumwalt
Ravenclaw Common Room
You Get a Yellow Rose TooReceiving a Rose
With Apollo Bixby
Ravenclaw House Table
Hurricane ThunderclapWith Blake IronsThe Hospital Wing
An Acre Before UsValentine's Dance
With Blake Irons
Great Hall
Don't Know Where To Begin With Blake IronsEntrance Hall
Unlock the Lock Inside of Me With Blake IronsThe Cliffs

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year Muggle StudiesA
5th Year PotionsA
5th Year History of MagicO
5th Year CharmsA
5th Year HerbologyP
Grade Point Average4.2 (Between an A and E)
House points earned during year: 150

Fifth Year Photos

Sixth Year


"My sixth year was a wild ride. I still have a hard time believing all the things with Blake just happened in one year. But it did, and I'm so happy we're together now. I know it wasn't always easy, and I also know it won't necessarily be easy moving forward, but I believe things will work out. I just hope Elliot and Nell will come around and be nice to him, he has changed a lot and I hope they can see it. I still can't quite believe next year will be my final year. I hope we'll do a bit better in Quidditch."

Lars' sixth year mainly revolved around Blake, as the two started dating in secret and kept it a secret for most of the year. Lars felt very conflicted about Blake at first, but soon grew closer to him until they fell in love. It wasn't always easy for Lars to have to hide their relationship, but he knew it was for Blake's safety. Still, he was incredibly happy when Blake openly kissed him in front of the entire school at the end of the final Quidditch match. Lars also grew a bit closer to some of his classmates, spending more time with Lily and Selene outside of classes. He isn't quite ready for his final year, but knows he doesn't really have a choice. He just hopes it can be a good year, and is looking forward to spending the break with Blake, as he'll be staying with his family now.

Drops of PaintWith Avaria LockwoodConglomerated Arts Room
The One That Set Me FreeWith Blake IronsAbandoned Classroom
Puzzled ConcernWith Lillian LockwoodThe Fourth Floor Corridor
Y37 Prefects MeetingWith Alice Holland, Vader Hume, Selene Le Fey,
And various others
Prefects Common Room
HidingWith Nell WrightRavenclaw Sixth Years Boys Dorm
Out of Sync but in TimeWith Selene Le FeyThe Second Floor Corridor
Navigating ResponsibilitiesWith Elliot Briar, Blake Irons, and Sierra WoodlockThe Student Lounge
BuggingHalloween Feast
With Selene Le Fey
Great Hall
Hiding From Everything but YouWith Blake IronsAbandoned Classroom
WPC Meeting Y37/S1 - Foraged FeastWith William Kaimarama, Elliot Briar,
And various others

The Wild Patch
Christmas Cards and Yule Ball invitationsWith Emily Underwood,
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
Ravenclaw Trivia Night Y37/S2With ~Professor Kahurangi Josephs, Juniper Zumwalt,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
The Life I Had In MindWith Blake IronsAbandoned Classroom
Painting With StarlightWith Poppy PerkinsThe Great Lawn
Wild Patch Meeting Y37/S2 - Chomping CabbagesWith William Kaimarama, Elliot Briar, Nell Wright,
And various others
The Wild Patch
False ImpressionsWith Connor Holland and Blake IronsThe Wild Patch
CAC Y37 S2 - Learning our wayWith Emily Underwood,
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
The StandsWith Blake Irons,
And various others
The Stands
Finally Opening UpWith Lillian LockwoodThe North Tower
His Past, Your FutureWith Elliot BriarRavenclaw House Table

Sixth Year Photos

Seventh Year


"My final year at Hogwarts was nice. It definitely wasn't the most eventful year I had, but I think I'm happy about that. I got to spend plenty of time with my friends and managed to at least pass my classes. I also was very happy not to be made Head Boy, I'm glad Elliot got the title instead. He deserved it, and it also meant I didn't have to do a speech. I'm kind of nervous about what the future will bring, but I'm excited too."

Lars spent much of his final year with Blake, as the two were now openly dating. Lars continued as a prefect and co-captain of the Ravenclaw time, still not really enjoying either position all that much. He was always happy when he didn't have to be centre of attention. Lars enjoyed simply spending time with Blake and his other friends this year, though he also had a lot of anxiety about the future. Lars wants to try pursuing his art, though he's aware it's not the most stable career. He knows he'll miss Hogwarts a lot, but also has hope for a nice future with Blake by his side.

Starting the Journey TogetherWith Blake IronsNew Zeeland Express
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y38/S1With ~Professor Kahurangi Josephs,
And various others
Ravenclaw Common Room
Forever FriendsWith Lillian LockwoodThe Seventh Floor Corridor
Prefects meeting 2053With Elliot Briar, Selene Le Fey, Nicole Fisk,
and various others
Prefects Common Room
WPC Meeting Y38/S1 - Hordes of HorklumpsWith Elliot Briar,
And various others
The Wild Patch
CAC Y38 S1 - Making MemoriesWith Emily Underwood, Juniper Zumwalt
And various others
Conglomerated Arts Room
This One's MineYule Ball
With Blake Irons
Great Hall
Painting Our FutureWith Blake IronsAbandoned Classroom
Picturesque PetalsReceiving a Rose
With Elliot Briar
Conglomerated Arts Room
Red Red RoseReceiving a Rose
With Ana Sofia Burleigh
The North Tower
Precious CargoReceiving a Rose
With Delilah Thorne
Ravenclaw Common Room
The Best Rose of AllReceiving a Rose
With Charlie Helkovaara
The First Floor Corridor
Friendly RosesReceiving a Rose
With Chloe Lee
Ravenclaw Common Room
Yellow for Lars Van HoutenReceiving a Rose
With Knox Ivers
Ravenclaw House Table
Mending What Is BrokenWith Nell WrightRavenclaw Common Room
An Evening to RememberValentine's Dance
With Blake Irons
Great Hall
Bent and BrokenWith Blake Irons and Minnie CalidaThe Hospital Wing
Meet the Smallest Raven Y38/S2With ~Professor Kahurangi JosephsRavenclaw Common Room
WPC Meeting Y38/S2 - WeatherproofingWith Elliot Briar,
And various others
The Wild Patch
Y38 End Of Year Feast!With Professor Katherine Alicsatell, Sawyer Carnahan,
And various others
Great Hall
Not the Last GoodbyeElliot Briar,Lillian Lockwood and Katy MillerGreat Hall

Seventh Year Photos

Lars was glad for Blake's steady support besides him, as everything about today felt like a dream. He had been thrilled to see Fleur again, as she had come to support him at graduation. It was sweet of Blake to invite her so Lars could invite his other two sisters. He knew it had to be rough for Blake that none of his family was here today, and he squeezed Blake's hand slightly. He knew he had to be support for him as well.

The headmistress started the ceremony off with a quick speech. Then it was time for Elliot to give his big head boy speech. He did very well, and Lars couldn't help smiling proudly. He knew how hard this had to be for him. Selene did well too, and Lars clapped for them both. Then, the names were called. Lars would be up before Blake, and he reluctantly let go of Blake's hand when his name was called. With a shaky sigh, he made his way to the headmistress to accept the diploma from her. He was glad when he could return to his seat.
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