Y39 Club Fair

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Club NameLeader(s)
Accio!Ajaccio Skey
The Brotherhood of MagicNoel Waldgrave & Simon Thorne
Heta OmegaSamantha Jacobs
Wild Patch ClubLysander Summers
Student Defence AssociationSydney Townsend & Juniper Zumwalt
Hogwarts MonthlyPoppy Perkins
Conglomerated Arts ClubKiara Wood & Casper Beckett

Landon hadn’t set up for a club fair for a while, and so he thought now would be a great opportunity to do so. It had been fun last time and he enjoyed preparing the Courtyard for the event and getting some input in the decorations. The man had set up just the right amount of tables for each club, putting a plain white table cloth over each one so the students could decorate their table exactly however they wanted to. A large banner read “Welcome to the Y39 Club Fair!” in big and bold letters. Landon decorated it with some brightly coloured sunflowers to help it stand out a bit more, and some black and white polka-dots as a fun addition. He then stood back and admired his work, waiting eagerly for the students to arrive. He hoped that they were just as excited as he was, and he was interested in seeing where the new first years would go. He stood with a bright smile on his face, thinking just how well the new school year was kicking off.
Poppy had made sure to arrive to the electives fair extra early to make sure she had plenty of time to set up. She had been so nervous at the end of last year and over the break about taking over as the Hogwarts Monthly editor but now that it was time to really step up and take on the responsibility she was oddly calm. She could only try her best and hope it all worked out. Poppy carefully set out past issues of the paper for the new students to look at and see what the club was all about. She also did a bit of decorating and hug up a hand drawn banner in front of the table that she had spent a considerable amount of time on. When it was all done she stood behind the table and drummed her fingers restlessly on the surface before reaching out and adjusting the sign up sheet one last time.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ mention Poppy if you wish to join the Hogwarts Monthly!
As much as she didn't want to, Giulia knew she needed to find ways to practice her English. She was hardly going to be able to do well in school if she couldn't even understand half the lessons. So having heard there was a school newspaper, her interest had been piqued at once. What better way to practice English than throwing herself in the deep end, with someone whose whole job it was to correct her? She practiced the sentence mentally as she approached the table, speaking quickly and clearly once she reached the girl taking signups for the newspaper. "Hello, I would like to join the team of the newspaper." She said confidently, hoping there wouldn't be any followup questions. Those, she hadn't practiced for.
@Poppy Perkins
Simon felt a bit bittersweet about setting up for the electives fair. He was some how relieved and disappointed that this would be the last time he would have to do this. Some how this is what made the reality that he was a seventh year solidify in his mind. He felt his stomach drop at the prospect of where he might end up at the end of the year and hesitated with a photo from the lake party last year still in his hand. Quickly he shook his head and got back to the task at hand. There would be time to wallow later. Simon spent the last few moments before student began to arrive by adding the finishing touches on the Brotherhood table. The banner hang in front with the club name and on display where photos from past events as well as a couple bowls of sweets to entice students to see what the club was all about. He fiddled with some of the photos making sure they were just right before looking to Noel. "Does this look alright?" he asked. "I think it needs the Head Boy's approval." he teased lightly with a grin. He hadn't been surprised when he found out Noel had earned the title. If anything it made perfect sense. @Noel Waldgrave

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ mention Simon Thorne or Noel Waldgrave if you wish to join the Brotherhood of Magic!
Manaia hadn't joined any clubs in his first year at Hogwarts, wanting to get the lay of the land before he committed to anything. There were a lot of options that seemed pretty cool, but he wanted to start off small and there was only one obvious option. Approaching the table, he grinned at the sight of the older boys staffing it. "Hey, can I join your club?" He asked with a cheerful grin, hoping there wasn't some kind of entry quiz or something. That would suck.
@Simon Thorne @Noel Waldgrave
Sydney had been beyond thrilled to be free of Tyler, all set to run the SDA how she'd wanted to from the start. But as she'd looked forward to leaving the club after this year, she'd realized she'd have to leave it in someone's hands, and it'd be better to do so being sure that person had been given enough pointers from her to do it correctly. At least she had faith that Juniper was competent. She'd certainly proven herself on the duelling stage at least Sydney thought with a smirk.

She settled at the SDA's table, their understated club banner and trophies set up along with it. Sydney didn't think the club needed to be flashy to appeal to new members, though Juniper had won her over with the idea of giving out enchanted badges this year. Juniper had been keen to design them but Sydney was more interested in working on an enchantment that would cause the badges to flash when it was time for a club meeting. Content, Sydney slide the sign-up sheet onto the table and lent back, observing the bustle of the club fair and doing her best to pointedly ignore where she could see Lysander making a fool of himself over at the Wild Patch table.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Sydney Townsend or Juniper Zumwalt with any questions or if you'd like to sign up for the Student Defense Association!
It had surprised Samantha that she had been chosen as this year's President of Heta Omega. But she was glad for the opportunity and wanted to make the most of it during her last year of Hogwarts. The girl had made sure to be a bit early so she could prepare the club's stall. Samantha had brought some cupcakes and cookies, as well as the banner being hung and displayed behind her. She also placed some photos around the table of past events the club had done, as well as placing the sign-up sheet at the front of the table so that it was an easy reach for students to sign up. Happy with the progress and layout of the stall, the girl smiled to herself, as she began to people watch and also give an inviting smile to those who walked past, hoping that it would somewhat invite students over.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Samantha Jacobs if you have any questions or want to sign up for Heta Omega!
Casper arrived to the club fair a few minutes late, covered in glitter. He knew he was sparkling. He carried the poster for their booth, following after Kiara quickly. Once they were set up, with their freshly made sign, Casper settled into his chair and sighed, looking around before glancing to Kiara. "So. Think anyone will sign up this year?" He asked her.

Out of Character: Please @ Casper Beckett or @ Kiara Wood if you have any questions or want to sign up for the Conglomerated Arts Club!
Kiara still couldn't believe that she was the Queen of Arts, her roommate Poppy was a leader of Hogwarts Monthly and Juniper was the leader of SDA. What a cool roommates they were now! But Kiara and Casper had to get ready the club fair. Kia lightly winked at Cas before putting out the name tags that they had made for club fairs. They had decided to write down everyone who signed up names on the name tags and give it to them, and Kiara thought that it was an absolutely good idea. And even tho she wanted to look simply, when she understood that Cas was all covered in glitters, she did the same, so it looked like it was their look for the club fair. "Of course, they will! Why wouldn't they?" she lightly giggled while trying to organize the name tags.
Noel was excited for the club fair. He and Simon worked together along side eachother for the brotherhood and so far to Noel's taste that was going fine. Now he was named headboy also, he had more responsibilities so it was nice to not have to do things all by himself for the brotherhood. He entered the great hall and made it's way to where Simon was already standing. And helped with the last finishing touches on their booth. He than smiled to Simon. '' Headboy approves.'' He than said with an grin back. And he went standing alongside Simon to see which new students would want to join their club. He looked around to the other club leaders and waved to Samantha, as he noticed her becoming the heta omega leader.
@Simon Thorne @Samantha Jacobs
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Lysander had helped out with the Club Fair before, but this was his first time hosting something himself and honestly, he was excited. The boy spent a lot of time setting up his stall, while dressed in an obnoxiously regal costume, with a long flowing cloak of multi-coloured flowers, and a flowering crown to match. He was the king, and he wanted to express that as best he could, so he'd managed to wrangle an outfit made to match his title. He didn't want to admit it, but Juniper was great with making clothes, so he'd had to go out of his way to get her to create one without knowing who it was being made for.

Very little of the white cloth that Carter had provided for his stall could be seen, buried beneath twisting vines and an array of potted plants that lined the top of the table, and the floor around it. There were your regular herbs and flowers, as well as an assortment of honking daffodils, flutterby bushes, flitterblooms and fanged geraniums to help catch the interest of some of the kids who were more inexperienced with magical plants. He included a couple of moving photos of the events they'd done over the years, and stuck them where he could to showcase the club activities.

Pleased with his stall, Lysander stood back and admired just how overgrown it looked. He readjusted the crown on his head and took a moment to survey the other tables. His jaw dropped when he realised that the SDA was not manned by just Sydney this year, but also Juniper. Seriously? She wins two tournaments and suddenly she's good enough to lead the club? He thought Sydney's bar would have been far higher. He turned away, pointedly ignoring their table to avoid catching Juniper's attention, and busied himself with enchanted a twisting vine to hold up the sign-up sheet and a solitary quill for anyone looking to join.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Lysander Summers if you'd like to join the Wild Patch Club!
The prospect of Hogwarts clubs did interesting Jingyi, so of course, he was going to go and check out what was on offer and see if he wanted to sign himself up for anything. He didn't really know if Xinyi was going to sign up for everything, but just because they were twins didn't mean they needed to be in the same clubs or anything. So, Jingyi's first stop was the Brotherhood, wandering over to the stall and giving the two older boys there a grin. "Can I join?

@Simon Thorne @Noel Waldgrave
sky had heard tha there was a club day on. she had been a part of a few different clubs at home and wondered what there was available at Hogwarts. she made her way to the courtyard. for somewhere that was meant to be winter, or at the very least early spring it was a warm day. or maybe that was just the new zealand climate that she needed to get used to. She looked around. there seemed to be a lot of people setting up but not many first years around yet. the looked at the names. the brotherhood. well that didn't sound like she could be a member. the student defence association. again not something that interested her. a few with names that didn't give way what they did like Accio and heat omega. but the wildpatch sounded fun. she was just walking towards that section when a couple of people covered in glitter caught her attention. she knew what arts were. but the other word was not one that she knew. "Hej. What does con-glom-er-rated mean?" she asked the boy who was standing at the table.
@Casper Beckett
Juniper had been stoked about her new position, especially since it highlighted the fact that she was better than certain people. Carrying a basket full of the buttons she had designed, she found herself arriving after Sydney, happy with her set-up. "This looks great," she said rather enthusiastically, hoping Sydney felt the same. Placing her buttons on the table, she tapped her own with her wand, watching as all the basket buttons lit up. "Do you think that this will work for members?" she asked her co-president. While most of her didn't really care what others thought, she kind of cared what Sydney thought, as Juniper viewed her as a pretty cool bada**. As she was getting things set up, she looked up from her table and noticed a familiar flower outfit. A flower outfit she had made, and as the wearer moved, she quickly realized that Lysander was wearing her design. "Wha- I-," she said, stumbling over her words. As much as she wanted to go over and hex the Gryffindor into oblivion, she knew making a good impression as a club leader was more important. Even though it pained every bone in her body to think that. "Oooh, Michael Newton, you are going on the list," she said, harshly tapping her own button again to stop the flashing as she death glared Lysander. @Sydney Townsend @Lysander Summers

Regular Button


Button flashing to notify members of meetings

Accio had a difficult job at the club fair, with a more exclusive sign up process and actual applications it was always a little more difficult to recruit. They ended up saying no to way more people than they could ever let on the team. Certainly it was not a decision Ajax liked to make, saying no to people was not really fun. The ravenclaw did however arrive at the club fair with the yearbooks in hand and ready to invite people to apply for their club. Ajax didn't have much like others tended to, but their work was all they needed especially when out of all the students in this room they might only accept the one.
Casper smiled lightly at Kiara. She was really nice. Before he could reply, a girl had approached them, and he turned to her with a smile. "Hello." He greeted. "Conglomerated means a whole bunch of things together, but still separate. What we mean when we use it is that we have all kinds of things you can do. So if you like music, or drawing, or painting, or even crafts, we'll have something for you to enjoy. We're an arts club, for creative people that like to make things." He explained to her. @Kiara Wood @Niamh Eriksen
Charlie couldn't believe he had let the others talk him into actually joining a club. Still, he was sure his dad might like it if he joined something other than the paper. He let out a soft sigh, weaving through the crowd and approaching the proper table. "Hello," he greeted. "Where can I sign up?" He asked, looking at the boys sitting there. @Noel Waldgrave @Simon Thorne
Hamish had no idea what they were doing here, but he wasn't about to let Seamus go without him. He missed his brother, terribly, and he hated spending so much time apart. He stuck close to his twin as they walked into the hall. "What was it you wanted to do?" He asked, looking to his brother. @Seamus Reid
Akihiro had purpose as he walked into the Great Hall. He didn't intend to spend much time here, going straight to the table for the Brotherhood. He pushed past an older boy and added his name to the sign up list. He looked to the other boys, completely ignoring the oaf who hadn't known what to do. "When is the first meeting?" He asked. @Noel Waldgrave @Simon Thorne
Maisie skipped into the hall, humming softly. Signing up for clubs sounded awesome! She looked around, noticing a nearby table and skipping over. "Hi! What's this club?" She asked, looking over the table before back to the girl. @Samantha Jacobs
Xinyi was unsure about this, but he wanted to join a club this year. Just one. He'd been looking around the hall for a while, debating which one, before finally settling on a table with a boy that seemed to be exactly what Xinyi hoped to be. He stepped up, smiling shyly. "Hi. What is this club, exactly?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. @Lysander Summers
Emily had absolutely no intent of signing up for any clubs today. But she did, however, want to support her girlfriend. Emily walked into the room, paying no one else any mind and walking over to the table where Sydney sat. "Busy?" She asked, giving Sydney a smile. @Sydney Townsend
As Noel watched the students coming in he smiled as one boy come in their way and wanted to sign up. He than smiled at the boy. '' Ofcourse you can. What's your name?'' He than asked the boy and pointed at the sign up paper in front of him. '' You can sign up here.'' He than waited for the boy to respond. And was wondering if he had questions about the club. '' Did you have any questions? Feel free to ask away.'' He than said friendly to the boy.

He than saw the next boy coming and another one and decided to help one already. Perhaps Simon could help the other boy who joined them as last. He smiled at the boy, who seemed an bit older than an first one but not too old.
'' Hey!'' He than greeted the boy with an smile. '' You can sign up here. After him.'' He than explained, waiting for the first boy to put his name on the list. It was good to see Brotherhood was always popular to join.
@Jingyi Huang @Charlie Helkovaara
Nate was excited to finally sign up for clubs after being year away. He needed to get way more friends than he had now and decided that the best way to get some was joining a Brotherhood. "Hey, I will just leave my name here," he awkwardly smiled at both leaders and left his name on the list.
@Noel Waldgrave @Simon Thorne
Last year's duelling championship convinced Blair that she wanted to sign up for SDA. Yes, she was disappointed at the fact that she lost to the last person, she had only one person to win to become a champion but here she was. Absolutely ready to get her second chance to win this year. "Hey! I can sign up, right?" She signed up, offered a smile to leaders, and then turned to Sydney. "Sydney, I had a thought, maybe you could give me some trainings in duelling? I would owe you anything you need," she talked calmly.
@Sydney Townsend

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