Wild Patch Meeting Y37/S2 - Chomping Cabbages

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Demi (Alice))
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Elliot always had to wonder who had planted the selection of Chinese Chomping Cabbages that were sequestered away in their little corner of the Wild Patch's greenhouse. They were certainly a bolder choice to grow than anything Elliot might have picked, though he could argue he'd never pick anything with teeth anyway. In the end though, it didn't matter who'd planted them, they stilled needed to be cared for, and Elliot was glad he could tap the rest of the club to lend him and William a hand. He was even cautiously hopeful everyone could have a little fun with today, as long as they kept a close eye on any of the snappier cabbages.

"Hey guys, gather over here, watch your step," He said once the rest of the club had joined them in the greenhouse for a meeting. "We thought we could take some time to feed the Chinese Chomping Cabbages today, so grab your gloves if you haven't already, please," He said, making sure everyone actually had gloves on before continuing. The cabbages may not be much larger than a normal cabbage, but those teeth were still no joke. "They're a fan of crunchier food, so we've got a selection of carrots and celery that you've probably seen growing around here too. When you're ready, just grab some and gently feed them. And watch your fingers, please," Elliot explained, motioning to the crates of carrots he and William had harvested earlier. He hoped sticking with the longer foods would keep any fingers out of the cabbages mouths, but he still hovered carefully nearby as the club got started, wand out just in case he needed to immobilize any teeth that got too close to hands.
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There wasn't much William was going to miss about Hogwarts life, but he knew the Wild Patch was going to be one of those things. Although it wasn't nearly as wild as his patch at home, the Wild Patch had become the main place he went to be around people who appreciated the same things he did. It was a relief not to be totally isolated from nature while he was stuck at Hogwarts, and this had been his first home-away-from-home. The first time anyone had really seen him as the leader as well, even if it had been in a co-leadership situation. Elliot was nice, and he had... actually enjoyed working with the Hufflepuff all these years, as apprehensive as he had been about becoming a club leader initially.

But now that was all about to be over. This would be William's final big event in the Wild Patch, and he was kind of glad Elliot had been the one to set it up. He didn't really want to be the one who had to talk to the whole club about what they were doing. He might do something embarrassing like... cry. He listened silently when Elliot explained the activity, nodding as punctuation to his co-leader's explanation. He kept an eye out as the club members got to work, ready to rescue anyone who got a little too close to the cabbages.
With so much on her plate for the Monthly, Nell hadn't been making as much time in her calendar for her other clubs as she used to. When it came to SDA or Heta Omega, she found it hard to care. Frankly, Nell could take or leave either of those clubs. The Wild Patch, though, she genuinely missed when she wasn't spending much time there. She had always loved gardening even before school, and when she felt homesick, the Wild Patch was a nice home-away-from-home. So she was glad to have time for the final meeting of the year, remembering it was one of the leaders' last before he graduated. She listened as Elliot explained the plan for the day, pleased to be doing something so practical for the garden. Once Elliot had finished speaking she picked up a carrot, hesitating before approaching one of the cabbages. They didn't look very friendly, and Nell was extremely wary as she extended the carrot, jumping slightly in shock as the cabbage snapped at it right away.
Connor was having a decidedly unhappy time of things lately, and he was glad for the Wild Patch to distract him from his problems. Eric and Nicole's breakup had torn his social circle in half, and he was frankly horrified at how many people seemed to be siding with Nicole. He couldn't imagine having any sympathy for her, after how she had treated Eric, and it was making him see a lot of people he had thought he could trust in an entirely new light. But the Wild Patch, at least, was an escape from that drama. Connor could focus on being in nature and taking care of the earth, and not think about his stupid friends and their stupid fights. He listened as Elliot gave them instructions, eager to get started and determinedly not thinking of how the chomping cabbages reminded him a bit of Eric when he was angry. He got some vegetables from the crates and headed over to one of the cabbages, crouching down to feed it a carrot, quietly thinking how cathartic it would feel to just smash a carrot to bits like that right now.
Salem was glad there was a club that got to spend time outside. The castle had been interesting to explore for a few weeks, but these days she was keen for any excuse to get around and move around somewhere different. The Wild Patch had been great for that with the added bonus of getting to muck around with cool plants and dirt and stuff. For today's meeting, she listened intently as the club leaders explained they'd be feeding the cabbages, bouncing from one foot to the other until they were let loose to finally do it. Salem had seen a few weird plants while travelling, but not these before. Grabbing a carrot, she held it out to the cabbage, curious how much a reach it had and laughing as it snapped the tip clean off. "Wow cool. One bite for you, one for me, deal?" She said, gnawing on the end of the carrot before offering it back to the cabbage for another bite.
Ana Sofia enjoyed being part of the wild patch, happy they got to spend some time outside with every event the club hosted. Even if she wasn't much of a gardener she hoped being part of the club would help her learn more about it, about different kinds of plants and such. She knew that if she didn't get it she could always ask Rose, but she liked being able to figure things out herself. Ana listened as one of the older boys explained what they'd be doing today, awkwardly staring at the cabbages around the greenhouse. Those looked.. weird. Creepy? If anything she had to admit she found them just the littlest bit scary, watching as some other kids started feeding them and the cabbages chomped away on the food. She put on her gloves and took a piece of celery, making her way over to one of the cabbages. Right, she could do this. She could feed this weird, slightly scary, cabbage. Ana carefully extended her arm towards the cabbage, holding the celery by the very end so she could get her hand as far away from it as possible. If anything, she wasn't planning on losing any fingers today. When the cabbage snapped at the celery she pulled her arm back in a reflex, almost immediately feeling bad for keeping the food away from it. "Look," Ana softly whispered to the cabbage. Maybe talking to it would make her feel less intimidated by its chomping teeth. "I'll give you this." She continued whispering, giving the celery a little wave for fun. "If you let me keep my fingers." Nodding to herself that the cabbage and her now had an agreement she carefully held out the celery to it again, letting out a small giggle and quickly withdrawing her hand when it chomped down on the celery.
Rose grabbed her lucky succulent and waked over to the Wild Patch Club. Semester two had started and that meant there was going to be a new event for the club. Rose was overly excited and when she walked over to the Wild Patch Greenhouse. She listened to the leaders and Rose was almost exploding out of her skin of excitement. This was exactly the event she had signed up for. Dangerous, but a bunch of fun. Rose grabbed a little basket and filled it with food for the chomping cabbages.

She walked over to the chomping cabbages and was overly excited.
''Hello cutie'' Rose said to one of the cabbages. She grabbed a carrot and the chomping cabbage seemed to be excited for it as well. ''You want this carrot eh.'' Rose snapped in two and fed the cabbage the carrot. ''Mmm, You are one feisty plant'' Rose gave the other half of the carrot and was amazed about how quick they devoured such things.

Rose loved these plants and wondered when they would learn more about them in the Herbology lessons.
Aonghas arrived at the wild patch area and it wasn't difficult to notice what they were doing. The munching cabbages gave a lot away. He had always liked the Wild Patch Club. it had been a good thing for him though he'd only joined when he'd gotten to the school because of Rory, because of wanting to know what had driven his brother to do what he had. But, the answer hadn't been in the patches of dirt in this area in this club. Though he had found it elsewhere. Aonghas listened vaguely, though what they were to do was pretty obvious. He watched as others began doing what they were allowed to and grabbed some carrots and began doing the same. He was careful, he'd probably be able to get new fingers if they were bitten off but he'd really rather not have the hassle.
Minnie didn't have time to be wasting in clubs, but she knew it was important to keep up appearances and a good break for a little period from the work she'd been doing. Her new schedule that she'd adopted now that she was heading towards her owls, it didn't leave much time for anything other than reading and revising. She had small pockets to eat and to rest but those were much smaller. She had allotted time for things like this, but she arrived at the wild patch feeling deeply guilty. She had given herself the time, but she shouldn't. Minnie listened along, willing them to go faster, but it didn't. Even the people she knew who were going to be sitting NEWTs or OWLs like here didn't seem to be in a rush. When they were able to start feeding the cabbages, she wasted no time, giving one of them a couple of carrots before deciding she couldn't stick around. She went to the leader, Elliot, "Hi, I have to go back to my studying, sorry I can't stick around more," she said, with her tone just almost giving away how stressed she was feeling about her exams and how focused she wanted to be. She gave an apologetic and false smile and then headed out the gardens and back to the school.
@Elliot Briar
Ajaccio arrived at the wild patch area in the gardens with a spring in his step. It wasn't too hard to be excited about the wild patch and more specifically because it was outside. His school work had been keeping him up quite a bit and he was rather excited about the prospect of just chilling outside doing something cool at the wild patch. Ajaccio was smiling easily as the leaders told them they be feeding some chomping cabbages. He didn't mind this at all, he grabbed some food, found a cabbage that needed feeding and then got to work. He sat next to one, close enough away that it couldn't easily bite his fingers off but still close enough to it that he could easily talk to it, though it was unlikely that the plant really wanted to speak to him. That didn't matter though, he would speak to it anyway.
Vader knew he wouldn't have many events left at school and though he had a lot on, had a lot he needed to get done, he knew it would be good to go. Let himself experience Hogwarts things while he still could. The teen was arrived at the area just in time to hear what they were to do, and really he didn't much like the sound of it, it just sounded like that recent herbology lesson which had given him so much bother. He decided to linger back and was thankful he'd brought his camera, opting to instead just take some pictures of what was happening in front of him. He made his way over to William eventually and gave his friend a little smile. "Don't want to disturb you from watching over what's happening, but...well...you know me....picture?" he asked, trying to be friendly and crack a little humor that of course in this moment he'd be asking to take pictureseven though it was probably quite important for him to be watching what kids were doing.
@William Kaimarama
Jenna arrived the wild pich club and she felt today angry and mad. She just wanted forgot this feeling and felt angry. She don't needed be upset and be mad all the time. Now she was understand Tress how she was feel when she brake up. Jenna know that some time go and she forget and she hoped that she will be forget.
Cyzarine skipped her way to the gardns and to the wild patch area. She gave the leaders a wide smile as she listened to what they were supposed to do and then she grabbed a few carrots to get started. She noticed most others getting to it, and decided that given she was a sixth year and a prefect she needed to be sure she was watching out for the younger kids. but when she spotted Nell in amongst the others she walked over, giggling lightly as she watched the cabbage chomp towards her and her jerk away. "Careful Nell, we don't want our Hogwarts Monthly editor losing a finger," she said with a light tone.
@Nell Wright
Padme knew she should maybe be studying more, her slowly mounting stress seemed to agree but it was no matter, she knew it was good for her and her stress if she took a little time out and spent a little time hgetting some fresh air. She arrived and found a spot to listen along to what they'd be doing and it didn't fill her with too much confidence, she didn't exactly want to lose a hand to a cabbage with her OWLs right around the corner, but she was committing to this. She grabbed some vegetables and approached a cabbage, she kept a good distance from it and didn't interact with it as she could hear others doing. She was also usuing her non-wand hand to ensure that if one of them did managed to get a bite of her, she wouldn't end up being unable to do her exams.
Leia wasn't sure it was worth her time to continue to be a part of the wild patch, she liked some elements of it, but the fact it was outside was proving to be quite a big downside. After all, she was excelling elsewhere, she was a duelling champion, two years running. She did however not think it was that bad, but she was trying to make sure she was using her time well, and really, it felt a little like she didn't...Leia got to the club area and looked to the leaders as they began explaining it and she had to admit, this really wasn't for her....She spotted both of her siblings there, Vader seemed to be avoinding it and Padme was definitely doing it but carefully..Leia just lingered not really willing to get close at all but also spotting no one she could speak to.
Elliot was so busy hovering nervously around the club members as they all started feeding the cabbages he hadn't noticed Minnie approaching him till she spoke. He always felt a bit awkward talking to her, though even more this year after how badly he'd taken Hufflepuff's most recent quidditch loss. But it wasn't Minnie's fault that he was being a sore loser, and he tried to school his face into something neutral as she made some hurried excuse and left the patch. "Oh. Okay Minnie, if you're sure-" He started, brow furrowing as she took off quickly after that. It wasn't his place at all, but something about the way Minnie had spoke unsettled him and Elliot wondered if he should mention it to Lars later.
Alice felt a little sad as she headed tot he Wild Patch meeting, aware that it was probably one of the last times she would do something with the club. She had been a part of it since her first year, and had really loved it. It was even better now that her boyfriend was the king of flowers, though. Alice followed the group as Elliot told them to gather to a part of the greenhouse. The plants over there were apparently Chinese Chomping Cabbages, which Alice had frankly never heard of. She grabbed her gloves, then grabbed some of the food they liked to feed the cabbages. It was honestly pretty fun, and Alice enjoyed feeding the cabbages even if it was sometimes a bit scary. She looked over at Elliot and headed over to him after she had fed a few carrots to the cabbages. "Do you suppose feeding them regular cabbage counts as cannibalism?" She asked him with a small grin. "Cabbigalism? Is that anything?" She then asked, trying to take the joke a bit further, unsuccessfully. She scrunched up her face a bit, trying to see if there was a pun there.

@Elliot Briar
Elara couldn't believe all that the clubs at Hogwarts did. There was always something going on, and as she made her way to the Wild Patch, she wasn't at all surprised that they would be feeding plants. Okay, she was a little surprised, but between getting to eat cool vegetables last time and then getting to feed the vegetables the vegetables this time, Elara was loving this club. She noticed one of her roommates and made her way over to Salem as she saw her feed the cabbage. "Are we sneaking snacks now?" she whispered to her friend. @Salem Lee
Poppy liked to help out in the Wild Patch garden whenever she had the time but she had never ventured over to the section with the Chomping Cabbages. It was silly she knew but the plants that seemed more...alive then others still made her a little uneasy. But that wasn't going to stop her from participating. She picked up her pair of gloves and grabbed a bunch of celery and headed over to the hungry guys. Carefully she broke of a stalk and held it out to one of the cabbages. She couldn't really tell where it's mouth was so she wiggled it around until suddenly it moved and took a big bite of the celery. Poppy let out a yelp before laughing and more carefully breaking off another piece and feeding it some more.
Blue was not very good at keeping track of time, and had been very happy to learn that the next club meeting was sooner than she thought. She was a little sad because William was a seventh year and soon would leave Hogwarts forever and she had never gotten to be friends with him, which was tragic because he was very cool. Blue did not want to lose her fingers to a cabbage, but she also really wanted to pet the leafy vegetable. A potato with teeth would have been a more favourable sacrifice because it was close to a pet rock, but Blue did not see any and therefore would have to risk it with what she had. With a carrot in one hand, she carefully held it out to the cabbage and angled her other hand to touch it while it ate.

The cabbage, apparently not fooled by her distraction, managed to latch on to Blue's hand instead and she could only stare as it bit down on her fingers. Biting people was extremely rude, and if she wasn't allowed to, then she didn't see why a cabbage should. She pulled her hand free as soon as the cabbage let go and pulled off her glove to inspect her hand. The dragonhide had protected her from the worst of the damage, so there was only a small wound that had barely broken skin. "Huh. If a vegetable eats a vegetable, is that cannibalism?" Blue asked nobody in particular, as she examined her lightly bleeding hand with interest.
As the Knight of Flowers (a title that really didn't mean all that much at all), Lysander wondered if he should bring the knight's helmet he had stowed away in one of his trunks to all of the Wild Patch meetings. Was it too much? It was probably too much. He wanted to remind people that he was still important, with whatever titles he had collected over the years. It was something for his biography, or chocolate frog card, when he eventually somehow became a famous wizard. At then end of the day, he hadn't brought anything, except the usual sword he had resting through one of his belt loops. He didn't think he'd had to bonk any chomping cabbages with it, but that was his excuse for keeping it on him for the meeting.

Helping himself to a carrot, Lysander crouched near one of the cabbages, offering the vegetable out until the magical plant revealed its mouth. He thrust it forward, almost as if unaware to the dangers to his fingers, and watched it munch down with a pleased grin. "There you go." He said, using his other hand to give it a ginger pat on the head-leaves. Some of these magical plants were so much like animals that it was hard to believe they weren't. He swiveled his head to see a girl doing much the same thing, only her cabbage thought her hand was food. Ouch. He looked back at his, warning it with his eyes not to try the same thing. It already had a carrot, it didn't need fingers.​
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With so many young students in the club, William knew supervision would be required for an activity like this. The last thing he wanted was anyone losing their fingers. Not getting to feed the cabbages himself was fine, as long as he was doing something important. He was distracted from the group though by a familiar voice, chuckling slightly at Vader's request. "Oh, for sure." William smiled, shifting a little to a better pose and angle for a photo. He waited for Vader to take a picture before looking back at the people feeding cabbages, yelping at what he saw. "Oh sh*t, are you okay?!" He yelped, hurrying over to a young girl who was clearly bleeding.
@Vader Hume @Blue Hoshino
Elliot had kept his eye on the rest of the patch, but couldn’t help being distracted when Alice came into his line of sight. He snorted at her joke, tucking her under her chin as she tried to wrangle a decent pun out of the joke. “I think there’s some moral implications there I don’t wanna think about. Let’s stick with the carrots and celery today,” He said to her fondly. It was getting hard for him not to feel sentimental at every school event with Alice. He knew today was William’s last big club event, but it was Alice’s too and Elliot wanted to savor it. He wrapped his arms around her, not quite noticing when some of the club members seemed to be getting their fingers a bit too close to some of the cabbage’s mouths, though he started when he heard William swear, embarrassed that he'd been so obviously distracted and someone had managed to get hurt. He didn't want to look too closely, but it seemed minor, at least he hoped.
@Alice Holland
Salem glanced up when Elara joined her, grinning up at her. “Nah, not sneaking, sharing,” She said, pausing and then offering Elara some of the carrot. “I don’t even think they have spit so it’s not like it’s gross or anything right?” She said, considering the carrot again before holding it back out to Elara, though whether she wanted to eat it or feed it to the cabbage was probably up to her. Salem hoped it was a bit of both though. @Elara Chatelain
Bada always had found the greenhouses while dirty and smelling of the weird pus that some plants produced a very calming place to be. It wasn't as nice and calming as her own Hufflepuff common room but she was a fan of the space. She found herself running down a little late for the Wild Patch meeting, having just gotten off a patrol with her partner. She wasn't sure how Elliot managed to do all that he did. It was astounding to her. She headed into the greenhouse and looked around to see what was being done. Dinner time seemed to be happening for their Chinese Chomping Cabbages. She was curious when the cabbages would be finished growing but quietly took some carrots and celery to feed the plants, glad they hadn't grown normal cabbage to feed the plants, that might have been a bit odd.

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