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I loved McGonagal cause she was just a beast.
I might be tarred and feathered for saying this, but as a character- Umbridge. She was just so sickly sweet, and honestly more evil (IMO) than Voldemort. She is so scary to me because people like her exist in real life.

We got a new principal in high school one year, and she wore a pink jacket and skirt set that seriously made her look like Umbridge. It was hilarious, and pretty much the whole school noticed.
Oh what an interesting question! I have a tough choice between Lupin and McGonagall!

(However, if it was a staff member, I would have said Hagrid, hands-down - But he was like a professor for about a year for CoMC - so does he still count?)
Gonna follow the crowd & also say Remus Lupin hands down.......... I always really loved McGonagall as well, but I would be betraying 15-year-old Rowan and his extensive library if I said anyone except Remus :p
Oh what an interesting question! I have a tough choice between Lupin and McGonagall!

(However, if it was a staff member, I would have said Hagrid, hands-down - But he was like a professor for about a year for CoMC - so does he still count?)
I'm pretty sure he stayed a professor so I would say he counts!
Easy for me Serverus Snape, iconic. ''Turn to page 394...''
@Professor Angel Castillo.

Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney because she was just really wacky, and Divination just really resonates with me.
New question! What's the story behind your name? It can be a given, chosen, nickname, surname, etc.

I was named after my mom's favorite singer at the time - Cyndi Lauper.
I've been told my first and middle names are random.

Amanda Lynn. They didn't put two and two together that Amanda + Lynn = a mandolin :tut:

Apparently I have a great aunt Lynn who got all excited and thought I was named after her. My parents didn't tell her but they were like "nope we just liked it"
I was named after a Joni Mitchel song

It is not my favourite of her songs. though I am glad I'm not called Chelsea. It does have some good lyrics such as "Then your life becomes a travelogue, of picture postcard charms" and "And I slept on the strange pillows of my wanderlust" no wonder I like to travel.

as for mia. when I moved and started school in Australia one of my first friends, "like Mia from princess diaries." so mia stuck through highschool and when i joined the site (twelve years ago) i was still in highschool and didn't want to use my real name so Mia stuck.
My mother wanted to name me Sophie after the french book Sophie's Misfortunes but in the end my dad vetoed that and they went with Emily instead - mostly because it worked in French and in English (Though everyone in my french family spells it incorrectly, going with the french Emilie and not the actual Emily), and somewhat after the french song Emilie Jolie.
I was named after two Doctor Who companions - Sarah Jane and Tegan: Hence, Teigan Jane
I get this question quite a lot. Verity derives from the Latin word Veritas, which means truth - same as Veritaserum, the truth telling Potion in HP. My parents know Latin and chose the name early on because they liked it.
My name Rúben, according to my mom is a name that she chose that is different from any family member/friend, she just wanted a different name. According to my dad I was named after Rubens Barrichelo, a formula one racing driver (surprise surprise, I'm not a cars guy). So I don't know on who to believe since they don't agree on that
My parents didn't really have a reason for my first or middle name. Although, the spelling on my first name was apparently based on some weather reporter at the time. My siblings all have family names so I'm the only oddball.
Oh! I was actually named after my mum - though my full name is actually the longer version of my mum’s name which was quite interesting - at first they were gonna call me Samantha, but i guess the name didn’t suite me when they saw me after i was born lol
Oh gosh, I was named after a famous skier or something, I wish I could remember who x_x and then my middle name is my great grandmother's name :wub:
I like the question because I was like.. I have no clue why my parents named me like that. I asked my mom and she said that they just liked the name and they thought of the actice Jamie Lee Curtis which my parents both liked. If I wasn't called Jamie I was called Lisa apparently.
Oh gosh, I was named after a famous skier or something, I wish I could remember who x_x and then my middle name is my great grandmother's name :wub:
Oh I forgot that part! My middle name is my maternal grandmother's name.
Oh gosh, I was named after a famous skier or something, I wish I could remember who x_x and then my middle name is my great grandmother's name :wub:
I googled "Anna skier" and the first result was "Anne Coberger", a NZ skier, so if its her, you're welcome :r

My name comes from the Madonna song Dear Jessie and my middle name comes from...the crab in The Little Mermaid. :tut: Originally I was going to be named Justin, but my mothers cousin was already using it. (Though I have a cousin named Jessica who shared my surname, and we were both just called Jess growing up, which very confusing)
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I've asked my mum about this before, but Claire was just a name both of my parents liked/agreed on, I don't think the inspiration came from anywhere in particular!!

My dad apparently liked Bernadette for me, I'd love to be called that =)) :cry:
My mum wanted her kids to all have gender neutral Celtic names, and being a practicing witch (of the pagan variety) she wanted to give me a name imbued with magic. So Rowan made sense, since it's a tree known for magical properties. When I was born she buried my umbilical cord under a Rowan sapling so it would protect me and that tree's still growing in my dad's backyard. My middle name sucks and the less said about it the better it doesn't suit me at all and everyone in my family agrees it was a bad mistake :p

The additional fun facts about my name are 1) my sister's first name is almost exactly the same as mine, which my parents DIDN'T NOTICE until I pointed it out (our whole childhoods were like this) , and 2) if you say my first two initials quickly enough they sound like a rude word, which my parents ALSO didn't notice until I pointed it out (^:
The story behind my name isn't very exciting. Basically my parents thought I was going to be a boy so they had a boy name all picked out, Benjamin, after my mom's dad. But plot twist, I was a girl, so they had to frantically come up with a new name for me. I was very premature so in their defense they might have come up with something if they had had the time.

But yeah, they liked the name Katie but wanted it to be "different" so they went with the spelling Kadi. Effectively cursing me to a life of mispronunciation, no keychains with my name on it, and Mean Girls references. Although they couldn't have known about the last one at the time lol.

My dad used to tease me that they almost named be after Oksana Baiul, a figure skater from the '94 winter Olympics so I guess it could be worse x_x
New question! Are you more of a sweet candy person or a sour candy person?

Sour candy all the way for me. It's a problem sometimes as I'll eat it until my tongue starts to hurt xD
It honestly depends on how i'm feeling at the moment and what i'm doing. If i'm studying i tend to go for extra sweet candy or when i'm trying to focus on anything or maybe even just in a very sad mood and need to lighten up my day.
When i'm eating candy just for fun i usually go for sour cuz sour candies are always fun! I literally am like "Mmm I just ate a super sour candy just like this one, is this gonna be sour too?",I try it and do a weird face proving that *surprise surprise* all the candies in that package that is labeled as "Sour candies" are sour🤭 🤭

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