Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hello everyone! We've got a BWU chock full of information. Please give it a read!

Week 3 starts tomorrow!
We are heading into week three tomorrow. Hope you've been keeping up with lessons! :r

Valentine's Day events! 💕
Hearts and roses abound in the Great Hall as the Valentine's Dance is underway. Haven't checked it out yet? What are you waiting for! The event will close mid-week, so don't delay in starting your roleplay.

It's been great fun watching all of the rose topics go up. I believe the deadline to have posted your roses was today! A big thank you to everyone on team roses, especially the leaders, Kaye and Kris. ^_^

The Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match is just about to get underway. It should be a good one! Lots of conflict on both teams lately. :o How will that translate to the match?

Dueling Tournament
The tournament is getting underway today. I can't wait to see all of the exciting match ups! Which students will earn the title of top dueler for their year? At this point, it could be anyone! :frantics:

A big thank you to the leaders, Kiersten and Charlie, for hosting the event and their professor helpers for helping monitor the duels. ^_^

An Orchid Heading Off
We want to inform you all that Lovi will be leaving the GM team, effective today. Lovi rejoined the team in August 2020 and was with us for a couple of years before that, and we want to extend a huge thank you for all of the help she's offered in her role as a GM. Being a GM comes with having to dedicate a portion of what would otherwise be fun HNZ time to sometimes completing not-so-fun tasks, and with the challenges of everyday life (and the not so everyday life amid a pandemic) that can take its toll. Real life always comes first, and we wish Lovi the best of luck as she continues to push forward towards her real life goals! :hug:

Minister for Magic: Elections ⏳
The applications for Minister for Magic are STILL open! But they won't be for long. Applications will close during the morning (EST) of Saturday, February 12th so if you are interested in applying, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible! Any questions about the application or about the position can be posted in this topic or PMed to me and Emzies.

With that, we also encourage anyone with a Daily Prophet character to take a look at their special area. ;)

Scits and Aurors should also do the same if you haven't already. ;)

Anonymous Compliments 💕
It's back! Anonymous Compliments are back and just as exciting as ever. We encourage you to take a look at the topic to learn what it's about and to join in the fun!

Accio! 📖
Thanks to a great deal of effort from the yearbook staff, we now have access to old yearbooks again along with the return of...the DOLLS! It was so nostalgic to see them!

If you don't know what I mean, take a look at some of the older yearbooks! You can join in on this blast from the past through an IC event.

Thanks yearbook team!

Character Spotlight 💡
We are back with another character to spotlight. For this month, the spotlight is on Kadi's Poppy Perkins! :party:

Join us in congratulating Kadi on this accomplishment! And if you have any questions about her character, ask away!

  • Electives Fair
  • Candidate announcement and the start of campaigning! :frantics:
  • the midpoint of the semester
  • More quidditch! :o
  • Duels galore! :D
  • Anonymous Compliments! 💜
  • Gryffindor taking the lead in house points!🤞🤞
  • Brightstone!

That was a long one! Hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. ^_^
Any questions or comments? Drop a line below.
Have a lovely fortnight. :)

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
So much going on!!! :wub: I can't wait for compliments and ministerial candidates aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Also, thank you Lovi for all your time & hard work as a mod :hug:All the best for your IRL goals!
Oooo! Thanks for the update! So many exciting things to look forward to! Also, thanks Lovi for all the hard work you have done! :wub: Wishing you all the best! :wub::hug:
There's so much in this update- thanks for posting, Cyndi!

Oh my GOODNESS I wiped the dolls from my brain. I'm just going to be skipping down memory lane, folks. Sorry if I'm supposed to reply to posts.

Thanks to the Accio staff for their hard work in reviving the yearbooks. Wow.
ALSO @Nicolas King looks suspiciously similar to Bruin Dumbledez :glare: :r Love child?
Thanks to Lovi for everything you have done as GM. We :wub: you.

And congrats to Kadi for getting spotlighted with Poppy!
woo! i’ve missed the bwu
Ahhh, thanks for all your amazing work Lovi! (and the continued work of site staff). So excited for all the upcoming and ongoing things!
So much is happening @_@

Thanks for the update!
Thank you for posting the update Cyndi!! :hug:

Lovi, I already miss you :cry: thank you for all your work over the years, you are amazing, take care of yourself or I'll be mad :mad::hug:

I'm so so excited to watch the campaigns unfold!! I can't wait to see the candidates this year eee!! :frantics:
Thank you for the update!! I'm so hype for all that happening and especially anonymous compliments 👀

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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