Hogwarts Gossip

Amber Chou Wilson

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I've had the idea for this topic for a while, but wasn't sure if anyone but me would find it useful. But the idea won't leave my brain, so here it is :p

Basically, I've realized that its sometimes tricky to know what my characters can know about other people's characters, but it makes topics more interesting if they've heard about them before. I figure Hogwarts probably has a lot of gossip, and adding it to RP's adds a bit of realism. I always enjoy it when students or plots don't exist in a vacuum but that others know about them or big things that happen at Hogwarts.

So I figured it would be a good idea to make a topic where people can submit rumors/gossip about their own characters that is probably making the rounds at school. As a reference for others. Please only submit stuff about your own characters/plots. If you're unsure if something is sensitive information for other people's plots, please ask them first before posting here. As a general rule, I would recommend only mentioning your own character by name unless you have permission from other people.

I intend this topic to be about actual happenings at Hogwarts. If your character makes something up about someone else in an RP that's gossip too, but I would like this to be a reference for real things that happened and people may know about. If you're mentioning anything that is untrue, please only do so about your own characters, and mention that it's fake.

Character's name:
Relevant threads:

For example:
Character's name: Eric Holland
Gossip: Eric got into a big fight involving some other Gryffindors. He had a bleeding lip and multiple professors were involved.
Relevant threads: x
Notes: Together they lost 150 points for Gryffindor, which other Gryffindors may be annoyed about

Character's name: Alice Holland
Gossip: Alice broke up with her boyfriend in the train to school in front of a few other students.
Relevant threads: x

Character's name: Diana Holland
Gossip: Diana broke up with her boyfriend in the library and then stormed out
Relevant threads: x
You don't have to provide a link if you don't have one, like for example if something happened off screen or during a Hogwarts break.

Of course you don't need to gossip only about things posted here. I just wanted to make a place where people could spread IC information they want spread around the school, and where others can find inspiration for things their gossipy characters may talk about. I hope it's useful!
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I love this :D It’s especially helpful with characters like Leda who love to spread gossip to know what she can know!!

Character's name: Leda Layton
Gossip: Leda hates Liam Waldgrave
Relevant threads:
I would say there is a little tension between them as they try and balance being prefects and co captains without actually being friends.

Character's name: Wendall Layton
Gossip: Wendall is incredibly clumsy.
Relevant threads:
He is getting a nice reputation for being accident prone. For example, on the way to school he fell in the gap between the train and the platform while trying to board the Hogwarts Express, and set himself alight in front of the fireplace in the Hufflepuff House meeting.

Character's name: Geovanna Volt
Gossip: Geo is incredibly friendly and is likely to hug anyone who is even remotely her friend.
Relevant threads:
She is very affectionate :r

Character's name: Mhairi Olaf
Gossip: Mhairi is deaf
Relevant threads:
Mhairi is Ilijas older sister and currently a sixth year. I haven’t used use a whole lot, but there is a deaf student in the school! (This is plot approved)

Character's name: Leda Layton
Gossip: Leda is quite violent
Relevant threads:
While this has calmed down over the last few years, back when she was a second year and Monty collapsed in the corridor, she dealt with prefect James Cade’s silencing charm by kicking him where it hurt in front of everyone.

Character's name: Leda Layton
Gossip: She is related to Professor Pendleton.
Relevant threads:
Back when her sister Olive Layton was a Professor, Olive and Monty discovered they were distant relations. This also means she’s related to Margo and Phineas Ellis.

I have more but I will do these when I’m on my computer >>
Glad you guys like it ^_^
Something to add about Eric:

Character's name: Eric Holland
Gossip: Eric Holland is related to Minister Holland but does not like that side of his family and refuses to talk to his cousins
Relevant threads: x
Notes: This is also revealed in the fight thread, so anyone who knows about the fight could have picked this tidbit up too.
I lllllove this topic I'm so glad you posted it!

Character's name: Kauri Tipene
Gossip: Kauri and Rose were together in Obsidian Harbour in the holidays but they could barely even look at each other.
Relevant threads: X
Notes: I had permission from Daph to include Rose's name in this

Character's name: Zoe Tsuji
Gossip: Zoe is dating one of the Westwicks, but it's impossible to tell which one!
Relevant threads: X
Notes: Daph and I don't mind whether people are right or wrong about which Westwick Zoe is dating :p

Character's name: Blake Irons
Gossip: Blake got punched by a GIRL last year
Relevant threads: X
Notes: Blake is pretty sexist so the fact that it was a girl bothers him a lot :p and this thread happened in a crowded hallway so this can definitely be common knowledge.

Character's name: Connor Holland
Gossip: Connor is a crybaby!
Relevant threads:
I think Connor is crying in........... maybe 40-50% of his threads right now xD
Oh!! This is so cool!! Im excited to use this in the future!! :)
Character's name: Eamon Tulloch
Gossip: Eamon is dirt poor and had to miss two years worth of education to help take care of his family
Relevant threads: x
Notes: He can be spotted wearing the ugliest second-hand robes at Hogwarts, that, and most of his books are falling apart since they are also bought second-hand.
(Am I doing this right)
Character's name: Tyler Lee, Lauren Davenport
Lauren yelled at Tyler and they shoved each other, then Lauren cursed him with a slug vomiting curse
Relevant threads:
Got permission to add Lauren's name to this!
Character's name: Baron Corelli
Gossip: Baron is crushing on two girls at the same time.
Relevant threads: X
Baron is the new kid in the school. He is crushing on @Jenna Toubia since the day they met during the holidays. However, he has an identical twin who is crushing on Alexis Kramer. @Kace Corelli met Alexis over the holidays and has a small crush on her. Students were baffled since they never saw the twins at the same time at the same place. The twins weren't aware of each other yet and did not wonder since their first and second names are interchangeable.

The ICs' RPer madz is already informed about this.
Character's name: Elio Zephyr
Gossip: Elio is absolutely terrible with heights.
Relevant threads: x
Notes: During the recent Gryffindor try outs, Elio was stuck for an hour inside one of the hoops, after getting ahead of himself and forgetting once again that he has a fear of heights.

Character's name: Gabriel Rosenberg, Sophie Wilson
Gossip: Gabriel and Sophie were spotted together at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour during the break, having a good time together.
Relevant threads: X
Notes: Got permission to add Sophie's name!
Character's name: Eric Holland, Sydney Townsend
Gossip: Eric and Sydney have a rivalry going on. They hate each other and are constantly trying to mess with each other. This year, it's started in lessons too.
Eric dropped a beetle down the back of Sydney's shirt in Transfiguration, and Sydney tricked Eric into passing out from a mandrake in Herbology.
Relevant threads: Any thread with the two of them, their epic rivalry started here. But relevant to the thing about lessons are these two lessons: (transfig) and (herbology) which happened recently and in front of all their classmates.
Notes: Got permission to add Sydney's name to this!
Character's name: Nova Valtoria, Molly Lamb
Nova threw a chair at Molly
Relevant threads: x

Character's name:
Amari Kent
Gossip: Amari is ridiculously rich
Relevant threads:
Character's name: Aciano Fields
Gossip: Aciano was kicked out of his last school. Everyone knows that part, but some are speculating for what.
Relevant threads: I think the first one with his sister. x
Notes: I'm pretty sure that's it.

I'm still on a mini-hiatus, I don't have much to post here.
Ok lets seeee.

Character's name: Professor Katherine Alicastell
Gossip: Katherine's mother is a former Death Eater and leader of the Scitorari. Katherine is a plant in Hogwarts to mould young minds to suit Scitorari ideals. Jerara was just the beginning.
Relevant threads:

Character's name: Lysander Summers
Gossip: Lysander set fire to a table in Charms.
Relevant threads: x
Notes: N/A

Character's name: Lysander Summers
Gossip: Lysander is related to Quidditch players Kida and Scarlet Frost, of the Tuscan Charmers. If you don't know, he'll definitely tell you.
Relevant threads: N/A
Notes: He's also obviously related to Professor Summers and Professor Alicastell, though the latter probably wouldn't be common knowledge for younger students.

Character's name: Lysander Summers (again, I'm sorry)
Gossip: Lysander made the Quidditch team as a first-year. He's only an alternate, but he'll still brag about it.
Relevant threads: The try-outs. I'm not looking back :r
Notes: N/A

Character's name: Alistair Lancaster
Gossip: Alistair is never seen in his dormitory or around the Slytherin common room on the night of a full moon. Weird.
Relevant threads: N/A
Notes: I know wizards don't learn math, but anyone can put two and two together

That's all I've got and even then some are a stretch :lol:
Oooooh I love this, lol. My turn, my turn!

Character's name: Sapphire Michaels
Gossip: Sapphire's bag is secretly made of candy, because she never puts it down and she always has sweets. This could or could not be true, no one knows.
Relevant threads: all of them, lol.
Notes: In her early years she always had a sucker to give or a sucker in her mouth. It's gone on to gums, but she's usually seen popping a gum bubble.

Character's name: Kira Wolf
Gossip: Kira is actually a zombie that lives in the library, and she's slipped the rich and prestigious Caelan Maxwell a love potion to make him her boyfriend.
Relevant threads: all of them
Notes: Kira usually has dark circles under her eyes if you care to look, and is almost always found in the library if not eating or in class. Has anyone ever seen her go to bed in the girls' dorm? Who knows. How does a girl like that end up dating a Maxwell without some... magical assistance? (I asked Alex for Caelan's name use). These are both totally fake, of course, but hey.

Character's name: Onyx Michaels
Gossip: Nyx is a notorious toucher. Don't wander too close or he might hug you.
Relevant threads: Again, any of them, lol
Notes: Onyx is seen hanging on his family members all the time, and even his friends.

Character's name: Avaria Lockwood
Gossip: Ava and Vader are secretly a couple/are in love
Relevant threads: All
Notes: I asked Emzies first, lol. But these two are so often together people might wonder...

Character's name: Lily Lockwood
: The shy, quiet hufflepuff Lily Lockwood slapped TYLER in the face for insulting Elliot Briar.
Relevant threads: x x
Notes: Emily told Jasper what happened, and well, you can imagine it spread after that.
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Character's name: Scott Baker
Gossip: Scott Baker is terrified of heights and flying
Relevant threads: Second Flying Lesson
Notes: Any of his flying lessons are a good example of that

The only gossip I have at the moment.
Character's name: Eleanora Summers
Gossip: Ellie is super jealous that her brother made the quidditch team and she didn't.
Relevant threads: Not Yet
Notes: They will have made up again around Halloween, but that doesn't mean the rumor that shes mad can't stick around :p
Character's name: Willow Cullen
Gossip: willows mum is a werewolf
Relevant threads: nothing specific. But briar is hardly secretive about her condition and is just enough in the public eye to be known and it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together
Notes: this can be manipulated any way you like. If you want to spread the rumour that she is a werewolf or anything like that. Go for it.
Character's name: Zennon Baros
Gossip: Zennon can talk to snakes
Relevant threads: There's quite a few dropped around where he could easily be seen to be talking to snakes
Notes: He's really self concious about this particular ability and he used to be super careful, but he's been getting a bit careless lately, so feel free to use this as you see fit. Bonus points for anyone who asks him outright, he's a terrible liar when faced with confrontation
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This is a little late but:
Character's name: Emilia Manning
After kissing Shane at the Valentine's dance, Emilia Manning was seen crying as Shane walked away.
Relevant threads: here
Feel free to also know about her previous breakup with Derek, Emilia hasn't had a lot of romantic luck this year.
Character's name: Sydney Townsend
Gossip: Sydney just received a Very Embarrassing howler from one of her roommates in front of the whole school at the end of year feast before storming out crying.
Relevant threads: Here
Notes: Any Slytherin girls are welcome to confirm or deny the howler, or claim they sent it if they want. Sydney will violently deny that there is any truth to this.
Character's name: Athena Holmgaard & Emilia Manning
Gossip: A family drama it seemed, the two cousins had an discussion in public that ended in Athena running away crying.
Relevant threads: Here
Notes: The two cousins are now mad and ignore eachother. It involves Derek Tahana.
Character's name: Lauren Davenport
Gossip: Lauren came on school with an blue eye and other bruises. Is not attending lessons at all. Staying at school in every break. Having nightmares and wakes up screaming sometimes. Is seen crying or picking up fights in public.
Relevant threads: Nothing specific, more topics over the years and other than try-out quidditch yet and a train topic this year.
Notes: Any roommates of Lauren can have seen bruises over all her body. Other people can ask questions or have their own suspicious about her blue eye or something else seen in public.

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