Get to know you!

I am the oldest. I have one younger sister. Though despite the four year age difference when we were younger people thought we were twins/asked who was older.
I am the oldest out of my bio siblings + have two younger stepsiblings. I also have two older stepbrothers who I don't have a relationship with. They are 8+ years older than me and I didn't grow up with them at all, so I still consider myself the oldest :p
I’m the eldest! And my brother is the only sibling i got. I’m four years and four months older than him :)
I'm the oldest. I have two younger sisters. I am older by 4 years and the middle one is older by 6 years. Our middle sister is the breadwinner at home now since she is not yet married and I don't live there anymore. I still send some cash though since my mom's the primary caregiver of my son.
New question!
What's your favorite animal?

I love jaguars, leopards, and panthers. They are so beautiful. :wub:
I second Donna with dogs.

In the non-domesticated realm, elephants are my favorite. I admire them as a species.
Oh! this is a toughy cos i love animals!

monkeys, dogs and penguins are probably my faves
If you don't know my favourite animal is a cat then you're not my friend.

I also love red pandas and cows :wub:
Tongue Goat GIF
New question!

Which HNZ class would you be great or terrible at? Why?

I'd probably be terrible at Herbology. I've gotten a lot better lately but I don't have great luck at keeping plants alive xD

I think I'd do well at something with a lot of practical work like Charms. I learn better doing hands on work.
I think I'd be really good at Ancient Runes- I have a knack for language and putting information together. I also think I would do well at Potions because I love to cook, I can follow recipes, and I'm also a hands-on learner.

I would be terrible at Transfiguration. I'm a cautious person and there are too many things that can go wrong. My own brain would trip me up.
My first thought was 'oh i would be good at potions i love cooking' but I'm not a recipe guy as much as an experimentation guy, so I'd either wind up writing my own half blood prince style alterations or just blowing myself up spectacularly. I think I'd probably be pretty good at Divination? There are psychics and practicing witches in my family & I'm a dab hand at the tarot cards.

Ironically I think I'd be pretty bad at Ancient Runes, I'm outstandingly mediocre at languages. (Vraag Daph hoe gaat mijn Nederlands...) I could probably pull it around in the upper years since those are more Divination-adjacent, but for Kingsley's classes at least I'd be awful. I'd also definitely be terrible at Arithmancy, numbers are super not my thing.
A subject I think I'd be great at is History of Magic - I like to think that I'm pretty good at remembering most things and I like to learn about history! Especially learning things that happened all those years ago! I think It would be quite fascinating to learn about.

And a subject that I think I'd not do well in is Arithmancy - I'm quite terrible at math, equations and numbers in general for that matter - A bit complicated for me tbh! Even though I mentioned that I am quite good at remembering most things, remembering how to do equations isn't my strength at all x_x
I think I'd be pretty good at HoM because I'm good at studying/memorizing things. I'd probably be bad at something like Divination, I doubt I'd have the gift xD I like things to be a bit more exact and less vague.
It's hard for me to differentiate between "what subjects would I love" and "what subjects would I be good at". I'd love CoMC like I loved taking Agriculture, but I was still terrible at the exams.

I do think I'd be good at charms and divination (Divination is definitely the bludge subject of Hogwarts). I could either be really good at Transfiguration, because my imagination is so detailed and vivid, or really bad because my focus is terrible and I could definitely end up with something halfway changed.

I thought I might be good at potions because I'm good at following recipes to the t, but realistically I think you'd learn a couple of recipes a week, rather than like three potions in half a year, and I would definitely struggle to remember all of it and mix them up. Arithmancy would for sure trip me up too
I'd probably be good at things like divination because I've always been good at spinning something, so being able to make something up about what I've seen/not seen.

I'd probably be bad at potions for the same reason i struggle with cooking, a mixture of impatience and the attitude of "ah it'll be fine" as i forget steps and wing it.
New question!

Do you have any pets? If you're comfortable, share some pictures Here or Here!

Sadly, I don't have any pets right now. My family did just get a puppy though! I'll be going over to play with him later today.
I sadly dont have any pets, but i would loveeeeee to have oneee hehe
I'm on a farm (until I move in to my own place next week) - we've got a few dogs and 2 cats. Recently we had a pet lamb and pet calf - ones that we had to rescue and hand-rear for a bit. This is Timmy (a few months ago), he was very tiny and he's an absolute unit of a lad and last time I dealt with him I swore at him a lot trying to corral him in to a different area of the yard so he'd leave the deck furniture and mum's garden alone. xD
(Sorry for posting it here and not elsewhere, hope that's okay!)
I have a dog right now. A pup, cheeky one, named Sid. He's a rescue dog. I also need to note that wherever we live, my house tends to become a hang-out place of dogs and cats.
I have a beautiful fluffy cat named Avril!! (Pics galore in the first thread Cyndi linked)

I grew up on a small farm with a LOT of animals, so only having one cat is very weird to me. Before this, the minimum number of cats my family had had was four, plus a dozen other animals. For the last eleven years it's just been me and Avril though, I've had her since she was 4 weeks old (rescue kitten) and I love her to bits :wub:

Homes that allow pets are unfortunately very rare in NZ (most landlords have a blanket ban on all pet ownership which. oh my god don't get me started I have SO MUCH ANGER about this) so I only know a small handful of people with any pets and as a result a lot of people visit "me" just to see my cat and get some animal time in their lives. Makes me even more grateful I'm able to have her around :wub:
I just have the one mouse at the moment, called Dirk :lol:

Hopefully in December I'll be bringing some rats home too, I can't wait :wub:

I think there's only been a few months of my life since I was about 11 that I didn't own at least one rodent hehe. It's very sad that they tend to only live for a couple of years, but I just love them with all my heart!!

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