New question! Where in your place is your favorite spot to hang out? Is it a special chair? A special room? A special area? Why?
i was putting off answering this as I was in the process of moving and everything was in the air. but my favourite spot is probably my parents little holiday house. it is so peaceful and just feels so relaxing whenever I am there. other favourite spots are a couple of my favourite walks in the forests of the southwest. unfortunately I don't live there any more but I still love the calmness and peace and beauty of it.
New question!
What's your favorite phone app? If it's not a common one, what does it do?
Safari- I use it to access HNZ.

as for other apps. i don't really play games. unless you count dulingo but I much prefer the web version of that (you don't lose lives and it is horrible when you work hard really focusing on a tough level and then you lose your last life just as you hit the last question)
other apps I use a lot are m messaging ones. I have far too many. Messages (obviously) messenger, Whatsap, skype, Teams, and snapchat.
New question!
What’s your idea of a perfect date (yes, of the calendar year)?
I'll go with September 30th - we're going away from summer, but it's still nice enough to need only a small jacket or cardigan, leaves are changing. A good time to be outdoors.
I should have waited another two days. but I didn't want to forget or fo someone else to get to it before me
I don't really have a favourite date or even a favourite season. spring is pretty, I like the flowers, and things coming into bloom. and that promise of warmth. summer days are always fun, lazy days where you can go swimming in the dam, go for a walk or just take a blanket to the park, get a smoothie and read. autumn is a nice break from the heat, the cool list mornings are lovely but the day is still warm enough to be outside in just a t-shirt. plus rainy days are lovely. then winter is cold. but that means hot water bottles and hot chocolate. Jumpers, layering up for hugge walks in the evening (or realistically late afternoon) the smell of woodsmoke and time for spending time inside cooking, playing games with friends.
so my favourite date is Saturday. because for the first time in years I don't have to work it.
If I really really had to pick a date it would probably be 25th december. because I always enjoy our family Christmas'. we seem to put a lot of effort into them but they are low stress and it is nice to be with my family, the food is good (and the presents are a bonus too).