Dear [Whomever]

Dear School and Work,

I am so tired. I thought before having one job was hard, but now I see having two jobs is even worse. I just want to get all my homework done, sleep, and get to work on time. I want to have fun with my sorority and go party, but I can't because of you. My social life is draining, and I am starting to take off work just to get some time to myself. I want time to do things, and I am tired of waiting for the next day to come so I know when I will have a break. I am just so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I need to have time to myself to focus on how I am going to manage this life that I am living now. Please give me some time by myself.

Young and Tired
Dear Therapeutic Friend,

I'm sad to see that we're no longer going to see each other after three weeks. You have been a part of my life for the last past 4-5 years. And in those years you have helped me so much, more than you'll ever realize it. I have confided in you so much. I'm grateful to have met someone like you, we talk about some hard and traumatic stuff. But, we also geeked out over TV/Netflix series and memes, I think I kept calling it me-me until you corrected me. That was funny. I don't know how you do what you do, but I'm so glad that you do. I wish you continuing success and happiness wherever you go. I hope to hear from you from time to time just to talk about silly stuff like series and memes, and I can tell you that I'm doing better.

Take Care,

Dear Self,

Get better. Also, finger crossed for a new opportunity.

Staying Positive
Dear Universe,

We've had a rocky relationship in the past, we've hurt each other and I've hid from you, called you names, hated you, wanted to disappear into the ether, but things have changed, now you're on my side and I so appreciate you. I'm so glad we've gotten everything back on track, because now I understand you. You were never out to get me, you were guiding me to what you wanted me to find, myself.

And for that I can never thank you enough.


The girl who didn't realise she needed help.
Dear Pulmonary Hypertension,

If there were a way to hurt someone, you’d be it. You’re not needed, please shove off.

Pick on someone else for a change.

Sick of it.
Dear Felix,

Boy, what the heckkkkk?!

You suck so much right now :mad:
Dear Muse.
please can you come back to me.
I know it is a good time to be going on holiday. but I just spent three hours writing an attendence post for a class
Thank you

dear procrastination
please leave me alone. sure youtube can be interesitng. and filling a graphics request is productive but i am so far behind on classes i need to catch up.

Dear You,

I love you, but you can be the worst person in the world sometimes. I honestly don’t know how you can say you never realised. It was right in front of you. You’re hurtful and cruel. Please be better.

Dear Universe,​

There’s so many things I want to say. I’ve said them all a million ways and a million different times but they never seem to hit the right note. We’ve been preparing for Uncle Gary’s death for so long now, for this to be so unexpected hit me harder than I ever thought it would. It’s almost strange to think that it would be now, of all the times, for him to pass away, he came so close a few times in the last two years that I thought that when the time came I would be prepared. I never thought he would go so quickly or so unexpectedly, even with the amount of times we’d talked about what would happen next. I’ve spent nearly 26 years of my life with my Uncle guiding me, he always had an opinion and always encouraged me to follow my dreams. Without him there are so many things I would have missed out on. He always had time for me, even when I asked him the stupidest of questions and he was always happy to sit me down and explain anything to me that I asked. He was constantly updating me on members of the family, asking after my own aspirations and fears and willing to tell me when he thought I was doing something crazy - I always appreciated it. I’ve spent 25 Christmases and Birthdays with his support and guidance. To think that this was his Last Summer, is hard. I’ll never forget the lessons he taught me, or the love and acceptance he always showed, our political and philosophical debates, our love of books and reading. Though, as in any relationship, there were times we didn’t see eye to eye, I always knew that he was proud of me. I can’t believe this was my last Summer with him. Christmas isn’t going to be the same for me again, but I know he’d want us to move on and find new traditions. I’ll miss you Uncle Gary, you were one of the best people I knew, and I can only hope to live up to your generosity and kindness.​
I love you forever ❤​
Dear Uncle,

I had a dream about you last night. I mean, I do every night, but this one was special. It was a memory, more than a dream and the contents made me cry and laugh. I remember that time I walked into your house and you were staring at the television. Silly me I thought you'd died, scared the cr@p out of me! You moved your head to look at me and smile, greeted me with that deep "HULLOOOOO!" and made me just about jump through the roof. You thought it was hilarious of course, I was trying so hard not to cry. It's weird to think that all happened before you were even sick - now of course I look back on the memory fondly, but at the time I really was very upset with you. It took me ages to calm down enough and get ready for our weekly maths lesson. I really wish I'd appreciated those more. I never really thought I'd have to learn it on my own again, you'd always just been there. Even after you got sick it was just assumed you would be fine... until you just weren't. I have so many memories of you, some I had long forgotten and they all just come back in waves. I'll be looking at a book and suddenly I'll have flashes of a discussion we had on a similar topic, or the one time you argued with me about the literary inaccuracies in Harry Potter. God I hated you for that one. Not really though. You were never wrong even when you were and I hated you for that too, but not really though. I miss you more every day as I wake up and forget... and then I remember everything. It's hard to know that one day I might forget your voice. But I hope not.​

So hullooo Uncle Gary, I hope your doing well up there.​
Try not to take your theories too far, yeah?​
I miss you.​
Teigs xx​
Dear Self,

Hardships are part of life. They are given to you because you can do it. You are a fighter and a survivor. Be patient. Stay calm. Your perfect timing will soon come. Don't be afraid to unburden your worries. You are loved and understood.

Dear Uncle,

It's been a little over a month now. Still doesn't seem real, I still have moments of "Oh I need to tell Uncle Gary this!" and then I remember I can never tell you anything again and it hits me like a tonne of bricks. For the most part I'm doing okay, as well as I can, but, its not easy, as you know. I have a colleague at work who used to work with you, I thought that was pretty cool. You'd have loved what he had to say about Telstra, maybe I'll tell you some time.
*PS.* I work at a tech company, so it's even funnier when you realise Telstra is a client of ours. Oops.

Love you
xx Teigs
Dear selfish idiots,

Face shields are NOT a substitution for masks. Full stop. Do your part, put your mask on, and stop spreading this killer virus.
Unless you live in NZ you lucky dogs

Healthcare worker at breaking point with COVID-19
Dear whoever is reading this,

You are a brilliant soul in your very own way. Don't be to hard on yourself because you are loved. Everyone fails at some point the trick is to get up and carry on. If there is ever a time you need a shoulder mine is available. I know life can get overwhelming but just know that you are not alone.

I wish you a happy life. And if it's not then I wish it gets 100x better. Your happiness is waiting for you to take it.

Whoever is reading this
Dear ex-girlfriend,

Do you know how painful it feels? To know that the person I loved the most and cared for the most, can just easily throw everything away. Everything down the drain. I know we're both young and adults may say we don't know what love really is, but I loved you as genuinely as I could. All the conversations we had late at night, staying up even though we had school the next day. Did our shared memories not mean anything to you? I have no idea what I'm doing now. It feels like I'm barely alive. I feel like I'm shattered into many little pieces, and I can't find the glue anywhere. Sometimes I feel like I want to disappear. Run into a cave and hide forever. But I can't, I can't hide from reality.

Why is living so difficult for me now? My friends tell me just take it day by day, but can I? Was cheating so easy for you?
Now is my time to heal, and to get stronger. And I forgive you. This was a hard decision, but it's time for me to let go of my hatred and move on with my life.

Thank you for making me happy all this while,

Dear future girlfriend,

No matter what happens, please don't cheat. Ever. If you lose interest in me, or you find someone better, just tell me the truth. I'm not a plaything. I have feelings too. I'm not someone you play with temporarily, until you find another toy. It's already so hard for me to trust others, I don't want to stop trusting you too.

Thank you, for the memories we make together in the future,
Dear Anxiety,

You suck. So much. Whenever I think I might finally be done with you, you find a way to crawl back into my life. But I won't let you beat me. You can scare me as much as you like, but I will never change the way I live for you.

It's impossible for you to win this war, because every time you knock me down and I stand back up is a victory for me.

So go ahead and do your worst.

A Heckin Warrior
Dear Wardrobe
how have I managed to take two IKEA bags of clothes out of you to donate to charity and you don't look and less full? where is it all coming from? Narnia?
someone who could possibly wear a new dress a day for three months without having to repeat (If i could fasten them all up)
dear space key
please canyou unstickyourself.itisannoying having to goback thoughwhat i have typed toaddinthe spaces. and whileyou are atitcan you please get the r keytonotkeep fallingout?
Dear you,

I am so freaking appalled and angry that someone who gets paid to improve people's mental health would promote such awful and disgusting mindsets!!!! How can you sit there and act like you want to help people when you actively post such horrible things online?
Good job using the same profile picture on your nasty account as on your professional one, by the way. You don't deserve to go anywhere near people who are feeling vulnerable. You disgust me!!

I'm so upset and angry
Why are you doing this???? What do you gain? UGH

I'm okay just had to get this off my chest sorry
PS everyone else: you're goddang special and beautiful and make the world a brighter place, don't EVER stop being your awesome self <3
Dear work.
I have just spent time writing a 750 word dear whomever to you. but decided it was too long and to negative and too ranty to put freely on the internet.
So here is the TL:DR. you cant put me in a manager role with no experience of what i am managing and then wonder why things aren't going smoothly. and housing me with my colleagues means that i don't truly get more than an hour of unwind time a day which is not good for my mental health. especially as she has a kind of intimidating personality.
Dear, Dumpster bandits (Racoons)

Can you hold chewing our internet fiber for about 3 more weeks? Just 3 more weeks and we're outta from this horrible apartment.

Sincerely, A pissed off customer


Dear, AT&T

Thank you for being patient with these little, yet cute, vermin.

Love, your customer
Dear Uncle,

I'm starting to forget.

I thought it would take longer than that.

I miss you so much these days.

Dear Sam,

I was just doing my job. But thanks for all the hurtful words. Really needed to hear them.


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