Dear [Whomever]

Dear DWP,

You people are the worst.


A disgruntled friend.
Dear, you.

Stop putting all the blame on me. Take a look at your own insecurities and work on you instead of projecting yourself onto me. I'm trying my hardest and you're not making it any easier for me. Try being more kind and thoughtful and maybe things would be easier for us both.

Think it over.
Dear, That 'X' button on the top right of each browser tab


Damn you, auto-correct. *shakes fist*

Dear Facebook,

I get it, you are great. You help so many people connect, well done you. But, seriously, why don't you have a search function to search for posts made on public pages in specific months? So that I wouldn't have had to manually scroll back from today in 2017 to the date I needed in early 2015. You have it on people's profiles, so why not on the public pages?

If I have just missed something and there is a way to do it, why wouldn't it be more clearly indicated? I have spent HOURS, so many hours, on your site trying to find what I need, on computers that do not wish to have to scroll through far too many posts.

Please just fix it, I am too poor to afford professional software, and have too little time for this.

Yours Truly,
A student who just wants to be done.
Dear, You

Hello, it's been a while since I heard your name mentioned around the house. Are you that bored that you choose to spread rumors about me? And take note, you spread those rumors to our own people? Well, just to be clear ... I did thank you for driving me to work when I didn't have my license yet ... I said it every damn day. Also, I never ignore people I know if I see them somewhere whether it's in a public restroom or grocery and If I do, I wasn't ignoring them, I was probably busy doing stuff I was suppose to be doing and specially if you see me at the bank but unfortunately I never go inside the bank. Sooooo you freaking liar of a son of b*t*h!!!! I hope I never see you again because I might just go rouge on you and be disrespectful. I'm never disrespectful but b*t*h I will change for one day just to do just that.

Y'all people are the reason I never want to go back home ... Stay out of life!!!

The Devil (That's what they think I am)
Dear me,

Why do you do things like this instead of sleep?
Sleep: A poorly written haiku
When my eyes open
I look at the clock and think
Why don't you sleep more?​

Annoyed me :tut:
Time for Roommate Rants.

Dear Roommate 1,
I love you dearly with all my heart, but I just cannot drop everything I'm doing any time you want to go to the store. You have to learn how to do things on your own without someone accompanying you everywhere. I wouldn't mind it so much if we just went to the one store you said we were going to, but it's never just one quick trip like you say it is. When we go to a store, you want to go to so many other stores and just 'browse.' Walking around every! single! aisle! when 1) we are here to get one specific thing OR 2) we know we're not going to buy anything is sooooo boring!!! I have much better things to do with my time!!!!! Stop wasting it please!! So no, I don't want to go with you to watch you get your nails done. Go on your own.

Your best roommate

Dear Roommate 2,
Next time, instead of texting us that the kitchen is dirty & smells, maybe just.....clean? it? yourself???? Wow what a concept!! Roommate 1 and I clean the kitchen ALL the time, and I don't mind picking up other people's messes because I'm a nice person! But I expect the same courtesy every once in a while. I know you're always at work or your boyfriends, but we are not the only people who throw things in the trash (which is probably where the smell you're talking about comes from wow). All I literally ask of you is to please throw out the trash every once in a while because I wash your dishes and clean up your kitchen mess when you try to cook for your bf, but you wanted to argue about how you took out the trash ONE time while me and Roommate 1 were out of town! (You only did it because we physically weren't there to do it for you). Last time I tried not to throw out the trash in protest, waiting for you or Roommate 3 to do it, and y'all never did!!! You let it pile up (4 bags!!) and I ended up throwing them out because I couldn't stand seeing them there any more.
Also, we are not setting up a cleaning chart. 1) We're grown ups and 2) we're not your employees to assign shifts to. Pick up the slack when we move into our next apartment please.

Your froomie

Dear Roommate 3,
I know we don't know you and you're the odd one out, but we are not the only ones who live here. Just because you moved in 6 months after us doesn't excuse you from cleaning duty. Clean up your mess too. Half the stuff in the fridge is yours only, you have more food than the 3 of us combined, so I know you use the kitchen a lot and throw stuff away. I even wash your dishes for you because I'm not gonna be petty and leave yours sitting in the sink while I'm washing all of ours, so do us a freaking favor every once in a while and throw out the trash!! I hear you come in and out of the apartment at all hours of the day, so there's plenty of time to make a pit stop to the dumpster. It is not that hard!!!! (I'm not a house elf!)

One of your random roommates you like to pretend doesn't exist
Jamie Valentine said:
Dear roommate,

You've told me before that if I have a problem with you to tell it to you, yet you don't have the guts to do the same with me! I'm glad I didn't sign the lease and I'm glad you told me to move out by June 1st. I'm sad that I have to quit my job at the library because of this and I'm sad that I don't have a friend in you anymore. But really, I think our friendship was long gone before we even moved in together and I didn't go to school to work in a library. You're not a nice person. And I feel really bad for the next person who moves in here with you. I'm done trying to be your friend and reaching out to you, while you purposefully make me feel like I don't belong in the place I'M CO-PAYING FOR. I hope your life goes well and yes I'm taking the microwave, because my boyfriend bought it with his money for our use. And considering you've only ever been rude to him, you don't deserve something he paid for, so when I leave he is taking it back for his own use. Him and I also agreed that when we get married you won't be invited to the wedding nor your boyfriend who was equally rude to me.


P.S. I'll probably say all this and more to your face when I walk out the door for the last time. But in a more constructed and nicer fashion.
^I didn't get to say all of that to your face cause I'm a chicken and moved all my stuff out while you were at work or at parent's house even though you repeatedly said you hated them

Time for Ex-Roommate Rants!

Dear Ex-Roommate,
Things ended really badly for us. I couldn't even talk to you because how fake you became. You didn't care about me and that was clear. It's been over a year now and I haven't seen you. Until Today.

How is it possible that I go into a store and you happen to literally, literally, be in the exact spot in the store I needed to go to? How? Why? Errggg. It bothers me and upsets that I let you annoy me still. But honestly I think this will be last moment you do. I almost walked right up to and your sister and didn't even know I did. We were less than ten feet from each other with just a giant rack of bras between us. Yup. I heard someone say "Thanks...Stephanie" it was your sister. But at firrst I was like oh, stephanie? There's another Stephanie nearby, cool...wait that's your sister and then that's your voice. I did the fastest u-turn alive. She didn't jump out to hug me like I would think she would so maybe she didn't see me and I know you couldn't.

The funny thing is I thought my heart would have been pumping with all this adrenaline or something. It wasn't. Maybe it's because I've been sick and today was my first day venturing out to do normal things and I'm still sick so my little heart wasn't up to feeling it. I think, it's because I just don't care any more. My mind was racing with what I should do. I needed to buy some things for the chili I'm making tomorrow but I also didn't want to come to seek me out in the store. Because I know how it would go. One: You'd be nice and pretend we never fought and be all "nice" and ask how I'm doing and how Ryan is doing, etc. And I would walk away feeling all gross inside because I'm too nice of a person to tell you to your face that you're a slimy person who is really good at pretending to be someone you really aren't. Two: Would be the time where you actually try to put me down for being a jerk for blocking you but not the rest of your family on facebook or some other other that isn't important. And I would leave that feeling terrible about myself and also terrible that I let you walk all over me, again. Sooooooo, neither of the possible options really seemed like a good idea to me. Glad you're still alive and whatever just please don't be standing in the exact spot in the store I need to go to next time I try to head to that spot, thanks.

A (mostly) moved-on ME!

P.S. We love using that microwave you wanted Ryan to just give to you despite you disrespecting him.

Dear Husband,

Thanks for taking care of me while I've bee sick. I don't know why you ever feel like I deserve your love and attention but I'm glad you do! If you ever got sick (which you don't) I would try to do my best in caring for you. Just remember this all really good practice for when we have kids and they get sick and I get the sickness from them and you are caring for all of us! xD

Me, your wife.

Dear, That person who has the same name as me

Ma’am ... we might have the same name but I am not your mini me. This class has 20 people that you can interact with every day and not just me. Let’s cut the umbilical cord and talk to other people. Also, you’re studying to be a Medical Assistant, walking around the school with just your socks is unhygienic and unprofessional. What would your patient say to you? I was glad when you got separated from me *a sigh of relief* I know, I’m mean but what can I say? Oh and ... no! I’m not buying you Starbucks, I barely go there. Making a person buy expensive coffee when she doesn’t even have a job. Wtf! You ain’t my boss.

Sincerely, your classmate
Dear me,

Sure, let's go for a collection of these. :tut:
Sleep: Another poorly written haiku
The task is now done
So let your brain shut down now
Just seven hours, please!​

Taking requests on what style of poetry to try next.

Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Taking requests on what style of poetry to try next.
To whom it may concern.

You were the first person I loved. When you didn't answer my calls you said you had dropped your phone on the car floorboard and did not notice it ring. This conversation is years old but o still remember.

Our mutual friend that was driving you home told me the truth. You spent the car ride telling him how annoying I was. How you didn't understand why I even kept trying. Why I didn't get that you obviously weren't into me. I don't know maybe it was because you ended you apology text with "I Love you."

This isn't about when you broke my heart though. This is about how today when someone called me annoying you are all I thought about because that's what I was to you. Annoying. Inconvenient. It hurts me so much more than it should.

You hurt me so much more than you should. This was years ago. Why do I still remember the way I cried when I found out what you thought.

That I'm...
Dear HNZ Admins, Staff and Community,

I just wanted to say thank you. Though many of us have lives of our own outside of this board, working, studying, general living, we all have a common interest and love for the world of Harry Potter and now also for the world we have created inside of that. I don't know what Alicia's vision for the board was back in the day, or if she ever expected for HNZ to grow the way it has over the years, (12!) but I think we should all be proud of what HNZ is and for what it has meant to so many of us. I don't know quite what it is about HNZ that keeps me coming back (even after lengthy absences) but there is something in the coding that sucks us back in time and time again. Maybe it's the beauty and design of this sexy board (thanks Nick!) or the lovable Staff ( :wub: :wub: ) or even just the amount of time and energy that the staff and the community puts into creating and maintaining the features we all know and love. I see so many members, new and old, starting or continuing their rp journeys and it honestly brings a tear to my eyes. I have been a member of other boards in the past, but I rarely, if ever, have returned to them after my inital start. I'll get emails once in a while from them announcing new features and what have you, but they never quite draw my attention like HNZ did. I've been on this website now for nearly eight years as it turns out and that is an incredibly long period of time. (Granted not as long as some of you) I never would have thought that something recreational, a hobby, could capture my attention so completely and for so long. There have been many times over the years where I've thought I would leave and never return, and yet always find myself lurking, messaging my friends, checking up with the admins only to have myself dragged back (not entirely unwillingly) into a plot or just to update what my characters have been up to. I can't tell you how refreshing it is.

I'm not sure why I wrote this, but I wanted everyone to see it.

So yeah, thank you HNZ for being the one thing we all agree on.

That girl with waaaaaay too many characters.
Dear OHIP,

Why don't you cover things that people need???!?!?!!

Sick and uninsured.

P.S. It's not situational.
Dear Soon to be former job,

I am so glad I'm leaving you, but then again I feel bad that I am. I feel bad because someone over there needs me, but I don't feel bad because you've made me feel so uncomfortable to be around. You took advantage of my situation not realizing you're hurting me in some ways. It's just so unfair. I'm not one to put up with a situation for long, I am very proud because of that! Even if it hurts me for a little bit, financially but that's okay. I may have found somewhere else where I'm needed. A different kind of environment. Which I don't mind, because it won't stop me from hopefully taking my classes this coming February! Leaving you is putting me back in the direction I want to be, which is moving out of state by Summer! I can't wait.

Buhbye now.

Former employee

Dear, ACE Hardware in Rockport, Texas

YES! I'm calling you out because you treat your employees like sh*t!!! We know that not all certain or specific discrimination things are on the work force stuff. So, you take advantage about it because we know y'all are not going to get sued for it. Let's take weight as an example, as we? You gave one of your hard working employee a dead line to loose weight or they'll be fired???? No one complained about them that they can't do their job because of their weight, right? On top of working for you, your employee goes to college. Didn't you realized that? they're trying their hardest to loose weight but you know, they only have a month for it. Great job, what a company. I thought working for y'all was great because of y'alls commercial and sh*t. I actually met the owner, thought he's a good man. Greedy af. Why did dear god ever shielded your store in the hurricane? I have no clue. I know not every store they have are the same as they are franchise hardware store but if a person is ABLE to work whether they have a few pounds, LGBT+, disable but still can and so on and they're a good employee ... please, keep them.

America has jobs ... There's just @ssh*le people like this owner out there that makes it not great :)

Oh, and shout out to their South Texas managing director. Great job on backing up the owner of the store.

Me, who doesn't even like your store
Dear, Me

You lost a friend quickly xD You had a mental break down the whole morning and you hadn't eaten anything.

Keep doing it
Sincerely, Me
Dear Uni,

Please go well tomorrow. Please let all the timing issues I have been having sort themselves out. I don't need the extra stress.

Dear cat,

Thanks for waking me up by jumping on my head. It was very scary.

Dear hole where wisdom tooth used to be


From me
Dear You,

I guess you telling me you feel bad about your decision is supposed to make me feel better about the fact you're doing it anyway but it doesn't. I think I'm kind of in shock and you kind of suck right now.

Dear life,

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! :party:
*dances excitedly*

Dear Blonde hair and blue eyed boy

You were my shoulder to lean on and I trusted you so much. After getting out of the last relationship, after getting the money back from planning a wedding... you were there for me until you couldn’t have all of me. Good riddance. My friendship isn’t a consolation prize. You’re trash.

Dear Mr. Wasp

I do not approve of you and your stinging ways. Why do you gotta hurt me so?!

Burny & Itchy

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