Yess! Good job Bodyguard!
Okay folks I wrote up a long post with my thoughts, so be warned: loooong
Alright, so after the last few days I've come to realize I've been way too rash and shortsighted in this game so far. I have been a bit busy in real life but still wanted to be active on here, which has caused me to uninetntionally rush things and skim posts so I missed quite a bit of the subtleties going on. I have no one to blame for this but myself, but I have now very carefully reread the thread from the start and taken notes on it, and I feel like I have a much better idea of what has been going on now. It's also been interesting to read back, knowing some of the roles.
I was too dismissive of Kathy's logic, and didn't see how unwolflike it was until Claire pointed it out. Now since I've re-read the whole thing and taken more time to be more strategic (instead of just going with my gut, which keeps leading me wrong) I have noticed a few things.
There's been a few people that have been acting a bit clueless at first, and like they were trying to put the focus elsewhere so we would be distracted from finding the wolves. What especially comes to mind is
Alex saying Jesse was likely the seer before being a ghost because 'he always gets important roles', despite the fact that this is totally random.
Maia has also tried to put stock in what the ghost has been saying, even though him actually knowing anything is very unlikely. Obviously the way the ghost works in this game is new to many people and it could be confusing, I can't help but feel like the wolves would want us chasing fake 'clues' like that.
A small thing I noticed but which I have (mostly) dismissed is when Anna claimed to be suspicious of
Kaitlyn for being inactive, only to be ninja'd by her right after. When I looked at that post again I couldn't help but feel like it might have been done on purpose so they don't look like they are working together. But then I realized the wolves aren't allowed to strategize this time except when they're talking about who to vote for, so I don't think they are allowed to do that. I do want to point out that
Kaitlyn voted for Phoebe around that time too, though she claimed it was random. I think most people voting for Phoebe who was so obviously away at that time are suspicious, though it could of course really have been random. Then there's also the part that many people pointed out where
Kaitlyn first thought no one was suspicious, only to turn around and say Kathy and Cyndi were.
I've not yet decided on who to vote for, but I have a few thoughts.
The people who write the longest posts are almost always the wolves who fear getting lynched. Those who are innocent and being lynched don't usually write at such extreme length, because there isn't as much to say - the villagers have the least game-sense (excuse the gaming term

) compared with the wolves. Can we read into this that Kathy is a wolf? I'm not sure - she's certainly suspicious for me, but is that good enough evidence? If this were any other game I'd tie the votes and take it to random numbers in the chance we remove a wolf without really knowing much.
There seems to be a fair amount of bandwagoning going on here - I don't recall exactly who voted for who, but scrolling one post up shows that Pat comes along from nowhere and votes straight for Anna. Again, I'm not sure whether that's wolf bandwagoning or not, but it might be something to consider.
In hindsight I also found this strange.
James calls Pat suspicious for suddenly voting for Anna, though she was not the first to notice something off about her or the first to vote for her.
I know it makes me a hypocrite to look at people that voted for Kathy instead of Anna on the third day, because I was one of them

but I still think its an important group of people to look at:
Me (before changing it to Cyndi)
Anna voted for
Kaitlyn on a previous day, which might indicate that they aren't working together. But I think Anna knew by then that she would likely be lynched soon, so her vote could be aimed at someone she wouldn't want to be associated with to keep them safe.
This has all just been stuff that jumped out at me over the course of the game as I looked through it again calmly. I feel really stupid for how quickly I dismissed some people's comments because I had a feeling they were wolves.

I've been impatient this game. I know I look suspicious, and I can't blame anyone for voting for me but at least with this I've been able to put my more well-thought feelings out there.
I'm most suspicious of:
Alex, and
Maia. Though James is on that list as well. The rest is pretty much up in the air for me. Though I do think it's important not to overlook the quiet people that have been online (looking at you KR).
Holding off on my vote for now because I want to read other people's thoughts before deciding